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  1. You can slot Armaggeddon in Soul Drain.
  2. I personally like TA because of the different feel it provides while playing.

    I mean you have no anchor to worry about, have a lot of different tools at your disposal (toolbox effect) and at the same time do good to great damage all things considered.

    The long recharges can be a bit of an issue, that is true, but Burnout is a god send for that set in the rare cases you need it.
  3. I use 4 DW despair and 1 lysosome exposure as I already had 5*6,25% rech sets

    I concur on the great return on investment by buffing his to-hit debuffs.
  4. I used to not like attacks on my MM because she is a buffer (FF) but with the changes to the buffing mechanics, attacks are imo impossible to pass up for one's sanity while playing
  5. That thread actually led me to check what I had on my 50 toons to look at the proportion of Hasten usage.

    - 10 have it perma (all are either dps or debuffs)
    - 4 have it (1 stone tank and 3 toons with low rech click heals - Elec Armor and Fire Armor) but not perma. Most of the time it is because I chose not to build for recharge but for other things (HP/Regen)
    - 9 don't: in those cases, for some it's due to end consumption (Kat/SR helloooooooo) and some because the attack chain (DB, stalkers, some tanks) or the buffs (FF) don't really require it
  6. viper_kinji

    No 5 year badge?

    My post was an actual answer from CS. I'm sorry you didn't get the same answer I did.
  7. I won't be able to join

    As for tips, now that I actually got the damn badge:

    Run small league (12 to 16)

    - Bunker Buster: do what we did ie 3 melee, each at a door. Take down to 200 HP and have a guy in the league (not one of those 3) call the destruction in a consistent fashion

    - Loves a Challenge: 3 empaths is great + boatloads of Rebirth.

    - Avoid the Green Stuff: 4 or 5 guys with Incandescence who know how to use it. Force pple to disable tp prompt and test it during the first phases. Take turns in using it (put them in 1 team and follow team order for tp, rinse repeat) Noone moves once the ray is tgted to avoid jumping back in it, unless the tper is tgted, at which point he doesn't need to tp everyone.
    I think it's easier to run this as a separate badge.

    Yes the incandescence technique makes some unhappy because noone likes being tp'ed left and right, but it also gives you good hope that you won't have to run the trial 1,000 times before succeeding so it's a good trade imo
  8. Thanks for running those regularly guys!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
    It just goes to show you that there are lvls of badgers. I am talking about how hard it is to get some master runs and some badges that require others to help me with.
    You guys are talking about bug hunter.
    I do believe there are levels of badgers like there are levels of farmers or any other subset of players, really.

    The Bug Hunter was a tangent. I do not have Bug Hunter and most badgers I know do not consider it an attainable goal since the requirements (as it has been pointed out before in this thread) have never been laid out.

    As for the topic at hand, yes there are badges that require tremendous amount of coordination but at the same time, those badges encourage the players that are looking for them to develop certain features on their characters which is likely considered a good thing by the devs.
    I mean would I have even considered getting all Destinies to T4 on my main toon (DM/Regen) were it not for some MO (UG/Keyes/MoM to name them)? Certainly not.
    Am I glad I did in the grand scheme of things and not only for MO Runs? You bet I am.

    Noone's forcing anyone to play the badge game, like noone's forcing anyone to engage in AE writing or any other side activity in the game.

    MO runs are a challenge and that challenge begins with forming a team that has a shot at jumping through the hoops that the devs are putting out for the badges. All those hoops are not necessarily as elegant as they could be, but they can be jumped through.

    To go back to Keyes: I wouldn't go as far as saying that Incandescence trivializes Avoid the Green Stuff but it makes it leaps and bounds easier than it used to be.

    Yes it requires people to coordinate efforts (ie not be spastic and trust each other) but since it is the goal of MO runs in the first place, that doesn't particularly shock me. It also makes 4 or 5 people responsible as opposed to 12+, which limits the chance for a snafu (it does put some pressure on those guys but since they use the power, they know others rely on them).

    Personally, I would rather have to jump through these hoops than to have to say hi to a round shoulder pads Rikti Chief or a Sapper for X amount of time while I sleep, or to log in and out of RV over an extended amount of time, near a pet station to control him over and over again.

    In short, difficult active badges are good to have in my opinion but there is room for improvement on the implementation of some.
  10. viper_kinji

    No 5 year badge?

    As pointed out by others, Customer Support is aware of this:

    Regarding the XXX year Veteran Rewards badge, the Development Team is currently working on a resolution for this issue. Once a fix has been completed and tested, it will be made available in a future patch to the live servers. Please keep posted to the City of Heroes message board and website at for any updates to when a fix will be implemented.
  11. 1303 as of tonight, thanks to the accursed Master of Keyes! Ticker stuck till i22 or till devs fix vet badges

    Thanks to everyone on Freedom for this badgepalooza of a holiday season!
  12. I'll try to be on for those. You need high dmg on the techs but what you end up doing kinda is contingent on team make up.
  13. Good luck with the run, Atomic!

    As for me, I only have one thing to say: KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYES!!! *shakes fist*
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Atomic_Saint View Post
    Viper- Ill probably run it twice, so there's no reason we cant anti anti it up again.
    That'd be fantabulously made of awesomesauce
    See you later today!
  15. I'll be there with my namesake +3 DM/Regen

    PS: I missed the anti-Anti Matter run
  16. I am interested in this. got t4 rebirth.
  17. viper_kinji


    Happy New Year Freedom and Turg!
  18. I'm up for Citadel tomorrow.
    And to hell with it: sign me up for the shard-a-thon as well lol
  19. grats to everyone that managed to get the badge. Hopefully i'll find some time to try for it at some point (before or after the fix)
  20. Thank you for letting use badge more easily
  21. Congratulations SnowGlobe
  22. Hi,

    i'm in Europe but play on the US server and the NC store only offers me the Europe version of Going Rogue. Is this intended/normal?
    Usually, there is a "US version available" link but this time, there is not.
  23. viper_kinji

    Purple Trade

    Hey everyone,

    wanted to know if someone was willing to trade an Apocalypse Damage for an Hecatomb Damage (recipe or crafted, don't care). I'd be supplying the Hecatomb that I just got. It's blueside.

    i'm on Freedom, global's in my sig.

    Thanks for your time
  24. I'll likely will be leveling characters as well. Proliferation got me in altitis mode lately and my 50s are pretty much set up, with lowball bids on high end stuff, just in case.

    Just need to make sure I have enough 30s common crafted for all of those possible lowbies, so I am not totally dependant on the market craze that is bound to happen.

    I'll have my buy it nao moments (I always do) but I'll try to minimize them of some sorts.