First of the Year MO Keyes run, Friday, January 6, 2012 7:30 EST




Well, its that time of the week again.

Forming around a MO Keyes run for starters. Probably going to try 2 shots at this, as It really doesn't take long, and my luck with this is just awful.

I will say this right out - I am happy to defer leadership of this to anybody who wants it. I can't even get the doors down for bunker buster right. I would much rather see everybody get the badges.

Anyhoo, please post if you are coming, and PLEASE post any tips for success if you have them. I will be inviting around 7:15 and pushing off about 7:30. My goal is an 18 man team.

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.






I won't be able to join

As for tips, now that I actually got the damn badge:

Run small league (12 to 16)

- Bunker Buster: do what we did ie 3 melee, each at a door. Take down to 200 HP and have a guy in the league (not one of those 3) call the destruction in a consistent fashion

- Loves a Challenge: 3 empaths is great + boatloads of Rebirth.

- Avoid the Green Stuff: 4 or 5 guys with Incandescence who know how to use it. Force pple to disable tp prompt and test it during the first phases. Take turns in using it (put them in 1 team and follow team order for tp, rinse repeat) Noone moves once the ray is tgted to avoid jumping back in it, unless the tper is tgted, at which point he doesn't need to tp everyone.
I think it's easier to run this as a separate badge.

Yes the incandescence technique makes some unhappy because noone likes being tp'ed left and right, but it also gives you good hope that you won't have to run the trial 1,000 times before succeeding so it's a good trade imo

@Viper Kinji
Currently working on:
Turtle Snapper - SD/MA/Ice Tanker



While Viper's suggestions are certainly outstanding, the only ones I can offer is on the badges for the final two during the AM encounter.

- Run a smaller league (12 people MAX)
- stack it with AT LEAST 2 empaths (thier whole job during the AM fight is healing the DIS target, so to contribute effectively they need a T-3 of higher DAMAGE ORIENTED pet)
- make macros telling people to stop fighting, and just watch for the beam, or stop fighting and watch for the freeze, or both...and speaking of pets make sure the MAJORITY of your league has T-3 or higher pets recharged and slotted for the final fight. The pets should be set to attack the target (if people open up their pet window, Lore pets have MM like controls, ALOT of non-MM players do not know this)
- If you really want to get fancy, just have the pets attack and everyone else do the "Avoids the Green Stuff" dance (just move around and do no direct damage to AM, just debuff, and watch to be sure you dont get hit with the beam..if people dont attack they wont get rooted, which should give them PLENTLY of time to avoid the beam)

These are just tips..YMMV..I will try to make it..but my play schedule is very limited in the evenings as of late



Would love to join ya but I cant get on before kids go to bed min, 9:30pm EST
Particularly on a Friday night. I still havent even done a keys yet but am Itching to try one

Torque "There are people in this world who do not love their fellow man and I HATE people like that!" -- Tom Leher
Dr. Awe 50++ Sonic/Dark Corr
Intra Venus 50 Mind/Psi Dom
Storm Claud lvl 50+ Elec/Dark Brute



Thanks to Ishi and his pals for getting us the Bunker Buster badge.

2 to go!

56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.