
Caption Champ 4/2/10
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  1. The old adage is true: A pinch of prevention (mitigation) is worth a pound of cure (healing). Corrs should try to bring both, 'cause you never know. All of the above advice is great.

    Also, /kin is fairly soloable when combined with just about anything, so don't knock it.
  2. You might find claws even better now that Fury had some changes to allow faster Fury Build with more Fury duration. Claw/ is already blender-tastic for fast attacks, so you will probably be guffawing with bladed glee.

    A lot of people go with /SR to pair up with Claw, but my brute is a claw/WP and I lurvs it.
  3. The only case when I've specifically used cryo rounds are on critters that are specifically weak to cold and strong against fire (most commonly CoT Demons), just simply haven't seen the slows cause significant mitigation - but I do see a LOT corrs on teams keep cryo rounds up.

    EDIT: cause I'm dumb and screwed up my own argument.
  4. I seem to remember seeing something like this in Beta, but since I didn't see it again I assumed it was fixed. Will be keeping an eye on this.
  5. I think much of the "timing" on when you take Swap Ammo is really going to be dependent on your secondary and when "necessary" or desirable powers in that secondary unlock. I'd have to agree that you really don't need to take it when it immediately unlocks, or necessarily before you get to level 10 (critters just don't have *that* much resistance to lethal below that level). Once you get into the tweens/ may wish to go ahead and think about sliding it in (although that is a busy area for utility powers, e.g. Fitness, Travel), and the zero slotting will probably help fill things out in that awkward period.

    When I was choosing picks for my storm/dp defender, I know I delayed Swap Ammo until after Stamina. But in that case I was mostly soloing and knew my AT was not going to be expected to bring a lot of damage to the table. My Corr took it somewhere in the 10-14 range, because I knew I was going to be expected to bring some reasonable ranged damaged with me.
  6. Anyway, I've already got one "evil" twin prior to GR - but the problem is that she's actually mentally fused inside the body of her "good" twin. Which unfortunately makes this the case of "Evil Twin" vs. "Monkey Crazy Twin".

    I did make a Praetorian evil twin of my main hero, Cryopulse. Instead of being a somewhat bright eyed activist and big-hearted hero seeking justice and mercy, she's a self-interested business woman press-ganged into the Powers Division. While she's supposed to be working to support Cole's agenda, she's actually a triple-agent between the Powers Division, the Resistance, and (primarily) the Syndicate. However, for character canon, Prae-Cryo won't make it beyond the portal to Primal Earth - as Primal Cryo possibly defeated her in the i17 clone arc from Jenny Adair.

    I say possibly because...come on, this a comic book game. The bad guys always come back somehow.

    Most of my other toons don't have an explicitly Praetorian Evil Twin. Jaime Synge, my main, already has an Evil-Twin as a result of having part of his darker psychological issues made into a physical spectre. After that, it's really not necessary for him to have a Praetorian. I'm saying at this point that Praetorian Synge was probably consumed by the Prae-DE and made into some kind of specialized Greater Devoured, much like Pyriss.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
    Other acceptable Mirror Universe Doppleganger cues:
    - Obvious bionics/prosthetics (so, sometimes a cyber-eye instead of an eyepatch. But usually a robot arm).
    "Opponents act stupid when they get scared of a rocket leg."
  8. I'll say that my main (who's a villain) would certainly not care whether he's a surgeon or something else as long as someone is paying me good INF to kidnap him.

    My main hero (Cryopulse) would probably routinely contact the Midnighters to see if there's an actual sorcerer who is being confused for this talented surgeon (nothing more) -- at least until the charm wears off and she forgets why she's there to begin with. She might have attempted to help Dr. Fayte to get a legal name change to prevent further trouble.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    [list][*]Precinct 5 tutorial: Removed the self-rez power from the Target Dummy Clockworks. They will now respawn when destroyed. They were taking a step each time they self-repaired, eventually wandering far from where they were supposed to be.
    I'm sorta gonna miss that self-rez they do, but considering the group of Clockwork managed to "walk" all the way past Officer Flint by the time I was bringing in my own goldsider (a day or so after the early-launch), I guess that speaks to how often people were knocking them down.
  10. Actually, I very nearly did on my KM/Elec Scrapper. Wandered into a melee of PPD and Destroyers who were spamming the firebomb. Tried to fight my way out and... well. Let's just say it was a matter of luck. :-/
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
    What he said.
    Dang! Okay, well I will make sure to do it!
    Great comments in here folks, definitely feeling more confident at the moment.
    Just started on the toon today, so we'll see how it goes!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by westfallen View Post
    So. A rogue can use his redside base if he was originally a villain, correct?
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Yes, a villain or rogue can use a villain base.
    I presume that the issue the is the same with Hero/Vigilante. I know I looked at the alignment contact's thread on this ingame, but here's my question:

    I've got a Hero toon who is the Super-Leader of an SG. Will taking them from Hero to Vigilante cause them to lose SG Leader status? Or, is that only if they continue go on to Villain?

    The in-game FAQ is a little soft on whether any alignment change causes the leader to lose the Red Star or if it is Blueside vs. Redside changes.
  13. Thanks for the update Snow. I don't particularly like that there's such a (to me) jarring jump from Vigilante to Villain. I believed that there was a bit smoother transition to the "fall from grace", but that just means that I'll have to plan my alignment progression a bit more carefully than previously thought.
  14. Thanks for the comments folks, I can live with a middle-of-the-road set as long as it isn't functionally unsuited for scrappers. Since Lightning Field doesn't crit and its generally an aggro field, I presume it is one of the skippable powers of the set? Any other pitfalls I should be aware of?
  15. Snow, I thought that the progression was:

    Hero <-> Vigilante <-> ROGUE <-> Villain

    But what you put here seems to suggest that you go from directly from Vigilante (access to both sides) to FULL Villain (no blueside content at all) and without having to cross Rogue status. Is that correct because I didn't think it was the case previously.
  16. Just that. I was thinking of rolling a KM/Elec scrapper. Don't know much about it though. Brutes seem to love /Elec all up and down the line, but there doesn't seem to be any love for it (or mention of it) over here on the Scrapper side.

    What's the word on having a sparkle-scrapper?

    EDIT: Lemme add that I'm looking for something that will fit a concept for a PVE toon. Going with something robotic-themed, so that's sort of what I'm trying to find a secondary powerset for. I thought about /invuln but I seem to recollect someone saying that KM/ was not going to be a great synergy for it. I'll definitely consider other suggestions.
  17. Hey folks. I was planning to start up a tanker on goldside for eventual use on redside. Anyway, I'm looking to build up an Ice/NRG tanker - what information should I know about how this performs in PVE/TFs/SFs?

    How does the set progress? Is it a late bloomer? Does it level off in midgame and become meh? Is there anything which is categorically "skippable". Are particular power pools recommended to fill holes?

    Also, on an in-game etiquette issue: How do you guys recommend I approach teams who will be looking for me to be an instant-expert in aggro holding and meatshielding? Since I'll be a noobtank, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna screw this up and PO a few teams. Any tips on how to smooth my learning curve?

    Thanks for any assists. If you want to post a build, that's fine, but mind you that I'm not a ebil marketeer. Purp'd & PVPIO builds are going to be pretty meaningless to me.
  18. twelfth


    People hate on o2 boost - it doesn't heal a lot and it's not backed up by any more healing. However, if you're on a team and you're a corr you might as well bring it. It's better than nothing and it does have a resist disorient/sleep component and add perception (helpful for night widows and other critters that Blind).

    I grabbed charged bolts, since its fast recharge helps with any proc you want to put into it.

    You should remember that /storm is a pretty end heavy secondary. Neither of my Storm Corr/Defs (who are in their mid 20s) have taken Steamy Mist just yet. I figured it was more important to grab Stamina before getting that.

    I'll agree that Aim is probably not necessary on this particular toon. You don't have a lot of powers that are significantly benefitted by additional +toHit

    You question Short Circuit. I think you have a decent combo potential with Storm Storm + Freezing Rain + Short Circuit. SC also gives a potential for +end back to you and it has a significant -end effect to mobs (which can be helpful). I might take it a bit earlier than you have here
  19. Well Def vs. Resistance is a reasonable issue to bring up, and I wouldn't suggest Silas doesn't know how to make a fine Corr. I'd still go with a few of these for conceptual reasons or general convenience (simply don't want to run the patron arcs AGAIN).
  20. One more: Elemental Claws for fire/ice/elec/dark/energy melees.
    Also maybe claws
  21. Non-tech version of /traps and /devices. Someone had the great idea of making mystical/magical versions of the items - which would make these two powersets actually possibly interesting to me.

    Pretty much all power pools.

    Fighting: All could use alt animations. One or two more punches, NO MORE Donkey Kong chest pounding, and yeah, something else for weave.

    Flight: Jetpack Options would be great - much like Earth/Stone gets rock, crystal, lava versions of their powers. Flight could have Longbow, Sky Raider, and Goldbricker jetpack options, or even helicopter/rotor packs. I'd like to see an uppercut or maybe even a kick for Air Superiority.

    Medicine could definitely use some changes. Now that Demon Summoning has somatic casting gestures, you could probably hack some of those for healing/revive, etc.

    Speed - I'd really like a different Hasten effect, maybe lightning vs. "fire", or a initial "vibration" effect that just leaves a (colorable) aura afterwards? Supress effects for SuperSpeed would be well received.

    Teleport with something like the CC: dimensional shift; or even CC: energy boil would be cool.

    No idea how to change Concealment, Leadership, Leaping, & Presence. Fitness is all auto powers, so there are no animations. This is basically the case with Leadership and Leaping as well.

    EDIT: oo wait, /e getsome would be good for provoke/challenge/taunts. Maybe the Roar emote as well. And there's a part of me that wants to use /e flex for Intimidate
  22. Hey Everyone, now that i18 NDA has been lifted, let's talk about how Corr APPs are going to look. Paragon Wiki has a short list up as a guide. Basically, Corrs are getting a direct port of Defender APPs.

    - Dark Mastery: Oppressive Gloom; Dark Consumption; Dark Embrace; Soul Transfer; Soul Drain

    - Power Mastery: Conserve Power; Power Build Up; Temp Invulnerability; Force of Nature; Total Focus

    - Electricity Mastery: Electric Fence; Thunder Strike; Charged Armor; Shocking Bolt; Power Sink.

    - Psychic Mastery; Dominate; Mass Hypnosis; Mind Over Body; World of Confusion; Telekinesis


    Just on the surface of things, it looks like the APPs will provide a bit more damage dealing options than the PPPs - but the utility powers open up later. Also glad to see a little psi carryover here since Corrs don't get that damage type normally.

    Right now I'm thinking I'll be aiming for Power Mastery on my DP/Rad Corr. What is your call?
  23. Since no one has answered the question, Voltaic Sentinel: Yes. That little spark will save your butt more times than you can consider.

    As for Dark vs Kin, I'll have to agree with others who suggest that this might come down to a team/solo question. The two sets are pretty different in playstyle and focus.

    I will say that getting elec/dark will get you two pets - which can make you feel like a mini-MM, which might be cool. However, that will be later in the game. /Kin also has a few arguably skippable powers - which can free things up for your build. I also enjoy the sapping aspect if elec/kin, but not everyone is down with it.
  24. If this is a bug, I'm gonna be annoyed. I love my Fire/rad and by extension, I love me some LR. The slow effect is what I use to keep suckers in my RoF, and I also have LR slotted for slow
  25. I'll add that /SR can be colored to get VERY dark. I've used the dark settings for power customization and come out with a trail of UTTER BLACKITY BLACK DARKINESS when they move. Now, this doesn't isn't something where there's a shroud around them, though, so when they are standing still, you probably won't notice it as much.

    Fire Armor can be tweaked to go dark and can look like enshrouding darkness.
    Willpower can be tweaked, but it'll look more like a dark aura/halo rather than something all encompassing.