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Quote:Comically enough, I was standing in line at the supermarket and a mom and apparently her teenager were discussing THIS VERY GAME'S SHUTDOWN, lol. When they mentioned Atlas Park 33, I jumped in, and we discussed all the things that are being done to raise awareness so we can possibly get another publisher. Then it was like we'd known each other for years.Couldnt find a place to put this post - just met up with a friend havent seen for a few months - she plays computer games but not much mmorgs so I was suprised when I mentioned CoH she has heard of the Campaign on face book etc keep spreading the news it is being noticed in the wider world
+1 for this thread title. Thanks for my first good laugh of the day on these forums.
I'll bet Amazon has the money to support an MMORPG. Heck, I'll bet they could even fund PS's strategy-war game secret project as well as CoH2 if they so desired.
Is there actually a contact person we could send links to?
You don't know until you try! And how many newly-funded game ventures already have a loyal, paying player base, I ask you! You could be onto something there. -
Quote:Yes, this.
But let's not ******** each other: If you piss on someone else's hope, you're an *******. If you take pleasure in other people's pain, you're an *******. If you're ok with that, so be it, but don't cry about it when people explain that you're being an *******.
And I too enjoy the graphics here better than in other games. I find that whole cotton-candy "WoW" look too childish, and how many times do I have to deal with the regurgitated Umbryo engine? Warhammer did it first, so...okay. And at least for all its faults, they did it with humor, and gave a multitude of other games a bunch of features to steal (Achievements System, XP for PvP, etc.). But Rift, graphically and feature-wise, is really just Warhammer 2.0, and The Old Republic even reminds me a bit graphically of those.
CoH is unique in many ways, graphics and character customization among them. I don't mind Aion such that it is, and would play it more if it wasn't so laggy due to overcrowding since it went F2P (well, I would have before NCSoft pissed me off by shutting down CoH), but even Aion is a clone of Lineage, and so is Tera, Blade & Soul, etc.
Give me CoH any day of the week. There is no other like it. -
Quote:Thank you, Captain! I'm a little down with Andy departing today (not that I blame him one bit, I wouldn't want to work for NCSoft for one more minute either! I just figured if he was pretty certain CoH was going to continue on later, he might not be leaving these boards before they go down for good, especially as he says he's looking for another Community Manager-type gaming job now) so those are just the words I needed to hear.The point of the thread may have been to dream or to hope, but is it any less realistic than revenge fantasy threads, or does it pose any harm when we've already got many dozens of threads full of posters who are pointing out everything you just did? With all due respect (and that's not an empty gesture, hero
) I could list a counter-argument for every single one of your points (like the fact that the City of franchise producer is still negotiating with NCSoft for our game and he has not been told "no" yet), or how a complete divestiture package is likely to come with the game and all related data intact, just like it has almost any time in history when an MMO has changed hands, but the simple fact is, almost every other thread out there is full of those discussions already.
No one is going to die if we don't fill up every single thread on the forums with the same exact arguments, over and over and over and over.
Cryptic completely washed their hands of the game when they left NCSoft. The above rumor was debunked by Jack Emmert himself. In other words, Cryptic would have no say in any of these negotiations. None of this is even remotely related to Cryptic.
Oh, and I'd renew my yearly sub like usual, then barrel my new baby Beast/Nature Affinity MM to 50. Which I am going to try and do regardless. -
Take care, I hope you have a peaceful mini-vacation before you find alternate employment, and the best of luck to you in all your travels, Zwill!
You really have been an amazing community manager. I hope to see you around somewhere or other, sooner or later. But thanks for everything you've done for us, especially since it all hit the fan so to speak. Happy trails! -
Quote:That game just seems so....cheesy. I just couldn't shake CO's "B-movie" feeling in both graphics and game play whenever I tried it, versus CoH's "blockbuster" feeling. It's kind of surprising that any of the people who originally created CoH could even be remotely responsible for that thing too. I always thought to myself that the "good" ones must have stayed behind and formed Paragon Studios. :PTrash attracts trash - CO has always been attractive to the dregs of the MMO world.
And it was near-impossible to keep even the most basic team together; whenever you'd zone into or out of a building, let alone to another map area, there were always so many mirrors you'd all immediately be separated. There was practically no social aspect to it at all, except that once in a while if you were doing missions, a few people in the chat would start fighting. -
Especially not on gaming forums, where somebody always manages to distort, twist or revamp the truth and then go off on game X's developers and/or publisher about the now-truth....lol.
Quote:I was able to buy the new Pocket D3 outfit on the night of September 19th with my new allotment of 550 points, and bought nature affinity a few days before that-- well after the shutdown announcement.I do wish I hadn't blown $100 on points at the beginning of August in anticipation of impending powersets and such. Guess those 1600 bonus points aren't such a great deal anymore, huh?
Sad thing is, If I was able to apply those points to the various powersets on live until Nov, I probably wouldn't bat an eye at the expense :/ Oh well.
I still have points now, so I will try and spend those too to make sure the market still works, but as of a day and a half ago it still did, as long as you already have points in there. -
Do you know what we need on these boards?
Troll traps! :P -
I'm with Tony on this one.
If you don't care, then why are you even still here? Why bother to post? Why not just move on?
It seems like some people just like to troll because they want attention, or they do it to bring everyone down.
But....for every troll, there are a lot of people who *do* care and *are* working to get CoH under another publisher and Paragon Studios employed by same.
So...hooray. A few trolls have tried their best to drag everyone else down.
It didn't work.
Nothing else to see here, move along. -
Has anyone from Valve responded publicly to the correspondences? I'm not sure massively multiplayer is really up their alley, but it doesn't hurt to send them ideas about it!
I hope Eliot and Massively are still saving a little space on the front page now and then, just in case there really is some good news about CoH's long-term prospects that springs up when we least expect it....
My thoughts exactly. Sorry, but I just don't want to hear about anybody else's pipe dream about anything. I just want Paragon Studios' City of Heroes, period. The end.
I know and fully accept that there will be a lot of road blocks and changes if the IP is wrestled from NCSoft and changes hands, but I put my trust in the Paragon Studios team to keep this crazy ship afloat and on course as best they can within the parameters of their new overlords, should that opportunity arise.
Other than that...bleh. -
Quote:Is this sarcasm?Echoing what the president has said in the past about not letting a crisis go to waste, how can one make real money from the death of this game?
We have already seen on the forums people selling t-shirts with DC superheroes on them but with the words "Save City of Heroes" written on them, we have had people selling their commissioned artwork with your characters here, and numerous people are directing players to their websites where there are banner ads for other products there (thus the more traffic that site gets the more revenue they get). Lastly, there are people still selling the game on different auction sites.
One possibility is to sell your account password to people to give them an opportunity to play high end stuff before the plug is pulled.
Is this still against the user argreement? Is that still being enforced? How is that different than what other people are doing to make real money from this game? -
Quote:Yeah, definitely this. I mean, most of them were part of Cryptic at one time. I'm sure they know they're there if all else fails. But let's hope to God it doesn't come to that.Maybe let's try and hold the Paragon team together first.
I think Paragon Studios are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves and knowing where they want to go or stay, to be honest. -
I got my 550 points. I noticed them today, but it might have been the other day that I got them; I haven't peeked in at the store in a few days.
Quote:Yup, me too.Golden Girl's sense of loyalty is old-fashioned and pretty extreme, which is why she'll still be fighting for this game and community long after the game is taken away from us. She'd be indispensable in the case of a Plan Z, still slogging away and helping in any way she could, long after many others lost interest in a game they could no longer play without getting a ton of hard work out of the way first. Despite everything ya'll throw at her, she'll still do her best to save the reason for our being here. That's why Golden Girl is one of the biggest real-world heroes here, and it's why I'd throw my chips in with her any day of the week.
I know I was usually busier actually playing the game than reading the forums until this fiasco hit, but I think some of you pick on Golden Girl too much. She is dedicated and level-headed, sticking to reality (aka not starting false rumors or giving up before the last gun has really gone off), and she does it all in a positive way.
Go go Golden Girl!Haters gotta hate-- you just ignore them, baby!
Eliot Lefebvre really deserves a round of applause, as does Massively.com, for their continuing coverage of City of Heroes and its current plight. They stalwartly continue to remind the MMO public-at-large to fight with us, and they keep CoH on the front page quite consistently.
Yay, Paragon Studios, and yay, Massively! -
Wow, thanks a bunch, everyone!
Now if only all my parts would show up, lol..... -
Can you still download the beta client right from the NCSoft launcher? Does it work?
At least Positron gave us a tiny bit of hope today....
That's good enough for me. Now let's put our heads together and find a publisher!
How'd the Valve campaign go, did anyone hear back?