's Tribute to Paragon Studios!




Eliot Lefebvre really deserves a round of applause, as does, for their continuing coverage of City of Heroes and its current plight. They stalwartly continue to remind the MMO public-at-large to fight with us, and they keep CoH on the front page quite consistently.

Yay, Paragon Studios, and yay, Massively!



Another great write-up from Eliot. I also like that he's going to be opening up his column to testimonials. Huge kudos to him and Massively.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Yep, great to see his continued focus.
And I fully agree that breaking up such a great, talented team (and wonderful people) is just such a shame and a loss to the industry.
I'm sure, no matter what happens, we'll get a lot of great stuff from these people's work, but I always believed Paragon Studios as a team could continue to bring truly amazing stuff and in such a great, loving, enthusiastic and heart-felt manner.
To lose this game would be a loss, indeed, but to lose Paragon Studios really is a shame that should not be.

... All in my opinion.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I hope Eliot and Massively are still saving a little space on the front page now and then, just in case there really is some good news about CoH's long-term prospects that springs up when we least expect it....



great article.

Having interviewed Melissa myself I know exactly what he means by her enthusiasm!

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk