does games now, apparently.




I stumbled across this on Teh Internets (I should really watch where I'm going; those pop-ups can be vicious):

I wonder if they'd be willing to acquire a certain MMORPG with an extremely loyal fanbase....

Of course, I know just about nothing about gaming studios (actually, I may have a negative quantity of knowledge about game-producing/-supporting companies and their various attitudes/dealings), but I thought I'd bring this up so that those of you who do can correct my ignorance.

Fortunately, this is the one place on the internet where I don't have to be (too) worried about "OMG stupid Newb!" responses.

P.S.-- Here's the link to the actual Amazon page:






Looks as though their focus is going to be the mobile market/Facebook.

That said, I'm now picturing that "Fly Me Away" song they used for their Kindle ads being used for a CoX video...

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Looks as though their focus is going to be the mobile market/Facebook.
Yeah, I kinda thought that, too. However, they DID say "social games", so if they wanted to use a looser interpretation....



Off-topic, FANTASTIC name! I get teased about how that's my favorite pair of Blood, Sweat & Tears songs, but it's an awesome two-track song!



Originally Posted by Mindscythe View Post
Off-topic, FANTASTIC name! I get teased about how that's my favorite pair of Blood, Sweat & Tears songs, but it's an awesome two-track song!
Thanks! My namesake was a dark/dark corr, but I rerolled her to dark/dark dom when dark control and dark assault came out.

More on-topic;
The reason this caught my notice was this:
"Yet another social game isn't much of a threat to Zynga, but Amazon has the firepower necessary to become a legitimate competitor, thanks to its large network of customers with active accounts."
along with this: "We know that many Amazon customers enjoy playing games – including free-to-play social games".

Yes, acquiring CoX would mean shifting and/or expanding their focus a bit, but this isn't just another social game, we have one of the best communities ever, and the hybrid model allows free-to-play customers. Besides, they could probably increase the playerbase by a whole heck of a lot by adding CoH to their "Suggestions" for people who order superhero movies. Plus, definitely has the funds to buy the IP.



I'll bet Amazon has the money to support an MMORPG. Heck, I'll bet they could even fund PS's strategy-war game secret project as well as CoH2 if they so desired.


Is there actually a contact person we could send links to?

You don't know until you try! And how many newly-funded game ventures already have a loyal, paying player base, I ask you! You could be onto something there.



Originally Posted by shadow35 View Post
Is there actually a contact person we could send links to?
My search-fu is not very strong, but I'll keep poking around. Any help from search-fu masters would be greatly appreciated.

Looking through Amazon Games's jobs page, it looks like their main center of operations is in Seattle, WA (since that's where most of the new job positions are).