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  1. no wall climbing. i'd love it but apparently its a limitation of the game.

    also, was discussing his with my team last night, We were talking about psionics or bestial combat for mutation, military specialization or alien tech for natural. and such It would be nice if things keep going past just one interpretation of origins. In a way its a flavor specilization gave the game a pseudo "freeform" option.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Umm, not to completely disagree, but Rick Dakan was the one who originally got the project started and Jack joined in later. Which was largely because while Rick had been a game designer for years he had little management experience. Jack is a huge fan of the superhero genre, but he was not the one who who started City of Heroes even if he did have more of the experience required to manage the team and bring it all the way to launch. That there would be no City of Heroes without Jack is a rather dubious claim. It certainly might have taken longer or been less successful, but not happening at all without him seems pretty unlikely.
    not to put too fine a point on it, but if what i have read on the topic is to be believed, rick was, while a very smart man with some great ideas, a lot worse than having "little management experience" and the game was pretty much a disorganized mess till jack came in and actually focused things. Video games are commercial ventures as much as artistic ones, and a great idea with no coherent vision is going to crash and burn. Those who have been following the 38 studios collapse can attest to the fact that a good game and a lot of passion cannot save a critically incompetent business plan.
  3. the post was somewhat tongue in cheek, but at the time the comment was taken as an insult by some, but if you paid attention, it was really a compliment about the resiliance of the fans dedication. an ambidextrious left-handed compliment it you will.
  4. you know, id say coh is less a "red headed stepchild" and more a product that found a small to moderate sized evolutionary niche and filled the @#$% out of it. as my old buddy jack E. said, the long term fans of coh will not leave no matter what you do to them. Heh, maybe we can call coh the duck-billed platypus of the mmo market, unusual, but filling its niche.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    Buildings crumble...
    the ground opens wide.
  6. i'll be working most of the weekend anyhow, but always sound advice. get up nd move every once and a while.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post

    She is just so adorable!!
    pretty much. she has shown some awareness of coh, she linked DR's coh machinima cover of "do you want to dare my avatar?"
  8. rian_frostdrake

    I expired

    Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post

    ....but they're so getting it during our annual "Sexual Harassment Training."
    putting it that way is exactly why you keep getting scheduled for that training bucko.
  9. yep, your characters are fine. just have to reinstall/re-dl
  10. lot of good stuff there, but my biggest interest is how they are changing some ios. I know ioing out a resist character had a lot more limited options versus a defense one, will be interesting to see if that gets addressed. also, tsoo lore pets...looks like i need to run rian up a third lore tree.
  11. unwashed mass, is that a dirtogram? Are there unshorn volumes?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    I am yet to hear a single player say that i24 is the issue that is going to fix EVERYTHING! We've all said its looking a huge issue, but thats about it
    Its more that they will use it to screech when they find a bug after it launches. I could send you a pm checklist about who i expect to go batnuts over this between their monthly "i quit" posts, and i also know there are posters who glom onto every negative thread because they just love to complain and fuss.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tater Todd View Post

    I would love an optic blast set...I actually somewhat like Cyclops's Powers *ducks the tomatoes*.

    I also wanted a Fireworks Power Set but not happenin' lol.

    I guess fire is good enough *sigh*
    well, given that my main character is a dragon, i wouldn't mind an emanation point in the mouth (strangely, sounds dirty) I suppose one issue is that powers animation times would have to match the original animation cast time. for most sets the casts arent too long that shouldn't look too awkward, but a maybe some of the snipes may look silly standing there huffing and puffing. I also wouldnt mind guns, wands, and maybe a guitar. yes, fine, i want to blast hellions with lightning guitar riffs, dont judge me. :P
  14. did they go into the praetorian hamidon pre gr? think its more recent, maybe from one of the resistance quest lines?
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I don't know if this is real, but if it is... Marauder never struck me as a truly evil, guy. He's just a really really... Really really really rough bruiser with muscle where his brain should be. I'm thinking he can be salvaged if there's someone sufficiently strong enough to kick his *** a few times until the new status quo sinks in.
    you know, im not seeing it now on paragon wiki, but i seem to recall a supplimental backgrounder that disputes the official story of marauder going into the wild, beating down the anarchy and organizing the people to survive that tells of him going intot he wild, scavenging and robbing the people who were too weak to fight back, staying on the run from the hamidon until eventually cole forced him into line. does anyone else remember this? based on this id say he is an unredeemable thug...but im also concluding that im going senile because i cant remember where i saw that.
  16. ok watched the video..please tell me that eventually scrappers/tankers will be able to use the blaster storm kick over the current "animation". slow it down, speed it up, dont care, that animation is very good, and the current animation is very bad. making that a customization option would be a major win for MA.
  17. you know, im guessing there is more to this than just a shuffling of npcs, not loving the idea of marauder turning face. His characterization is too "bad guy from fist of the north star" to make him redeemable. he is a predator and a thug, put him redside.
  18. ok, lets just call issue 24 "rian rerolls/respecs everything" I am extremely pleased with this news...im going to need more slots.

    hey devs, now that martial arts is getting proliferated..bet we could sure use some alternate animations to pretty up the package
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
    I do recall most of the "COH killer" posts here just as well as I recall the Elephant in the room's many supposed killers, and I have to agree it is pretty tiresome.

    As for a source? Don't have one. I just like to think that's what really happened. The amount of hate spewing from the forums during those days was insane, and it was all directed towards him, his vision, and his often qouted misunderstanding of his own game. Then he just oneday leaves for another project which was canceled( yes I know what it became!) while we got Posi and the game steadily improved one he took over.
    well, the funny thing is, coh was looking shaky post cov, but not because of ed. that is when(supposedly, information not officially confirmed) the devs got pared down to 15, i dunno if you remember but i7-i8 also took around 6 months. they did the best they could but with a very limited staff. (and, for the time it took, issue 8 had a lot of stuff, including wings, which were a big thing) so the closest coh was to dying was by starvation from cryptic.

    oh and how about actually go on opic. incarnate stuff is interesting, no question, i like the buffs, like the power, and given the generally freindly raiding community on liberty, I enjoy the raids. people listen but nobody loses their mind if you make a mistake. I am going to be interested in seeing how they add 4 more powers without becoming obtrusive, where you are more reliant on being an incarnate than being what you are, classwise, but So far the stuff has been good, and the hybrid discussion in beta showed they are open to input and working with the community. i still care more about costumes and alternate animations, but incarnate stuff is a nice little additional thing once you have level capped.
  20. when you make drastic claims, you get held to a standard. coh is always getting "killed" by something yet is still around long after its supposed killers have floundered. it was tiresome then and is tiresome now.

    Similarly, source on the "nerfs" leading to jack leaving? He took a good portion of cryptic to work on the supposed marvel mmo, he didnt leave because of some pressure from a subset of the game's community. In fact, the old subscription charts have cov being the highest subscription point in coh's history, following issue 4 and in the middle of ed, so I will need to see some credible source on that claim.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Android_5Point9 View Post
    Personally, I've never been "disappointed" or "angry" or ever in a position where I wasn't happy because there was too much stuff in a game I like to play. I could imagine there being some discontent among the playerbase if they were to release everything that they possibly could (meaning, it's on live servers, waiting to be purchased/unlocked) all at once, and then for months at a time there was nothing to speak of at all. But to the best of my recollection, that really hasn't happened, or if it did, your memory of those complainers was far more vivid than mine.

    And yes, you should work on that.
    I will back him on the complainers. towards the beginning of freedom there were a few loud complainers that paragon was being greedy releasing stuff faster than vip stipends could cover just to force us to spend cash. It wasn't a huge contingent, but as in many issues where people have a stake, they posted a lot and derailed several threads.
  22. following this particular mind meld, logitech embarked on a new product line. mouse hats.
  23. Tips. I love tips, they get the hero and villain (and in between) better than coh and cov proper even did. one good spider, the transition of frostfire from a failure wallowing in self pity to an actual, true hero, those were awesome, and from what i hear, the reds are ones that make you do some serious evil and make you an agency of yourself, not a contact's errand boy or an archnos middle manager.

    DA is pretty great as well, by the end you have beaten down some terrifying (looking) challenges, and emerged standing tall. particularly if you did the badge runs and beat down whole armies by yourself.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Nonsense. That predicament means he should have alerted the populace to the threat and the deal he struck. He should have allowed a democratic government to decide what to do. That predicament doesn't justify his evils. Tyrant doesn't get to make these decision for everyone. He doesn't get to declare himself Emperor. He doesn't get to create terror camps. He doesn't get to enslave children. At a certain point the medicine is worse than the disease.

    Much evil has been committed in history using this justification. I would hope we would have learned by now.
    you are right, he doesnt get to do that, people gave him that power, they did not want the responsibility. your faith in the rational actions of a democratic government to not overreact, abdicate responsibility, avoid petty partisan infighting, and stay within moral lines is not really justified by history.