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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Actually he's right. Staff came out, and the options were pretty limited. A purchasable Staff Weapons Pack #1 is on Beta right now, which offers four or five new options for Staff Fighting. And it's not free.

    The only difference is they waited a few months, probably so people wouldn't rage.
    ok, did not see that, foot in mouth there then.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    R. The next powerset that is due for release is staff fighting - you can almost guarantee that there will be extra skins for sale, but they won't be free..
    well, one good thing about thread resurrections is they remind us of when posters want to prove how they know the biz better than everyone else...did anyone else buy the staff pack? dont remember which ones were included in that extra pack we were going to have to buy.
  3. rian_frostdrake

    Anime and CoX

    I think there is a subset of gamers who have gotten it in their heads that they have to do some kind of backlash against anime and japanese thigns in general because they have seen a few cases (or more likely heard of a few cases) where people lose perspective with it...pretty much like any fan subgroup. add some 4-chan stupidity and a sprinkle of mild racism/xenophobia and viola'. the stupidity is not too strong on this forum, and some of the less hostile forms lead back to the idea that this game was at one time (i have not seen this, but im something of a latecomer just pre issue 1) as a straight up silver age game. manga and such being outside of both the genre and the time frame in a lot of people's recollection and i can understand, if not sympathize, with such a viewpoint. The good news though is coh does ok with costume and power selections that reflect broad but popular callbacks to anime.

    yeah, we dont have the big rumiko takahashi eyes(which amusingly enough, actually originated in western cartoons and impressed osamu tezuka so much that he borrowed it as a stylistic device) and the body types really cant ull off the streamlined "lean and athletic" look a lot of shojo anime males can pull off, but we can make a passable sailor suit, a passable guys school uniform, a large number of powersuit options, the shuriken attacks in martial assault pretty much scream naruto, we have a lot of psychic character options, and katana was in the game day one, albeit with broadsword's animations, despite being in a "silver age" game, i have heard that we may even have an isolated nekomimi in virtue's pocket d. I'm of course always agitating for more because I have generally preferred manga to western comics, but we do ok, and we keep doing better. and outside of the usual suspects, who look amusingly anachronistic ranting about it, like an old man ranting about kids these days and their dad-gummed scooters, people seem generally ok with it.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    I had an awesome fight yesterday, too.


    Remember that fight where you're given a choice to rescue either both Kadabra Kill and Sigil or one or neither? And you have a minute and a half to kill like five or six hard-as-hell bosses if you choose to rescue them both?

    I did it, man. I did it. With less than a second to spare, thanks to a lucky crit from One Thousand Cuts that was built up with two Feints and a Gaussian proc.
    that one is great..but wait till you keep going, DA throws those kind of fights at you. towards the end you making Kratos look soft.
  5. what can I say, i love the set and love how busy it is. maybe once nature users start saturating the trials it might bug me, but for now the more people running it, the more i enjoy it.
  6. rian_frostdrake

    Of TankMages

    johnny, one thing you KEEP ignoring is that this is a video game based on comics. comics can empower and weaken their characters as needed and often entirely by virtue of the story to avoid making things dull. video games don't have that luxury. we have discussed this before but the "superman curse" refers to the fact that there has never, nor will there ever be a game starring superman that is actually good. why, because while in the controlled circumstances of a comic the author can maintain tension to keep the story interesting, in a strict rule setting the player would either stomp over the challenges (if superman's power was correctly shown), or be dis-empowered to the point they were challenged, in which case it wouldn't really be superman. even in recent hulk games, he can be killed by sufficient amounts of conventional firepower, can you see that happening with "world war hulk"?
    Coh is in a somewhat similar boat. make no mistake, we have gotten stronger, maybe a little too strong, but given the pve/noncompetitive nature of the game, it doesn't stand out as much. as arcana has argued in a far more eloquent fashion than i, coh's balance is at least partially what it is because of the inexperience of the original dev team. we were never intended to be as strong as we were even at launch, and a not uncommon argument is that the game lacks any real challenge, even at max difficulty settings. not a comment i personally make, but one that a large enough number of posters have made to make it seem less likely it is just a few munchkins.

    Ina way, i think that we dont entirely disagree, many of the things you mentioned are things I am enjoying too, but a common thread through your posts, not just here but over the years is you expect the game to allow you the experience of being the hulk, or superman,even your example of batman evokes one of the most ludicrous plot armored author inflation jobs of comics history, i feel you will always be disappointed because the power levels in comics exist because they have authors who can manage them, and in games that just doesn't translate.
  7. rian_frostdrake


    well, if you have a 50, dark astoria is a nice bit of writing that makes your character look like a hardcore butt kicker , has badges for doing things the hard way, and awards solo/small team progression for incarnate stuff.

    tips..i love tips, the general content tends to make you blandly good/evil, these allow you to do much better ad more acutally heroic/villianous things.

    since you are subbed, try the ssa's, hero merits halp get some of the rarer ios, and the stories let you take on some of the ehavy hitters in lore that the game proper tends to keep as background stuff. ssa1 i enjoyed the heck out of, though some times you will see plot points well before your character catches on, and 2...i have not had time to play, but buzz is good in the threads i have waded into without reading heavily enough for spoilers.

    check the outfits too, there is some crazy stuff out there on the market. some of the new powersets are interestign too, i like beam rifle, street justice and nature affinity and water blast, but check all of them and see if they grab you.
  8. made an angelic themed nature/water defender named asperguillum so far enjoying him.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
    Oh that comic arc was awesome and I think it may have been at the heart of my addiction to this game.
    Easily my favorite as well. the only representation of states that i actually liked.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    Surely this should have been added for the Hellions first?
    was wondering if someone was going to go for that joke.
  11. rian_frostdrake

    Ghost's Origin?

    could you be a bit more specific in your question, im not an internet cat.
  12. rian_frostdrake

    Ghost's Origin?

    Originally Posted by Venture View Post

    Because not even Batman can train himself to come back from the dead.
    nor is batman the sole definiton of natural, he cant bench press himself into having an energy tapeworn either, but peacebringers are natural.
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post

    I have already demonstrated that a being with such an origin is considered Magic in the canon. If that is not sufficient to carry the day then I can't help you; if you're hell-bent on being wrong it's your problem.
    you showed that a ghost is considered magic origin, congrats, much like a living person, they have that capacity that is not a statement that can be generalized to all of them. numidia, the circle, kellie nemmers, they are clearly magic because they became as they are through magical means, or in kelly's case, they can still communicate because they had the powers of a medium while alive. metronome and mother mayhem also exhibit traits that could be considered close enough to being a ghost that you could just as easily make the case that a ghost could exist through technology or mutation, both are the disembodied personalities of dead people(Russel Brandt and Shalice Tillman). and you are ignoring the fact that in night ward you find ghosts of normal people with no defined magical origin, nor are the ghosts in croatoa specifically magical, they are being harassed by magic from the red caps and the cabal's experiments, but there is no indication that their powers come from the cabal's magic, just their increased aggressiveness. finally, do you have the background on the ghost ship form talos island? what magic origin does it have. you will have to bring a bit more data points than one character to prove a universal classification of ghosts.

    oh and your earlier "proof"
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    Ghosts are Magic. Natural origin is right out. The concept is absurd. People in First Ward aren't surprised to find out the Apparitions aren't Natural, they're surprised to find out they aren't Magic. That's because they're not ghosts, just entities with similar properties.
    if you are talking about blind makwa, you are wrong. he is not surprised that he apparitions are not magic, he is surprised that black magic is not what is driving the spirits of the living (not the dead, also a key difference) to be violent. he is not stating that the magic would be their origin, he thought it was the origin of their problem, he makes no statement about the origin of the spirits themselves, of the living or the dead. very important distinction that pretty much deflates this point.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Yeah, that's another thing for anyone getting into lovecraft - his views on race are kinda... old fashioned
    y know, on the surface...absolutely, but one common theme that i noticed popping up again that the voice that talked about the degenerate actions of non white english "civilized" people tended to be said in the build up when they still felt they and their whole worldview was in control and those poor deluded savages were just being ignorant and superstitious...until the reveal and suddenly all the pillars of the society that propped up their condescending view collapsed and it was actually the native peoples who were the ones that really knew what was going on. I can recall at the moment if it always turned out that way, but it seemed to happen quite a lot. so there was some social subversion in the writing. the educated white europeans tended to fare the worst when the tentacles came out.

    In a way it mirrored the way that the cultural superiority of the white european, once felt purported to be an unassailable scientific fact, was suddenly crumbling due to a greater understanding of other cultures and their accomplishments.
  14. rian_frostdrake

    Ghost's Origin?

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I have to say that there's nothing natural about ghosts. What I mean by this is "ghosts" aren't supposed to exist. If you're a human in this game and you die, you pass on to the next world. That's how the fictional universe works. So if your soul lingers on in this world, something unnatural happened. Natural Ghosts wouldn't exist in this world, or at the very least would have come back from the next life by a more proper means, such as... Say, earning their life back, or being granted temporary stay. A ghost who doesn't do what a ghost is supposed to do isn't natural because that's not how it's supposed to work.
    that really gets at whether a character's origin refers to the origin of their powers or the origin of their overall circumstance. natural doesnt mean "normal" because there i little normal in the game, we fly, we throw fire balls, natural just means that you dont have powers that are unusual for one of your type. kheldians are natural but they are energy beings that turn into creatures that "naturally" are not found on or near earth. If you are a ghost that also has some neat tech or has learned magic rituals that grant you abilities above and beyond your capacities as a ghost, then sure, but i would read a natural ghost as a ghost who has powers consistent with being a ghost. how they became a ghost is more for the bios. maybe they just beat up a clumsy patrolman and snuck out of the night ward, or were collateral from the cabal stopping taking spirits as hostages post katie hannon(i think, its ben years since i did that tf). Really the patrolman's bios indicate that lots of souls dont transition of their own accord.
  15. rian_frostdrake

    Ghost's Origin?

    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    Ghosts are Magic. Natural origin is right out. The concept is absurd. .
    Indulge me as to why natural origin is out. We see in night ward that the souls of perfectly mundane people are walking around there as spectral representations of their living selves, so the property of having a "ghost" is reinforced as a particularly mundane thing, the only unusual thing is them not being in the spirit world, a natural area in close dimensional proximity to the regular world. I'm not seeing something unnatural there outside of locations, and as mentioned, particularly strong connections and forces of will could explain that without use of rituals or external magic.

    now, keep in mind, i have not finished night ward, if im missing official lore(not lore that you just dont like so you ignore it) please bring it to the table.
  16. I tend tot ake breaks, but since i sub in the 14 month deal, I usually dont let my sub lapse, i just do something else for a while. Its good you like the game enough o come back, but a break is productive sometimes.
  17. rian_frostdrake

    Goodbye for now

    Originally Posted by ryu_planeswalker View Post
    So some of you know me, some don't and most of you probably hate me because I don't even keep my opinion to myself. I have been playing City of Since just after the release of issue 6 and it was the second MMO I have ever played, the only break I ever took was during a rough personal time in my life and I went to play another MMO, which honestly was a mistake because that other MMO sucked compared to this.

    I have made a lot of friends around here and lost em cause I am a jerk most of the time, but I still love the community this game has fostered, it is one of the few places I ever felt like I belonged, but unfortunately I lost my job in April and haven't been able to find a replacement in the months since, and my savings account is emptying so I am having to move in with my mother who lives in an area of the state that is behind in terms of infrastructure so I may not have access to proper internet connections for an indeterminate amount of time. As a result of that I will not be able to spend time here and in the game anymore. I will miss the lot of you, Devs Players and Trolls alike. Especially the Trolling Developers like Hakwie the Adorable Arbiter.


    Ryu Planeswalker.
    Understood, losing a job sucks, i feel for you. Hopefully things will turn around for you so you can get back here.
  18. japanese, and lots of it. I'd love to see the yaoki pop up, with creatures like tengu, oni and bakemono as well as more standard (and creepy) japanese ghosts. I have often suggested having the paper dolls often used by onmyoji in anime as an alternate casting animation for some controls. I'd hug someone if we got a serpentine Asian dragon as a giant monster (with some costume elements for a second dragon head with the whiskers, antler horns and facial hair) maybe even deal with kirin as contacts for blueside and antagonists for red. maybe even throw in a nine tailed fox since we are using our 4 legged rig as much as we are. have weaker foxes with fewer tails, but have a nine tail pop up like a redside giant monster if you beat the lesser ones.
  19. nobody "saved" because i tend to not get so hung up on changes that i feel characters are broken, just changed, but i see sorcery working as a thematic benefit for several of my characters, and i see a few concepts springing forth from martial assault and martial kombat...er combat. so there will be rerolls, and there will be respeccing, lots of it.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
    Oops, linking to full size image http://pixel-saurus.deviantart.com/a...-Art-310110286

    I have a feeling we won't get it since it's clearly meant for around I18 or so and Praetoria is ending.
    so wait, that's des looking even more gothy? I..approve.
  21. I always put gw in the same category of games as phantasy star online. the only massive aspect was the towns/ships. the world was instanced. that really is not the case anymore though, gw2 is far more an mmo. Im already pre purchased on it (thank you abusive amounts of overtime) will play when i get around to it, now that we know when nature affinity hits, I will definitely shift to here to get said defender made and leveled.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Why would that have any impact on what's going on here in CoH?
    i'm guessing its because people have noted that we have big news released around when big name gaming events happen, like major releases. I'll admit that while I dont care for the game, since the expansion is bringing a heavily eastern themed zone and a martial artist class, i would be more excited about that release than any.

    As for nature affinity, the facebook thing said soon, so im guessing next week, which is still in month. It is a set I am really looking forward to because i want to make a nature/water defender, that was fun on beta. We did just get beta last week, so its not like we are exactly bereft of shineys right now, ya know?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post

    I don't exactly recall the chronology, but I'm pretty sure the Katie Hannon Task Force was the first TF added to the game that was actually fairly decent (I miss when everyone was running it constantly!).
    well, a lot of people really loved the strig island one, and most of the redside ones were really good too, the original tfs were made with a idea in mind, of groups running them like a d&d campaign meeting multiple nights and running witha static group that really didnt catch on , so the post issue 2 tf were generally much better. short, unique maps, not just a story deficient string of kill alls. there is hope, of course that eventually they will get to and fix the old stuff. but i tend to ignore it, unless a fun group is broadcasting for members and i know that i will enjoy the company, if not the activity.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    You express yourself metric-ly.
    help, hes alive. I thought that black sheep of the forums was gone in a twilight galaxy.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post

    * (The following joke is extremely dated... like 70's dated... acknowledging you get it is as good as saying you're old...) Every time you click on a non-mission door a voice from the other side will say "Candygram..."
    not that dated if you know your comedy history. they repeat those eps a lot too. Heck, it was my first joke when i read the title.