One day growth..nature comments and questions.




I was pretty excited for this set, after seeing the videos and screen shots of it. Also a little worried, and the in your face-ness of some powers. But I got it today, and my nature/fire fender is sitting at 24 now!

So..the set looks amazing. Going for a purely visual point of view..its awesome. Like the Street Justice (which I love) of the support world. Also seems very custom friendly. I kept mine at the default for now, but a person of a team with me had dark red..and the white/red mushrooms looked wicked.

Is it too much though? Hard too say..some people will love it..some will hate it. Mt GFX settings are only average..and yes, it looks GREAT is a very visually busy set. Especially Lifegiving Spores..that placed over a big fight can pretty much block out everything (and that with only 10k particles). I hate to complain about a set that really pushes the boundaries of what the engine can offer..but perhaps an option to just minimise 3rd party effects for it? (unless there is that option in the Options already) I can really see it killing some people with older systems.

As for subjective nitpicks..Animations. Animations that is..NOT the animation FX, which looks all round awesome.
Regrowth. Single hand wave, like debuff toggles? (think rad ones) looks..ok. But just..not quite right? One hand up, for a cone heal? Even an animation like the arm fling for SoC would fit better.
Wild Growth. Two hands up, like thaw. Again..what the? Its a pbaoe! The animation would suit better FOR is..WB has nothing related to whats in front of is a pbaoe.
Wild Bastion. The icon does not have enough 'Green" in it. In my tray, next to the other powers, it looks out of place.

Does anyone have any slotting tips or tricks they have worked out?

I was especially wondering on the best, or a good, slotting for LS. I was gonig to try end mod..till I saw it would only go up to 1.3%..which gets rounded back to 1 anyway?

Oh..and. The fender ATO set..first time I have used it. I threw it in fireball..cause it has the same ppm as the corr and blaster ones..and they go off EVERY time, vs every target in fireball.
SO..why doesnt this one? Surely it should heal once a cast? Or is there a better spot?



I agree the sets way to busy visually. It's a disaster with so many of those life giving spores, I can only imagine on a league of them. I really wish we could have an option to really turn down other player effects dramatically not just for this set.

Personally I find it more fun to actually see what Im doing when playing on a team but when everyone's effects start to overlap so much that its just a blur I might aswell not be playing.

So I solo a lot to rectify this but I do miss playing on smaller teams. This seems to be a common issue in mmos these days eventually effects just mesh up so much from so many players. Even newer games cant seem to avoid it, though Im really looking forward to this weekend.



Yeah I can imagine. I have only been on a team with..three? Nature toons, including me, but already..just that was a lot. The spores as you mention, and just the amount of HoT tics flying about..all lil numbers, it gets a bit distracting. It;s a bit like a BAF league, when you see 10+ people aoe heal at once..BUT with only a third of teh people needed to create the same amount of green numbers. lol



More comments...

The absorb Bar is WAY to sad and easy to miss. I did not even see it for quite awhile. With the light green hp bar, a WHITE bar for ABsorb is just..not enough. Considering how it is such a big thing and nature is the first set to get it.. Give us a flashing graphic or something?

To echo the 'busy' set talk..
I was just on a team with teh following..
2 plant trollers.
A plant dom.
My nature fender.
SEVEN of us were nature.

I can honestly say, as someone who has done many many 24 man bafs etc..this was worse. With just 8 people! Granted, teh 4 mms add a lot, but then didnt all have full pets. ALl I could see was flowers from Spores, adn constant green numbers from the dot heals.

I dont know what they could do with the healing idea really..but the other details..would be nice to be able to scale team mates back a little.




Looks like I will have to stick to soloing until the "bloom" of Nature folks dies down a bit. I really really dislike the visuals and how busy they are. They really need to be toned down a bit... or, we need to have a way to do it for ourselves that doesn't impact other people. I am fine with either.



Just got the Pbaoe hold toggle. Must say..I do love how it looks. Especially when it holds things and twines up their bodies.

Bit again..SO busy. Was on a team and 2 of us had it go..added to allll that other stuff?



Stupid power info of the day award goes to...Lifegiving Spores...!

25000 Ticks of 28.91 heal over 27h 46m on target
+1.00% endurance on target unresistable

25000 ticks? I may leave my PC on for a few days, and count it.



Usually when a new power set comes out DFB runs are hilarious team set ups. I remember being on one with 7 staff toons. Last night I saw a DFB call out specifically ask for NO Nature Affinity Toons. Gets crowded in the sewers with all those blooms.....

Virtue and Freedom
Hi, my name is Northman, and I am an Altoholic. No wait, I'm Lost Nova, no wait, Arc Havoc, no, Dragon Moon, no, Lord Fury......



I will just say that I'm disappointed in the community.

We've had plant-based stuff for a while, and we've had water blast too, so why did it take the better part of a day after THIS release before I saw gag supergroups like the all-female plant/water supergroup "the garden ho's" ?



I think a Water Blast toon and Nature Control toon on the same team should get some kind of teaming bonus.



Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
I think a Water Blast toon and Nature Control toon on the same team should get some kind of teaming bonus.
But what if the Water Blast toon's concept is blasting with salt water?



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
But what if the Water Blast toon's concept is blasting with salt water?
Well what if the Nature Affinity toon's concept is controlling seaweed?



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Stupid power info of the day award goes to...Lifegiving Spores...!

25000 Ticks of 28.91 heal over 27h 46m on target
+1.00% endurance on target unresistable

25000 ticks? I may leave my PC on for a few days, and count it.
Really? Because I used that power with my WB/NA Corr yesterday. I soloed and everytime I approached a mob the following sequence occured:

1. Lay down Livegiving spores and stay inside the circle for constant heals

2. Debuff the highest level in the Mob.. ie Lieutenant or Boss

3. Use AoEs to damage entire mob

4. Reapply debuffs and continue to attack until nothing is standing

I completed the Midnighter Arc solo and thanks to Lifegiving spores never once found myself in any sort of danger to the point where I actually stayed inside every single mission, even after getting a complete, to defeat every single mob. I completed my Cape mission solo and then grabbed my 20 level costume mission and headed to Talos where I street hunted 30 Tsoo at around my level (20-22) instead of running around Steel defeating ones lower than me and used this same tactic. Is anyone planning to sit in one spot and heal for 27 hours straight? DOUBTFUL but the power itself has seriously good applications.. hardly worh any stupid power of the ..whatever award.

Opps almost forgot after hitting 20 I joined a Penny Yin TF and between my powers and a Plant/NA on the same team there was not a single death on the TF until the final battle in the reactor... When will people learn to clear the room before clicking the computers so they can deal with the huge ambush instead of dying because of it? Even then we had three die, including me, and then bounced back to take out the ambush, defeat Claymor and clear the reactor before leaving.

The set has a lot going on visually but it perfroms very well and the only people I can possibly see complaining would be serious SERIOUS badgers because it is keeping them from obtaining their debt badges in a timely fashion.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Wendy..I appreciate you writing your thoughts about the set..but did you actually READ my comment that you are quoting there?? I am am the power info for LS IS stupid..cause it is. 25000 tics of HP? I don't care if its correct..if still looks really silly presented that way. lol



I'm enjoying the Nature Affinity set a lot. My water/nature corr did pretty well with it (until I got to Graham Easton's arc. Stupid Yellow Ink Men.)

My nature/fire defender isn't moving along as quickly. Mostly because (a) he's a villain, and (b) he's on Pinnacle. Have yet to find a team (although I have received compliments on the name.)

Total Characters: 120
Lowest Level: 1, Luke Johnson (Staff/WP Brute, Virtue)