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  1. echidna...hey, weird girls need love too:P

    more seriously, praetorian Vanessa Devore(pre underground trial), praetorian Aurora Borealis, Mirror Spirit or Desdemonda.
  2. If i recall, since i have read pa for a long time. Mike never played coh, or played it for a very short time, he is represented by the guy in the yellow shirt. Jerry, the guy in the blue shirt, liked this game a lot, I think he was a big fan of cov. Now they tend not to get into deeper stuff in their comics, so they probably did the dumb pun in he comic and i expect Jerry to go more in depth in his news thing.

    Oh and gyros are really good. we tend to have local craft festivals here, and i hit them because the local greek orthodox churches tend to have big honking ones, look like portable salads,and they make the Tzatziki sauce by hand.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    why all the hate for DCUO?
    I dunno if its hate, usually hate in mmo communities is either overstating a case or just resisting change, but people play games for different things, and I think that people who went to this game for the expansive character creator and liked making in depth character backstories that weren't contradicted by the ingame canon(much) dcou is kind of limiting. the initial character costume selections are very limited and honestly after playing a martial arts/plant hero who switched quest-lines but was primarily wonder woman themed up to level 17, I still couldnt make a basic martial arts costume...its more that it doesn't address the specific hook of a lot of players here, rather than that it doesn't have any value. its a fun dynasty warriors style smash em up and if you are in the spandex or death crowd, making a monstrous character is fiendishly difficult(now you can make a person wearing a dog or cat fur-suit, or with funny skin, but no tails or monstrous body details for the majority of characters), so you wont have to worry about that.

    So yeah, no real hate for dcou, if coh goes down, then I'll have to compromise, but one thing that coh and co have that pretty much no other game on the market has, a really detailed costume creator right out of the game that really frees you from the general shape limitations of your character's "race".

    to illustrate, back when coh came out, someone made a sig pic with their character in co and coh, i thought it would be funny to do the same in dcou, welll, rian is a blue skinned human male with a tail and dragon horns who generally wears some form of an armored martial arts themed outfit as his main outfit. in beta, i could at least have a tail, but then in the live game, you had to take one of the full animal looks to have one, and there were no dragon-like bodies there. then there really werent any of the folded tops or convincing wide legged pants for a martial arts outfit.

    i finally just decided to give it up, I simply could not make my character in dcou. but he transferred to CO with ease, and since they allowed you to put horn details on beast heads, Rian's "full dragon" look looks even better than his coh one. now the martial arts animations are...a mixed bag compared to coh, actually the martial arts animations in dcou , while occasionally too pro wrestling, are the better of the three, but stacked on a costume I dont like and with an intrusive backstory, it fell to number 3 for me.

    Now one thing people should remember. if you preferred playing a villain to a hero, then you have no choice, co is heroes only, so dcou or bust there.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BellaStrega View Post
    taken and...templar. yeah, that was soem very good presentation for the quiz.
    have to admit, looked at the youtubes for fist weapons and chaos and in the same boat as tenzhi. I tend to play unarmed, monk type characters primarily to see visually stimulating animations, particularly lots of kick animations and not really feeling what I saw.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peregrine_Falcon View Post
    You do realize that a person born 9 years after that movie was in the theater would - today - not only be old enough to have played City of Heroes since launch, they'd also be old enough to drink and have done a tour in the military or gotten a bachelor's degree.

    Yeah... I'm feeling old now too.
    at this point I have given up becoming spider man, and am working towards Gandalf myself
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

    Thor's Assassin's blog about the dev dinner. I haven't seen anyone post about it yet.

    I know nobody can talk about anything. But without regular updates, things will continue to disintegrate pretty fast.

    yep, read this this afternoon before heading out or i'd have posted it up myself. I'll admit that it definitely helps resolve to get these little dispatches from the front line. and the mention of several things having to fall into place kind of explains why thus far there hasn't been any official news, the logistics are still being worked out. Its still a long and uncertain road though.
  7. rian_frostdrake

    Why bother?

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    why bother?
  8. since we are going binary. in some fashion, yes. in the exact way we know it, no. I am counting cryptic swooping in and grabbing more of the devs to increase the density of their dev base, but only if they land on champions, sto and neverwinter, while possibly good games, are out of genre and as such i cant count them.
  9. I never bought that excuse. Coh was heavily advertised at launch in areas that were cost effective and appropriate for gamers who would be into a superhero game, and following architect and gr it was heavily advertised again. It also got a lot of positive buzz from the major game magazines and had a favorable review from x-play.

    Now there weren't tv ads, but those are very expensive and there is no evidence that they actually expand awareness that much.

    One thing I have found time and again in gaming is that really fantastic stuff gets overlooked because it is different...well, coh was different. and that seemed to work to our detriment.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KnightOwl View Post
    Just wondering, how many MMOs have ever been "saved" by a fan campaign? Anyone got the numbers on that? Or, if it happens with CoH, would it be a first?
    if i recall meridain 59 was given an 8 year reprieve by the developers buying it and housing a server under their staircase in their house. ok, apparently it still exists under the leadership of a different pair of developers. Also, istaria was bought twice by their developers (first as tulga and then as vitruim) to keep it afloat after atari and E.I. looked like they were going to kill them. that is why I am watching the brian clayton thing so intently, there is precedent.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    Well, I have no intention of dying, so.
    nah man, it aint you dying you have to worry about, that's the easy bit. its people you care about, that's the part that drives it home, pets, family, spouses, friends you can either isolate yourself from everything and experience a bland, grey life of no personal attachments, or you can trade the happiness of interaction with the inevitable pain of closeness. And its not just death, divorce, losing jobs, sometimes its watching a friend you got along with for years destroy himself and his family on drugs and alcohol, or even better, when they dont do anything wrong and life just deals a bad hand. that's the real fun of it.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angry_Citizen View Post
    I wish I could explain it. Maybe it's just the realization that ultimately it's all for naught. The communities you join, the characters you build, the missions you run, the stories you write - they're all finite. They have a shelf-life. That shelf-life isn't printed on the package, but three months from the expiration date it'll pop up and really piss in your cheerios.
    that is life. its not for naught if it was enjoyable while you were doing it. plus they arent exactly gone, I still carry forward characters i made in phantasy star online, they get reinterpreted and continue with you as part of your imagination.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    One chapter ending just means another begins. Maybe the former CoH developers will reform to give the super hero MMO another shot. Maybe members of the community will. Maybe someone else entirely.

    See, i guess that is where we diverge. Coh was not, even at its strongest a massive publisher drawing hit, it was solid and dependable and had quirks that endeared it to a modest but devoted core of fans. it was a niche. other attempts to go into that niche gained little traction and did (supposedly) poorly with co and dcou.

    Call me crazy, but I'm less than hopeful that a publisher would step up in the current gaming environment and give a reformed paragon studios the time and needed cash to make a competitive superhero themed mmo. Nor do I think that a portion of the fanbase old follow to a new game. For all the talk of loyalty, a lot of the fanbase was intensely particular about features in coh, and i suspect even slight changes that may well be improvements from a technical perspective wouldnt drive off a lot of players who want "their" characters back, unchanged and as they wanted them.

    I know getting ncsoft to give whatever paragon employees rallied behind brian clayton is a very long shot, but for me, the pieces of your scenario are a lot more tenuous. Avengers notwithstanding (and that had a lot of external things that helped it do as well as it has) I just dont see a huge hunger in the general gaming community for superheros, And the coh community can be fantastically brittle when change happens, so this is the area where I have to be the pessimist about your "spiritual successor" scenario.
  14. Depending on the situation, I could give a fair amount above but would not want a life time subscription. If we were to somehow get the game either picked up by another publisher or if paragon finds a way to do it alone, they will need continued revenue above and beyond what the initial "buy the ip off of ncsoft" would require. eh, i understand people spent crazy money for the black wolf pet, i'd be spending a bit above comfort zone to retain the game entirely. and feycat has a point, a cash shop would likely be a part of the continuing business plan.
  15. i know, my character was a warrior, it kinda made sense at the time. Since then rerolled as a thief.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    I'm pretty sure that Kodan and Tengu are poised for addition to the game. They've got locked-off areas and obvious feed-ins.

    I'm still hoping that we get Skritt and maybe Centaurs, though they'll obviously be more work.

    On Charr: yeah, they're Spartan. But they're also awesome in a kinda bromance chest-thumping kind of way, and probably have the most laugh-out-loud moments so far. They're just so EARNEST about their chest-thumping!

    Also, they have very good reason to have contempt for religion, seeing as how the Flame Legion tricked their way into leadership by worshipping false gods (Titans/Destroyers) and the Flame Legion are the ones responsible for the Foefire, suppressing the females of the race, etc - until those females rose up and kicked the **** out of the Flame Legion and helped lead the rebellion to topple them, that is.

    And the human gods have literally LEFT the building. It does no good to worship them. So charr really have good reason to believe that it's best to trust in your own arm, your own efforts, and your own companions, rather than whining and praying for some greater power to save you.

    And I love the warband system. The whole band-of-brothers, blood doesn't matter thing, the military structure to the ENTIRE culture from cub to greymane... love it. It's so unusual to have such a military culture WITHOUT them being totally cold and bloodthirsty, but they did a great job with the Charr.
    oh, i know the why, it still just makes playing them less pleasurable.

    plus, its less that the five (well six, kormir went all tiber septim) have left, they according to the stuff on the gw2 site, have stepped back to allow their children to gain greater self reliance, a trope that is common in fantasy and i wont dwell on my feelings towards it, but they still have some interaction in the various human skills up tot he point you can become an avatar of one of the 6 with an elite skill.

    but its less that i dont get it in the lore, its just lore that i dislike. it always struck me that in games where intelligent races have any diplomatic relations, outliers would develop as interactions would lead to sympathies for the worldviews of other races, and while I understand that writing stories for all outliers would be impossible, the game tends to fill a lot of characterization blanks in for you, and i find myself disliking my own character, despite loving his look. Like i said, i can content myself hopping around like yoda with my asuran crazy person

    i don't know about your definition of bloodthirsty, but have to disagree that the carr arent, they i recall overhearing discussions about one char having a problem with a younger one, and the solution was to beat him up and scar him so that he learns. The repair merchants threaten to kill you. te whole blood legion starter quest shows that rytlock solves disputes with arena violence rather than investigating your claims against your warbrand leader. I dunno, seems a pretty violent society to me.
  17. tengu would be the race that would interest me, since it would mean that we go back to the remains of canatha. hopefully they would take the chance to add either polearm weapons on land or fist based weapons. I really would like them.

    Its funny fey, i have to admit my problems with the charr are the opposite of sams. I love their look but their culture just bugs the hell out of me. violent, angry, hostile to religion, uncaring of their weaker members, its like reddit. I haven't gotten far yet in the charr ash legion line, so maybe i will quit hating them later, but right now culturally, i have to kind of grit my teeth and ignore them.

    Oh and there are few things as funny to watch as an asuran warrior going off with a two handed sword.
  18. I'm not as concerned about pandas as I am about monks..dont you need the expansion for monks? as for the legs, i'll deal, i suffered through using the hideous looking hammers in amalur just to use a shoddy looking kick attack, i want my martial arts dangett :P
  19. I was tempted to try it since they finally added a monk class, and draeni can be monks, but to play panderia you need all the expansions, and even with the third one going into the battle chest, thats still a pretty hefty up front cost.
  20. always glad to see another person, welcome aboard
  21. Same global handle there @rian frostdrake. have yet to try sto. downloaded a demo, and it came out weird and i couldnt play, was unenthused to retry(im more of a macross guy for my space stuff) Im a melee guy, and I cant assume that plays a big part in the game.
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    I'm trying out CO as we speak. Friend kept prodding me to give it a try, so I did.

    Still here till Nov 30th. But so far it's looking like CO will be the spot. No bugs yet, nice combact system and other things I like. I started to think where every other mission here something gets stuck in a wall or some other crazy bug and have to wait 45-2 hours, and in some cases 3 hours before a GM comes. In CO, not sure how their reporting system works but so far so good and never even had to use it.
    any game will have bugs, and co was running a lot leaner on gms than coh. but if you play mmos, you get thick-skinned to bugs really.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    Bweh? This is one of the least-insular communities I know.
    Its true, and the heating bills are through the ROOF because of it. brrr..
  23. wel, I did ask for Chinese swords in a babs thread a while before the natural pack. both a Chinese broadsword and straight sword,and they both came in the game, though I never got the 9-ring broadsword variant I asked for. so maybe that.
  24. Will be waiting to see where you turn up next. like many paragon alum, your presence will be enough to make me consider trying a game, if just to annoy you. For now, going to family and particularly kids is a good thing, they are what matters.