Keep up the good fight.




Hi, I'm Evil Legacy’s (as she call herself here) husband.

This account was created for me in the distant past, but I never used it. I'm not sure why she created this "odd" screen name for me but it is what it is. She won’t tell me but if she told any of you, let me know.

I'm just letting you all know to keep the fight and you all have my support. A happy wife equals an easier life for me.

I'll probably check up on the status of the plan on and see how things went on Dec. 1. By that time, the plan probably would be more developed and things would become more concrete and ready to be set into motion. Right now, with the negotiations, and rough drafts of plans I have seen, they are releasing very little details about what is going on with the negotiations.

I'm only one person but that is one more person that is joining the campaign in the meantime, I'll do my part to let people know that COX exists and is not ready to be put to sleep yet or at least an opportunity with an already dedicated customer base.



At least you can spell. *thumbs up*

Welcome aboard.



This is really doom.




Welcome aboard, Sammich. We could all use a hero sammich right about now, so you're just in time.

Just remember. It's not over till we say it's over. Me, you, and thousands of other heroes, vigilantes, rogues, and villains.

City of Heroes/Villains is ending November 30, and these forums will most likely end sooner. Talks between NCSoft and Paragon might not have saved us, we just don't know. But a good hero never quits, and for that matter, neither does a cunning villain. The community will live on, and one day, the spirit of City of Heroes/Villains will rise from Paragon's ashes. Keep on eye on the Titan Network. They have some plans over there, and I think those nuts are actually crazy enough to see them through.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH