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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Actually I advocate 5% both cloaked and revealed.

    No I don't. I tend to agree with adding a permanent damage bonus to Devices but I think a better option is to decrease the to hit bonus from targeting drone and add a damage bonus there. Adding it to CD doesn't make much sense thematically and I think it would make the power to mandatory. TD is supposed to replace Build Up so adding a damage bonus there makes more sense.
    Sorry, I misread your numbers then. I would like it if Cloaking Device offered the same defense Cloaked and Revealed, as well.

    My suggestion for a Constant Defiance Bonus is that many Blaster Secondaries offer a Defiance Bonus for multiple powers. Cloaking Device could be an interesting power to take if it offered a unique, constant bonus to defiance.

    I have another suggestion then:
    Cloaking Device should allow a Stealth Strike, like the PPD Ghosts have. Yes?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
    While I agree Cloaking Device could use some tweaking your premise is a bit faulty.

    While inherent Swift and Hurdle will negate the movement debuff from Stealth, since Cloaking Device has no movement penalty your movement speed will still be faster than someone using Stealth.
    This is true. But, Cloaking Device is from a Secondary Power Set, as such, it should offer a significant utility over a Pool Power. With utility competition from a Stealth IO, combined with the encroachment from the Concealment Pool due to Inherent Fitness erasing the movement penalty from Stealth, Cloaking Device is LONG over-due for an improvement.

    It's not just about improving Cloaking Device(which it has always needed), but, also about improving /Devices as a whole. The set is looked down upon and ridiculed. It does not offer the same degree of support for Blaster Primaries that other Secondary Sets offer. These suggested improvements could go a long way to balancing /Devices with other Blaster Secondaries and improve perception of /Devices as a viable Secondary, both for teaming and puplicly.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Quoting myself due to ego and laziness:
    I agree with those numbers. I didn't put numbers into my original post because I wasn't in-game to see what they were; so I just said what needs to be done. Thank you for your numbers and ideas. I know you, Seebs and Nethergoat are discussing Seeb's /Devices Guide. 5% Cloaked and 2.5% Revealed would be a good start to bringing this power up to useful.
    Did you care for any of the other suggestions? I am very particular about the Defiance Bonus while Toggled. Maybe 1.25% Constant? More/Less? At all? Why?
  4. Caltrops

    /Device Caltrops is a good power, but it could use a retro-grade upgrade.
    Master Mind Caltrops had the ability to take Targetted AoE Invention Origin Enhancement Sets before it was, horrifically and INEXPLICABLY removed.

    This power should be normalized(for all iterations) to take Targetted AoE Invention Origin Enhancement Sets. Return the ability. And by the way, please, STOP taking the IO Set Capabilities of powers away! It is becoming intensely annoying(if not already).

    Web Grenade

    Blaster /Devices Web Grenade is a nice power but it REQUIRES improvement.

    A - This power NEEDS to have an 80ft. Range. !!!!!! Seriously !!!!!!

    How often do you throw the grenade only to have the effect take place ONLY when
    the target is in your face, due to activation time vs. run speed? This power should be
    normalized accross each instance of it in the game. The Master Mind's Web Grenade
    has a 70ft. Range. /Devices' Web Grenade is only 50ft.?!? The ranges for other types
    of hand grenades are almost entirely 80ft.! Why the difference? Normalize to 80ft. or
    70ft. if you have to. Normalizing to 50ft. will result in bad karma for you...just sayin'.

    B - This power should take Slow Movement Invention Origin Set Enhancements.

    The power has a Slow Movement Component it should take Slow Movement Sets.

    Cloaking device

    Cloaking Device has always been scoffed at by others, but now with the Steath IO's, AND more importantly the Inherent Fitness, Cloaking Device is slipping FURTHER into "What's the point" territory. How does Inherent Fitness affect Cloaking Device? Inherent Fitness provides SWIFT and Hurdle, these two powers will negate the movement penalty from Pool Power STEALTH. Cloaking Device's draw was that it would provide a STEALTH equivalent power with out the movement speed drawback.

    Cloaking Device needs an upgrade in utility:
    A - It should provide a significantly increased defense bonus when Cloaked and Revealed.
    B - It should provide a CONSTANT Defiance Bonus while Toggled(this is a must).
    C - It should provide a Mez Resistance(not Protection) bonus while Toggled.
    D - Lower the Endurance cost of the Toggle.
    E - It should provide the ability to Stealth Strike, like the PPD Ghosts have.
    F - Any combination of the above.
    G - ALL OF THE ABOVE. Squee-worthy!!!

    Edited: After some more thought, I remembered another ability that Cloaking Device should offer. That being, Stealth Strike.

    Targeting Drone

    Targetting Drone has been demonized because it takes the place of Build Up in the Blaster Secondaries. This fact alone hurts the utility and public perception of /Devices. Targetting Drone requires improvements in order to be balanced with the damage and/or utility of other powers, Blaster or otherwise.

    Targetting Drone Upgrades:
    A - It should provide a Constant Defiance Bonus while Toggled, 5% or so.
    B - It should have the To Hit Bonus increased to a nice even 15%(math is hard).
    C - It should have the Endurance Cost lowered to .25(again math is hard).
    D - It should provide a Mez Resist(not protection), say 5%.
    E - A combination of all of the above(so long as you use whole numbers > current ones).

    Trip Mines

    Trip Mines, despite public dislike for their use and the Secondary Blaster Power Set they come from, /Devices, is a pretty nice power. But, Trip Mines could use a bit of a tweaking.

    Trip Mine Upgrades:
    A - Lower the Activation time. One of the biggest complaints is how long it takes to set a trip mine up. Use whole numbers < current activation times.
    B - Allow Targetted AoE Invention Origin Set Enhancements to be used, in addition to the other allowed IO Sets. This is a Character Build suggestion. If there is no reason not to allow these IO Sets, then, they should be allowed.

    Gun Drone

    Gun Drone has come a long way from it's origins, but, it needs to go further.

    Gun Drone Upgrades:
    A - Add a flame thrower power to the gun drone! It needs defensive capabilities in melee. AND with the current(and apparantly un-fixable) bug which causes pets with no melee capacity whatsoever to charge into melee, it really needs this. Also, yes, please do, include this change to the Malta Gun Drones.
    B - Lower Activation times.
    C - Lower interrupt times.
    D - If B and/or C are ill-advised---Increase Gun Drones' life to 2 minutes, please.
    E - Any combination of the above(which uses whole numbers > current numbers).
    F - All of the above!
  5. Time Bomb should become a Triggered Bomb. When you successfully set (us) up the bomb it should change the Power's Tray Icon into a Trigger Icon that you can click at your command up to 60 seconds, at which time, if un-detonated or defeated the bomb would self-detonate. The Triggered Bomb should be targettable and draw aggro, have hit points, resistances, and defenses, and detonate if defeated. If YOU are defeated the bomb would be diffused, or alternately it could be a 50/50(was it the blue wire?) chance of remaining and detonating even after your defeat. IF this change was done to Time Bomb, all other statistics could remain as they are. The power would suddenly become useful.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WAT3R View Post
    Thx a lot for the help guys i have done a majority of the things i need for my accolades the only one that i have a lot of trouble with is killing the summons of the Master illusionists. Besides making an 8 man team for it can i solo that anywhere?
    Hiya. Actually, you don't have to kill the Master Illusionists Summons, you just have to hit them each at least once before they vanish. Still, it really really wiffles.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    With Fly and an IO, there is no difference between the two since they both hit the cap.

    And while more is 'fun', that's a matter of opinion. For those who think about game balance, the constant call for more and more and more and more, if given into, will break the game and make it unfun for all but a few.
    Unless you are Andrea True

    Fly do you like it...
  8. When Civil War Stories started I saw it clearly from the first Issue of one of the crossovers how the whole thing was going to play out and I HATED it and still do.

    My comic book 'dealer' works at my local game store that I always frequented. In my city he is unequalled in comic knowledge and intensely caring for and catering to comic afficianados of all types. He is also a friend of mine from first grade to present.

    I told him flat out after reading that first crossover of Civil War that they were going to kill Captain America. Obstensibly, they killed off Captain America because they needed a big splash to pull in readers and make themselves edgy and relevant like they thought(incorrectly) DC comics did when they killed Superman. But, I saw the truth. Marvel was no longer capable of writing stories about such a hero because real life society(loosely used) had changed. In order to show relevance to the angsty new me-me-me-and-only-me generation they had to hire young, talentless and stupid writers who come from broken homes and grew up in this horrifying mockery of a civilization that we have become. And these useless morons have no concept of heroism, bravery, self-sacrifice, nor decency.
    This is why they are incapable of writing hopeful and inspiring stories about heroes who could rise above the terrors and lack of civility, citizenship and decency of today's world.

    That is why Joephisto ordered them to kill off the best heroic literary figure and symbol we had. Because cashing in on the 'there is no hope-train' is more fiscally sound than finding mature, well-ballanced, and talented writers. It has become easier to destroy than to build.

    Stories about heroes are supposed to guide our morality, help us to become better citizens and human-beings, and inspire us to rise above our self-centered concerns so that we may envision and create an always improving world. Comics about Captain America and Spiderman used to do this, not just for me alone, but for people across the planet.

    If the comics you have read haven't inspired you as I have described, please note: It is only because you haven't been alive to read the ones that were written by talented and responsible authors. I pity this generation for the depressing and soulless writing and music they have to suffer through. The pendulum swings both ways; currently it is stuck on the dark/worthless side.

    I told my friend the day I saw the future of the Civil War Arc and of Marvel Comics, "When they kill off Steve Rodgers as Captain America I will be done with comics. Comics will no longer be anything of quality worth reading or owning any longer." Joephisto killed Captain America and Marvel as a whole with that terrible decision.

    Other, monstrously horrible decisions happened since then but I no longer follow them closely. I still feel pain from them though because of my intense interest in comics that I had for so many years of my life.

    So, yeah, they will kill Spiderman off(and probably throw the entire X-men in there too, because, yeah, why not). And this will go on until Disney(now owner of Marvel) puts a stop to it. Either from fear that the value of their purchase will not be returned by having it's major characters destroyed by heartless, brainless hacks or because like one old guy way in the back of Disney's shareholder meeting stands up for decency(probably the former rather than the latter---Greed Rules ALL). But, Joephisto will eventually self-terminate, mostly by killing off any hero worth writing about.

    I had fears about Disney ownership of Marvel(nightmares of Wolverines Claws being made into tulips he would tickle people with...) but nothing Disney could do with Marvel can be any worse than what Joephisto and his talentless indecent-hacks have already done or are going to do.

    I believe that DC comics as a company is decent and cares for it's subscribers and it's fans world-wide. That being said, does anyone else get the impression that Joephisto actually works for DC?

    Just me?...
  9. redtornado


    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Except he isn't "Disney" and neither is that movie, it's MTV which is Viacom.

    I may not like the concept of manufactured teen stars in the US but we have nothing on Japan.
    Hehe, isn't Disney part of Viacom...
  10. Try the floor lamps. The floor lamp with a rectangular head(light) put closely together can make a nice railing.
  11. Hiya
    Sorry, it only hits the target once then it is done. Anyways, still fun making them bounce even just that once
  12. Where's Lord of Time and his never-ending library of Christina Hendricks pictures when you need him? You want to see realism, look her up. Or, you know, just open your eyes anywhere you go. All shapes, all sizes, all varieties including wildly disproportionate.
    The world is not flat and neither is the average woman.
    As far as realism goes, I prefer to leave that out of my pretendy fun-time game about super human characters in a world of make-believe.
  13. First Bumper sticker I saw when crossing into Texas for the first time in my life: Welcome to go home.
  14. redtornado

    R.I.P. Mr. C

    Yeah, R.I.P. Mr. Cunningham/Tom Bosley. He was a good father-figure to grow up with; vastly superior to the idiots kids these days have to endure. You could look up to him and hope that when you became a father that is the man you would be. Sometimes, the passage of time can really wiffle.
  15. I like all of those(maybe not Thor's-meh, could have used a Tron-ish helm). I really liked Spiderwoman's Tron Costume. I am very happy that they are really bringing her back into the swing of things at Marvel. I am very partial to her to begin with, and I very much enjoyed Tron. I wish Disney would not keep saying they were embarrassed with Tron. It was awesome. I am looking forward to this new Tron and hope that it isn't something that Disney will feel embarrassed about again. Tron and Marvel Characters ftw!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Not that I'm against alternate power choices (I'd rather have a clickie heal than RTTC on my WP Scrapper). I think you are wrong on one thing...

    Traps outclassing Devices. They're two completely different sets, for two different ATs.

    Traps can't outclass Devices, as Blasters don't have access to Traps.

    What you could say is, Devices is outclassed by every other Blaster Secondary.
    Oops. I thought Devices and Traps were both available for Defenders(I thought wrong, dude). So sorry, my bad. What made me think wrongly(other than lack of brain power) was a discussion about how Trick Arrow is outclassed by Traps, and I became conflumoxtigated. Trick Arrow is another powerset that could use vast ammounts of improvements AND Alternate Power choices.

    And, oddly enough so is Illusion. Flash wiffles. Others say what it does is offer a unique hold that other sets don't get. No. What it does is offer a LAME-user-endangering hold that other sets aren't stuck with. Yeah, yeah, "It's my most favoritest power in all the game! How DARE you suggest it wiffles?!?", probably because I never take it. Because it wiffles. What if it were alternately made available as a ranged Flash Bomb/Disco Ball(ddo-like spell called Otto's Irresistable Dance---w t f ddo?!? you nutz?!?---yeah, and yeah)type power instead. Then it could be useful as a ranged(duh) hold, instead of as a "omg im gonna die" power or worse as a 'i'll charge right up to those giant-kill-me-with-one-melee-hit-guys and set this off' type power(they won't be able to kill me before my animation completes 'cause i'm so smart and tough like that).
  17. Alternate Power choices:

    I've been thinking of this exact same workaround for some time as well. That alternate power choices could be offered that would add variety and utility to a power set.

    What got me thinking about it was /Devices. Devices power set is vastly out-classed by Traps and balance should be addressed. But, how can Devices be improved(short of getting rid of it...grrr)? Devices could be anything really, why should it be hampered with unpopular(mostly) and unused(mostly) powers because an entire two or three players(morons) swear by the power and would be devastated(mostly deservedly) if their favoritetest(pathetically) power were to be removed for something that is actually useful and that most others would use, so the 'cottage rule' gets trotted out and nothing helpful gets done.

    I have many /Devices toons, but they all come out nearly the same, skipping the same useless powers(which, I know, many would say is the entire secondary, I can't help liking the the set, sorry). The two that stick out for me in the set are Taser and Smokebomb. What if at the same level as Taser was offered a Flash Bang Grenade power as an Alternative Power Choice, with a 50ft range, 8ft. radius, 5 targets max, mag2, 10 second Stun? And/OR at the same level Smokebomb is offered, a Concusion Grenade with a 50ft. range, 15ft radius, 16 targets max, mag3, 15 second Stun(or mag2 again but with a 30second -to hit as well), could be alternately chosen.

    I also have considered Alternate Power choices for Masterminds. Most people skip MM personal attacks because they are so weaksauce, and rightly so. But, what if alternate power choices were made available for those.

    Consider Ninjas(stop laughing, please). What if the Archery personal attacks(which desperately need improvement) had Shuriken alternate power choices? Slicing Shuriken(with a -def -speed), Poison Shuriken(with a -rech/regen and toxic damage), and Star Shower(with a short cone -def -speed) were offered alternatively. Or Katana(Ninja-to) attacks instead? Or, even a personal choice combo of the above? Think about the level of customization that could come from that. It would be glorious!

    I have seen many worries forumites suggest about how much effort that(or ANYTHING new) would require, with balancing, animation, and artwork, but it should not be too hard to accomplish if done one power and one set at a time. This should be done(right after they improve[make even marginally useful] the original power).

    Alternate Power choices ftw!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ObiWan View Post
    PCU is one of the greatest films ever, this is a fact.
    This is true. Also, the flowchart is true too.
  19. That's: Ho! Aha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! And Thrust! *rubber-tipped springy door-stopper noise*
  20. As for Hope...they laid off know, the guy who was in-charge of much for hope...

    ...the only hope I see for Bases is Individual Player Housing. If they make it so everyone can get a starter appartment and kit it out with INF (not Prestige), THAT and THAT ALONE could cause a demand for improvements in the bases, items available and editing. The ebil marketteers keep calling for an INF sink. Individual player housing that is purchased with and can be improved with INF spending, could be a MASSIVE INF SINK, that would create a call for more purchaseable stuff and improvements to editing. If everyone, not just a SG/VG's designated designer, had access to editing for their housing, excitement would build and demand would begin to rise.

    Appartments: ground floor, mid-floors, upper floors, penthouses etc.
    Locations: Kings Row, Steel Canyon, Founders Falls, Peregrine Island etc.
    Items: Windows(with a view to your current location and floor level), Skylights, rooftop Jacuzzis, Lighted Trophy Cases for all your Clues, Lava Lamps, Better Wall Paintings (Patrick Nagles ftw) etc.

    This would save Bases and cool the economy at the same time.
  21. I have had a similar problem. What fixed it for me was to uninstall the game from my small C drive and move it to my bottomless hard drive. I know you tried to uninstall and reinstall already. Is the hard drive that your game is on nearly full? Because my C drive was very nearly full. So, I cleared a bunch of stuff off of it and uninstalled the game. Fortunately for me my .pigg file problems happened just a few weeks before Going Rogue came out in the stores. So, I bought the GR game disk and used that to reinstall the game, but this time on to my Terabyte HD. I haven't had any problems since. I am sorry for your trouble and hope this helps. If not, please don't be discouraged. Better techs than me, will answer your problems tomorrow. Good luck
  22. Hiya,
    You can get whichever worktable you need at anytime. The more powerful the table, the more Control and Energy you need to run it, and the more prestige it costs to place it in your base. But once you are done using it to craft you can sell it back for full value.

    Also, the Auto-Doc requires that you have earned it. And it costs prestige AND it requires continous Control and Energy. Once crafted, it will appear in your Personal Items, not in the base editor. Warning, Personal Items, once placed, can only ever be moved, if you delete the item, you will have to re-craft it. The Invention Salvage it requires to make it will not be returned. Wanted to give you a heads up about that since I learned the hard way.

    Happy Crafting,
  23. She can or cannot be there but you HAVE to get a 5th costume piece, Tillmans Corset(improperly obtained) in order to claim your costume slot. O.O
  24. redtornado

    Nurse Julia

    Yes, please, very much.
  25. redtornado

    Almost gone?

    Whoaaaoooo. The Bangles?