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  1. yeah I just sent a petition.

    Wells time to go see if my peacebringer will get stuck if I die in RWZ lol

    edit: ok the issue is I can't enter RWZ anymore, when my PB tried to enter it, crash ... lol
  2. Only my warshade is locked out. Any other toon is fine.

    What i did was, log into warshade, change to the 2nd build which was at lvl 1, trained it to 43, used free respec, change back to original build, talk to jack wolf in galaxy to respec, didn't respec.

    Joined a team, mission tp to RWZ, did the mission where we died, used the stygian rez twice maybe. Mission completed and finally rez in hosp. crash. log in crash, verify image crash. etc.

    Logged into a different toon, no problem, log out log into warshade, crash lol.

  3. So i hopped on my warshade, respeced a little, joined a team in RWZ and did that story arc that ends with the AV/EB that spawns the ambushes and EB heavy. We completed the mission and died inside before killing the EB, when I hit res in hosp, the client crashed to the desktop.

    Logged back in and same. Verfied the image, same thing. Logged into another toon, and it works fine. So RWZ if you die you are screwed?

    Oh the crash always occurs in nvoglv32.dll.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    Worst power ever is Invoke Panic. Check the thread. It's so bad that people forgot to include it. It's so bad that people always forget to include it when this type of thread comes up. I'm sure someone will post saying they have and use the power and swear by it, but when was the last time you talked to someone who was considering the power? You know a friend who was playing Gravity and asked about Dimension Shift, or wanted to know if Temperature Protection was worth taking, but when's the last time someone asked you about Invoke Panic?

    Let's go over the attributes of the power:
    * Fear, meaning easy to break, hard to stack.
    * Duration is 13s on Controllers, and far less on all other ATs.
    * Recharge is 60s. 1/2 recharge and 2x duration = downtime!
    * PBAoE power, radius of 15ft. Most AoE mezzes are 25-30ft.
    * Secondary effects: None! No -ToHit, no damage, no anything.
    * Accuracy: -20%.
    * Endurance: 22.8. Over 1/5, almost 1/4 your end for this power!
    * Mag: 2. Meaning even if you did use it, you'd only mez minions.
    * Misc: Requires you to take two other equally useless powers from a pool.

    Worst. Power. EVER.
    My warshade uses invoke panic, solowing, teaming no tank etc. I alternate between that n the cone disorient.
  5. To anyone who has ever crashed while moving enhancements from the tray to the Black Market, Wentworths, or base storage, I believe I've figured out why.

    Move your tray enhancement away from the top of the screen. The tool tip that displays the information of the enhaccement needs to appear above the tray, so that it does not overlap the tray and/or enhancement.

    All of your crashes should now be fixed.
    edit: Well at least when you move your enhancements that is =P
    So remember keep those trays near the bottom!
  6. Veteran's temp power "Sands of Mu" is missing animation when Brute's Dark Mele Shadow Maul is the power right before.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Active Shadow Maul
    2. Que up Sands of Mu
    3. Notice that after Shadow Maul ends, another round of numbers from Sands of Mu are displayed except the character just stands there
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Ya know, I remember pitching this as a vet reward back when I first found out we had a console command to do it. I still think it's a nifty idea. Great for unfettering the shadow shard maps, which are impractical to uncover by hand...great for revealing the sewers or abandoned sewers for a new character.

    Nothing mind blowing, but still neat and handy in some situations. Kinda glad to see it finally going in.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not to be nit picky but... the Fog of War is nice for hero side, but on villain side it doesn't seem to add much, or maybe thats b/c villains is lucky to not have any maze zones.

    Now if villains were able to access the shadow shard, then I would definitely love the fog of war on villains side. Please can vills access the shadow shard? raluu or however you spell it with the eyes balls that bite you are so much fun!
  8. The way dimensional shfit/black hole use to work and the history of it changes are:

    At game release: All mobs, effected and ones miss would run around.
    This drove people nuts because it was so hard to figure out which was which.
    The fix was make the ones that were phased immobile.

    Since phased targets able to attack phased targets, per Sun Storm
    "We've looked into this one. Apparently the AI reacted funny to the phase changes. Currently the AI thinks everyone is a valid target, even though it can't actually deal damage."
    and it seems they are no longer immobile.

    The ways I would use Black Hole/Dimensional shift.

    Sometimes in a full there is a room that has 4 corridors, or a very large room fulll of mobs. Mez/immoble one group, aoe hold another, and phase shift another, if all the groups see you.

    *Prior to phase shift changes*
    When it had immobile with DS, I would only have 1-2 acc, then phase the group n run back away, thinning them.

    With Black Hole on a defender, I would use it to herd a map to the team, or in situations when another group see's the team.

    Lay down a dark anchor 4-5 groups back let the anchor catch up, lay a tar patch in the middle (turning off darkest night), BH the 3nd group, darkest night the second group, and then dark pit the first group. Stand around a corner or an object, cast dark servant, and watch the bad guys trickle in!

    When the enimies engage the team, and the aggression is changed off of the defender to the dmg dealer, more and more mobs continue to trickle in, until you have a room full of fun!

    Sometimes my team lives, sometimes they die but its alot of fun.

    Edit: Oh yeah with a controller, you can use it on a AV group, and sometimes the AV is phased, or the rest of the group is phased while the AV is not, letting you mitigate the dmg of the group. But since they all run around it will be hard w/o alot of AOE dmg/rooting powers.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    FYI, thanks to feedback from you guys (and one player who included the KEY piece of information, in particular) this particular bug looks like it has been squashed.

    Of course, I say "looks like" because:
    1) It hasn't passed QA yet -- it hasn't even been submitted!
    2) There may be other things causing the same symptom.
    3) We could simply be wrong and the fix doesn't do what we thought.

    Anyway, fingers are crossed! Here's hoping this is the last of the wwwwssssdddddd1231231234123chat bug.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I hope it was me and that someone didn't beat me to it >.<
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    So, those pages and pages of discussion of how the hero side TF makes no sense...

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    I expected this to happen. I gues it's useless to reason with them on some things

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    I expected it too, but I still had a glimmer of hope.


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    How does the hero side TF not make sense? I wasn't the leader, and we ran it pretty quick (rad, storm, dark, emp & aweseome tank) so I didn't read the info since we were killing so fast heh, but judging by paragonwiki, the plot makes sense, but the dialog/story seems rushed.

    The 5th column winning WWII world was one of the first portal corp missions, and siphoning the powers of other dimensions sounds like jet li's "The One" movie, so...
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I've always had a problem with the medical teleporters too. At the very least I'd like one zone where they don't work for some reason. What would replace them I have no idea but something that would translate into a stiffer penalty for dying.

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    Try the old hollows. Try it without having the now spoiled but loved temp travel powers that are available starting at lvl 5.

    Having to run to the middle of the zone, on the mountain, say at lvl 6-8 in a team of 8.

    There was also faultline, eden, crey's foly, perez park.

    Perez Park is the was the worse b4. Imagine your team is inside the middle of the park, no one with recall, and your mission is inside the forest somewhere, which is inside the walls.

    Oh of course there was boom/buamtown. Having to run from Steel Canyon, to the north end, red for people under 14, then traveling all the way to the back or climbing up. Yeah the good old non spoiled days =P.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Accolade Name: High Pain Threshold (Villian)
    Power Included: N/A
    HP or End Bonuses: 10% Hit Points
    Other badges Associated to earn this badge, if known: unk
    Description: You've got an incredibly High Pain Threshold, an afteraffect of which is that your hit points are 10% greater than normal.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As far as I noticed on myself there's no buff icon showing up on my character when I have this. I'll have to check later if the HP is more or the same than my char on live.

    EDIT: This accolade is broken right now for +10% hp, it doesn't show the buff icon or buff you.

    Plus the gender badges, beautiful/MIB badges titles are broken. They say gender.badge.

    EDIT2: Looks like the badge is buggy, if you aren't given the power when you recieve the badge, logging in and out won't fix it, you won't ever get it. Funny thing is i made another copy of my char and logged that in and it got the accolade and the +10 hp. So its a shoot or miss thing i guess
  13. Do you know of any good programs to use to convert MP3 files to wav, or to use to edit wav files?
  14. mu00man

    I predicted this

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    that got nerfed in the new patch too

    have to re-apply GI every time you're unhidden for it to add to -per

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    Nope, that's how it has worked since Suppression was added to the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm confused here does that mean i'm no longer hidden to just that group until GI is re-applied while i'm not attacking them after the 10 sec cool down? Or does it mean i'm seeable to everyone until I re-apply GI?

    The way it seems to me right now is that everything has a 10 sec cool down like hide. Like if I do have stealth on, cast smoke, if I wait 10 seconds I will see myself fade out after a while and will be able to walk between them as fully invisible.

    Superspeed is another issue, after I attack with super speed it seems to follow that everything can see me until 10 seconds or so like hide, but after that i can run around fine.

    If its the case where u have to just turn the power off and back on again it seems like everyone would rather have super speed with instant on and off rather than waiting for stealth to recharge again. Which would make super speed too powerful again.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    - Crimson Death (a Fire / Devices Blaster) was the first player to hit maxlevel (40 at the time) two weeks after launch? Apparently s/he played 14 hours a day to get there... and exploited the slow powers in both Fire and Devices to stop enemies getting anywhere near them.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which is why caltrops was nerfed, and which exploits led to the AI of Knives endless spam of caltrops =P
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    I have to agree gamespot sucks, i can hear but i can't see it. I can't download it, and i'm not going to sign up again just to get their junk mail all over again.

    [/ QUOTE ] While the first part is true, the whole not being able to see the video's likely not their problem. I'd been having that issue (along with some videos locking my computer) up untill I recently updated all my codecs and my video driver. Hopefully that'll fix the issue for ya.

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    Oh actually its not thats, its stupid media player 10. For some odd reason it won't show the picture, but when i access the page with COH on, it plays the video in a new window so now i can see it. Bah stupid windows media player 10.
  17. I have to agree gamespot sucks, i can hear but i can't see it. I can't download it, and i'm not going to sign up again just to get their junk mail all over again.

    Can we please have another video link where we don't have to submit to spam?
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't yet have a theory on why the Circle is male-only, unless it's a fraternity type of thing. And really, when plumbing the depths of orders like the Templars, Golden Dawn, Lovecraftian cultists, and whatnot, my recollections are that they are pretty male-dominated.

    The CoT are just bodiless wraiths, though, possessing any convenient body. Now, you could argue the original CoT, the ruling body of Oranbega, was male-dominated, but:

    a) it is implied that the entire population of Oranbega was cursed, not just the Circle of Thorns proper;

    b) it is hard to imagine that they would pass up the opportunity to possess a female body if that woman had money or power that would be useful to them;

    c) there is at least one extant example of this: Crash Cage;

    d) they are shown in game swiping women for possession.

    The next rationalization would be that they polymorph any bodies they swipe to suit themselves, but really now. I think the lack of female CoT's has to be taken as a foible in the game's artwork and not indicative of the nature of the group.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    or all the possessed woman are top side and look aren't dressed up like COT. Like a man's mind inside of a woman's body pretending to be a woman.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Lorekeeper is new req. for him and verified as working properly on Test

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have lorekeeper, weed wacker, and soul binder.

    He talks to me but he won't give out the story arc.
  20. does this apply to energy brutes too?
  21. he's broken even with weed wacker badge he talked to me but then wouldn't give me the story arc even though i have opened story arc slots.

    Level doesn't matter because i did the port oaks one when i was lvl 30 and the mission were all lvl 10.

    So i have him as a contact now but he refuses to give out his story arc.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    Just a quick question here...what is the benefit from even taking the time to kill this guy?

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    He gives off a badge that unlocks a contact on Nerva, Crimson Vangrant or something like that.

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    Awesome, thanks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hammer down badge from ghost of the scrapyard (sharkhea isle) unlocks contact Crimson Revenant @ loc -7.5 107.9 6646.0 which is near Timothy Raymond.

    Just killed the ghost on justice, and i'll be doing the story arc from this contact tomorow. =)

    Scrapyard is awesome for DM/EA brute. I always had something to drain endurance from =).

    currently he regens like crazy so solo i could make his bar move, but it was like soloing hami a stalemate till couple of my sg mates got out of their mission n Blaize came and rad debuffed him.

    edit: judging from the intro to the first mission it looks like this is the story arc to take down Mynx (the trainer of skyway city in COH).
  23. hmm the chain of contacts seem to be bugged, after completing the sharkhead AV story arc, crash cage is now giving me an old story arc that caps at 25, that deals with COT, so we'll see what happens after i finish this arc
  24. [ QUOTE ]
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    Just a note, you only need Privateer. You only need to trap ten ghosts for that.

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    Actually, it's 50 ghosts trapped. The badge text says "you have trapped 50 ghosts"

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    Sorry, I meant to write fifty, screwed up. My bad. I have no idea how I got ten.

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    Also a little side note to those of you doing the ghost if u are level 15 or under, after u stick 8+ ghost in one trap they will spawn elites bosses. Most of the ghost that pop out were level 15, same level as me at the time but one of the traps spat out level 10 ones.

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    Yeah, I'm not sure how that works. I assume it's suppose to be the trap overloading based on the graphics. What I can't figure out is if there's a way to avoid this? Like does the number decay and reset to full room eventual?

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    Nope but u can notice the trap getting full, the green ghost graphics escaping the traps become more n more.

    I did it by myself and at the time the lvl 15 elite boss would woop my [censored]. They don't seem to despawn either. So what i did at the time, since no one else was ghost trapping, is that after they spat out the eilte bosses, i would just use a different trap.