Hosp in RWZ crash everytime new bug?




So i hopped on my warshade, respeced a little, joined a team in RWZ and did that story arc that ends with the AV/EB that spawns the ambushes and EB heavy. We completed the mission and died inside before killing the EB, when I hit res in hosp, the client crashed to the desktop.

Logged back in and same. Verfied the image, same thing. Logged into another toon, and it works fine. So RWZ if you die you are screwed?

Oh the crash always occurs in nvoglv32.dll.



That .dll file is related to you Nvidia graphics. Have you updated your drivers recently? If you haven't, its something you should probably do. If you have, you might want to try rolling back your drivers and reinstalling the new ones and see if the problem persists.



Only my warshade is locked out. Any other toon is fine.

What i did was, log into warshade, change to the 2nd build which was at lvl 1, trained it to 43, used free respec, change back to original build, talk to jack wolf in galaxy to respec, didn't respec.

Joined a team, mission tp to RWZ, did the mission where we died, used the stygian rez twice maybe. Mission completed and finally rez in hosp. crash. log in crash, verify image crash. etc.

Logged into a different toon, no problem, log out log into warshade, crash lol.




Huh, I'm at a loss then. You might try asking on the Tech section of the forums. The folks lurking there are generally better versed in bugs like this. In the meantime, you can petition CS to see if they'll move your Warshade to another zone so you can log him in.



yeah I just sent a petition.

Wells time to go see if my peacebringer will get stuck if I die in RWZ lol

edit: ok the issue is I can't enter RWZ anymore, when my PB tried to enter it, crash ... lol