
Caption Champ - 01/17/12
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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
    Wow, harsh.
    When the Rikti invade, villains are eliminated by virtue of the fact that they have to set aside their villainy to work for the greater good.
  2. The thing that has begun to strike me as weird about these celebrity deaths is, when I was a kid watching these sitcoms, all of these actors were oooold. Now I look back and though I still think of the characters as older than me, I realize that when The Jeffersons first aired, Sherman Hemsley was eight years younger than I am now!

  3. Did freebie items get the axe again? I don't recall seeing one since the tri-corner hat the first week of the month.

    Edit - now that I think about it, I vaguely recall there being something else maybe offered for free the week of the 10th, but nothing last week or this week.

    I've been on vacation a lot this month, so I might have missed an announcement about this.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coin View Post
    Different era, sadly. Nobody back then expected shows like this to last. They concentrated more on news and sport, for historical reasons.
    Funny you should mention sports. As hard as it is to believe, no complete video footage of Super Bowl I exsists, because despite it being shown on two networks simultaneously, all tapes of the game in its entirety were destroyed by taping over them.
  5. I don't know if it's been posted yet, but I just realized last night that Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance) was in Alien 3.
  6. Yeah, with this Wednesday being my first day back in the office after two semi-consecutive vacations, I was swamped and didn't get home in time to log in at our regular time. Things should be back to normal by next week, I hope.

    I've honestly been a little... indifferent about the game lately, but I would like to get Merc to 50. After that I'll almost certainly take a break from regular, formal teaming for a while. At least until winter boredom sets in.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
    Given the recent penchant for re-releasing old limited-time items onto the market when they bear even a passing, barely-comprehensible, tangential relationship to a new release or holiday (oh, I get it: Memorial Day, memory, brain, brain-in-a-jar head option!), I'd just like to say I am shocked -- SHOCKED! -- not to see the Fish Monster pieces from the Halloween costume bundle up for sale this week.

    Also: Yay, Water Blast. But with a period instead of an exclamation point, because it's yay, but it's not that yay. It's fun and all, but I never understood why there was so much demand for it in the first place. All the water-blasting characters in traditional superhero fiction, I guess? Like, um... well, Hydro-Man, I guess, even if his thing is more being made of water than shooting/throwing/spraying it (and also, who remembers or ever cared about Hydro-Man?)... and also, um... actually, I can't really think of anyone else. But hey, it's a decent set anyway, so whatever.

    List of Superhero Characters With Water Control Powers
  8. I may be able to make it if it is early afternoon-ish. Let me know.
  9. If it's a date and time I'm available, I'll join you. My formerly red badge toon still needs that badge.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
    That was awful so awful I turned it off after 10 minutes. Seriously robots having babys cause there is not enough robots being made in factory's!?!? stupid as **** and it didn't help that the vending machine was your typical strong black women. Ughh what happened to you Futurama.
    According to a recent Nerdist interview with Maurice LaMarche:

    "As our writers come into a more mature age, they’re exploring deeper themes, because that’s what happens to us when we get old. When we started, all our writers were in their 30s. Now, they’re in their late-40s. Some of them are in their early-50s. This show was a little more joke-driven, gag-driven. Now, we’re exploring things like father-son relationships, what it means to love, what is God."

    I didn't see last night's episode, but it sounds like maybe they should go back to their jokey, gag-driven roots.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    As flattering as it is that one would consider a visit to COH the highlight of SDCC, there's SO much more to see at the Con, like...
    THE highlight, well no, I never said that. But as a resident of Pennsylvania, I can only afford so many trips to California each year, so it was always nice to be able to visit the NCSoft folks while at SDCC. And it is also nice to HAVE other things to do during the trip after spending all that cash on airfare.

    So anyway, color me disappointed that there will be no CoH presence at all at SDCC this year. Given how ridiculously hard its become to get tickets as a fan, there's a pretty good chance this will be my last one
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Neither Paragon nor NCsoft will be at SDCC this year.
    Boooooo! If I'd known this a couple of months ago, I might not have finagled so hard to get a pass.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpaceNut View Post
    I had a fairly long comment on a similar thread not long after Going Rogue came out, and my theory is that Praetoria is in Lake Pontchartrain, and First Ward is old New Orleans. After all, where else in the country do they separate portions of the city into "wards"?
    Lots of places I imagine. Wards are another name for voting districts and many cities have them. I grew up in western Pennsylvania and I had several friends from the area of my hometown known as the 8th Ward.
  14. mousedroid


    Originally Posted by Slaunyeh View Post
    LV-426 is not the moon in Prometheus.

    I didn't dislike Prometheus because it's not enough (or too much, critics seem to disagree on this point) of an Alien prequel. I disliked it because it wasn't very good.
    No, but the moon in Prometheus is LV-233 (or 223, I forget which), so it's not too much of a leap to assume they are in the same system, if not moons of the same planet, though I don't know much about astronomical naming conventions.

    We don't know a lot about the Weyland (-Yutani) company between the events of Prometheus and Alien, but we do know that Vickers mentions fighting for control of the company, so its conceivable that with her lost in space, the new CEO wasn't really motivated to send out a rescue party. We also don't know what effect the events of any sequel to Prometheus will have one the story.

    Weyland Corp could have paid off the families of the lost crew and swept the whole mess under the rug until... however many years later... one of their commercial towing vessels happened to be passing close to the LV system and picked up a "distress beacon." Whether anyone at the company knew what they were sending the crew of the Nostromo to investigate is debateable, but Ash was in contact with them, so they definitely knew what they were sending the colonists into between the events of Alien and Aliens.
  15. ...and no news of NCSoft/Paragon Studios/CoH involvement?

    Really hoping this isn't an indicator that the company won't be there, or that there won't be a Meet and Greet. I will be sad if it is.
  16. mousedroid


    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Of course the first crossover I remember was X-Men vs the Brood.

    Finally got around to replying to this. For my money, the first "crossover" was the thinly-veiled Uncanny X-Men #143 with Kitty Pride in the role of Ripley...

  17. Hey guys, I think Bull said he was out of town for work, and I wanted to let you know I'm going to skip tonight too. I just found out that one of the cats I care for tested positive for feline leukemia and had to be put to sleep.

    I should be around and more in the mood to play next week though.
  18. I knew PvP wasn't for me when I first went into a PvP zone several years ago with what was then my strongest (and therefore most fun to PvE) character. I had no intention of PvPing as I was only there for the badges, but when another PC approached I figured, "what the heck, let's see how this goes."

    Now my character wasn't touch enough to solo GMs or even AVs, but that aside there was little in the PvE game that gave me any trouble. That said, I got off exactly one attach and lasted roughly 10 seconds against the other player. Since A) I play this game to have fun and that was the exact opposite of fun, and B) I don't want to make a job out of this game, and becoming successful at PvP is a lot of work, I don't PvP.

    As a matter of fact, I missed out on playing this game for the first three years it was out due to a mistaken impression that the whole game was PvP, and I had no interest in that. It wasn't until I learned in late 2007 that I was wrong that I finally picked up the game.

    So, in short, as others have said, there are no changes to PvP I can think of that would get me to participate in that aspect of the game.
  19. For future reference, Diamond Comics Distributors offers a service called Comics Shop Locator that can help you, well, locate comics shops.
  20. mousedroid


    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Okay I might be misremembering this from one of the Alien novels, but I thought drones had the ability to evolve into a queen if none was present.

    But like I said I could easily be misremembering.
    I was just supposing, but that could be. It does sound vaguely familiar, though I've never read any of the Alien novels (didn't even know there were any).

    Also, I realized my mistake after the fact - it was LV-426, not LV-421.
  21. mousedroid


    I agree with a lot of what was said here - it was an entertaining movie, but it was also rife with plot holes and unanswered questions. I'm hoping someone will make a sequel that explains things and ties up the plot threads.

    Also, the inconsistancies with Alien and Aliens bothered me, but maybe those inconsistancies were intentional since this was supposedly not set in the same universe as Alien, which is just annoying given all the similarities.

    My biggest complaints are the change in location as well as the change in form of the creatures. However, maybe there is an explanation for this we just have been told. For one thing, the planetoid featured in Alien and Aliens was designated LV-421, but the planetoid Prometheus landed on was designated LV-233 (or 223 I forget which). I supposed this could be a way of showing that either...

    A) The Engineers were conducting bioweapons experiments in more than one location, and the experiments on LV-421 were focused on the xenomorph form we are more familiar with. The pilot of that ship, which was carrying thousands of xenomorph eggs, died while taking off and the ship crashed.


    B) When the xenomorphs (the ones we're familiar with) got loose on LV-233, one ship managed to take off, but crashed on LV-421 when the pilot died. The pilot was infected with a queen embryo and she was the origin of the leathery eggs in the ship on LV-421.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Next week, in order to best leverage developer resources and respond to player feedback, the freebie friday giveaway will probably be a power that summons a warwolf wearing the princess hat.
    I got a tweet saying this was the final Freebie Friday. Not sure if that's forever, or just temporarily.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Holy crap... RIP one of the greats.
    Indeed. RIP, Mr. Bradbury.

    Not many, if any, of the greats of mid-century science fiction left.

    Philip K. Dick - March 2, 1982
    Robert Heinlein - May 8, 1988
    Isaac Asimov - April 6, 1992
    Poul Anderson - July 31, 2001
    Arthur C. Clarke - March 19, 2008

    Looks like Frederik Pohl is just about the last man standing.
  24. Saw this today (and it's only available today), and thought it would be perfect for those of you who love the Titan Weapons set...
  25. He's damn lucky he wasn't wearing a hoodie.