389 -
Quote:The mission has been banned as of today for anyone that went looking for it and wondered what happened.Level 1 to 19 in a leveling pact in CEBR didn't annoy Marty last night. Unless it changes once you get all your recharge goodies as you level, it's ok so far.
Only way to find it was to look under Topdocs name. -
Quote:If we don't go out and push to find the limits now and trip the false alarms then how can we bug it?Joe,
Honest question. Why do you feel the need to "Push the limits and see where the cut offs tend to kick in." as soon as possible?
Everything we've been told makes this out to be an anti-exploit tool, not a farm killing tool. So actively trying to engage MARTy seems counter productive. Just play the game and if MARTy triggers bug it. Regardless of what you're doing, bug it.
If ITF runs or FireFarms or even CEBR trigger MARTy... bug it.
As this is not what it's supposed to do, according to the Dev's. If you have a super secret 'I WIN' button and use it to kill everything in the Shard and MARTy triggers, time to hide.
I fully expect MARTy to be going haywire left and right for the 1st few months active. Eventually though they will get the kinks worked out and then we can start testing the limits to see where we stand.
Playing the game to me is doing things as fast as possible. I want to find out if a team of Fire/Rads or more likely since they are new Fire/Time trollers are going to trigger the limiter. -
Quote:This seems to argue otherwise: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=150I would assume Marty will have more effect at higher levels due to the xp numbers being larger in scale. As long as I can pl to 22 I'm happy.
I will be the 1st to admit that we don't have all the facts but if your not triggering MARTy on the 1st two runs in CEBR it's not like your going to start killing more mobs per run at any point. -
Topdoc tested Marty vs CEBR and found no decrease versus what he is normally able to do here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=257
Now putting that together with Zwil's post here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...47#post3870547
Stating that time to complete as one of the metrics is tracked as defeats/time then I am cautiously optimistic that the reach of the initiative is actually going to be rather small in scope.
I had heard of one person tripping Marty in a demon farm but don't have a link to that post.
My only real worry as I stated in the main thread is that super teams by their very nature blow past all intended game limits and if they start tripping Marty then I will be a bit sad. I really don't want to get to a point where I have to worry that perhaps 3 or 4 kitted out /Rads or /Colds or whatever are going to cause rewards to be cut off for a whole team.
I am also more than willing to reserve judgment until the servers come back up and I can start trying to push the limits and see where the cut offs tend to kick in. -
Quote:http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=806As I understand it:
1. "Offensive" toggles are detoggled when you are mezzed.
2. A toggle is offensive if it harms or disadvantages opponents, such as a taunt aura.
Doesn't that mean that the new Energy Aura taunt/antimez aura will be toggled off if something does briefly break it, leaving you with zero mez resist until you get demezzed and toggle it back on?
That should assuage your fears I hope -
Quote:If the rumor is true that there will be no xp rewards from AE, I see the old farming maps becoming very popular again.
Which probably means that the Fire/Kin controller will reign supreme again.
If at this time there was a change to AE we would have seen it on Beta. People would be able to link to a patch note that says something like:
MA: Removed experience from all non Developer Choice Arcs.
No such change is in effect on Beta.
In fact the xp boosters that grant 1.25 times xp work in AE as of the last patch. I would have thought this was a bug but the boosters only started working in AE when they were nerfed from double xp down to 1.25 times xp so it is likely WAI.
Paragon wants people to spend money on that MA license. They aren't going to buy it if the arcs don't give xp.
It seems anymore I see this rumor in AP broadcast as much as I see ad's for farms. -
Please bear in mind that this advice is coming from someone who farms for 75% or more of his playtime.
If you have only played controllers and defenders then farming up a Brute isn't going to let you get the flow and understanding of how to play the class when you do get to 50 and get on a team. In fact it's the kind of thing that gets a large section of the player base miffed at us farmers.
Now with that being said. You can look here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=267375
Here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=263212 and
Watch this youtube video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4ziR1Y9-rM
All of those will fill you in on the process of using low level ambush farms to level your own Brute.
I really can't more strongly urge you to at least play the set up to the 30's learn how your combo's work and the in's and out's of fire armor also before you decide to pl up to the cap.
I see you have been with the game for 7 years, or at least have a registration date that goes that far back so I am sure you already have a basic handle on game mechanics so pl'ing isn't likely to have you in "AE Baby" mode when your done but having not played a melee class yet getting a bit of experience under your belt is most likely for the best.
Good Luck either way. Hope you end up liking Brutes as much as I have the last 5 years. -
Quote:Bad typing on my part. DK was meant to be DN for darkest night.Thanks, Joebartender. Your post is exactly the kind of response I was hoping for.
I actually don't know too much about incarnates as I haven't played in a couple of years. I'm pretty much working off what I knew then.
Darkest Night, was something I put into the build simply, because I thought it would be very useful for AVs. However, I have no experience with the Fiery Armor set at all and really don't know much about the ins and outs of making it do what it suppose to do.
I don't quite understand why 32.5% S/L is a magic number since I'm not certain what DK stands for.
As for the superspeed and self-rez, I'm not certain why I put those in there. They weren't suppose to be there. They were suppose to be stealth and invisibility to mule in the other two LTG 7.5% enhancements.
I had thought about going up to a mag 8 KB protection using steadfast, I had assumed the KB protection enhancements were unique, so now that I know they are not, I do need to work in 12 mag KB protection as you said.
I used obliterates in Footstomp and Blazing Aura for the 5% recharge buffs only. I would much rather frankeslot those to the greatest effect, but I figured that fire would need as much recharge as possible to keep healing flames on the lowest recharge as possible and to keep footstomp at a lower recharge as well.
My eventual plan was to slot an armagedon set in either burn or footstomp when I collected them all.
Dropping darkest night should free up plenty of slots to 5 slot my attacks and I can replace the rez in there if I like. I'm usually ok with not travel powers as well, since ninja run works well enough, but I will keep at least one just for the hell of it, unless I see a need to drop it to replace it with another useful power or enhancement mule.
I made those changes and I think that the build improved for it.
I can trade out the oblits in footstomp and possibly frakenslot it for more desirable results, but I'll have to give up 5% recharge and 9% accuracy (felt that my build my be lacking some). Unfortuantely I don't how I can replace the oblits in burn, since I used those to get to 32.42% S/L defense. I'm hoping that .08% isn't somehow critical, because I don't see any easy way to get any more defense.
Using Oblits in burn doesn't hurt becase burn has such a low end cost you don't have to worry about it. Base is only 5.2 end.
Getting to 32.5% S/L def is range that one small purple inspiration takes you up to the soft cap. If you keep Darkest Night then you have it's 16% tohit debuff as pseudo def but that debuff gets resisted so you can't count on it to carry you to the soft cap.
You should be able to find several good builds on here. Anything from Fiery Enforcer or Ultrawatt is going to be very solid. My own mid budget all around build is in a thread here somewhere also. Though I just caved into temptation and started purpling him out. -
Your ST attacks need 5 slots so that you can make up for what Kin Combats lack for. Punch can be an exception to this as your goal long term is to run the Burn Gloom Haymaker KoB Gloom Haymaker chain with Footstomp as needed so Punch doesn't need optimal slotting.
Lose the Regen Tissue Unique, it is the biggest waste of money in the game. If your trying to cram as much +hp as possible in then 3 each of Numina and Miracle works very nice in a 6 slotted health.
You only have 4 pt's of kb protection. You want to get to 12 pt's to be able to avoid 99% of the kb in the game. 4pt's leaves you open to a lot of things that will piss you off when you have to wait for your Brute to get back up and dust themselves off.
Using Oblits in Blazing Aura and Footstomp is absolute murder on your end bar. If you go that route you are almost certainly going to need to go ageless destiny to at least tier 3 to be able to fight non stop forever.
Darkest Night is going to exasperate the End issue for you. Darkest Night to me is the biggest personal choice in a SS/FA/Soul build. If you want it for max durability so be it. When I get to a hard target 1 purple and a medium orange give me just about the same buff for 0 end cost and it isn't resisted all to hell like the toggle is.
Healing Flames only needs 5 slots. You could drop the Endurace/Recharge and only lose .3 seconds of recharge time. or Drop the Heal/Endurance. Either way whatever you lost from that slot can be more than made up if you go Spiritual Alpha.
You didn't get to 32.5% S/L Def. I assume this is because your going to count on Darkest Night to make up the diff. If you end up keeping Darkest Night I recommend still getting to 32.5% so that you can use DK as psedu -def debuff resist.
You have two travel powers, I prefer none but if you only keep one that lets you swap in another concealment power for a LotG mule. You can also swap out the rez for this and drop another 6 seconds off of hastens recharge. -
Quote:Brute: SS with FA, ELA and WPHi there,
Sorta new player. I've had the game about a month and I've been playing around pretty much in Praetoria. Kind of waiting for Issue 21 to roll in before I jump into the Hero/villain stuff.
Anyway, I'm mostly a solo player, and I kind of curious about all the different archtypes. I know some ATs solo better than others, and its technically possible to solo with anything given enough patience. In fact of my 4 current characters I've had the least trouble running around with my Mastermind over my corruptor and blaster. I'm having fun playing around and experimenting, kind of going with stuff that seems like it would be helpful for solo builds. But at the same time, I don't want to get stuck in power sets that are just ok starting out and then crap out or just plain aren't that great.
So! The bottomline question is:
What powersets would you guys recommend for each AT for a solo build? You don't have to give me *every* archtype if you don't want to, if you just want to talk about your experiences running X or Y builds with whatever, that's fine. Just kind of fishing for suggestions and opinions.
Cor: Fire with Traps, Rad,Cold and Dark. Sonic with Traps, Rad or Cold
Dom: Mind with Fire. Plant with anything
MM's: Bot's with Traps or Dark. Thugs with Traps or Dark.
Stalker: ELM/Ninja
Controllers:Fire with Kin or Rad. Plant with just about anything thats not emp. /emp doesn't lend itself to solo play before you incarnate it out but you could still solo with a plant/emp. Seed of Confusion is just that good.
Defenders: The same choices from corr's very much apply.
I can offer no opinion on Tanks, Scrappers, and Blasters as I don't play them for various reasons. They can all be fun AT's if they fit your play style and I would encourage you to try them also.
As to EAT's and VEAT's While a well built WS, Widow, Fort, Crab, Bane, or Soldier is a thing of beauty you may want to play a few other alts up to the 30's before you dip your toes in these waters as they can be a bit harder to manage then the classic AT's -
Quote:I found Time to be much more clicky than a /Regen. If your the type of player that could stand to play a /TA cor with anything other than Archery then Beam/Time won't be that bad for you. If your the least bit like me and adverse to redraw to the extreme then the combo will make you want to kick a hole in the wall in frustration.So I'm guessing the best route to go would be Traps. I'll have to do some solid testing on both to see how they play out together. I know what you mean about Time being very click, Swansu. It wouldn't be too different than playing a Regen Scrapper though. There is a lot of clicky involved with that as well.
With Traps, you at least have the opportunity to really kick up your defense. I'll have to do some extensive testing tomorrow on my day off.
At least with traps you can send in seekers. Run in toe bomb traps then hope out and beam spam. Ymmv of course and if the combo is fun for you thats what truly matters. -
Quote:I am starting to think at this point that much like the crazy 88's have branches on several servers with bases and the like that your CEBR's should have a Farmers Union outpost of several shards to obviate the need to set up a base for each alt. I'd be interested to see how quickly a group doing this could crack the top 100 on a busy server.At 2 hours on my Vigilence Brute I'm level 32.4, which is more normal. I realize why my first hour was faster than normal, I forgot to start a SG. I've died twice, once likely because I didn't have the Increase Attack Speed empowerment buff. I just felt so slow. I started the SG and things are going better now that I have the buff.
I tried my first set of Bronze 15-19 rolls and was rather disappointed with the results. Sure I got a handful of Reactive Armors, but at level 31 they don't sell for much at all. A LOT of the value in the Bronze 15-19 range is Reactive Armors. Plus it took a while, but that's to be expected. I took another look at my recipe spreadsheet and found that Silver 10-14 is a MUCH better table to roll on when you are between 30 and 39. All of the money rolls on that table top out at level 30 or below, which means you'll get top dollar for everything. It's also faster. So that's what I'll be rolling on till I hit 40. -
Quote:What's your definition of a "cheater inspiration"? A level shift inspiration? Tier 4's? Skittles of any type and size?Just clarify something for me... Is "solo" counting use of cheater Inspirations, or doing it the real man's way?
Your use of "Real man's way" is offensive. Nothing says nice member of our game community like someone that belittles the accomplishments of others by tossing out disparaging and vaguely misogynistic questions into a thread. -
You do not understand what a bait and switch scam is.
A bait and switch scam is when something is advertised at a low price and when you get to the store the item in question is not available but a higher priced substitute is.
The goal being for you to feel like you have put enough opportunity cost into the trip to the store that you feel compelled to buy something.
City of Heroes is advertising exactly what they have to offer and you can make an informed decision to play or not to play. There is no attempt to hide details, obscure facts or make it seem that Free players will have abilities that in fact will be locked out when they decide to play.
The Freedom overview let's a free player or premium player know where they stand in regard to what content and abilities will be open to them. The game website for all intents and purposes at this points funnels you to that part of the website. A person trying to make a choice of whether to get into City of Heroes would need to make a conscious effort to avoid the info list here http://na.cityofheroes.com/en/news/f...player_cho.php among other places. -
Quote:Damn it! Why the hell did I never do that. I only run 4 attacks in a ticket farm. I use four sets of binds...If you are going to use macros i highly recmmend have an attack in them. That way just as you naturally go thru your attack chain you you combine insp.
Free's up my movement keys do so I don't have to swap out when I'm doing TF's and the like and want to keep things like purps around.
Thanks Ultrawatt.
Edit: The problem I am running into is that I don't have enough character spaces to make full use of the combines and the attack. Guess I will stick with binding to movement keys for myself. Was worth trying out though. I can see where some might like it better -
Quote:If it is an ambush farm of any type the agro will go to all members of a team the same as in a mission with an ambush.I'm experimenting with dual-boxing. So far as I can tell, a pocket empath who stays back and provides heals and buffs (but not debuffs) does not seem to get aggro, unless the empath also adds damage, in which case there's some aggro, but if I stick to ST attacks, it's not much. But this makes life MUCH easier for a tanker.
Two off the beaten path but still fun to farm on the right map recommendations I can make for you if your current dual box config doesn't pan out:
Plant/Fire dom and Plant/Kin troller. A large map with spawns set to patrol will keep a literal conga line of baddies flowing toward you and Carrion Creepers has no target cap period. It takes a bit of movement to get things line up for max confuse converage and the like but these are what I turn to when I get a lil bored on my SS/FA -
If you ever played it before the changes to TF and ET then yes it is that bad. It will always be a pale shadow of it's former self.
If you are the type that gets frustrated by an attack landing after the team has killed the target due to a long animation time then the set is not for you.
If you like AOE the set is not for you.
If you like upper middle of the pack ST dps that shines on hard targets then EM/ is an ok set.
The major issue is that KM does everything that EM does well and then betters it without the frustrations that EM brings. The animations are a touch faster. The damage is equal or better. Your Pbaoe is more useful by doing KD instead of stun and you get a nifty ranged attack -
Quote:You should with a little practice be able to get 40k tickets an hour. You will be earning them at a rate that is higher but then you run into needing to make rolls and go buy and list and... You get the picture.Is that really comparable to the rate of ticket return on AE? 48 tickets, on average, for one silver. I haven't come CLOSE to that rate of common salvage dropping anywhere else.
I don't think you come close to 800 Alchemical Silvers an hour hunting. I could be wrong but I don't think it would even be close. -
Quote:As I have recently been testing out farmers on Freedom I am willing to bet that you are faster than some of the SS/FA's that are charging for pl's.Actually, Farm well...yes. Farm fast...yes.
Farm as fast as my ss/fire....no.
While the fastest one's that I have seen do Crey's turn in times around 4min for a 4 person farm the slower ones have been as much as 12minutes a run.
Not that Crey's is a good farm but it is the one most people are likely to have been in at least once and have a feel for how long it should take to run -
Quote:I would take Tough, Weave and Combat Jumping. If i was trying for the softcap then Maneuvers also. Dark Armor can be tough on the endurance bar. You really want a Theft of the Essence: Chance for +Endurance Proc in Dark Regeneration.Tks a lot man!!!
tough, weave, combat jumping, is good right? stealth and manauvers maybe? or better manauvers than combat jumping?
I would search for Dechs Kaisons Dark Armor Sucks Guide. He has a ton of good info in it. -
Doesn't hurt to stock up. With Street Justice inbound at some point in the near future we are sure to have a metric ton of new melee toons and that means people shooting for S/L soft cap.
Quote:Deathshroud is a must have. You never wish to skip the damage aura on a brute. The damage may appear low, I promise you is your track your damage with HeroStats you will find that Death Shroud did more damage than any two other of your powers combined.It is a strange combination, I believe, as I remember, I never saw this kind.
It turns out I like to do thematic characters and had a good idea (custom, history, everything ...) for a character like that.
I would like help from fellow players on the buil electricity which powers the dark armor and what I have to pick and which ones are expendable. Never did any character "electric" and not with dark armor.
Analyzing the mids hero, Dark Armor, a few questions ...
Death Shroud: He spends a lot of endurance and not much damage, it is worth taking instead of taunt? (Only for this, group the mobs)
Cloack of Fear: If the bonus win with brute enemies all around, there is much validity to have that power as it makes the enemies run. Right? And decrease your hp! Useless?
Oppressive Gloom: Just get on with efficiency minions correct? It is good to have him to "nullify" the minor attacks (the kids) while fighting against the strongest? Or better skip this power and grab Phase Shift for emergencies?
Mu mastery is mandatory to write the character (theme), which are good to have(mu lightning and ball lightning)?
What powers the electrical melee mastery and mu are good endurance to recover? What would be nice to have incarnates?
Recalling that does not necessarily want a build, but struggle with the more experienced to learn about the powers and make the best of the character that my idea (char tematic) permit.
Thank you in advance any opinions, suggestions, general help. Hugs.
Cloak of Fear: Can be skipped
Oppressive Gloom: Can be Skipped
Of these two you only need one. I much prefer Oppressive Gloom to Cloak of Fear for the reasons you have listed.
From Mu mastery you will likely want to take Mu Lightning to have another Single Target attack as Electric Melee in your Primary is weak in this area. After that you will want Ball Lightning to keep the AOE flowing.
You mentioned which electric and mu powers are good to endurance recover. I think your asking if any of the attacks in Electrical Melee are worth slotting for end drain. If that is the case the answer is none of them. The ammounts are to small to bother with. You have a small chance to return half of the endurance cost of each Electric Melee attack back to yourself but it is also to small a chance to count on in anyway. -
From Defenders a duo of Rad/Son, Trap/Sonic, or Cold/Sonic can pretty well melt any hard target very quickly.
Double Traps is very nice as with just FFG and Hover/Combat Jumping you and your partner are capped to everything. At that point you can just worry bout max recharge so that you can spam shriek/scream and lay down mortars and pgt.
You should be able to after the 1st minute of the battle be able to keep up 3 stacks of -res from Sonic each. That is -60% res each. Have two Acid mortars out each. That's 53.2% resist each. One of those Mortars should be able to keep an Achilles proc up at all times for another 20% minus res. Nothing is going to last long in the face of that. Even if you didn't have the -res you get to flatline regen with your pgt's