New to leveling in the AE - ambush farm questions
Please bear in mind that this advice is coming from someone who farms for 75% or more of his playtime.
If you have only played controllers and defenders then farming up a Brute isn't going to let you get the flow and understanding of how to play the class when you do get to 50 and get on a team. In fact it's the kind of thing that gets a large section of the player base miffed at us farmers.
Now with that being said. You can look here:
Here: and
Watch this youtube video here:
All of those will fill you in on the process of using low level ambush farms to level your own Brute.
I really can't more strongly urge you to at least play the set up to the 30's learn how your combo's work and the in's and out's of fire armor also before you decide to pl up to the cap.
I see you have been with the game for 7 years, or at least have a registration date that goes that far back so I am sure you already have a basic handle on game mechanics so pl'ing isn't likely to have you in "AE Baby" mode when your done but having not played a melee class yet getting a bit of experience under your belt is most likely for the best.
Good Luck either way. Hope you end up liking Brutes as much as I have the last 5 years.
Global: @Kelig
Thank you! And yes, I have been playing a long time
I understand that I'll have to sort of re-learn the class at 50, but that's OK. Right now I am just enjoying the pure fun of the farm as an alternate to my normal play.
Really appreciate the help.
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Farm leveling can be really fun and useful tool in some situations but I always end up going back to non-ae ambush farm leveling so I don't feel like a meshugenah.
Answers for afaik.
1. Lower level mobs have relatively less HP and a lowered HP cap. An attack that kills a mob at low levels may do significantly less vs. it's level 50 equivalent.
2. Fire farm mobs do only fire damage. Fire Armor is able to easily cap it's fire resist! That's about all.
3. Folks all seem to gravitate to the more popular farms. Check ratings and number of plays. Also, look in to CEBR on the forums for some impressive stuff.
Yep, check out my CEBR thread in this forum. It explains everything you need to know about low level farming, including the how and why it works.
Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304
I just found the fun of leveling a brute in the AE using farm missions. I've only played controllers and defenders to now so being surrounded by silly amounts of baddies is a real thrill.
I just have no idea what I am doing.
1) Some missions seem to cap at level 3 - should I run these constantly for some reason?
2) I see people talk about 'fire farms' - do I try and cap my fire resist and then go after these?
3) Any advice in general on how to find good farm maps, what the basic are etc.?
I am playing a dual blades/fire and it is great fun so far. Great change of pace from team based Controlling.
Thanks for any tips or advice.
When you see yourself in a crowded room / do your fingers itch,are you pistol-whipped
Will you step in line or release the glitch / can you fall asleep with a panic switch