Toggles and detoggles




As I understand it:

1. "Offensive" toggles are detoggled when you are mezzed.
2. A toggle is offensive if it harms or disadvantages opponents, such as a taunt aura.

Doesn't that mean that the new Energy Aura taunt/antimez aura will be toggled off if something does briefly break it, leaving you with zero mez resist until you get demezzed and toggle it back on?



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
As I understand it:

1. "Offensive" toggles are detoggled when you are mezzed.
2. A toggle is offensive if it harms or disadvantages opponents, such as a taunt aura.

Doesn't that mean that the new Energy Aura taunt/antimez aura will be toggled off if something does briefly break it, leaving you with zero mez resist until you get demezzed and toggle it back on?

That should assuage your fears I hope

Global: @Kelig



Neat! I am glad they thought of it.

I still sorta dislike having them be the same power, but now it is a unique specialty of energy aura -- taunt aura works while mezzed.



taunt auras are not considered offensive toggles

the SR toggle which has a taunt component does not detoggle when mezzed

offensive toggle is more of a dmg/debuff effect on the enemy such as AAO, mud pots, ect



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Neat! I am glad they thought of it.

I still sorta dislike having them be the same power, but now it is a unique specialty of energy aura -- taunt aura works while mezzed.
It's consistent with Energy Aura's stealth power, Energy Cloak, which doesn't suppress when you attack.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
taunt auras are not considered offensive toggles

the SR toggle which has a taunt component does not detoggle when mezzed

offensive toggle is more of a dmg/debuff effect on the enemy such as AAO, mud pots, ect
"Foes that get close to the user will have their own recharge rate reduced."

Entropic Aura does debuff now (although the "real numbers" doesn't appear to show that... it claims there's two recharge components, both impacting self!), so, while technically the taunt attribute isn't what categorizes an aura as offensive, it's still offensive

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



There are actually three recharge components, two affecting self and one affecting enemies. It does a small debuff on enemies, and buffs you for each enemy affected. The two seperate buff components is because it works the same way as other similar toggles (Rise to the Challenge, Invincibility, Against All Odds) and gives a large buff for the first enemy then smaller buffs for each additional enemy. Mechanically how that works is it gives you the base buff if it's affecting anything at all, then the same smaller buff per enemy. Hence the two components.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



The real numbers are still acting wonky, in that case. Other similar toggles (like AAO) show the target attribute in addition to the self, while this only shows the self aspects. I actually compared it against AAO, which it listed two total damage attributes, one buffing self, one debuffing target.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



To be honest, that doesn't surprise me. All kinds of things are missing from the real numbers all over the place. There's even the odd power that outright doesn't do anything if you believe its real numbers.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Synapse added special coding to entropic aura to keep it from detoggling when an EA character was mezzed. The -recharge is supposed to supress when mezzed, but the rest should stay up. I know at least a couple folks in beta tested it against stacking holds and stuns (massed rikti mentalists and massed green ink men in AE) and confirmed that it did not drop, although I don't remember if they where able to test if the -recharge suppressed.

Otherwise you would be correct Seebs - RttC and AOO are example of offensive toggles that drop when held, I have had that happen with my WP and Shield characters when they get caught in sequestration in a BAF.

I bugged the real numbers display issue in beta a couple of days ago - if i21 goes live without a fix I will probably bug it again, but in the feedback thread on the beta forums Synapse confirmed that scrappers as well as brutes have the taunt in entropic aura.

Some links to Synapses posts on EA:

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13