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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cernowain View Post
    Wow a lot of hostile reaction on this.
    Not hostile, just realistic.

    Well guys, to be fair, I do not think PvP is a hide and seek game.
    PvP itself does not have to be based on a hide and sack type of gameplay. However, the type of a gameplay that is supported by a map is generally determined by the construction of that map.

    For example, you can force a Capture the flag game-mode on non CTF maps in Red Eclipse, even remakes of classic Q3A type maps. Just because you can do that, does not mean that you'll get a good play experience.

    And for larger zone's look at Aion or wow for that matter, the whole world is a pvp zone.
    Those are also other games.

    Those games are not City of Heroes

    So why should it be a problem to have the TF's there? Players just will not be able to go afk. (I think) it is more exciting when something can happen while you wait.
    Okay, this is where we get into the game's history.

    PvP play has been in the game since about Issue 4 Colosseum:

    Throughout the entire time that it is has been in-game, PvP play has never attracted more than single digit player percentages. The developers have tried numerous carrots over the years to get players into the PvP zones, such as the Shivans in Bloody Bay, the Rockets in Warburg, exclusive badges to all zones, and requiring Villains to enter PvP zones to complete their History badges. Back in Issue 13 the developers tried again, revamping the base concepts of PvP to player-feedback, and separating PvP powers from PvE powers, allowing the developers to balance PvP play experience separate of PvE experience.

    The developers also talked about one of their greatest failures, the Gladiator PvP mode which allowed players to compete in a Pokemon-like battle using NPC characteres. The developers thought it was going to be a huge hit.

    None of those attempts at PvP play have worked.

    Case in point, many of the older PvP players left after Issue 13, unhappy with the changes that were brought to the system.

    This now brings us up to date. There's a pretty good reason the developers generally haven't scheduled any resources to PvP development. It simply isn't profitable for this game.

    The vast majority of City of Heroes subscribers have largely rejected PvP play. Suggestions to convert existing zones to co-op, or to convert an entire zone to Open-World-PvP, have largely been met with derision and vitriolic speech from vast majority of the player-base.

    Why would it be a problem? Because if the developers forwarded this idea, it'd make the backlash on the CoT revamp seem tame.

    And even in PvP zone's there can be zones where players cannot attack each other.
    Not... really relevant.

    To prevent hide and seek there should be objectives that you can attack, like the original idea where you could atack another SG base.
    Okay... this is a little bit harder to address. The PvP base raids were based around the concept of Items of Power, which were global buffs to SuperGroup members. The reality was that very few supergroups ever participated in the raids when they were enabled. Very, very, very few supergroups could afford the prestige to rebuild their base after an attack... and oh yes... you did lose items bought with prestige in a Base Raid.

    The base raids themselves were an ill-conceived attempt to, once again, attract a PvP player-base. As with the other attempts... it didn't work.

    Now, would an objective based gameplay be a viable draw for PvP players? No, but I'll get to that in a moment or three.

    Just have a window of time where you can attack or defend. The reward for defending would be extra buffs in the zone.

    Loads of game's have figured this out.
    Okay, and here we come to the final point: Loads of Other Games are Built from the Ground up with PvP play in Mind.

    The reality for City of Heroes is that the game was never built with PvP play in mind. PvP play, as we know it, was shoe-horned into the game.

    The reality for City of Heroes is that most other MMO's have large teams whose sole dedication is PvP development. Unless Paragon Studios decides to match the investment other games have in PvP, Paragon Studios is never going to be able to compete.

    The reality for City of Heroes is that it does not have to compete in the PvP market. For over 7 years now City of Heroes has been the MMO that has proven that MMO's do not need a PvP component to be successful or profitable.

    Bringing this back around to your request:

    You might find it exciting to risk a possible ganking of your avatar wandering around a zone.

    The rest of the player base? The 95% (or greater) that has never touched PvP play to begin with? The majority of the player base that plays City of Heroes specifically because PvP play is not required and can be avoided while performing 99.9% of the game's content?

    I would think they would disagree with you.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nicodemus View Post
    cool, thanks je.

    and just to keep our options open, it looks like there's also a perl script that someone put together to patch and launch the game. it's here:
    hmm. First I've seen of the perl script, but it's probably worth looking at if it's calling for the patcher and running Xdelta directly.
  3. I can take a look at it.

    It wasn't really useful when I last looked at it, which was back in 2008.

    As best as I can tell, it hasn't been updated since 2008 either...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ModernMyth View Post
    Love it.

    But will we still have female Oranbegans?
    read the first post again.

    There are over 70+ costumes involved in this revamp.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    I tire of hearing complaints over this. I'm evoking this card in attack mode:

    First the costumes were "too spandex".

    Now they're "too fantasy". I guess we can't have that for the spell, dagger and crossbow wielding arcane ghost cult who live in a magical underground city with their demon pals.
    Please read the thread.

    Most of the comments so far have been positive and to the effect that the developers listened to the players and made changes that most of the players like.

    There is a major difference between the oh hell no, not that from the original thread and the I love it / You Are Much Closer / Needs a few more tweaks that this thread is generating.

    And since I've played Unpleasable Fanbase while under the Sarcasm spell, I get to put another card on the field in defense mode:

    Heaven forbid we update the 9 year old models of crude low polygon brown robes that don't react with proper physics with anything other than slightly higher polygon count brown robes that still wouldn't react with proper physics.
    Last I checked, very few people are saying this.

    One of the earlier posters on the subject of "why" also had the following to say:

    Post asking why:
    Post explaining why:
    Original Poster's final comment:

    Sorry couldn't resist, you make highly valid points, thank you for the response.
    As usual Johnny, your post deviates so far from what is actually happening, I am forced to ask whether or not you bothered to actually read this thread, or if you just hoped that nobody would call you on it.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angerdog View Post
    I'm afraid I could not resist a quick sojourn into Photoshop.

    So this is how the C.o.T are getting sonic based powers...

    OpenGL 4.2 and the accompanying GLSL 4.20 have been finalized and released. That means that BOTH Nvidia and AMD will be making changes to their OpenGL drivers.

    Those wishing to get testing with Nvidia's OpenGL 4.2 driver can do so here:

    As of this posting AMD has not uploaded an OpenGL 4.2 driver.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The ones mentioned the most so far are Statesman and Foreshadow.
    Yeah, but which Foreshadow version?

    His Korean Costume, the one he showed up in the Cinematic trailer with?

    Or the.. ahem... THING... he got shoved into because somebody in marketing thought his Korean look wouldn't go over well outside of Korea?
  9. somebody actually had a brilliant but subtle idea to explain the change.

    Appearing as combat foes in Cap Au Diable, Steel Canyon, Independence Port, Founders Falls, Imperial City, Rikti War Zone, and St. Martial is the new CoT enemy: Possessed Tailor.

    Their weapons of choice: Dual Scissors.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Other than the simple fact that you can't screw up a build at level 6.

    We're still waiting for someone to post a build that makes a level 6 character unplayable and in need of a respec.

    Prove us wrong.
    ... well... I max slotted brawl... and put a slot in Rest....
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    Oh, you-mean-that-picture-that-was-circulated-around-the-internet-that-was-taken-by-someone-on-their-cell-phone-and-wasn't-an-image-released-by-marketing-that-everyone-then-judged-the-whole-new-costume-set-by?

    You place the blame on Devs for that?

    You win 1 silly point.
    You mean the pictures taken by multiple players at the con, some of which found their way to the forums, but others of which were posted about in-game and on third-party sites also showing just how bad the costumes were?

    You win 1 Ignorance point.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
    Personally I hope there's just a little nod to it in NPC dialogue. Something like a newspaper guy shouting, "Tsoo missing from Steel Canyon! Circle of Thorns have new threads! Coincidence?"
    *awards you 1 Steelclaw point*
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angerdog View Post
    I'm more or less on the side of true gentleman here.

    Personally I would simply like to know why the new redesign at all? Is it to impress the new kids that will be joining us come freedom?
    Positron spoke about this subject on both Ustream and in the now locked thread:

    You see, the original Circle of Thorns were one of the very first enemy groups ever done for City of Heroes. That puts their models over 9 years old now, and they look absolutely dated compared to anything we have done today. We had time to address only some of the outdated models, and since CoT is a level 1 to 50 enemy group, it seemed to us as an obvious choice to make. We wanted to make them feel more magical, spiritual, thorny, spiky, and most of all, evil, and I think Dave and Jay knocked it out of the park in that regard. For an enemy group you see cropping up as often as the CoT, we wanted to make them feel significant and be visually striking.
    Granted, the costumes shown off at Comic-Con were anything BUT a knock out of the park. To use the baseball term, it was a bunted foul.

    The new designs, while not total eye sores, almost have a sense to me of old folks trying hard to be hip and impress the kids.
    There is something dignified and very silver age about the old COT and something very 90's and image comics about these; "omg spikes, spikes and shoulder pads everywhere." All they lack is a plethora of chains.
    Kind of subjective here. Keep in mind that at 9 years old, the CoT would have been originally designed back in 2001 or 2002, and rendered in probably 2002.

    The current costumes, for what they are, were likely the best effects that could be achieved back then.

    One of the factors to keep in mind is that Video Games are, at their core, simply representations. On some levels we accept that "insert rendered object here" is supposed to look like "insert real object here"

    Just curious really, as I don't honestly see the need for a change.
    Both design and technical reasons are in effect here.

    The technical reason is that the Cot's old "robe" design was a cheat in the rendering system.

    The design reason is that now with the tools available, the in-game CoT can be closer to the mental picture of the CoT, but the design still has to fit the technical limitations.

    Updating the costumes to use the newer tech that has been developed in the past 9 years meant dropping some of the costume cheats. Unfortunately, that means that a significant number of costumes have to be completely changed.

    Which is where we get into "the original changes didn't look anything like the old costumes"

    The costumes proposed here are, at the very least, now reminiscent of the old designs, even if the robe-effect is once again achieved through a cheat in costume design.

    The pope hats do make me smile though. I'm certain, It'll feel like I'm punching the daylights out of some strange bizarre offshoot of the catholic church...

    They'll just be a little more ~fabulous!~
    Then it sounds like this time the Art Guys hit the right target.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lenneth View Post
    Ok now those are great, specially the bosses!

    My only issue with it is how it looks like oranbega has a gym now.
    Some of them look really buff.

    Maybe tone down the muscles a little?
    It's barely noticeable on the bosses, but the casters have SUCH well toned muscles! And I fully expect the minion to go singing Machoman anytime now.
    They'e Mage, they're mage in tights! (tight tights)
    Wandering around the Caverns looking for Fights!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    Are the new Minions going to differ in powerset from the old Archers?

    Any revamp planned for the CoT Demons (Behemoths, Hordelings, Hellfrosts, Succubi, Spectrals)?

    Hmm... let's see...

    There are literally over 70 costumes associated with this re-vamp so we can’t show all of them in one image
    70+ costumes certainly indicates everything in the CoT is getting revamped.
  16. This?

    This is nailing it out of the bleeding park!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Saist, I know you say that they can't fix the problem if we don't tell them about it... but what exactly should I be telling them here?
    Kind of a difficult question to answer beyond "I'm having a crash"

    As far as I'm aware the City of Heroes Client does not support a -verbose command, nor is there a command to log from the console option that is available for the game client.

    As far as obtaining more information on the crash itself, you could look to tools like: WhatisHang:

    Outside of basically telling AMD "I had a crash in this game with this hardware and this driver set" there's really not a whole lot else a common user can do.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    This has never been the intent of Freedom Friday. The intent of Freedom Friday has always been to answer questions from folks who otherwise wouldn't have their questions answered.

    Freedom Friday is another way of reaching out to players outside of the forums. The forums hit a limited segment of our Community and Facebook has broad reach. This combines with the fact that a considerable number of folks who follow us on Facebook are not current subscribers to the game, as evidenced by many of the comments.

    Not everything has to be a reveal. We've been doing quite a bit of revealing as of late .
    ... must... resist... Striperalla... joke...
  19. je_saist

    Change Origin?

    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I can only hope that's not the case =\ though even if it's not... there's no guarantee the devs would want to spend the time necessary on such a feature =\
    I can pretty much tell you that is the case.

    Origin is baked in around the same level as Archtype. According to Positron, Archtype-Respecs were pretty much functionally impossible. Given what's been stated about Origin in the past, I would suspect that it's going to be in the same "functionally-impossible" position.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Lemme guess... the game you're speaking of was Aion?
    Zwillinger was previously with EA.

    Currently EA fields two MMO developers.

    Only one of those developers put out a new MMO while Zwill was at EA.

    Shouldn't be too hard to figure out which MMO Zwill is talking about.

    here's a hint.

    It involved a lot of Battle, and really big Hammers.
  21. Oh hell no.

    There's a reason CoH has no other competitors. They all tried stunts like this idea... and those stunts did not work.
  22. je_saist

    PC Help

    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    To me, the thing that seems wrong is the power supply. 300W?
    eh, I got a 5770 to boot at full clocks off a 300watt, so yeah, it's possible.

    Just not really recommended.
  23. je_saist

    PC Help


    Please see this thread for a list of graphics cards that are Ultra-Mode capable:
  24. je_saist

    The Talk

    after 3 years of Cox HSI support...

    doesn't feel awkward at all.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Sounds like a Nemesis plot.
    if Steam would launch the Coh client directly, it'd be one plot I could get behind.