391 -
I'll be there on my Brute, for sure.
Quote:I can say definitively that the performance shifter proc works as a % of your max end. On a character with 112 max end, it will grant 11.2 endurance every time in procs.Another thing to remember is that the 0.2 number is not a constant anymore. A few months ago, the proc changed so that instead of a set +10 end, it gave 10%. Characters with extra end from accolades and such will get more.
I don't know if Mids reflects this change or not.
One can test this by logging into a toon with +max end accolades that has a proc slotted. Simply select the combat tab and wait a minute for it to proc. I regularly observe my characters receive 10% of their end, not simply a flat 10 end. -
True, def is a stat hit very hard by DR. However, having ~90% defense with PFF pre-DR actually leaves you with over 40% def after DR. (that is, unless the DR defense modifiers have changed in the past 2 years
) Also, adding the resistances from PFF, along with the PvP resist bonus and Temp Invuln, you're looking at a lot of damage resistance even post-DR.
Even if my numbers are wrong (because BOO DEVS RELEASE THE DR INFO ALREADY) PFF basically makes you NOT a squishy while you flee in panic, which could be just enough to save your life while the heals chase you down. -
Actually, the /dark rez does -500% regen, so with Instant healing, a Regen will still be regening. That said, a /dark MM will still make anyone who stands toe-to-toe with them hit like a de-clawed cat-girl. They can easily stack over -30% damage, and a crap load of -tohit (something to the magnitude of about -30% with heal spam, after DR. unless of course he stacked FA and tactics..) If the scrapper is smart enough to stay after his ****'s all debuffed and taunted, chances are he dies.
Quote:I just wanna point this out and say: Maybe people dont understand DR because the numbers were never released..? For the past couple weeks, I have been trying to learn how DR works. I have the general concept from the information Arcanaville posted over 2 years ago, but that's 2 years ago! I don't think that I should have to make 4 iterations on one character's build with different armor and enhancements to know which one of them is efficient under DR. As it stands, experience is the only way to learn how DR works.
-Too many misunderstand the effects and purpose of DR and how to get the most from it
Learning DR has been a great interest to me lately.. and there just doesn't seem to be information available to learn it.
I pretty much skipped over everything else in that post and only replied to the part I quoted, so pardon me if it seems out of place >.> -
I like this thread. Aside from the above posters concern about other APvPers not realizing the 'correct' way to play, there is also the issue of balance that is just not being addressed (e.g. Sharks). I dont know how long a controllers mez should last, but I do know that if a stalker AS's for 400 damage with a crit, he should not be able to crit with sharks from 80 range for 300+. That's just my 2 cents as an inexperienced CoX PvPer.
All in all, I like this thread, and agree with a lot (but not all) of what the OP posted. -
As the thread title says, I am selling a level 10 Gladiator's Armor 3% Defense IO. It is crafted. My home server is Virtue, but I can certainly arrange for a sale to a different server.
The starting price will be 3 billion inf. The IO will go to the first bidder to meet that price or anyone who outbids that price.
My in-game global is @Hemm. To bid for this IO, send a forum PM, in game email, or send a tell to my global. -
I thought of you guys while watching the eclipse at 3am.
Haha.. for all that rouble, you could have just asked a kin to IR + SB you.
gib monie or i repot yu -
After spawning the Winter Lord in a zone, then entering the present portal, you are teleported to Mercy Island for Vills and Atlas Park for Heroes.
Discuss. -
I've been reading over this and related threads for the past day or so. This is the first thread I've found that is really enlightening in regards to CoX PvP. Great work! +1
Speed Boost is a noun. Please don't expect me to explain why.
@OP: The way I see your role as a kin: every 2 minutes (or less) refresh SB. If someone is across the map.. their loss. Try to hit them when they get close. If it's a stoner begging for it because they can't move, try to keep it on them, but if someone has a bad build and can't keep up their blue bar.. that's not your fault. If they need end so badly, they can go into melee range for Transference. -
I don't know to much about either of those pwersets but I can say this: If you try to softcap ranged defense, you might cripple other aspects of your build. I would say defense to... something, some +hp, some recharge. +dam is nice but not as effective on a corr compared to some other ATs.
I'm sure there's somebody who wouldn't mind braggin' their time.. Come on guys!
I'm wondering what is the fastest ITF completion time people have done or seen via screen cap/video. I personally have done a 15:59 ITF. I've seen a YouTube video of some people on Champion run a 14:45. I've heard of them being run as fast as 12 minutes.
So, tell me.. What's the fastest you've seen?
also, feel free to post some ridiculously fast times from other SF/TFs, but I'm mostly concerned with the ITF right now. -
I'm wondering what is the fastest ITF completion time people have done or seen via screen cap/video. I personally have done a 15:59 ITF (on Virtue). I've seen a YouTube video of some people on Champion run a 14:45. I've heard of them being run as fast as 12 minutes.
So, tell me.. What's the fastest you've seen?
also, feel free to post some ridiculously fast times from other SF/TFs, but I'm mostly concerned with the ITF right now. -
Inferno is better still, but that doesn't make Omega Maneuver bad...
Tohit debuffs can be resisted. All enemies of high rank or higher level do resist debuffs. Versus AVs, debuffs will be reduced to about 5-10% effectiveness.
Since you are Super Strength, avoid flight. Hurl and Foot Stomp cannot be activated while NOT on the ground. You want everything from your secondary except Resurgence. Strength of Will is your T9, so thats up to your preference. Build for +HP, +Def, and some global recharge. I would advise against including Jab in your build. With Punch, Haymaker, Knockout Blow, and Boxing from the Fighting pool, you'll have plenty of single target attacks. My current build includes Stamina, and I don't have to worry about slotting for end redux. Quick Recovery and Stamina allow me to run 9 toggles constantly, recoup the heavy end drain of Foot Stomp and Rage crash and Hasten crash.
To answer your questions directly:
1)Every toggle from your secondary.
2)Yes, you want fighting. High burst damage is a weakness of Willpower, the resistance from tough helps a great deal.
3)I would reccommend Fitness, but it's becoming inherent anyway.
4)Slot for what seems obvious. If you have Quick recovery and Stamina, you won't have to slot for end redux very much. Acc, Dmg, Rech are most important for attacks. Heal, Def, Res are most important for toggles/auto powers.
Something very important to note: If you don't have perma-Rage, when it crashes, you will lose 20% defense. That's a lot, by the way. However, if you double-stack Rage, when it crashes, you will not lose any defense. Make certain that you stack Rage before it crashes if you are still in combat. This is the main reason global recharge is so important to Super Strength as a set.
My brute has 45% recharge, 2500 max hp, 33% def to smashing, lethal, negative, and energy, 52% resistance to smashing, and 50 hp/sec regen out of combat.
I think Willpower is a great set if built right. It's very acceptive to outside buffs. I'm able to tank all 8 members of the Freedom Phalanx and do better single target damage than my corrupter teammates. -
We had the Purple AV, and we kicked his lily ***. Stormy confirmed for beatable.
p.s. by kicked his ***, I mean we won with less than one minute on the timer. -
"Lost Connection to Mapserver" at least once per minute for the last hour or more. Forcibly quit to login screen two times.
This message posted at 7:20 PM EST 9/14/2010 -
I have a SS/WP brute build with 33.7 s/l defense, 32.7 nrg/neg defense, 52.5% s/l resistance, 2543 Max HP, and 77.5 HP/sec regeneration. The reason for those specific defense numbers is so that one small purple inspiration will bring 4 damage types to the softcap. If that interests anyone, just drop me a PM, as I can't promise I'll check back in on this thread.
In regards to the OP's question: you will not be able to reach the regen cap with your build, only outside buffs can do that. The most important set bonuses for you will be +HP and +Defense. +Regen from set bonuses will be like drops in an ocean. That is not to say you don't want it; it's simply not a high priority.
Also, you can easily have perma-Rage with only enhancement values. Recharge reduction from set bonuses are nice, but not needed to stack rage.