Fastest ITF?




I'm wondering what is the fastest ITF completion time people have done or seen via screen cap/video. I personally have done a 15:59 ITF. I've seen a YouTube video of some people on Champion run a 14:45. I've heard of them being run as fast as 12 minutes.

So, tell me.. What's the fastest you've seen?

also, feel free to post some ridiculously fast times from other SF/TFs, but I'm mostly concerned with the ITF right now.



Wow 12 is fast, I've been on a 25, but shaving another 10 off would be tough.

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Ive stopped racing time a long time ago, always nice when we do a good Time, but its not what matter to me.

That said, I just love when everyone pull his weight, and we blitz everything fast. Always fun to race to be at The AV, before everyone else and steal Alpha, specialy if you are on a squishy AT, and manage stay alive ^-^

17min47sec for me i believe, I found this old print screen.
I blame Bull for leading that one.

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