Question re: WP & Regen Cap




Hi All,

In the process of IO'ing my WP brute and was wondering what the regen cap is for building purposes?

The toon is a SS/WP and at first glance it appears that the build should focus on +regen/+hit point/+resistance/+recharge (for rage and foot stomp damage mitigation). Note I am not focusing on defense due to adverse affect of rage crashes. Money is no object.

Many Thanks in Advance



Originally Posted by Thermal_Guard View Post
Note I am not focusing on defense due to adverse affect of rage crashes.
With a stacked Rage (up all 120Sec or faster) you will get no -DEFhit.



Originally Posted by Thermal_Guard View Post
Hi All,

In the process of IO'ing my WP brute and was wondering what the regen cap is for building purposes?

The toon is a SS/WP and at first glance it appears that the build should focus on +regen/+hit point/+resistance/+recharge (for rage and foot stomp damage mitigation). Note I am not focusing on defense due to adverse affect of rage crashes. Money is no object.

Many Thanks in Advance
The regen cap is irrelevant, I believe in the range of many thousands. My understanding is that it cannot be reached at this time, though I may be a few issues out of date. +regen is the LAST thing you should worry about, it will provide far less benefit to you than any set bonus except debt protection and status resistance. On willpower rise to the challenge is all the regen buff you need or want. Nothing else matters in a mathematiclaly significant way.

You should be building for defense, even with rage crashes. That is why the gods gave us purple inspirations. =) And rage crashes are short and infrequent (though I admit frustrating enough that I deleted all my SS characters and will not make another until/if the mechanic ever changes) while enemy attacks are constant. And as Atago mentioned, stack rage to offset them.

If you really want to build for +regen, get to the hit point cap first. that has a higer impact on your hp/sec rate than increasing your +regen. Also, work on getting all your existing powers slotted for max bonus. Last, keep 3 or more enemies in range for rise ot the challenge. After that, you might be able to pick up an extra 3 maybe 5 hp per second by going for +regen set mods. If you can find an extra 5/sec let me know how because I'd be impressed. RttC will be giving you over 100.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Thanks for replies, although I'm not understanding how a double stacked rage nullifies the --20% defense of a rage crash (as rage in and unto itself does not buff defense while activated). Point taken that the -def only lasts 10 sec; however 10 sec can be an eternity when in combat.

Are purples the only way around this if I were to focus on E/N defense or fire/cold defense in the build?



I have to respectfully disagree with Gavin's approach on this one, or at
very least, say, I went a different route, which has been highly successful.

When I built my SS/WP Brute (who is now L47), I focussed on HP, Regen,
Resistance, and then Def & Recharge.

So, my targets were:

2600 HP,
80 HP/sec regen (1 mob in range of RttC)
50% S/L resist
20-25% Def

As much recharge as I can get within the prior constraints.

While, in general, I agree with +Def as a high priority, in this case, you're
fighting the build's strengths to get it whereas HP and Regen are built-in
and much easier to boost than most other ATs.

Even though I haven't hit those targets yet (and won't till I finish slotting
at L50), he's about 80-90% or so there now, and he's completely immune
to Rikti Pylons, Scrapyarder and many good-sized mob groups.

Again, while I understand Dech's Defense cap guide, there are still some
issues - namely, a lot of mobs with -Def attacks, Cascading Defense Failure,
and of course, Streakbreaker (yes, mobs get one too).

The issue for me with Defense is that it works, sometimes. When it doesn't,
you get hit for full damage, and often by multiple mobs at once.

By contrast, Resistance and Regen work, always. They're always reducing
damage, and always putting HP back. While there are some debuffers out
there, I feel there are fewer of them than -def debuffers.

The reason defense is so popular is that (for most toons), it's a lot easier
to get, with many more sets providing it, than regen or resistance.

SS/WP Brutes, imho, are the exception that prove that rule of thumb.

So, my idea for my toon was to get enough Defense to help, max Resistance
to reduce damage when they do hit, and max regen to heal back faster
than they can take it away.

So far, I've been *very* pleased with the results. YMMV.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by Thermal_Guard View Post
although I'm not understanding how a double stacked rage nullifies the --20% defense of a rage crash (as rage in and unto itself does not buff defense while activated)
If Rage is activated before it crashes, the defense portion of the crash simply doesn't happen. Similarly, the defense crash ends if Rage is activated during the crash. Why does it do that, you might ask? I could give you my unfounded speculation on how exactly it's coded but that wouldn't do you much good. Suffice it to know that the crash is negated. The endurance loss always happens whether you stack it or not.

However, if you fight enemies with -recharge, it's possible for the reactivation to get pushed back and make the crash happen anyway.




Scrapper, Stalker 2,200% at level 1
3,000% at level 20+

Brute, Tanker 2,100% at level 1
2,500% at level 20+

all others 2,000%


On my WP/Brute, I am entirely capable of gaining a little over 1100% Regeneration on my own when abusing a fully saturated Rise to the Challenge. That means I only need 1400% more in order to reach the cap.

An Empath giving you Regenerative Aura/Adrenaline Rush should be able to get you at the Regeneration Cap.



I'd echo another "Don't go for Regen" on a WP character. The set bonuses are truly miniscule (on my WP tank who has a bit over 3200 hp, many of the regen bonuses are less than 1hp/sec which is, essentially, nothing) but the benefits of good slotting for defence or recharge are so much more. I say recharge because with good recharge you can have attacks that provide active mitigation by knockdown/stun, for instance.

To repeat... lots of slots for 1 hp/s each? No... bad. Not worth it.

As for the Rage crash, the effect of -defence reads like this:
•Defense -0.2 for 10s (after 120 second delay) [Ignores Enhancements & Buffs]
Effect does not stack from same caster

The important part is "Effect does not stack from same caster". When you activate it a second time, it reapplies this effect and overrides the original. Therefore, it will wait another 120 seconds before it will apply the defence debuff. Again, if you activate Rage during this 120 seconds, it will use the most recent effect to calculate when next to debuff you, as they don't stack.



I have a SS/WP brute build with 33.7 s/l defense, 32.7 nrg/neg defense, 52.5% s/l resistance, 2543 Max HP, and 77.5 HP/sec regeneration. The reason for those specific defense numbers is so that one small purple inspiration will bring 4 damage types to the softcap. If that interests anyone, just drop me a PM, as I can't promise I'll check back in on this thread.

In regards to the OP's question: you will not be able to reach the regen cap with your build, only outside buffs can do that. The most important set bonuses for you will be +HP and +Defense. +Regen from set bonuses will be like drops in an ocean. That is not to say you don't want it; it's simply not a high priority.

Also, you can easily have perma-Rage with only enhancement values. Recharge reduction from set bonuses are nice, but not needed to stack rage.



While slotting for just +regen may not be woth the effort, on a WP it is not that difficult to do by accident. Since you will already be slotting for +HP you can use sets like Numinas for both +regen before you even get to the +HP. LoTG is the same story. Just no need to go hog wild slotting 2 pounding slugfest into every melee attack just for the regen.