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please unsticky this thread - they don't care.
you shut up the devs know what is best for us. The pvp changes were brillant so much so they wanted to just keep HD,DR,TS and the like for us only because they love PVPers more than PVERs. They never do anything wrong, the PVERs have to send them fruit baskets to keep them happy, we just have to exist and be quiet.
and the new exteded buffs you can buy in the store...oh and power boost if your em.
Quote:you start a thread crying about a valid pvp tactic and want it nefed, resort to calling people who disagree with you names and use foul language and I am the immature one....got it.no, i understand were everyone else in this thread is coming from, you however tend to just be a dick about this, i try to give a valid explination on were im coming from and you simply insult my intelligence with the tone you continue to leave here, give a more grown up reply insted of a childish remark and i wount call you a troll.
if you have hoarfrost why worry so much about capped HP? Power will give you PFF so you can pop greens when phase is down and gives better resists. Hiber is nice but if they throw tk on you you have to waste a phase to get away and your down on both escapes.
Procs are nice and pvp ios are nicer but you can build a good build with regular ios to zone in and try and get drops or if you are a paying member check the store frequently they have deals on purples all the time (sets for really cheap) down side is they are tied to the account but you want to use them I take it so not such a bad deal. -
correction again - not everyone. Just your straw poll. Seem like myself and others have pointed out time and time again how it is a valid tactic, the devs have said it is a valid tatic but you resort to calling me a troll droner. Fine.
Oh P.S. if you stand still long enough a stalker will AS you. Me and my friends hate that, it ruins PVP, so we are petitioning to get the devs to change it so when you stand still a 50 foot destealth aura appears around you and interrupts any AS. It is an easy fix and would make PVP so much more fun. -
Quote:i understand the devs dont care that much about pvp, but they have made small changes and tweaks to it despite the small pvp community. this is different from any person saying "hay fix pvp and make it balanced" becaue we all know its messed up and we all know the devs. wount be doing that, but what im ask is for a smaller change to pvp system, a minor change that will only make it better and less aggravating to everyone.
correction everyone you know...not everyone. -
You are stuck in a trade off high res and high dmg do not go hand in hand. Blasters do sick dmg but are squishy. Tanks and brutes are meat sheilds but don't eat HP like ranged dmg.
Decide how you want to play, ranged or melee, support or dmg?
Probably the easiest to learn on is a stalker if you build it right and get the stealth io for max stealth. You do high dmg, and can not been seen when you are fully stealthed so you can observe and pick and choose your battles.
A blaster can be easy to pvp with but without a team you can get overwhelmed easy if there are more than a few on the other side and they are organized.
Fun toons are things like disruption, ta, storm for example you are debuffing and grounding etc.
Then there is support, rarely played these days with all the incarnate buffs but a good team toon - a pain dom or emp can make and okay team look great and a great team unbeatable.
Decide how you want to play, and start from there. -
Quote:Spot the guy in this thread who LIKES to drone people. Perhaps he is like Friction and cant get an 'almost' kill any other way... Obviously, since there has been no changes to fix droning..there should never be! Great argument that is. However did the devs get around to nerfing KM then..since there were NOT any changes to fix that, in over a year.
Also great to see you somehow know Twixt never got banned. Perhaps you ARE Twixt?
How dare someone talk about changes to something that might improve pvp! Since there are sooo many people trying it, all the time.
Okay so I will try to explain this slowly with smal words. You cannot by any means get droned if you are fighting away from the base. In that rare case where a blaster has built a droning toon (boost rannge - max range in tp foe and + range ios) then yes you can get snagged from a litter farther but not beyond what they can SEE you at....
So...if we have established droning can only happen when you are at the base, and it ruins your pvp, you are at the base what? base camping. It's not like you're being snatched mid air from under the statue in RV or the runis in SC
So PVP fun for you is to fight at great odds to the other side and camp their base waiting for one or two to come out to get ganked by 10 of your side..and your fun gets ruined when someone tps your little band into a drone?? and PVP would be so much better if they could not do that and you could sit outside of the base lopsided ganking.
again I will make the point rather than trying to disable valid tactics, why not, change sides help out and make the sides even so the fight can be taken to the middle of the map?..Or if you don't want to do that convince your team to move to the middle of the map and wait for a fight to show up....if you go near the base in tp range with greater numbers prepared to get droned....it happens to me all the time...I look down, I have not lost a kidney or an eye, the world has not ended, I respawn and go back to the game...maybe zone out get some oranges or get on a kin, you know strategy..rather than complain about something that has been in the game complaned about and given the official response time and time again "valid tactic" -
So you took a poll from your friends in game...and want a valid tactic changed. I am sure all three of you will win GO TEAM..
There were no changes to fix droning. They have fixed holes in bases where people could tp in, like the SC base where you could get INSIDE the base and attack people respsawning - or getting on a hero and tping a vill in the base or the countless map holes..the only change they made was you cannot be tped out of a hospital/base from a certain distance inside the hospital...
p.s. Twixt was never banned despite people saying he was no one has ever been banned for droning unless it involved a maphole/exploit. -
You clearly didn't SEARCH. People have been complaining about droning in this game longer than you probably have played. Search Twixt if you want to know you';re history. Devs have said time and time and time and time and time and time...well you get the idea....that it is a valid tactic.
can i shout thunder thunder thunder cats when I activate it, even though noone like panthro?
team with stalkers sharkzooka clear zone done.
will power is insanely easy to build...without a lot of expensive ios.
I have no idea why the devs don't implement those changes in pve. They were so successful in pvp.
Quote:Hello, not sure if anyone will remember me or not, would pvp all the time, my global was -Fire wire.
im back to check out the pvp, so far it seems pretty lame, but id like to give it a go again.
So far i have a ice/rad troller for 1v1s ice/nrg blaster for small teams and what not, if anyone could help me in the direction on what to go for IOing and incarnate stuff, would luv you gently.
for the ice/rad i went clarion for mez protection but willing to change for a good cause!!
Luv ya pvpers =]
is that rewire? or MF Fire Wire>? -
a well built emp can take an as/sharks follow up..almost nothing can withstand sharkzooka (a team of stalkers sharking).