Nature Affinity




So I was thinking...

8v8: maybe

5v5: Is there room?

3v3: yes

2v2: yes

1v1: LOL? ???/Nature Affinity (Dark or Water sets perhaps?)

My question is Nature Affinity looks great in theory, but in a team pvp setting what is the tipping point of +bloom / - heal decay.





Furthermore do you think in 5v5+ you use it mainly as form of disruption by spreading as much -dmg as possinle on the opposing teams dps, while passing absorb shields and getting bloom on your teammates?








i thought you were kidding - then I saw the video...I can now make a weed RP NA/Fire toon called upnsmoke.



Originally Posted by fur_nes View Post
i thought you were kidding - then I saw the video...I can now make a weed RP NA/Fire toon called upnsmoke.
Yea, I just looked at the powers as they were listed. Today I rolled a ill/nature thinking it would be great for zone, but upon further play and power usage I realize there are other support toons that do everything better minus the absorb shield/aoe heal/ bloom application. Its prob decent for a zone MM, but otherwise I just don't see much use for it outside of assisting killing melee. I would not bring this toon to any arena match unless it was gonna be vs melee heavy teams that don't believe in travel powers or perfer fightclubish rules.





seems like it would work in a pvp 5-6 man team with stalkers and mms if they were all nature - in a tutle tp mode.



Originally Posted by fur_nes View Post
seems like it would work in a pvp 5-6 man team with stalkers and mms if they were all nature - in a tutle tp mode.
Team of nature/pain mm's would own zone base camping...

