Back for PvP




Hello, not sure if anyone will remember me or not, would pvp all the time, my global was -Fire wire.


im back to check out the pvp, so far it seems pretty lame, but id like to give it a go again.

So far i have a ice/rad troller for 1v1s ice/nrg blaster for small teams and what not, if anyone could help me in the direction on what to go for IOing and incarnate stuff, would luv you gently.

for the ice/rad i went clarion for mez protection but willing to change for a good cause!!

Luv ya pvpers =]



I don't know how long you've been gone but I get the impression you may be a bit out of touch with the PvP changes that have taken place.

Most things in PvP don't work the same way they do in PvE anymore. Ice/Em's are pretty meh for damage.

Mez is now on a ten second timer, no one has any protection to it, only mez resistance and durations are much shorter (4 second max outside of a few broken powers).

Ice/Rad is no where near as good as it used to be. Dark/Poison corrupters are pretty much the FoTM now for 1 v 1's. 1 v 1's are also pretty much a joke now.

Rad/Psi Fire/EM Psi/EM Mind/Fire are all still good builds. Earth/Fire's can be good in team arena settings. Emps are of course still used.

Incandesence is the best incarnate power hands down, even if you don't have a self heal.



yeah did a few matches, and noticed instantly things have changed, breakfrees... dont... >.> what happened to this game



Well, for starters, Ice/Rad isn't really good anymore because slows are gimped to hell and you can't prevent your /Rad toggles from dropping when you get hit with a mez, and Ice Blast is one of the worst blast sets out there now. Apparently you've been gone for quite a while - they made a large set of changes to PvP in Issue 13 (December 2008 I think) which drove away most of the PvP population. If you came back for the PvP you're going to be disappointed.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by -Farenheit- View Post
Hello, not sure if anyone will remember me or not, would pvp all the time, my global was -Fire wire.


im back to check out the pvp, so far it seems pretty lame, but id like to give it a go again.

So far i have a ice/rad troller for 1v1s ice/nrg blaster for small teams and what not, if anyone could help me in the direction on what to go for IOing and incarnate stuff, would luv you gently.

for the ice/rad i went clarion for mez protection but willing to change for a good cause!!

Luv ya pvpers =]

is that rewire? or MF Fire Wire>?



MF Fire Wire :P



Originally Posted by -Farenheit- View Post
yeah did a few matches, and noticed instantly things have changed, breakfrees... dont... >.> what happened to this game
Things were dumbed down a good bit. There are now hard caps on a lot of things, for instance things like therms and sonics that once brought squishies to 75% res to various things now cap out at around 35-40% without therm or sonic shields they usually have around 33-35% res to all on their own. Res shields and tough now provide resistance to all damage types.

All things now suffer from diminished returns, meaning you can't slot for piles of recharge anymore. Power boost Aim Build up is a waste for both +damage and +to hit. Defense caps on squishies at about 30%.

Damage has been completely retooled. Its now based off of mostly activation time and to a lesser extend recharge/end cost. Every AT now deals respectable damage though Blasters and Dom's are still at the top of the charts.

There are no such thing as unresisted bebuffs or damage (outside of a portion of stalker AS and some damage procs)

Mez Protection was replaced with mez resistance, mez durations were reduced down to 2 and 4 seconds base. Meaning you can't stop yourself from being mezed, only reduce the duration of it. Break free's are pretty much useless now, oranges are too. Reds still carry some small benefit but for the most part just bring greens or blues if you are fighting a sapper.

If you go into zones, there is now healing decay (each time you take any kind of heal be it from a green or emp or whatever) there is an 8 second window where any additional healing is reduced by 25% down to a 75% reduction in healing value (its pretty laughable) the incandescense incarnate can get around this though. Also, for anything you do, you are travel suppressed for a few seconds. If you attack? You get TS'ed if you get attacked, you are TS'ed if you try to heal someone, TS'ed. It makes evasion pretty stupid as 2 people randomly throwing damage can keep your travel speed perma slowed as you try to get away. You are able to turn these two options off in the arena though.

I'm sure I missed some stuff, but thats a start at least.



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
Incandesence is the best incarnate power hands down, even if you don't have a self heal.
This scares me because it's true. If you plan on being on a team, Incan is always a better choice.

Then once you start stacking 3+ Incans it becomes ridiculously broken. Small greens would heal 964 hp each.

At 5 Incans, small greens are healing over 1500. This would mean you've got 20 full heals in your inspiration tray.

So how is Incan being limited on teams in the arena? Is it outright banned, limited to 1 or 2, alpha only?

The first two aren't exactly fair to someone who -only- has Incan because they'll be up against people with Rebirth. The last isn't exactly as fun, since Judgement/Destiny/Interface can make things a lot more interesting without anything being broken.

What exactly is the norm now?

@Sentry4 @Sentry 4

PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.



so clarion isnt going to work in pvp how i think it should..



also are kins and emps used in teams like they always were?



8 v 8 Arena seems pretty much non existant at the moment so I don't think many people have run into the problem of 5+ stacked incan. The last serval leagues have been "Alpha only" so there hasn't been much of a need to worry about the balance issues with it.

Most matches seem to be 1 v 1's or 2 v 2's anymore so people do whatever they want (be it alpha only or full incarnate).

*edit* The one Clarion (that isn't perma) has a power boost + range type effect that may have some use in team arena, assuming you have an incan to gather everyone up for it ever 2 minutes.

Emping has changed a little. Buffs aren't anywhere near as important as they used to be, its still important just not the death sentence of being mezzed and having all your toggles drop. They are still pretty much the backbone of support for larger team vs. team matches.

Kins you don't see much of anymore. With the DR soft caps on recharge, speed boost isn't as important. IR is still nice to have but the movement speed is no longer completely unsuppressed. ID you don't get much if anything out of the resists, mez protection is usually covered by emps / cm and most builds have all the KB protection they need. Something like Grav/Kin can still be used as a disruption role, but only if your name is March. Grav/TA and Poisons can also be used for disruption, now that the latter is mobile in the form of corrupters. Most teams boil down to 2 emps 1 debuff (usually rad) 4-5 damage with a possible damage sub for disruption.



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
8 v 8 Arena seems pretty much non existant at the moment so I don't think many people have run into the problem of 5+ stacked incan. The last serval leagues have been "Alpha only" so there hasn't been much of a need to worry about the balance issues with it.

Most matches seem to be 1 v 1's or 2 v 2's anymore so people do whatever they want (be it alpha only or full incarnate).

*edit* The one Clarion (that isn't perma) has a power boost + range type effect that may have some use in team arena, assuming you have an incan to gather everyone up for it ever 2 minutes.

Emping has changed a little. Buffs aren't anywhere near as important as they used to be, its still important just not the death sentence of being mezzed and having all your toggles drop. They are still pretty much the backbone of support for larger team vs. team matches.

Kins you don't see much of anymore. With the DR soft caps on recharge, speed boost isn't as important. IR is still nice to have but the movement speed is no longer completely unsuppressed. ID you don't get much if anything out of the resists, mez protection is usually covered by emps / cm and most builds have all the KB protection they need. Something like Grav/Kin can still be used as a disruption role, but only if your name is March. Grav/TA and Poisons can also be used for disruption, now that the latter is mobile in the form of corrupters. Most teams boil down to 2 emps 1 debuff (usually rad) 4-5 damage with a possible damage sub for disruption.
*thumbs up*

@Ethical Inquiry



going to roll a rad/psi def psi/nrg blaster and that dark/pos corr, sounds different, im assuming you build these completely different now though too



Originally Posted by Sentry4 View Post

So how is Incan being limited on teams in the arena? Is it outright banned, limited to 1 or 2, alpha only?

The first two aren't exactly fair to someone who -only- has Incan because they'll be up against people with Rebirth. The last isn't exactly as fun, since Judgement/Destiny/Interface can make things a lot more interesting without anything being broken.

What exactly is the norm now?
Leagues used Alpha only, no Interface procs no Judgement no Lore Pets no Destiny.

There probably won't be any leagues for the foreseeable future though so whatever you want to roll with should work as long as everyone Incarnates/IOs their toons out appropriately.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by -Farenheit- View Post
going to roll a rad/psi def psi/nrg blaster and that dark/pos corr, sounds different, im assuming you build these completely different now though too
Everyone has their own way of building them I'm sure, some general things to follow would be shoot for 1606 HP or as close to it for any team arena build. 1 v 1 builds can get by with 1500-1550. Team Arena = mag 49 KB protection I think, 51 to be safe. ( I forget what properly slotted forcebolt is) 1 v 1 mag 41 KB protection.

Outside of that you usually want to shoot for between 50 and 90% recharge and 50-90% acc.

Here is a sample Psi/EM build to check out and maybe get an idea for things.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Originally Posted by -Farenheit- View Post
MF Fire Wire :P
Welcome back FireWire.





Originally Posted by -Farenheit- View Post
Hello, not sure if anyone will remember me or not, would pvp all the time, my global was -Fire wire.


im back to check out the pvp, so far it seems pretty lame, but id like to give it a go again.

So far i have a ice/rad troller for 1v1s ice/nrg blaster for small teams and what not, if anyone could help me in the direction on what to go for IOing and incarnate stuff, would luv you gently.

for the ice/rad i went clarion for mez protection but willing to change for a good cause!!

Luv ya pvpers =]
What server are you playing on? You sound like most your experience was pre i13, and back then PvP'ers were spread across every server. If you're on freedom you can shoot me a global tell @psycho jas and I can try answer any of your questions or show you anything in arena. But pretty much every thing Lib has said you should take on board.

@Psycho Jas



on liberty for now, only server i know anyone really from way back, PLing builds up now, rad/psi will probably be the first up, also level shifts, im assuming you get just the +1 if that? i have about 60000 pvp questions if you guys could add me on live, @-fahrenheit

and, hello kurgain ;P



If you're back for PvP as you claim to be liberty is far from the greatest server to return too. After i13 a huge amount of players left the game all together, the PvP'ers that remained pretty much all moved to freedom at one point or another to start a new community there, while that community is more or less dead, theres still a few of us left. There is also a growing one on Virtue.

I wouldn't bother going through the effort of PL'ng PvP toons on any other server unless you plan on then moving them to either Freedom or Virtue.

@Psycho Jas



that is the plan, to move them to freedom



Originally Posted by -Farenheit- View Post
that is the plan, to move them to freedom

you were team V right?



Originally Posted by fur_nes View Post
you were team V right?
Fire Wire was with Freaks of Legend.





You should make a demon/thermal Mastermind. Or Dark Misma! I'll pL you one when I get the time.

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.