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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    Would that even include those of us "easterners" flying into SJC around 900 PM?
    Seems that a bunch of folks are coming in on Friday, so I'll probably end up hanging around that area.
    For Sat morning, I can pick up folks in Berkeley and we can carpool to Palo Alto.
    FYI, I see the hotel offers 'Free-wifi'. Pre-summit ITF, anyone?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    D'oh. Forgot to mention that they won't allow you to check in before 3 PM.
    I will take Friday off and play host/bus driver until folks can check into their hotel.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    Really, those people are probably inviting lowbies to have someone to talk to. You don't need people to pad in order to max spawn size anymore.
    I run x8 tips also and I don't care if there's just 1 or 7 more on the team besides me since the mobs spawn for 8 already. I play villain, so I try my best to fill since vill-side tends to have fewer teams.
  4. Caught ya in action, Dune aka Scataloni!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
    So I've noticed that it is extremely common for teams of 50s to run around doing missions at +2/x8 or +4/x8. And, to their credit, they rarely ever balk at inviting heroes of any and all levels to join them.
    I'm one of those 50s who will invite any level to join the team. However, I provide free T3 barrier and speed boost to members. The following temps may help:
    - Kinetic dampner: if for some reason, the mobs ignore the 50 or the 50 agro caps, turn on when getting too much agro.
    - Recovery serum
    - Stun grenade: use with too much agro
    - Smoke flash: use with too much agro

    Bring lucks and insight. You may want to slot a Kismet +Acc if you join 50+ teams often. Pop 1 or 2 lucks and insights and bang away. If you are getting too much agro, just run around the corner to break line of sight. Kill any that follow. If there are less than 20 in the mob, and the 50 has a dmg aura, you can try hiding withing the dmg aura. The aura should keep the mob's attention on the 50. However, if the mob does AoE on the 50, you are caught too...

    As the leader, I don't expect lowbies to do as good a job as an actual 49. I just want to provide lowbies a team to join.
  6. crayhal

    Blood and gore

    5 yr olds play this game. One doesn't need to maim to be heroic.
  7. crayhal

    Missuse of /hc ?

    Originally Posted by Dylan Clearbrook View Post
    Again, I don't think it was a good idea to restrict the F2P from all but the Help channel. But since that is the way it is, it should be expected that the f2p will use that channel for more than help.
    The help channel is also used by spammers. Not once, but repeating their ad 5x. Having played on Freedom, Virtue and Champion, I am quite glad not to see this on Exalted.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BeornAgain View Post
    What on earth am I going to have to do?
    From a role playing standpoint, I know WHY I am on a villainous path right now.
    But, once I have the option for Mu Mastery, will I have the sufficient power to seek redemption?
    I actually dread this morality mission...
    There are 2 possible villain morality missions. The most ebil morality is to do the most nefarious act possible... kill the Ultimate villain. *wink wink nudge nudge*
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    Nope. Not me. It's in WW and I play pure villains.
    If that happened to me, I'd look at their badges first. If it's a 3+ month vet, I'd remind them that they can send money to a new toon by email. If they insist, I would say: You must be really poor. Here you go. Then I would trade them 1 inf.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
    Ok I confess it was me. Yep laid the smack down on the begging for AE farms this morning. Told them to go to Freedom why ruin 2 servers. Beg and PL there then when you're ready to play transfer your toon here.
    *clap* *clap* *clap*

    I applaud you, sir.
  11. Thanks to everyone that joined! It was a blast!

    Renault finished with a fast 43:19. This usually takes about 55 mins.

    Next was Tarikoss at 44 mins. I clicked the Complete menu away before the screencap, but the timer shows 16 mins left.

    Silver Mantis was a full team. I prefer to run at 7 so less stun guns spawn, but the team beat em down to a cool 48:51.

    Mort Kal is another full team but this time, I was a bit cocky and set the timer to 30 mins. Team finished just 1 minute over.

    Then it's on to Cap for the new signature arc. I seem to have lost/overwritten the pic for that. The team finished around 20 mins.

    Finally, Ice Mistral and also the WST this week. Pardon the rather unflattering photo since a demon stepped into my view as I was taking the shot. The team finished at 1:08:46.

    At this point, I ate a quick snack and then napped for over 1 hr!

    The next strikeforce marathon will be in my home server, Freedom.
  12. Just did one today and completed in 15 mins. I usually see ITF advertised in the global channels like RF2009 and Tfsmissionraids. I am assuming that the ITF is not yet complete and that your team can log back in to continue. As for debuff, a poor man's version is the temp power Envenomed dagger. If it's possible and you have Van merits, go to RWZ and buy a HVAS. Good luck!
  13. crayhal

    Exalted Intros

    Hi All,

    I started in Freedom and branched out to several servers. I'm helping with the new branch of the Dark Kingdom VG on villain side. If anyone needs a VG, send me a tell and I'll try to get an invite for Dark Kingdom or one of its coalitions.
    I play villains mostly, so you might see me doing no good as Ace Railgun, Pacific time. I usually run ebil tips, story arcs and strikeforces.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
    Experience. And your global friend network, and the ability to rank and comment said friends. ... That alone has earned me a reputation among my circle of friends.
    ^^ This. Just play. Let people get to know you. A lot of my friends use the comment/note system and will often form TFs based on their list. Other friends create their own private channel and invite players who work well in TFs. When they need to fill spots, they ask in their private channel first before broadcasting in global channels.
  15. Dark Kingdom hosts lowbie Strikeforce Marathon on Sat, 10/1, starting at 10 AM PST, 1 PM EST.
    The format is stealth/speed since I am leading these back to back. Stealth would be helpful to skip mobs, but not required since TP is available. Each SF will take about 1 hr or less and will have a 5-10 min break in between.
    The first SF will be Op Renault in Shark since it gives a temp power that can be used in other SFs. To get a spot, please reply to this post with your toon name, send tell online or come to Renault in Shark at 10 AM on Sat.

    Temple of the Waters SF:
    Contact: Operative Renault
    Zone: Sharkhead Isle
    Level Range: 25-30
    Merits: 24
    Start time: 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST
    Lead: Ace Railgun

    The Beast Beneath the Mountain SF:
    Contact: Virgil Tarakoss
    Zone: Cap Au Diable
    Level Range: 15-20
    Merits: 13
    Est Start time: 11:15 AM PST / 2:15 PM EST
    Lead: Ace Railgun

    Pirates of the Sky SF:
    Contact: Silver Mantis
    Zone: Sharkhead
    Level Range: 20-25
    Merits: 42
    Est Start time: 12:30 PM PST / 3:30 PM EST
    Lead: Ace Railgun

    Mortimer Kal SF
    Zone: Sharkhead
    Level Range: 20-40
    Merits: 22
    Est Start time: 2 PM PST / 5 PM EST
    Lead: Haruu

    Who will die
    Zone: Cap Au Diable
    Level Range: 10-20
    Est Start time: 2:30 PM PST / 5:30 PM EST
    Lead: Ace Railgun

    The Crystal of Seraphina SF:
    Contact: Ice Mistral
    Zone: St Martial
    Level Range: 35-40
    Merits: 26
    Est Start time: 3:30 PM PST / 6:30 PM EST
    Lead: Haruu

    If there is time and interest:
    1st Respec Trial:
    Contact: Sparcetriel
    Zone: Nerva Archipelago
    Level Range: 24-33
    Merits: 14

    2nd Respec Trial:
    Contact: Trepsarciel
    Zone: Nerva Archipelago
    Level Range: 34-43
    Merits: 14

    Some useful Temp pwrs:
    1) Kinetic Dampener - toggle, 30 mins of use, increase def/res. Useful for trials.
    2) Hand grenade
    3) Stun grenade
    4) Plasmatic taser
    5) Envenomed dagger - great for debuffing AVs
    6) Recovery serum

    If you have a base with empowerment buffs, 1 or 2 salvage will create a 1 hr buff.
  16. I'm trying to catch up with work. I'll do my best to get there, but don't wait up if I'm not there when you want to start.

  17. crayhal


    In SGs that try to earn prestige, toons that will be unplayed for 30+ days should be moved to a 'graveyard' SG. This is done to make room for active toons that can earn prestige. If a graveyard toon becomes active again, it can be reinvited back to the active SG to help earn prestige.
    Earning prestige is most critical when the base is new and needs basic facilities.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
    Team Spike had a rough go against Katie. I think we did it in....~1:41 with about 17 deaths. I will assume lots of responsibility -- Ferju Teeli is my first and only controller...created 7+ years ago. I dust her off every few months and put on a few levels...the inexperience showed....even my Singularity fled once..... Of course, this means I have to play her more often to earn redemption....
    Crossing over: (B/W because I forgot to uncheck grayscale >.<)


    Sorry for delay in posting. Had problems logging into the forum
    Cyall next Monday!
  19. Whenever I see someone who has no vet badges, and seems like a new player, I give em 20 mil :3
    New player gratefully accepts and when I asked why I gave it, I just say it's tradition. ;D
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    How do you have thousands of merits. Is it just making sure you get a TF done, especially the weekly specials ? Or is there some other way I am not aware of.
    Speedrun TFs that can be accomplished at the shortest amount of time, ie 1 merit per minute. Assuming 3 hrs (180 mins) of play time per day:
    15-25 mins: ITF, 25 merits
    45-50 mins: Silver Mantis SF, 42 merits
    20-30 mins: Mort Kal, 22 merits
    25-30 mins: LRSF, 25 merits
    25-40 mins: LGTF, 37 merits
    20-30 mins: Apex, 40 merits
    20-30 mins: Tin Mage, 40 merits
    Total: 170-235 mins, 231 merits
    231 merits x 7 days = 1617 merits / week

    Note: the above can only be accomplished by team mates who know how to do speed runs. IE, if anyone stops to kill the 1st mob that is not associated with the mission objective, that player is not a speedster.

    One of my regular speed mates hits the max of 9999 merits almost every week. He manages to spend about half of it with rolls.

    Ouro also has some missions that have a good merit/min ratio and can be soloed.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Organica View Post
    you had to experiment or find out from someone else (search the web), ingredients were often very hard to come by and/or very expensive, and you were very likely to fail and lose all of your stuff... and if you DID succeed, you had a very small (probably less than 10%, maybe less than 5%) chance of increasing your skill.

    ...the only problem was that at higher levels the process to craft took longer and longer.. 10 minutes.... 20 minutes... 30 minutes. For. A. Single. Item.
    My experiences with crafting in games:
    1) Fantasy single player:
    - 1 scroll = experience (yes, the player's experience) + expensive components + memorized spell + game time. Crafted scroll is 1 level lower than the player. Somewhat useful for support type spells, but combat spells would be too weak.
    - 1 weapon = expensive components + gold. Crafted weapon is not magical. When sold at vendor, cost of crafting is more than what vendor would pay. Weapon quality is equivalent to a common drop.

    2) Another fantasy single player:
    - closest thing to crafting is putting runes or gems in existing armor and weapons. To get the runes/gems, player repeatedly farms a level and a random rune/gem is rewarded after defeating a boss. This approximately takes 30-45 mins.

    3) Some other superhero game:
    - In order to craft, the player must have skill points equal or more than what the recipe requires.
    - To build up skill points, player must research dropped gear of a certain type. Gear is broken down into components.
    - Player buys recipe when skill point requirement is met. Recipe is learned.
    - Items can be crafted from learned recipes with the correct amount of components. Sometimes, 20+ of a certain component is required.
    - Player throws hands up in disgust after discovering that recipes to be learned produce items that are inferior in stat enhancement compared to mission drops. IE, it is better to equip drops from missions rather than crafted items. Said crafted items don't sell well in the auction house either.

    I subbed a little over a year ago, and during my first 2 months, I slotted only the drops that I got. If I didn't have the parts, I didn't craft it. Even with this hodgepodge slotting, my toon made it to 50, finished the major story arcs and even completed lvl 50 strikeforces, albeit more dying than usual.

    Like what other poster have mentioned before, this game doesn't require optimal power slotting in order to succeed. Also, compared to the 3 other games I played, this game has the best so far in terms of usable crafting. The crafted item is usable and tradeable. IE, if I make it for someone else, I can get compensated for my work. There are several ways to get recipes and salvage. The player doesn't have to constantly grind and raid for gear.
  22. crayhal


    The server downtime forced me to leave my Vegas hotel room with free wi-fi, go out to gorge myself at the Paris buffet and sing along with the Dueling Pianos with a glass of Bailey's Irish creme in my hand.

    Totally unacceptable. The Devs better do something to make it up.
  23. Tried to use it to rejoin Lambda and no luck. Has 'Rejoin Event' worked for anyone since last patch? (Week of 8/29)
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caulderone View Post
    My current Main has two builds, one for content Level 1 to 29, and one for content Level 30 to 50.
    I like to be able to run any and all missions through Flashbacks at as high a difficulty as I can manage by having an exemplar friendly/tailored build for it.
    I like to do speed lowbie SFs, so my 1st build starts using set IOs at lvl 20. This build is used until I hit 50. Along the way from lvl 20 to 50, I make 5 IOs every 3 levels or so and it doesn't take as much time as replacing red DO/SOs. At level 50, I use the 2nd build for level 50 content.
    Since respecs are expensive, I try to save them and sometimes use the 2nd build to redo the lowbie build. If this happens, the 3rd build is then used 50 content.