Lowbie Strikeforce Marathon (Villains). Sat 10/1




Dark Kingdom hosts lowbie Strikeforce Marathon on Sat, 10/1, starting at 10 AM PST, 1 PM EST.
The format is stealth/speed since I am leading these back to back. Stealth would be helpful to skip mobs, but not required since TP is available. Each SF will take about 1 hr or less and will have a 5-10 min break in between.
The first SF will be Op Renault in Shark since it gives a temp power that can be used in other SFs. To get a spot, please reply to this post with your toon name, send tell online or come to Renault in Shark at 10 AM on Sat.

Temple of the Waters SF:
Contact: Operative Renault
Zone: Sharkhead Isle
Level Range: 25-30
Merits: 24
Start time: 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST
Lead: Ace Railgun

The Beast Beneath the Mountain SF:
Contact: Virgil Tarakoss
Zone: Cap Au Diable
Level Range: 15-20
Merits: 13
Est Start time: 11:15 AM PST / 2:15 PM EST
Lead: Ace Railgun

Pirates of the Sky SF:
Contact: Silver Mantis
Zone: Sharkhead
Level Range: 20-25
Merits: 42
Est Start time: 12:30 PM PST / 3:30 PM EST
Lead: Ace Railgun

Mortimer Kal SF
Zone: Sharkhead
Level Range: 20-40
Merits: 22
Est Start time: 2 PM PST / 5 PM EST
Lead: Haruu

Who will die
Zone: Cap Au Diable
Level Range: 10-20
Est Start time: 2:30 PM PST / 5:30 PM EST
Lead: Ace Railgun

The Crystal of Seraphina SF:
Contact: Ice Mistral
Zone: St Martial
Level Range: 35-40
Merits: 26
Est Start time: 3:30 PM PST / 6:30 PM EST
Lead: Haruu

If there is time and interest:
1st Respec Trial:
Contact: Sparcetriel
Zone: Nerva Archipelago
Level Range: 24-33
Merits: 14

2nd Respec Trial:
Contact: Trepsarciel
Zone: Nerva Archipelago
Level Range: 34-43
Merits: 14

Some useful Temp pwrs:
1) Kinetic Dampener - toggle, 30 mins of use, increase def/res. Useful for trials.
2) Hand grenade
3) Stun grenade
4) Plasmatic taser
5) Envenomed dagger - great for debuffing AVs
6) Recovery serum

If you have a base with empowerment buffs, 1 or 2 salvage will create a 1 hr buff.



Definitely sounds interesting. Guess I'll be spending a bit of time tonight picking a villain to play.

Cheers for this!



Thanks to everyone that joined! It was a blast!

Renault finished with a fast 43:19. This usually takes about 55 mins.

Next was Tarikoss at 44 mins. I clicked the Complete menu away before the screencap, but the timer shows 16 mins left.

Silver Mantis was a full team. I prefer to run at 7 so less stun guns spawn, but the team beat em down to a cool 48:51.

Mort Kal is another full team but this time, I was a bit cocky and set the timer to 30 mins. Team finished just 1 minute over.

Then it's on to Cap for the new signature arc. I seem to have lost/overwritten the pic for that. The team finished around 20 mins.

Finally, Ice Mistral and also the WST this week. Pardon the rather unflattering photo since a demon stepped into my view as I was taking the shot. The team finished at 1:08:46.

At this point, I ate a quick snack and then napped for over 1 hr!

The next strikeforce marathon will be in my home server, Freedom.