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When you say "crossed to the blue side" do you mean all the way over to hero, or just able to get to the blue side as a rogue? Rogues can join hero teams but cannot get hero contacts, although they can lead tfs and tip missions.
If you do mean hero, than SpaceNut's advice is correct. -
Alright, I'd like to propose something I've already discussed with Stalemate. With the advent of I 21, we will have a ton of new players coming in over the first few days. I would like to propose that we organize what I am calling a new player boot camp.
The idea would be for use mentors to be available at the launch of Freedom to snag new players are they execute the tutorial, or through the help channel, and take them through the new sewer trial. Along the way, we would teach them the basics of how the game works, beyond the in game tutorial, answer questions, and at the end would hand out inf to get them started. I was thinking half a mil. Some like myself could provide that amount on their own, but we could collect some for those who might need it.
Any thoughts? We'll probably need to come with a very basic list of things to cover, just to keep us all on the same track. -
Both of those have now been changed.
The devs also said there would be more tailers on an earlier Ustream chat.
It looks like some of the Comic-Con info, especially the stuff gleaned from people playing the Beta was somewhat deceptive, as there was stuff in there not actually meant for I 21. I'll do more cleanup, grumble, grumble. I now regret the title of this thread, but can't figure out how to change it. It should be "known changes" not "confirmed changes."
Don't remember the precise source for the Ouroboros arc changes, but believe it was from a Ustream chat. There was a lot of discussion about it at the time. The new tutorial requires it to be changed anyway, so it should hardly be a surprise. -
The sewers run won't actually be on map.
And yes the Mercy revamp will not be quite so major at the Atlas one, but still a revamp.
Thanks for the corrections, Chaos. I was unaware that Posi said that those sets won't actually be in game, although I cant' see how they would make complete sets like that if they didn't want to actually use them. If they're for after I21, though, I'll remove them from the list in any case. The 15 slots thing was a typo. I'll fix it. -
I first made this list on another forum and posted it in another thread on the Virtue forum. People seemed to find it rather helpful, so I'm putting it here for everyone. I will make this the new official home of this list and will keep it updated as more information is released.
- Hybrid f2p system
- New magical based Praetorian zone, First Ward (Contacts purchased separately, but included with subscriptions) Level 20-25 Praetorian zone. Praetorians can come straight from the current Praetorian content to this new zone, and Primals can come over to it as well.
- New Incarnate trial--Underground Praetoria (VIP only)
- Mercy Island and Atlas Park revamped
- Galaxy City destroyed and removed from game.
- Breakout and Outbreak replaced by a coop destroyed galaxy city tut zone. Any class can join it and go to either side. All removed content including Galaxy accessible from Orobouros.
- Team wide inspirations.
- Sewer trial for lower level characters available through the team up teleporter.
- New powerset--Time Manipulation. Defender primary and MM, corrupter, and controller secondary. (free to subscribers)
- New server (subscribers only)
- Two new costume sets (free to subscribers)
- Ability to see and preview all costume pieces, even ones you don't have, in the Tailor.
- Many new tailors
- Reworked Ouroburos intro arc
- New Powerset--Street Justice. A hand to hand combo based set. Different powers have different secondary effects. (purchased separately)
- New Powerset--Beam Guns. Energy weapons attacks which do lower based damage than other ranged sets, but debuff the enemy, allowing them to do additional damage. (purchased separately)
- New Vet Reward system. It is tier based, allowing you to spent points to unlock new rewards. Current players will get 1 point per vet badge, plus one per year. 7 year players should be able to unlock most of the rewards immediately. Most of the restrictions on free players can be removed this way.
- New Vet Reward--Dual Inspirations. Work like two regular inspirations as once, like damage/accuracy for example. (can also be purchased separately)
- New Vet Reward--Team Inspirations. Work like regular inspirations, but effect the entire team.
- New Vet Reward--Unslotters, used to removed a single enhancment (can also be purchased separately)
- New Vet Reward--IO enhancers, used to improve IOs, detail unknown (can also be purchased separately)
- New Vet Reward--XP boost, used to provide a boost in XP earnings for a short time. (can also be purchased separately)
- New Vet Reward--Windfall, not totally explained, but likely to provide an Inf earnings boost for a short time. (can also be purchased separately)
- New Vet Reward--Signature character summoning
- New Costume Set--Circle of Thorns (purchased separately)
- New Costume Set--Gunslinger, a western themed set, not related to Malta (purchased separately)
- New Power--Hoverboard (purchased separately)
- Travel Powers at level 4
- New Power--Afterburner. A new Flight pool power that lets you boost your flight speed.
- New Power--Long Distance Teleport. A teleport pool power. Details unknown.
- New Power--Pounce. Exact name unknown. Jump pool power. Some type of attack power.
- New Power--Burnout. Superspeed pool power. Lets you instantly recharge all primary and secondary powers at a high end cost and a temporary reductions in max end.
- Optional Tutorial stories available every few levels until level 20
- New Costume Set--Celestial Armor
- QOL: Improved contact visibility
- QOL: Find contact button
- QOL: Teleport to contact
- Global Perk--12 more character slots above the normal 36. (VIP only, Purchased Separately)
- Global Perk--Up to two more enhancement trays. (Purchased Separately)
- Global Perk--Up to five more costume slots. (Purchased Separately)
Quote:I haven't yet updated it with those things. I'll add them to the list.The pricing details are subject to change.
You forgot that VIPs can purchase up to a maximum of 48 slots per server, you can BUY 2 additional enhancement bars (yes, for all characters). This just means that you can carry 30 instead of 10. You can buy 5 additional costume slots and these will be on every single character. So you can start a character and they'll have 6 slots which you can change.
And "purchased separately" mean with Paragon Points, which you can get either from purchasing them with money, or from being a VIP. No actual money is necessary.
I've moved the main list permanently to http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=267787 and will update it there as more information is released. -
In this game healing generally become less useful as you go higher in levels. It's always helpful, but with a good team there are times when you'll never use your heals at all and rely entirely on your other powers. It's an entirely different mentality from some other games, but from what you said, I think you'll like it better.
I present to you my complete list of all known changes coming with Issue 21 from another forum where I've been keeping track.
- f2p system
- New magical based Praetorian zone, First Ward (purchased separately, but included with subscriptions) Level 20-24 Praetorian zone. Praetorians can come straight from the current Praetorian content to this new zone, and Primals can come over to it as well.
- New Incarnate trial--Underground Praetoria
- Mercy Island and Atlas Park revamped
- Galaxy City destroyed and removed from game.
- Breakout and Outbreak replaced by a coop destroyed galaxy city tut zone. Any class can join it and go to either side. All removed content including Galaxy accessible from Orobouros.
- Team wide inspirations.
- Sewer trial for lower level characters available through the team up teleporter.
- New powerset--Time Manipulation. Defender primary and MM, corrupter, and controller secondary. (free to subscribers)
- New server (subscribers only)
- Two new costume sets (free to subscribers)
- Ability to see and preview all costume pieces, even onces you don't have, in the Tailor.
- Many new tailors
- Reworked Ouroburos intro arc
- New Powerset--Street Justice. A hand to hand combo based set. Different powers have different secondary effects. (purchased separately)
- New Powerset--Beam Guns. Energy weapons attacks which do lower based damage than other ranged sets, but debuff the enemy, allowing them to do additional damage. (purchased separately)
- New Vet Reward system. It is tier based, allowing you to spent points to unlock new rewards. Current players will get 1 point per vet badge, plus one per year. 7 year players should be able to unlock most of the rewards immediately. Most of the restrictions on free players can be removed this way.
- New Vet Reward--Dual Inspirations. Work like two regular inspirations as once, like damage/accuracy for example.
- New Vet Reward--Team Inspirations. Work like regular inspirations, but effect the entire team.
- New Vet Reward--Signature character summoning
- New Costume Set--Circle of Thorns (purchased separately)
- New Costume Set--Gunslinger (purchased separately)
- New Power--Hoverboard (purchased separately)
- Travel powers at level 4
- New Power--Afterburner. A new Flight pool power that lets you boost your flight speed.
- New Power--Long Distance Teleport. A teleport pool power. Details unknown.
- New Power--Pounce. Exact name unknown. Jump pool power. Some type of attack power.
- New Power--Burnout. Superspeed pool power. Lets you instantly recharge all primary and secondary powers at a high end cost and a temporary reductions in max end.
- Low rarity recipes buyable from the store.
- New IO Sets for each AT. (purchased separately)
- New Vet Reward--Unslotters, used to removed a single enhancment
- New Vet Reward--IO enhancers, used to combine two similar IOs, as with regular enhancements
- Optional Tutorial stories available every few levels until level 20
- New Costume Set--Celestial Armor
- QOL: Improved contact visibility
- QOL: Find contact button
- QOL: Teleport to contact
I still see it lot. I even had someone quit a team I was on because we didn't know they had leveled and didn't grats them. (it wasn't on purpose though, we were in quite a hard fight at the time)
One thing that I was wondering that a friend of mine brought up--that he is planning on canceling the game over, in fact--is what about the free character slots we currently receive? I mean, I know we'll keep the ones we have going into Freedom, but I don't believe the new vet reward system has those listed anywhere. Will we still get them just as an automatic every year thing? My friend says he's being cheated out of the character slot he would have gotten in November or so.
I found a star emblem that I think works better than the torch. Just my opinion--it's ultimately up to you.
I would also like to point out for any others that might be interesed, that you can stretch out the light them to fit a variety of ATs and powersets, so dont' pass this up because you think it too restricted.
Any energy, fire, or even dark, if properly recolored would work nicely. Shields and any weapons can be said to be special weapons made of solid light or somesuch. In addition, you could also go the Superman route and say your powers are fueled by light even if not directly light based.
Just some suggestions.
Also might I suggest a uniform of some kind. Make it a bit like the Green lantern uniform--a general, well recognized color sceme and emblem individualized to fit each character. Maybe something yellow and white?
EDIT: The Living Lightray is now in game. -
Color me interested. If this does take off, I might roll up an Ill/FS Troller for it.
I second that sentiment. Our community people and devs alike are great and don't forget the community they work for. If they didn't help create such a friendly environment, I might not bother sticking around, but it is and I do.
Yep, it's one of the new goodies that you can only unlock with Incarnate merits, but which become available to every character on that account once purchased. It's not a secret and any hush hushness was just that person being a jerk about it.
Well, there are no separate European and US servers anyway. They removed that distinction. All are physically in the same location and all are accessible by anyone.
As was earlier stated, Freedom And Virtue are tied for highest. I've seen Union (originally the European rp server) reach the level of third highest at certain times of day. There are people who play all them, however. There are no really dead severs, once you learn how to find people and when they typically play.
As for lag, higher populations servers would seem to be more likely to have more lag problems, so you might be better off picking a moderately busy server, rather than one of the big 2. Union might be ideal, since you would be more likely to find people playing at the same time as you. -
The recent changes have actually made things worse, IMO. You still get the open league benefits if you pre-form the league, and now get hit with a 5 minute timer if you leave a few spots open for people in the turnstile, so now there are no longer those spots being left open for folks. I'm pretty sure the turnstile thing is all but dead.
The email is supposed to appear immediately on the email of the toon that sent it. It appears for every single toon you have until one of them hits the claim button. That is supposed to happen, if I am understanding correctly.
I would be very surprised if they charged much more than 400 points for a power set, since that is worth 5 bucks. Your monthly stipend should be plenty enough.
In feature on the comic book cover intros, they said that the tutorial will begin with your character fighting alongside Psyche and BABs. I doubt either one will die.
I've been concerned about the most populous servers as well. One solution to this would be to simply have a "suggested server" pop up when a new player logs in for the first time. Set it to always recommend servers randomly selected from those who do not have a certain threshold of activity, and a lot of new players will simply join the recommended server, spreading the new players primarily among the less populated servers. Any of those who want to ignore it and join Freedom or Virtue anyways, such as because they have friends playing on those severs, still can.
I outlevel the Praetorian arcs every time I play. I you regularly play on 5 man or higher teams and build up some patrol xp, it's very simple to do. I had to turn off xp on one of my toons several times to get the whole Warden arc series in. In fact, I had it off maybe a third of the total arcs I did.
Quote:Because IT'S THE SAME SYSTEM! It was designed for individuals, small teams of friends waiting around to join the trial and so forth. So a team of 5 and one of 4, and a single person, and one of 8 could all be pulled into the trial at once. In short, the system does not descriminate according to group size. While it allows for large groups forming just to do the trials, it was not intended for that. For a very, VERY brief time, it did work as intended, but people, like me, found that randomly being throw together with a random leader was a sure recipe for failure. Most then wisely gave up on it. But it's still not intended for groups to form this way, so the confirmation exists because of that.So if it's the same thing why have the need for individual to agree to do it since when a team forms they usually to always form under specific things to do. Ie trial team, TF/SF team, or trial team. As far as I remember Ive never been in a team where the lead suddenly just went to a tf/sf con and just started it when they said that they where just doing missions. The reason this isn't done even if you do get a *** who would is becuase it will piss of the other players and they just leave thus ending the tf/sf.
Personally, I just wish the devs would write off the lfg system as a bad idea and just accept the players' wishes in the matter.