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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Yogi_Bare View Post
    Isn't Dark Astoria only accessible Blue-side?
    It is now. I believe that it will become co-op when revamped.
  2. I know I always try to send a mil or so inf to new players, just as another player did for my first toon.

    And yeah, help can be annoying, but there are also plenty of people actually asking for help there.
  3. The zombies appear to run right toward the AV on their own anyway, if they don't spawn close enough to the player who trigger their appearance, so no pulling to him is really required, although it's still better to just have the non-tanking players kill them as they appeared.

    I actually got this badge my very first run through the trial, with 3 random players. They all wanted the badge and I was the only tank on the team, so I naturally went the AV and kept him busy and they ran around to kill the zombies. It went pretty easily, actually.
  4. I've done it successfully 3 times, and all of those times we left the big guy where he spawned, had on person keep him busy and the rest killing zombies. The only time we failed it was because he died before 99 zombies were dead, and not because we ran out of time.
  5. catwhowalksbyhimself

    The future sets

    In recent Ustream, Posi and Zwil were asked again about an animal MM set. They both said they'd love to but needed all new 4 legged rigs which were not yet in the game. Since we now know that a 4 legged rig will indeed be added with the halloween trial as a wold model, I would be shocked if such a MM set wasn't already being worked on.
  6. Simple solution here, guys--communication. The team leader should be actually telling his team what he plans on doing. I know, shocking.
  7. One of the beauties of this system is you can choose to pay for the game the way you want. If you really thing going premium and buying $15 a month in points is a better deal for you, then go ahead and do it. The devs get their 15 bucks either way, so they're happy, and you get what you feel is a better deal, so you're happy. So why complain about having such a choice? Just take advantage of it.

    Other people like me feel the subscription is a better choice for them, but everybody's different.
  8. catwhowalksbyhimself

    Missuse of /hc ?

    No, f2p players can only use local, group, and help, so it's no surprise help is chattier than ever.
  9. It would be if you wanted to play an alt with a completely different AT or powerset. Just an idea, no one may actually want to do it.
  10. I will try to find you ingame as soon as possible. This afternoon's Posi run (2 pm est) would be ideal, if you could make it.
  11. My suggestion too is that people can make alts as incarnations of their prime toon. So if you have a character in the SG named The Scholar and want to make another one, he becomes The 2nd Scholar and so forth. AT and powersets and appearance may be completely different, but the name remains.
  12. Rewind?

    I'll get in touch with you ingame for an invite as soon as I can.
  13. and it isn't. All the things he mentioned really do happen as a result of RMT. The worst stuff takes place in faraway countries where we can pretend it doesn't happen, but I have heard of people having account hijacked and empties of everything of value so the RMT people could get more inf transfered to their accounts. And the treatment of the people used as forced labor to produce inf for them is pretty horrifying. Look it up. Not over-reacting at all.
  14. Then that is why it was rejected. The error message did not make that clear.

    Thanks for that info.
  15. Got it. Disagreed with it. Moving on.

    Just to explain, the name was supposed to be United Statesmen, but the game won't allow "Statesmen" in a SG name. The name has to do with the character not the gender.

    And Bright, you're certainly welcome to give it a shot.
  16. I'm a relaxed sort of guy, so as long as there's room in the sg and I know you haven't quit the game, I won't kick you out. Multiple alts are fine and role playing is purely optional, but is in this case especially fun.

    Other than that, all I ask is that you not be a jerk and keep the language to broadcast acceptible levels or less.
  17. Slight stretch, but I think I can make it. Sure, come along.
  18. The United States Men is a themed SG based on alternate Statesmen and parody Statesmen. So far we have United Statesman, StatesMandy, and Statesmonkey. StatesMace, Statesmancer, and StatesMender at least are in game, but haven't yet met me in game. Feel free to create another variety and join us! Easiest way is to join the United Statesmen channel.

    We'll be doing some optional RP and hopeful weekly TFs and other events, which will be open to the public. The uniform is pretty obvious in this case. As long as it's a variation of a Statesman uniform, it's fine.
  19. The United States Men will be running a Posi TF. We'll do both parts if possible.

    This Sunday, 2 pm EST.

    Everyone is invited, Statesman and non Statesman alike.
  20. What kind of help or guildline would you need? The thread I linked to has tons of ideas, most of which are as yet unclaimed, so feel free to steal one.
  21. This is just an invitation to join the Untied States Men.

    It is a themed SG with alternate version of Statesman. It was inspired by this thread.

    If you want in, join the United Statesmen chat channel and find me ingame. A few of us teamed up tonight and it was fun, so create your Statesman today!
  22. Just a slight bump to say wierd work hours and such struck, so I haven't promoted this or even met any of your in game yet. I will make up for that this week, so do look for me, join the channel especially as I check it whenever I am on, from all toons and all severs. If you are on and want your invite, I will come running.
  23. I would certainly be okay with this as a money sink, one that would probably work rather well. Ad some badges to it, and it would be complete. I know one guys who would gladly throw billions at it if that's what it takes to collect all the badges for his main toon.
  24. Still playing through it, but it's a great zone so far. Really fantastic content.
  25. United Statesmen is now a chat channel, so join it if you want to join up, and I'll make sure you get an invite as soon as possible.