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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post

    If they choose not to be yanked they give up their spot in the queue, so the next person to sign up gets it.
    That's assuming the system has such a choice, which it doesn't sound like it does (though, maybe it should........).
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I think that's to avoid having things like half the team on an STF being yanked out just as you're about to fight Recluse
    Yeah, or you have a situation where you didn't pull that person from that mission and it required the entire trial to wait until everyone completed their task.

    The only real solution to this kind of queue is the one implemented.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Second Measure View Post
    In issue 20, you will be able to craft all abilities from the Incarnate trees that are available via Incarnate Trials using Incarnate Shards and some INF. It will take longer than it will take getting components via the trials, but you will be able collect the shards as you play everything(!) else in the game to offset that. If you mix in the occasional Incarnate Trial you will make more progress.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post

    I think once all the commons are flooded the way some of the high range ones are right now, this will no longer be an issue.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wooden_Replica View Post
    Question though,
    if you happen to have a rogue or a vigilante, and you complete both the WST for both villians and heroes, are you able to benifit twice in the same week??
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Malk_ View Post
    Stormies cook with lightning bolts. Silly you!
    Silly me...
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post

    The system works. You just refuse to let it work for you.
    Explaining why a shortage exists, and why a ticket based solution is not the end of the world does not warrant this response. This conclusion has no basis.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Malk_ View Post
    We could simply combine them all and have someone post a thread about how stormies are terrible defenders.
    Now we're cooking with gas...........
  9. brophog02

    Where is Castle?

    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    I've been checking dev threads and I haven't seen Castle post for a loooong time. Where has he been?
    He doesn't love you anymore.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vox Populi View Post
    This is probably what it comes down to. We can increase enemies levels to challenge ourselves personally, but the devs are going to keep on assuming we're fighting level 50s.
    Yep. And as long as one realizes that is the case, where's the harm? If you play for shinies, drop the level, and if you play for the challenge, increase the level.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
    Due to restraints on my time I'm often unable to do any TFs. I'm very unhappy about this looking like it's the only way to get my 50's on par with everyone else's. The upside is that everyone will be doing those TF's so hopefully when I do get a little time to play, I'll be able to run those TF's. I'm still unhappy though, the majority of the shards that I get with my 50s is when doing solo or just normal 50 missions.
    I get a distinct feeling that the devs will re-think their approach here, at least to some degree. There's simply been too much like minded feedback to ignore.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    Common salvage can only be picked at random, but considering each piece only costs 8 tickets and you have a 1/6 chance of getting the one you want....

    Besides, if you could buy it from stores people would do that instead of buying from the lowbies generating the stuff, and then we'd be back to doing inf transfers just to pay for SOs.
    That's the problem, there aren't lowbies generating the stuff, because there exists a lack of lowbies, and the ones that do exist now level past the content at a high rate.

    We already have the capability of getting uncommons and rares through tickets, and I haven't seen this monumental spike in SO dependency..........
  13. I wouldn't call it a bug, but more likely a poor check system.

    It's definitely not working as designed, ime, because it presents a needless problem without adding anything. A better check system could still gate the rewards, but without adding these external problems.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post

    That's a less impressive feat when one considers how Wesley Crusher was also able to pull off that supposedly lethal fashion statement.
    Never let the truth get in the way of a joke..........
  15. Picard was so bad ***, he could wear a red shirt and not die.
  16. Quote:
    Sure for the right team STF is a less than 30 minute speed run but for other teams it could be all but impossible
    It's actually very difficult to make it absolutely impossible with 8 committed, attentive players. Teams generally simply quit well before the point of impossibility ever arises.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zandock View Post
    Did someone say healer?

    My thoughts, exactly. A knockback thread in the suggestions forum, and a healing thread in the defender forum on the same day? If we can get a tanker whine thread going, we'll have the holy trinity.
  18. It's probably a coincidence that these sort of threads (there have been several) are popping up now that the actual risk to many characters at higher difficulties is nothing more than it would be at lower difficulties.

    Definitely not just disguised "gimme gimme" threads under a bonnet of intellectual discourse.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
    Edit: I should add, the OP has a bit of a point, in that if you're duo'ing, say 2 scrappers, or hell 2 brutes or 2 tankers, the melee w/the stronger (or just plain existent) taunt aura will take the brunt of aggro. This *can* be a problem at the lower levels. I try to alleviate it by jumping in first (if I have the weaker aura) and catching the alpha, knowing the aggro will bleed off of me. Still, this is a rare enough situation that rarely bothers me, and is far outweighed by the benefits of having mobs stick close to all my melee toons.
    This is a very fair and balanced point, unlike the 3 toon example given above.
  20. brophog02


    Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
    I'd guess this is different in that it doesn't totally get rid of KB, and yet doesn't have KB fanatics have to change their power slotting in order to get the KB back.
    Neither did the rest of them, in a literal sense. Almost all were slotting solutions of some sort.

    The problem is, in an actual sense, it does eliminate knockback in most non-solo situations, which is why these threads generally blow up into giant arguments.
  21. brophog02


    At one point in time, we had a knockback elimination idea of some sort every single month, like clockwork, but then for some reason they just stopped.

    Glad to see the tradition is alive and well again.
  22. brophog02

    Alpha, my Alpha

    This idea is actually possible, an actual suggestion, and actually useful to a small percentage of users. The fact it changes other powers in a global environment makes it a particularly not good idea.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quixotik View Post
    Okay, Blasters don't melee, "well". As opposed to Scrappers who do melee very well.

    Anyway, just my two cents on Electric's gameplay mechanics. After 7 years (well almost) I have about 50 Alts, most are Blasters, and Electric still needs something to be on the same level as the other sets.
    Maybe in 7 more years you'll figure out how to operate Blasters in melee.........
  24. brophog02

    WTF Notification

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Personally, I still want to see Information Kiosks get that... Information.
    It's not a bad idea. The game desperately needs a good way of communicating needed information for the game, within the game........which, frankly, just doesn't happen much right now.

    The default support method is 'look at the boards', which is clumsy.
  25. Back in the day, an Archery/Devices blaster was seen as having a poor primary and a good secondary.