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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    Here's something crazy: I was the only level 50 on my WTF team last night. All seven other players were running it for XP, and the sake of running it.

    Had the same thing happen to be yesterday. And even more maddening, people had fun on the TF.
  2. Hey, I'd love it if the Suggestions and Ideas board had well thought out suggestions and wasn't used as the complaint department.......but that's not gonna happen, either.
  3. Do any of you whiners actually read the forums? I'm surprised this topic doesn't have it's own section by now.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
    It's meager, Buildup-less damage just isn't worth the crash and recovery penalty.
    And with Aim and Build Up, I'm firing it every second it is up. The ability to knock out that many targets, that quickly, is worth a blue skittle.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aneurysmo View Post
    Some characters are completely legitimised by their Incarnate global buffs and stealing those hard earned slots away whenever one strays into the vast majority of game content would be a gigantic kick in the 'nads.
    I wish there was an example of the removal of powers and enhancement values already in the game that could be used as a counterpoint to this overly emotional argument.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
    Kill off a min character each quarter? Not this crap again.
    That was hilarious.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
    I'm hoping for a pony, personally.
    This game needs some ponies. They're the catgirls natural enemy.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Razia View Post
    It is a better controller secondary than a defender primary.
    Definitely agree. It's one of my favorite controller secondaries.
  9. Can't stand sonic blasters solo........they feel so slow. I'll take an Energy/Elec, personally. Less of the melee damage is put into a slow animating attack.

    I'm biased, though. I much prefer Sonic on Defenders than Blasters.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    You also have to understand that, many times over, you act like you're trying to shield the development team from the feeback of people who aren't happy with things. I know that's not your intent and we both know that's not how things work, but that's how you act - like if we choose to complain about raids or difficulty or content or anything regarding the direction of the game, you "feel the need to defend [the developers'] efforts" as though you're trying to shield them from criticism for fear of them changing their minds. You don't need to police the forums like this. If you trust the developers, then trust them to make the right decision based on direct feeback, not just feedback deemed acceptable.

    Perspective is needed, and many of these threads get one sided. That doesn't do anyone any good, and without counterarguments there isn't a solidly developed feedback. When two sides are taken, the quality of the feedback benefits.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
    . Also someday people will realize that forcing difficulty on the player for the sake of it instead of giving them a choice is a dumb idea.
    I think I'll go put a suggestion in the Suggestions/Ideas forum for a difficulty slider. I envision it allowing players to choose not only the level, but the numbers, and maybe I'll even add a boss option.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Stalkers stealth in the new content seems to get completely neutered on a frequent basis.
    Stalkers were broken before the new content was a twinkle in the devs eyes.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
    They are under-powered and rather ignored by the Devs IMO
    It's been acknowledged, they just don't really know how to provide a solution.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Toony View Post
    Main difference is that IO's are not the next evolution of my characters and the next way of leveling my character up and doesn't have content designed around it and could still be bought at the AH.
    Depends on your perspective. For a new player with no funds, that doesn't read the forum to learn the secrets of earning (not uncommon for players to not read the forum), then a fully IO'ed out dream build will appear to be every bit or more daunting than getting shards solo. For that player it IS the next evolution of their character, and often in enormously game changing ways.

    There's too much exaggeration in this thread and not enough perspective.
  15. After the recent normalization of fury, I don't really worry about it any more.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BurningChick View Post
    I think most players simply don't get what Traps does.
    Traps is a very odd set in terms of opinion. It's gone from lolTraps to overpoweredTraps and back and forth so many times that no one can keep track. It's one of those sets that doesn't seem to have a middle ground.

    Half want to buff it, the other half are afraid it will get nerfed.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Toony View Post
    So why not program it so you cannot do both and can only craft once every 3 weeks instead of putting in badly?
    They didn't even put a check in to see that you get one notice per week.....
  18. And quite a few still prefer to get their level on in AE.

    The players are there, but there are a lot more places to hide out in now.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vidszhite View Post
    I actually second this, but if I had to name an actual de/buff set, Dark Miasma.
    But the question specifies 'support'. I don't make that response sarcastically, but to point out a very underrated point: Everyone supports everyone.

    We call certain sets 'support' because of misconstrued concept that the damage dealers are the ones 'doing the work', which just isn't correct. You'll very rarely hear a team say "nice blasting", whereas you'll often hear a team say "nice heals." It is taken for granted that the damage dealer was being supported by healer.

    If a player is getting damaged, the Blaster/Scrapper shouldn't sit back and say, "Not my job. I don't have any controls. I don't have any heals." They can help support their fellow player by pulling aggro and defeating the enemy. Even though we misconstrue the word 'support', they do support the team through their tools available. A toon providing -res to amplify damage output no more supports the damage dealer than the damage dealer supports the player providing the -res. It's a mutual partnership, and they mutually support one another.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    Virtuebadges09 I think closed.
    Still around. Still being used.
  21. There are currently at least 3 Virtue channels devoted to badgings (Virtue Badges 2011, Virtuebadges09, Virtue Badges). Subscribe to all three, one of them will eventually get sorted out.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    I've always heard it was left that way on purpose, as giving our henchmen better AI would make us way overpowered. This way our moronic minions keep us just a tad above all the other AT's instead of lightyears.
    In the newer content, where control is as important as everything else, the other ATs have caught up quickly.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
    I think everyone who has ever even tried playing a Mastermind, knows they need this.
    For a pet control AT, they need better control over the pets.