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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    You said a lot, and I don't mean to cherry pick your quote, I just hate over-sized quotes and this section seems to be the meat of your disdain. That said, I don't really see the logic in the argument. In the suit, Bale delivers, IMO, the persona of a man that should not be messed with. In the comics, isn't that the reason Wayne creates the suit? To strike fear? Because just him in black street clothes wasn't going to cut it?

    Yeah, Chuck Connors can give the presence to let people know not to mess with him. But Chuck Connors isn't trying to hide the fact that he's Chuck Connors. Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne doesn't want to let on that he's Batman. Bale, when walking around as Bruce, shouldn't be putting off a Don't-Mess-With-Me vibe. And he doesn't. He acts in a way expected of millionaire playboy. He gives off the aire of a millionaire playboy. And when in costume, he gives off the vibe of Don't-Even-Think-Of-*******-With-Me, IMO.
    It's hard to explain, because it is so intangible and today's actors don't often portray that sort of authority or presence. It is easiest to see in the scenes with Freeman and Caine, both portraying characters where he doesn't have to 'pretend' he's not Batman. They both pop off of the screen, whereas Bale doesn't. He never really carries the weight necessary to be convincing that he could be confused for a superhero.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
    Rory's arc from reluctant bystander to full-fledged TARDIS-travelling companion is a slow one, but unlike Mickey, he's been growing from the beginning.
    Agreed, and I think we'll see a lot of him in this coming series, and more growth. Hopefully, in a direction that makes him more interesting as a character, and less of a counter-example, which has been his basic role so far.
  3. I don't care how strong they look, because no matter how big their muscles get, they're never big enough for the things they ultimately lift.

    Sooner or later, you have to use your imagination, anyway. If Christopher Reeve can act the part(s), I didn't care how scrawny he looked. Likewise, if Wonder Woman can convey the emotional strength needed to portray the part, I don't care how physically strong she looks.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Okay I may be especially dim here but before Rose I don't remember the Doctor getting romantically involved with his female companions. It always struck me, with maybe Romana being the exception, that he thought of his companions as clever curious children than potential bed warmers. I never thought of the Doctor's companion is to the Doctor as a Bond girl is to Bond.
    I don't recall that either, though every now and again I don't have a real problem with it. After all, we are talking about a male and female, and those things are bound to happen sometimes.

    It did get old though with Tennant after a while. Though I'm not entirely thrilled with the execution at times, I am glad they found a way to 'reset' things a bit as the 10th Doctor and that universe started to get bogged down a bit by its own baggage.

    I'm certainly excited to see this season play out.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    Okay, stop trolling. Rory's a great character. You don't like him? Fine, stop ruining this thread due to your own misplace hate.
    Wow. An opinion of a character is now considered trolling? Even for a term as loosely defined as that one, that's a stretch.

    A conversation developed about a character in a thread about the series that character is currently in and the fact you have a personal problem with that is not my concern.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    You have, and I'm going to be very blunt, a bloody limited view of what Batman Is.

    Are you wrong in what you think? Well, it's your opinion. I just don't agree with it.
    Limited? I can describe nearly any version of the character with the GENERIC descriptions I wrote. I didn't state they were the sole characteristics, but they are indeed general characteristics of the Batman character.

    What makes Batman, "Batman" in your opinion? What core characteristics defines the character? I listed a few that apply, whether we're talking the Golden Age, Silver Age, or through current incarnations. They pertain to his origin, and his uniqueness. They explain how he can be treated as a superhero, even though he has no extra-ordinary powers. They also explain how Bale's interpretation doesn't fit.

    What is your definition and how does Bale's portrayal apply? The entire argument is whether or not Bale is a convincing Batman, ergo, you must supply a definition of what that means to be Batman. Define how he is a believable superhero, in the context of the universe created in the movie. Define how his portrayal is merely a spin on the core of the character.

    It's not coincidence that every time I have ever discussed this with someone they go right to the fact the movie pounds into their heads "reality" but sidestep the fact that this is supposed to be someone one could believe to be a superhero in that environment. In part because they are so over the top in trying to convince the audience how things must occur to maintain this marketing angle for their version of the franchise, they remove the believability that this guy, as a character, is capable of being more than any normal human. It's a shallow and superficial performance by Bale, and therefore not immersible in the specific world it tries to create. Bale lacks the intelligence and intangibles to portray that necessary side of the character, and doesn't have those classic leading man characteristics to carry the part, the way his supposed servants do. He, therefore, cannot convince the audience that he is a superhero in this otherwise "normal" environment.

    Chuck Connors could walk into a saloon and you knew he was not to be messed with. He didn't need exotic six shooters. He didn't need to talk with a deep voice to sound tough. He had those leading man qualities. Bale doesn't have those qualities, and that's an enormous shortcoming, especially in such an environment where such a limitation can not be covered up with fancy technology. You don't need that with someone like the Flash, because it is so easily explained with his powers. Batman can't be done that way, especially if you want to be so focused on that aspect. The actor has to carry that part of it on his own. Every time Bale is in a scene with Caine or Freeman, they completely show him up, and that facade crumbles. They have those leading man qualities that he so sorely lacks. In the end, his lack of ability to carry the role in this regard is a downfall to the reality the movie tries to create, because he needs to be propped up to ever hope of convincing anyone.

    The great irony is that many of the stories that inspired this interpretation are in contrast with it in the regard of Batman's core character. "The Long Halloween", for instance, is a great story. It's not some other wordly tale where he's fighting super powered aliens. It's something that could have been easily portrayed in a 'real life' environment. However, it's at its heart a detective story. It's a murder mystery. The two Bale movies take scenes from it, but they don't take the heart of it. They don't take the spirit of it. They take the shallow details like names, but like Bale's portrayal, they miss the point of it all. They miss what makes Batman, however different in that book than he is in other books, the same core character despite the changes.

    "The Long Halloween" is a good story, and I have no problems with a version of the character that is gritty, in such a world. But the character has to be believable, both in the context of the character being portrayed (Batman) and in the role he's attempting to portray in that specific universe. I was disappointed in Batman Begins, but was hoping the lack therein was simply to set a contrast with the growth Batman in the second film, but when it again failed in this regard, it only made both films, as Batman films, feel horribly disappointing (they do have many qualities as a whole that I find admirable). They spent so much time attempting to convince people that they weren't their predecessors that they failed to sell the character they were supposed to be portraying.

    He's different. He's just not Batman.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by QuiJon View Post

    Oh and constantly tease us with his death? They KILLED him one time, brought him back and never that i recalled teased us again.
    He's killed in the dream world of Amy's Choice.
    He's killed by the Silurian in Cold Blood (then the crack gets him).
    Even in the finale, you're not sure until the end if he truly lives, it's just teased until the end on whether he's back or not.

    And I think he is great specificly for the same reasons why you dislike him
    I think he is dull. Do you like dull characters? I think he is annoying. Do you like annoying characters? If you like him for the reasons that I hate him, then you must answer 'yes' on both accounts.

    He makes Mickey 'pseudo tin dog' interesting by comparison. Either kill him off or seriously put work into fleshing him out.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    What I would love to see is an episode where Rory gets some attention and see Amy get jealous.
    That will never happen, because he's duller than dry toast.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UNB0UND_4_LIFE View Post

    Seriously, I don't get it. :P
    They weren't meeting their forum complaint quota.
  10. brophog02

    Ban Zoning

    Let's make the game contain one building with infinite missions.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    You crazy.
    I can't recall a character I liked less. He does nothing but provide a sexual foil to the Doctor, who seems oblivious to Amy's flirtations, anyway. If there was at least some tension the way Rose had with her respective Doctors, the character would make some sense in that role.

    He's annoying, uninteresting and useless, and the fact they keep teasing us with his many deaths just annoys me further. I absolutely hate that character.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    but I'll miss Christian Bale and the ultra-gritty version we have right now.
    Why? His "Batman" is a complete joke. He has a weak will, no inner strength, and couldn't solve a mystery if the answer were tatooed to his forehead. Worse yet, they took two actual leading men and attempted to make them subservient to him, only to make it crystal clear how pathetic Bale is in the part.

    He grunts a lot. Last I knew, that wasn't Batman. A good Batman has to make you believe he is a superhero, not by lifting cars over his head but by having such an inner drive that he can seemingly accomplish anything. Instead, this version of the franchise pounds it into your head over and over again that he's just a dude in a funny suit with a couple of fancy kicks. He has neither the inner strength, the intelligence, nor the crime solving capabilities to play any version of Batman.

    I agree with the decision to a degree... mainly because while Nolan Batman is good... it's not Batman >.>
    I agree. I like both movies, as long as I pretend they are something other than Batman movies.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post

    The new season looks epic. And yay! more River Song!
    If only it came with less Rory.
  14. As long as there are no kryptonite mountains, I don't care how hot Lois is.
  15. Sooner or later they were going to bring Supes in, and it is nice to see they did it with good effect, and did it in a way that still made Batman the centerpiece of the show.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EricHough View Post

    As for powersets I think energy blast will be a closer match to iron man's blast powers, although that will make you a lot less attractive to a groups due to the knockback.
    Only to the cry babies, and no one should group with cry babies, anyhow.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
    If you haven't read up yet, check out this long, but excellent description of the first 5 Incarnate slots by dispari. Then look at Judgement. As an example, we have:


    Base stats:
    428.36 damage
    80 foot range
    Targeted AoE
    25 foot radius
    16 targets max
    AoE, fire
    1.00 activation time
    20.00 endurance

    That's base damage. T4 w/T4 Musculature will do over 700 pts of damage. W/no crash. From range. W/a 24 target cap.

    It's also not scaled for ATs. Which means if defenders do the same damage, but can debuff the crap out of their foes first, they win. Scrappers & tanks w/far superior defenses doing the same AoE damage: win. Controllers are already win machines, and they just get more win (at least no containment, but does that mean no defiance for blasters?).

    Granted, it has an unenhanceable 90s recharge. On a team of 8, all w/Judgement, who notices? For long term AoE DPS, will blasters still be king? I *think* so, but the gap will be shrinking, mightily.

    Similar arguments may be made for other ATs as we get massive buffs, debuffs, pets, and likely crowd control in the future as well. I still think the AoE damage gap is closed the most w/the addition of the Judgement slot.

    And yes, this is 45+ content only, so 1-44, blasters will still rule the damage game, but as we have more and more end-game focused content, I can see less need (insofar as any AT is "needed") for a blaster going forward.

    Thoughts? Cries of Dooooooom? Or are we just happy to get more fireballs?
  18. So over players complaining about piddly little things.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
    Which seems to me to be the devs' response to the complaints over the years that melee characters are overpowered. They introduced encounters that melee characters are at a significant disadvantage in.

    So, if you have ever complained about how overpowered melee characters are compared to ranged characters, you are partially to blame for melee characters getting screwed in the Battle Maiden fight.
    We really need some tiny violin emotes.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    If you're going to drop a page-long post about your love for KM
    I used to think the movie 'Idiocracy' was slightly satirical. I now realize it didn't go nearly far enough.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by firespray View Post
    Charging for farm runs used to be much more common than it is now. My wife and I used to run the liberate TV farm all the time with my brute and her corruptor and we would charge people to join. It was different back then though.

    Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
    I've never seen or heard of anyone charge for farms redside.
  22. The tankmage forum is thataway --->
  23. A kitten dies for every character that doesn't have hasten.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
    On the subject of speed runs, I find them usually reserved to evening TFs, for people who're back from work and want to just get the merit grind out of the way for the evening and save the real gameplay for the weekend, or those who have an hour or so to play and want to make the most of it.
    On the fuller servers, I haven't witnessed that at all. They're run every hour of the day, every day of the week.