Repeating previous Weekly Strike Targets already!?
OK, so right off the bat several things jump right out at you.
#1) The devs are avoiding the Shadow Shard...because it's a pain in the butt to travel there? #2) The devs are avoiding Striga Isle...because...hell if I know! #3) The devs are avoiding Katie Hannon's TF in Croatoa because it's the fastest TF in the game? #4) The devs are avoiding the others so we don't get the Task Force Commander accolade? Seriously, I don't get it. :P |
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The_Spad_EU hit it square in the head.
Sadly, hero TF outnumber villain SF, by a wide margin.
So, the Devs are a bit hamstrung in what they can do.
Once I20 hits, which I am figuring to be the 3rd week of April (reason: they usually announce the WTF for the full month and April is the first one which bucks that trend, but this is my humble opinion and I am wrong so much more often than right).
Maybe if the devs opened up the Shadow Shard to both sides (co-op), it would help a little. You gotta figure the villains are hard at work trying to get into the Shard without having to *be good*.
Global: @Armeros
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Unless they Revamp the Shadow Shard and the TFs, heroes can keep it.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
No, no, no BB. You will get stuck doing the back to back to back Dr. Q's that Willow is going to want to do...
If the Devs had not hated red side for so long, they would have created more matching TFs and would not be in a position to rely so heavily on coops....
....Hind sight is a b****, ain't it? =)
Presumably that's if they unbork the servers from today's maint.
I like the Shard but the travel sucks things. Until they give team mates access to leader's bases irrespective of alignment that will always be the case. You're on a team with them but you won't let them use the porters, cmon!

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No, no, no BB. You will get stuck doing the back to back to back Dr. Q's that Willow is going to want to do...
You can do Dr Q, I am going to talk to Apex

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
The one pairing we have yet to see is Synapse/Virgil Tarikoss. I'm actually looking forward to that because we used to speed the Cap SF twice a night way back before Reward merits Good times...
The one pairing we have yet to see is Synapse/Virgil Tarikoss. I'm actually looking forward to that because we used to speed the Cap SF twice a night way back before Reward merits
![]() |
Time wise, Speed Cap SF and Katie TF would be more comparable.
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill
The devs are avoiding them because there isn't a Villain counterpart which means they would have to repeat Villain SFs a lot more than Hero TFs and that, presumably, wouldn't be fair.
They are going to HAVE to do that anyway do to the fact that Villain side we only have 6 total SFs. Oh and I am sure anyone that plays nothing but villains will be heartbroken if they get to run a Silver Mantis SF for their weekly Notice and finish in 90 minutes or less while Heroes are struggling through 4 -5 hours trying to complete a Doc Q in the Shadow Shard.
I didn't bother to post when this was first announced but come on.. Okay so the villains are out of SFs and have to repeat.. And that means heroes can't be tasked to run Citadel? or Synapse? or Posi 1? Posi 2? I wasn't happy with this new system when it first came out to begin with.. I have 50 level characters that still need shards to hit tier three or four and I HAVE to do a Manticore to get my Notice? Which mean until Issue 20 I get NO shards and I obtain Recipes and salvage at the level of the TF/SF I am on instead of 50 level stuff I can actually USE and of course forget the possibility of a PURPLE recipe drop while running a Manticore or Sister Psyche. But EVERYONE said we had to include the lower level TFs for the players below 50 so they can get the double Merits. I figured okay at least as the TFs post I can get a few of my 50s that never did them all the TF Commander in addition to the weekly Notice. NOW we aren't doing all the TFS because someone might get upset because hero side has more options than villain? LOOK I play BOTH sides and you want more options heres a little friendly advice.. try using the systems in place and GO ROGUE or VIGILANTE.. you'd be amazed but suddenly all the TFs, SF and even trails on BOTH sides are open to you. Heck I have even done Hami raids on both the red and blue side.. IN THE SAME WEEKEND and COP Trial (with different character) on both sides in the same DAY.
In case you can't tell I am a little bit tired of the same old excuse to justify everything being thrown out.. "Well it might upset someone" What about the X number of players this kind of crap upsets anyway? To Paraphrase PT Barnum.. "You can please some of the people some of the time, most of the people most of the time BUT you can't please all of the people all of the time!"
Now a HUGE DEAL was made when the WST first appeared and we were told it could be ANY TF from Posi 1 all the way to Statesman or APEX. People were shaking in their shoes over the possibility that they'd need to run Doc Q and now so we don't upset the tiny portion of RED Side only players that would even care all we get is a constant repeat of Sister Psyche and Manticore along with the normal 45-50 and 50 + (Alpha slotted) Tfs. Either DO what they said they'd do and use them all or run one WST for the incarnates (all the TFs and SFs from 45-50 level) and a second with anything under that for the 2-49 levels.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
I agree with the previous poster WW. I see no reason why heroes have to repeat task forces just because red side doesn't have enough task forces. It might be unfair that villains have to repeat more often but why would you make the whole player base suffer for the sake of fairness? A lot of people that play villains also play heroes, do you really think they want to repeat the task forces on both sides? I don't know if villain side is less popular because there is less to do there or if the devs have not worked on it because it is less popular but either way all players have access to both sides and therefore all the task forces
I'm not sure I see a good reason why all the task forces in the game shouldn't be used. Okay some would be more popular than others but that is proving true anyway because half way through this week there was no one around Manticore yet the ITF and Lady Gray was easy to get on right up until Monday night. There are lots of people out there that would love some of the badges for task forces and trials that are rarely run this is a great opportunity to get them.
If you included all the trials all the ouroboros tf's and the respec ones hero side would not have to repeat a WST for around 6 months.
I say lets have the Eden Trial, Abandoned Sewer Trial, Justin Augustine and Hess next, though that might just be something to do with those being the only TF/trial badges I don't have on the character I'm playing at the moment.
The completion of the TFs in a shorter time for villains is not the issue, nor is the availability of TFs. It's the balance of merits.
Silver Mantis, the mainstay of merits for villains, generates 42 reward merits for roughly 2+ hours work. This is not the hardest of TFs in the game by a longshot, but it is the only TF villains can count on (other than LGTF and ITF - co-ops) for more than 26 reward merits below level 50.
Now, when this is a WTF, that number gets doubled to 84, and yes, that is fun.
Let's take a look over yon at the blue side, shall we?
Synapse (58+2 for Babbage), Sister Psyche (50), Moonfire (31), Citadel (40), Manticore (32), Numina (36), Dr. Q (122!), Sara Moore (63), Justine Augustine (42), Faathim the Kind (73), and Statesman (38) all produce more reward merits than EVERY OTHER villain TF. And lo, should they decide to allow some of your beloved marathons to go WST, a single Dr. Q, while a long and arduous task, lets you walk away with 244 reward merits - enough to convert for 4 hero merits with only a niggling amount of cash! Synapse, Sister Psyche, Sara Moore and Faathim the Kind let you walk away with 100+ reward merits in a WST - hey, look ma, 2 hero merits! Gonna go get me that Miracle+ I need!!
No. No, no, no, no. The sad part is, 1 of those already is a WST. And you want more?
As for trials, yes, heroes get the Abandoned Sewer Trial, the Cavern of Transcendence Trial, and the Eden Trial. I won't mention the 3 respec trials because villains get them as well. But what do villains get for their equivalent trials?
Nothing. Zip. Zilch. We get no trials.
The repeats aren't because heroes are being punished. It's because the game would quickly become too skewed in favour of heroes should they go against their current set-up. Balance must be maintained.
To answer the original questions posted:
1) The devs are avoiding the Shadow Shard because the TFs would result in a massive imbalance in merits very, very quickly - and because there is no corresponding SFs for villains. Seriously, villains need some love.
2) The devs are avoiding Striga Isle because it requires the team leader to do all the Striga Isle arcs to unlock it. You can't just walk up to Hess. ANYONE can walk up to Moonfire. Admittedly, this is one I WOULD like to see, because I found Hess to be a lot of fun.
3) Yep, Katie Hannon not only falls under "Too simple to finish", but it falls under #2 as well. The merits/hour gets ridiculous if you speedKatie.
4) Irony of ironies, I actually like your logic here. Citadel for SURE should be one, if only to get people to run more Citadels. And while Posi creates its own problems (do you have to run one or both to get the doubling? If one, which one?), merit-wise it is appropriate for use, even if you have to do both parts. The elephant in the room is Synapse, since at 58+2 reward merits it would become the highest value TF to receive WST certification if it did - but it is part of a decent accolade, and if the other 2 become viable, then I will be happy to ask that Synapse become viable as well.
My 50's
Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel
Great post DarkUnicorn! Thank you. I must admit I never even considered the Merit rewards aspect of the WTF.

Looks like you got your way again there UNBOUND... they changed the WSTs. They are doing more and they are different ones, no repeats. Can you tell them to eat rainbows and poop butterflies also? That would be very amusing.

"A true hero has the strength to stand against evil
without wavering where all others despair,
even if it means standing alone." - Kragothe Valour
As posted by Avantea the Weekly Strike Targets in APRIL 2011 are:
April 5th to April 11th - Time’s Arrow (from Imperious in Cimerora)
previous weekly strike target March 15th to March 21st
April 12th to April 18th - Clamor and Destruction (from Sister Psyche in Independence Port) / Pirates of the Skies (from Silver Mantis in Sharkhead Isle or your supergroup or villaingroup base's mission computer or oracle)
previous weekly strike target February 22nd to February 28th
I have to say that I don't get it. After only 9 weeks, we're going to be repeating the weekly strike target TF's already?! I honestly can't believe it.
Tell me there's not more/better options here than repeating already? Below is a list of available TF's, with notes of interest. Green have already been WST task forces. Red are really not good options anyways, in my opinion.
The Rule of Three - Positron - lvl 10 to 15 - Accolade requirement for Positron's Ally and Task Force Commander.
Dam Hero - Positron - lvl 11 to 16 - Accolade requirement for Positron's Ally and Task Force Commander.
The Fall of the Clockwork King - Synapse - 15 to 20 - Accolade requirement for Task Force Commander.
Clamor and Destruction - Sister Psyche - lvl 20 to 25 - Accolade requirement for Task Force Commander.
The Kheldian War - Moonfire - lvl 23 to 28 - Takes place in Striga Isle.
Citadel's Children - Citadel - lvl 25 to 30 - Accolade requirement for Task Force Commander.
The MegaMech Cometh - Ernesto Hess - lvl 25 to 30 - Takes place in Striga Isle.
Smoke and Mirrors - Twilight's Son - lvl 25 to 34 - Takes place in Ouroboros.
A Tangled Plot - Katie Hannon - lvl 30 to 34 - Takes place in Croatoa, considered the fastest TF within the game. Accolade requirement for Geas of the Kind Ones.
Following Countess Crey - Manticore - lvl 30 to 35 - Accolade requirement for Task Force Commander.
The 5th Column Overthrow - Mender Lazarus - lvl 30 to 39 - Takes place in Ouroboros.
Soul of the Woodsman - Numina - lvl 35 to 40 - 16 missions are hunting for "X of Y faction" in different zones. Accolade requirement for Task Force Commander.
Time's Arrow - Imperious - lvl 35 to 50 - Takes place in Cimerora. Heroes and Villains can team up with each other.
Explorers and Exploiters - Dr. Quaterfield - lvl 40 to 44 - Majority of TF takes place in the Shadow Shard. Considered the longest TF in the game.
The Legend of Ruladak - Sara Moore - lvl 40 to 50 - Majority of TF takes place in the Shadow Shard.
The Saga of Faathim - Justin Augustine - lvl 44 to 50 Majority of TF takes place in the Shadow Shard. (10 of these missions are easy "travel to" missions)
The Saga of Lanaru - Faathim the Kind - lvl 44 to 50 - Majority of TF takes place in the Shadow Shard.
Statesman's Task Force - Statesman - lvl 45 to 50 - Considered to be the hardest TF in the game.
The Lady Grey Task Force - The Lady Grey - lvl 45 to 50 - Takes place in Rikti War Zone. Heroes and Villains can team up with each other.
Return of the Reichsman - Dr. Kahn - lvl 45 to 50 - Most of the missions are accessed via the Train.
Trading Places - Mender Silos - lvl 46 to 50 - Takes place in Ouroboros.
Alpha Strike - Apex - lvl 50 - Mission entrances are all located in the Rikti War Zone. Heroes and Villains can team up with each other.
The Praetorian Offensive - Tin Mage Mark II - lvl 50 - Mission entrances are all located in the Rikti War Zone. Heroes and Villains can team up with each other.
OK, so right off the bat several things jump right out at you.
#1) The devs are avoiding the Shadow Shard...because it's a pain in the butt to travel there?
#2) The devs are avoiding Striga Isle...because...hell if I know!
#3) The devs are avoiding Katie Hannon's TF in Croatoa because it's the fastest TF in the game?
#4) The devs are avoiding the others so we don't get the Task Force Commander accolade?
Seriously, I don't get it. :P