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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    The way the system advances (at least if it continues the current trend throughout) is fine. That all content designed to be tackled by Incarnates seems to be team- (and challenge-, and "tactic"-) gated is not. I'd like to see Incarnate story arcs, not just Task Forces. Something for our Incarnates to tackle by themselves, some threat that would have outclassed regular heroes (but without the cheap mechanic designed to create this in Apex and Tin Mage) but that is right up the alley of Incarnate characters.
    Eiko, until now, I've disagreed with practically everything you've said, but here I'm going to have to add a big This. Make no mistake, I enjoy teaming. I enjoy the banter, I enjoy the (occasional) teamwork--all of it. On the other hand, I *would* like to exercise my Incarnate muskles on something that's more of a *personal* mission (the hero and villain dopplegangers and the opening incarnate arc are excellent examples of this type of arc). So yeah, I don't mind ITF,LGTF, etc. to shard hunt, but overall I like the *storied* aspect to the game, and adding to *individual* things to do is win all over.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor Vivian View Post
    I tell you, I still think Posi's faux idea of the "next" (at the time) MM pet set would've been the bomb!

    Anf Gratz, DV and EE!

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GlaziusF View Post
    ...haven't logged on to my first 50.

    I'll go back! One day! I promise!
    LOL the 2nd charater I ever created *finally* hit 50! Serious alt-itis!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AngieB View Post
    Not a Rikti Spy needs to do the Christmas Story again... That was the bestest!
    I just hope you never change that avatar--THAT's the bestest

    Rich (@Naq)
  5. Fun times! I've a fire/rad troller and a EM/Inv Brute--around 8-9 EST sounds good.

  6. Excellent raid last night, TAs--Kudos!

  7. See? That's upsetting. Just another case of the devs taking away play choices--If *I* were a crazed half-incarnate and someone had cookies in exchange for that incarnate-thingy, I know what *I'd* do--chow time, baby!
  8. What *was* the original arc that introcuced the Vanguard content?

  9. Trapdoor's nerfed on test? How?

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kragothe View Post
    Sounds like my kind of place! lol
    Playing a villain *is* a bitter experience--that's why you sweeten the idea with the sugar of domination and the creamer of lackeys (although they may, at times, consider themselves teammates).

    See? Nothing a good coffee simile can't speak to..

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
    It's not a song, it's a sandwich.
    Shouldn't there be an "L" in there somewhere?

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    3:00 PM EST? I should be able to make this.

    Please sign up Sav, MA/Regen Scrappah.

    Also, don't look to me for advice. Unlike Apex, I never got a chance to run Tin Mage in either Closed or Open Beta.
    I think the Director 11/Malta mish is TM's Rollister

  13. Eh, maybe I can kick off a new round--@Naq, here--43 YO divorced father 'o' 3 (the oldest of which is 24). Guardian expat and obsessive Jeep'er ('94 Wrangler Sahara = best vehicle EVER). IT Technician for the red/blue basketball state. Ex StarTrek fan (Enterprise killed it), SG-1/Atlantis fanatic. Greetz!

  14. __Naq

    An "I Quit" Post

    Y'know, it's interesting--I routinely complain about the same-old, same-old when playing the low lvl game, but occasionally, I'll hit the base crystal and see and arc and think "??? I don't remember playing that arc", and Viola! what's old is new again.

    And I feel your pain--I quit everytime my blaster gets stunned by Brawl

  15. Redeeming Fire (50 Fire/Rad/Cardiac) available if there's still space. Would also like to do Apex if anyone's gonna be running that one..

  16. Is it the bottom of the laptop that's hot? If so, there are those USb fan banks that you can actually set the PC on top of...

    Was looking at a Satellite for a gaming laptop this weekend to replace my aging Gateway.

  17. Ah--Thanks. Yeah, that about desc. the one last night.

    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
  18. Yeah---

    Those ******* sneaky Cim bosses--had a red one come up behind me and two-shot me before I knew he was there. I was on that one (Redeeming Fire)

  19. Ska?

    Originally Posted by shadow ravenwolf View Post
    i'm loving the "ska itf" the shards be droppin like endurance bars on a low level blaster.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
    I didn't till just now realize that you can get a Gr'ai Matter incarnate component every 18 hours with Vanguard merits. This component is equal to 4 incarnate shards and is purchasable with 150 Vanguard Merits.
    Thank you, WN--I didn't know that, either--I do now

  21. Seriously. All these Winter events and they can't do something about that ugly model? Unless it's an in-joke (ref: the cigar-chomping baby from Roger Rabbit)


    Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
    Once more we must beat the crap outta mutated reindeer and snow monsters to rescue the ugly baby.
  22. Kinda like those better--picked up 5 shards last night

  23. Hey Shardhunters,

    Are there any ITFs planned tonight? Didn't see any chatter on the lvl 50 chan last night.

    Rich (@Naq)
  24. Got two Incarnates on Guardian (@Naq)--looking for *one* more shard to be able to slot one of the fellows, so LF ITF


    EDIT: Also, I'd be interested to see how often people are picking up shards on everyday 50+ mishes. Right after I ran the arc with Redeeming Fire, I was running the Praetorian arc and picked up one, but not since...