Thursday Rikti Mothership Raids
Good to Hear I only need 17 more bombs for my badge
Thanks for picking up the ball
Founder of The King's Army
@Emperon, @Twisted Humor (Shared Account)
Sounds great!
I will try my best to make it.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Sounds great!
I will try my best to make it.
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Cool beans! Glad to see this Celestial!
Thanks for picking up the ball.
I'd like to come but I have class. Hrm. I don't suppose people would be upset with having two of these per week. I can think of a few people who might run one of these on the weekends.
Thanks for the support, y'all. Yeah, it's getting really difficult to find free days and times to schedule events. :P The only available evenings I could find without any scheduled major events were Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Fridays are out for me, and Saturday evenings tend to have a low population. That left Thursday. :P
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
I'll make this when I can (unless I forget and get tied up in a TF or something, I'm really bad to do that honestly) but when this semester starts I may not make it home in time.
Same goes if DF starts up another night.
I have a few toons that would like to get in on this (Cptn Slacker is one).
I will make it when I can, I should at least show one in a while like I did with the other one.
Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643
Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.
I won't attend if people on the Broadcast channel are allowed in the zone.
I won't attend if people on the Broadcast channel are allowed in the zone.
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Thanks now I have to clean my screen ...
On the same note: pizza pocket is not easy to get off a screen
I won't attend if people on the Broadcast channel are allowed in the zone.
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Thanks now I have to clean my screen ...
On the same note: pizza pocket is not easy to get off a screen
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I LOL'd for a straight two minutes... HAHA
I won't attend if people on the Broadcast channel are allowed in the zone.
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Thanks now I have to clean my screen ...
On the same note: pizza pocket is not easy to get off a screen
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I LOL'd for a straight two minutes... HAHA
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Haha so did I... i was even on the phone with Angie she call tell you I totally did!
the curious part is.. how in the hell did you get pizza pocket spooge on your monitor????
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I kinda started laughing too hard now I had to explain to my boss why I was laughing, why there was pizza on the screen.. and why it was a forum in the background
the curious part is.. how in the hell did you get pizza pocket spooge on your monitor????
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I kinda started laughing too hard now I had to explain to my boss why I was laughing, why there was pizza on the screen.. and why it was a forum in the background
[/ QUOTE ]
What did ur boss say?
she turned away shaking her head lol
Hahaha, That's awesome EH. Freaking Amazing.
Just a reminder before the forums go boom that my first weekly Rikti mothership raid will be this Thursday at 8:30 P.M. ET / 5:30 P.M. PT!
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
Good Luck, CL!
I just want to thank everyone that has come out to my first two weekly Rikti mothership raids and made them a smashing success. I don't recall ever seeing as many people at a mothership raid as we had last night. The Rikti War Zone was actually full.
Two down, many more to go.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
Last night's raid was great fun, thanks for running it!
Last night raid was fun and Team slacker did a great Job
Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643
Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.
I just want to thank everyone that has come out to my first two weekly Rikti mothership raids and made them a smashing success. I don't recall ever seeing as many people at a mothership raid as we had last night. The Rikti War Zone was actually full.
Two down, many more to go. ![]() |
But yes, last night's raid was nice, my team managed to get a second bomb before the shields came back up.
Sorry, I couldn't think of any cute names.
Everyone that knows me in-game knows that a Rikti mothership raid is my favorite thing to do in-game. Champion no longer has a scheduled Rikti mothership raid due to recent events. This simply will not do!
I will host weekly Rikti mothership raids every Thursday evening at 8:30 P.M. ET / 5:30 P.M. PT. We will meet at the rooftop just south of Pylon 17 in the Rikti War Zone. The first weekly Rikti mothership raid will be this Thursday, July 30th.
Be there, or be a Rikti sympathizer!
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too