Why no Incarnate Slot Stuff in MA?




I didn't till just now realize that you can get a Gr'ai Matter incarnate component every 18 hours with Vanguard merits. This component is equal to 4 incarnate shards and is purchasable with 150 Vanguard Merits.

This makes me wonder why something similar is not doable with MA tickets. I know, I know people will say "but WN if you make it so you can get incarnate stuff in MA it will get abused!". In my opinion, no more or less so than Vanguard Merits if you put the same restrictions of a time limit to how often you can turn them in and make the cost high enough. Honestly, I think 18 hours is a bit short and would not mind seeing 48 hours or even 72.

OK, let me have it.....


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416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



I think this would be a great idea! Add an incarnate salvage (maybe the rularuu or hami one) to the ticket vendor, with a timed lockout to limit farmability. It would give people a reason to play MA missions while still working towards I19 goals.

I'd kind of like to see incarnate shards drop in MA also, but there would need to be some way to prevent them being farmed. Though, arguably you can farm shards in existing canon content, so maybe that isn't as big a deal.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
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Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
I didn't till just now realize that you can get a Gr'ai Matter incarnate component every 18 hours with Vanguard merits. This component is equal to 4 incarnate shards and is purchasable with 150 Vanguard Merits.

This makes me wonder why something similar is not doable with MA tickets. I know, I know people will say "but WN if you make it so you can get incarnate stuff in MA it will get abused!". In my opinion, no more or less so than Vanguard Merits if you put the same restrictions of a time limit to how often you can turn them in and make the cost high enough. Honestly, I think 18 hours is a bit short and would not mind seeing 48 hours or even 72.

OK, let me have it.....

From an RP perspective, you gather Vanguard merits out in the "real world" by beating the crap outta Rikti, protecting the world. AE is just a game.

And because there's no mechanism for awarding a "completion" drop for a mothership raid the way there is for a Hami raid. That's why you're allowed to "purchase" the Gr'ai Matter, instead of merely being awarded it.

Translation: You don't become a god by beating up a game.

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They are available in MA. So are purples and most any other things that's available in regular play.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Translation: You don't become a god by beating up a game.
You don't become a god by going to the Council Empire over and over, beating up a bunch of their soldiers, and leaving just before you save the world from them, preferably after stealing a loudspeaker and announcing that you'll be back in ten minutes, because you have to go sell, so feel free to call in more soldiers.

Oh wait...you do.

You can explain away any game mechanic. The only reason you can't gain any Incarnate stuff through AE is most likely due to its long and sordid history of exploits. But yeah, I'd be all in favor of a way to buy Incarnate stuff with tickets. I mean, it's not like you can gain Vanguard merits by joining a team, then standing in the bowl with a power on autofire so it looks like you're actually doing something....Oh wait, you can.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



During the Beta I kept thinking to myself, "Self, wouldn't it be very cool if you could buy incarnate shards with tickets?" But it'll never happen, since it would encourage farming MA.

But, you know, putting a timer on it seems like a great idea. It ensures you can't get shards *faster* than doing dev content, but still at least makes it possible.

Great idea!

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Back in the days of speculation about the then-upcoming i19, I put forth the idea that they could/should find some way to wiggle in some AE in there to get some players to take a look at the whole AE experience. This was especially regarding the fact they're saying that more stuff will be added every issue from now on.

Considering how quickly you can farm for tickets - the usual exploiting issues aside even! I'm not even talking things like meow and monkeys - I dunno if buying a shard with them is the best idea, it sounds too easy. I seem to recall having read someone on the market forums saying he can max out ticket count in like ten minutes with a decent farm.



Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
I didn't till just now realize that you can get a Gr'ai Matter incarnate component every 18 hours with Vanguard merits. This component is equal to 4 incarnate shards and is purchasable with 150 Vanguard Merits.
Thank you, WN--I didn't know that, either--I do now


--who's NO LONGER waiting for the Elec 'Troller

Bunches of good and evil scattered across all servers--



Disgree why, because people alway find a way to Expliot AE with Tickets and Xp, There are still Ticket farming and Suck. I am Sure they don't want us to Miss us Ma for incarnate, they seem they want us to take our time gathering these goodies for the incarnate Slot.

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I see nothing wrong with this idea and have wondered about it myself. Let's just leave RP out of this .. Tickets are another form of currency in game just like INF and Vanguard Merits.

Personally I have some characters with more than 1000 reward merits and when I discovered i could BUY a Gr'ai Matter with my Vanguard Merits my first thought was "Why can't I buy something with the regular ones?" Put the same time limit of 18 hours on it and limit it to one type and it wouldn't be any different than what we have now at the Vanguard base.

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Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Considering how quickly you can farm for tickets - the usual exploiting issues aside even! I'm not even talking things like meow and monkeys - I dunno if buying a shard with them is the best idea, it sounds too easy. I seem to recall having read someone on the market forums saying he can max out ticket count in like ten minutes with a decent farm.
Max out ticket count for the map or hit the player ticket cap? I'm betting it's the former. Let's say you set the cost of an Incarnate Shard at 3000 tickets. That would take that player 20 minutes to earn. It took me about an hour to earn three shards running the Council Empire map when I wanted my uncommon boost ASAP. So that's about 20 minutes per Shard, plus you get salvage and recipe drops while running the dev-created content.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I wouldn't mind being able to somehow buy Incarnate components through AE tickets, but it's fairly obvious that it it would be easily exploited given the present farming environment on the AE system. As such, it just doesn't make sense from the dev's perspective to allow it.

People can argue that players are farming TFs and such for shards at present, but that's sort of a false dichotomy. Those players are actually playing TFs - content which has a certain degree of dev-created balance in the reward/risk area. AE exploits do not have that balance, and it certainly isn't dev-created or monitored. Sure you can get a TF together with high-end, min-maxed teams geared toward sweeping and steamrolling through TFs - but that's different from being in a mission where the risks are innately neglible regardless of skill or player build.

And yeah, as someone already pointed out, you can get shards in AE - you just have to play DCs with normal rewards. *shrug* I'd like it to happen, but I can't see that the devs would open up that option given the exploit environment evident in the MA.

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Well I think it's a good idea. They'd have to cost a ton of tickets for sure.

Yeah people exploit AE but it still takes X number of tickets to buy the item. As long as the reward was on par with the length of a ship raid then what's the big deal. If it takes you an hour to do a ship raid or an hour to farm 9999 tickets. As long as they both take the same length of time where's the harm.

You also can't SELL the incarnate components. So there would be little to no reason to exploit tickets for them.

A ship raid takes an hour or so. I usually walk away with 700+ merits. Enough for several Gr'ai maters.

God forbid we do something to get people into AE right? Seems like the attitude these days.



The one thing that no one wants to mention. There is one good reason why you can't buy Incarnate Shards with AE tickets:

You can get AE tickets legitimately without playing the game at all.

Aside from the exploits, this is the reason I believe you cannot and will not be able to buy Incarnate Shards with AE tickets.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
The one thing that no one wants to mention. There is one good reason why you can't buy Incarnate Shards with AE tickets:

You can get AE tickets legitimately without playing the game at all.
If by "playing the game" you mean "killing stuff and completing tasks that require killing stuff" then that's true. However, if that's the case then I can get tons of rewards, legitimately, without playing the game. Authoring an arc is just as much "playing the game" as marketeering or winning a costume contest or collecting badges.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
If by "playing the game" you mean "killing stuff and completing tasks that require killing stuff" then that's true. However, if that's the case then I can get tons of rewards, legitimately, without playing the game. Authoring an arc is just as much "playing the game" as marketeering or winning a costume contest or collecting badges.
But you can't get Incarnate shards that way, and you can't get Vanguard merits that way. Authoring an arc requires no "risk" to the character (yes there's team leeching, but that's what the kick button is for). I'd like to see Incarnate content make its way to the AE in some way, but I'm just saying that I understand why they didn't choose AE tickets as a way.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
But you can't get Incarnate shards that way, and you can't get Vanguard merits that way.
But you CAN get other rewards that improve your character's performance that way. That is my point. The road to badassitude is not necessarily paved with the corpses of Cimeroran Traitors.

If what you mean is "you can get tickets without killing stuff," then sure, you have a point. I may not agree with it, but if the devs want to base the Incarnate system solely on killing stuff, then stuff I will kill. Unfortunately everyone is so busy killing stuff in the "real world" that the AE is even more of a ghost town than usual.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



A ghost town, you say? Most of that is because of the new Incarnate stuff, true, but I wonder how much is due to the latest big exploit being closed at the same time. We'll probably never know.

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Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
A ghost town, you say? Most of that is because of the new Incarnate stuff, true, but I wonder how much is due to the latest big exploit being closed at the same time. We'll probably never know.
By "ghost town" I mean "even the regulars from this forum and the MA Arc Finder channel seem more interested in the new shiny than MA."

I haven't even gotten around to updating my arcs. One of them has a custom group that I'm going to add a Kinetic Melee enemy to and that could benefit from some costume tweaks using the Cyborg and Science packs I bought when they were half off, and the other contains chained objectives on a warehouse map that could have been broken for all I know. This time I'm just as distracted by the new shiny as everyone else.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Personally I have some characters with more than 1000 reward merits and when I discovered i could BUY a Gr'ai Matter with my Vanguard Merits my first thought was "Why can't I buy something with the regular ones?" Put the same time limit of 18 hours on it and limit it to one type and it wouldn't be any different than what we have now at the Vanguard base.
Again, the only reason you can "buy" them with Vanguard Merits is because the Mothership Raid doesn't have a "finish award" like a Hami Raid does (and it'd probably be a major hassle instituting one). So they give you a way to get a 4-shard (equivallent) reward out of the raid anyhow (on top of any random shard drops).

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