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  1. Warkupo

    Staff Fighting

    Now that I know we are getting Titanic weapons, I think a Scythe would fit better with those animation, rather than a pole arm. Could go either way though.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    Complaining about the locked hospital doors in iTrials is like complaining about the food in prison.
    I don't... really get the metaphor?

    Prison food is gross. Why wouldn't you complain about it?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
    Elec/Shield Scrapper
    Bots/Storm MM
    Arch/Mental Blaster
    Plant/Kin Troller
    SS/Shield Brute
    Spines/DA or /Elec Scrapper
    Elec/Psi Dom
    The MF'n 'shade
    All the things.
  4. Yeah, I hate it when developers communicate with their player base or attempt to have fun with them, reassuring me that they DO care about me, that I AM important to them, and this game isn't just a job to them but something they care about much more than I do.

    Compassion is not professional, and it will not be tolerated in a business.
  5. Just add something to the market like 'free chat access' for 800 points or something which lifts all the chat restrictions a free-player would typically have.
  6. Oh Samuel, how I missed you~

    Why do you assume that my ability to have an experience different from yours is some indication that I simply wasn't paying attention to you? You are not such a lyrical wordsmith that the world cannot pass by your paragraphs without conforming to your opinion. You aren't that persuasive.

    The tutorial is not 'the game' either, it is the tutorial; It is meant to teach you the mechanics of the game, and I believe it does a much better job at doing this with it's more simplified explanations that are drawn out over a period of game play than the original tutorial which simply dumped all the information upon you, and then told you to go beat up some homeless people.

    Your point about not *having* to fight anything is a stupid argument anyway. Nobody in the tutorial is standing around waiting for the missile strike to tear everything asunder, they are fighting the enemies. The missile strike is entirely there for players who are still learning the game (you know, because it's a tutorial?) and need to be moved through the tutorial rather than stuck on some artificial battle that is supposed to serve as enlightenment, not challenge. I'm kind of surprised you didn't recognize this. Rest assured though, most people are killing the enemies, not just sitting on their hands waiting for the NPC to do it.
  7. I might just like Afterburner because of how hilarious hypocritical it makes this forum appear. For *years* people had been complaining about how flight is bad because it's not as fast as the other travel powers, or that people didn't like always being the last person to a mission. Then we get Afterburner, which makes Flight at least as fast if not faster than Super Jump and Super Speed, and the very first thing I hear is that Fly isn't THAT much slower, and we don't REALLY need the extra speed from Afterburner.

    Absolutely hilarious.

    The best part? I kind of *agree* with them. The game has so many ways to teleport around now that I don't really need the absolutely fastest travel power. Hell, most of my characters use Ninja Run in substitute of a more traditional travel power just because it frees up so many slots. The majority of the time I can just use the Ouroboros portal and hop over to where I need to go, and then I have the mission teleporter for more obnoxious trips. When you're just going across the map, rather than across several zones, arriving to the mission 20% faster than the guy with flight isn't really some crazy time advantage. Most of the time I'm only fifteen or thirty seconds behind the fastest guy.

    While I would have loved Afterburner in some earlier version of the game, I just don't see much use for it anymore as the game currently is. It *does* make a good place to put a LotG or some travel power IO though so I might take it purely for that.
  8. I very much enjoy the new tutorial. It's a major step up from the hero version, and seems less role-play intrusive than the villain version.

    One thing I think a few people in this thread are overlooking is that a new player isn't going to want to spend the first 30 minutes of their brand new game having every mechanic of the game explained to him before he can actually start having fun.

    The original hero tutorial was, at least to me, incredibly boring. You slowly plod your way from NPC to NPC to hear them drone on about game mechanics, beat up a few minions, then enter a drab hotel to beat up a few more minions. Yes, everything was explained, but I'm so glazed over by the end of the tutorial that I didn't really pay attention to anything that I was just supposed to digest.

    The new tutorial is much more exciting with an event taking place that actually has some imperative to it. I am informed of basic game mechanics of how to play, and then set loose to do that in an environment that is actually exciting to be in. Once the 'tutorial' is over you are sent to Paragon or the Rogue Isle's to continue to play around while the back story of the game and less crucial game mechanics are explained to you. Ultimately this works out better than the original tutorial because I'm playing, I'm happy, and I'm not bored to death so I'm actually paying attention to the information the game is trying to relay.
  9. I did a fairly in-depth analysis of the damage differences between Defender and Corruptor a few months ago in this thread: (http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=235905)

    A lot of it is me overlooking simple things like calculating in Enhancement Values, or the inability to find accurate information on something until a poster corrected a mistake I made, so I'm going to post a cleaned up version of all the things I had learned so OP and others don't have to trudge through all of the fine tuning portion.

    It's going to be fairly lengthy/messy regardless.

    Originally Posted by Warkupo
    Corruptors do more damage per hit because their damage scale is at 0.75 as opposed to defender's 0.65. If an attack is normally calculated as doing 100 damage (Known as the powers BASE damage in my example), then it will do 75 damage for a Corrupter, and 65 for a Defender, a difference of 10.

    If the attack has a BASE damage of 200, then it will do 150 for a Corrupter, and 130 for the Defender, a difference of 20 damage.

    For a power with a base damage of 300 we get; Corruptor: 225 damage; Defender: 195 damage; Difference: 30 damage.

    The more damage the attack does, the more effective it will be for a Corruptor over a Defender as their higher Damage Scaler doesn't divide up the BASE damage of an attack as much as it does for a Defender.

    Vigilance offers a Defender a 30% damage buff while solo. Damage buffs are calculated after you have factored in the specific Archetypes Damage Scaler. So if a Defender is using a power which deals 100 damage at its' base (65 damage for the Defender) that means that, once you factor in the 30% Damage Buff from Vigilance, the attack shall do 78 damage. This is THREE (3) damage more than the Corruptor will do.
    All of this is without taking into consideration what enhancements will do for each AT. Corruptors will actually pull ahead again after this is done as illustrated here:

    Originally Posted by Warkupo
    I am going to calculate 3 IO's of Damage Enhancements, which offers a DamBuff of 99.08% to both AT's. This is going to make for some messy decimals, so I will be rounding at the second decimal place. I will once again be using a Theoretical Attack which does 75 damage when used by a Corruptor, and 65 damage on a Defender. I will also be using the In-Game definition to determine Critical Hit values for Corruptor.

    75 * (1 + 0.9908) = 149.31 Damage for a Corruptor
    65 * (1 + 0.9908 + 0.3) = 148.90 Damage for a Defender WITH Vigilance
    65 * (1 + 0.9908) = 129.40 Damage for a Defender WITHOUT Vigilance
    Even with this advantage, a soloing Corruptor and a soloing Defender are still on fairly equal terms until you start calculating in Scourge. According to m3lon:

    Originally Posted by m3lon
    Also according to in game numbers scourge is "2.5% chance for every percentage health below 50%"
    Factoring this in, I was able to determine the Average expected damage of a Corruptor when the enemy is at variable amounts of Hp under 50%. You simply subtract the percentage of health under 50%, multiply it by 100, and then multiply the final value by 2.5%

    So, if an enemy is at 49% of it's total HP, we subtract 49% from 50%, or 0.49 from 0.50, which will get us 0.01. Multiply 0.01 by 100 to get 1, and then multiply 1 by 0.025 to get 0.025, or a 2.5% chance to do a critical hit.

    If an enemy is at 48% of it's total hp, we subtract 0.48 from 0.50 to get 0.02, multiply it by 100 to get 2, and then multiply it by 0.025 to get 0.05, 5% chance to do a critical hit.

    A 2.5% chance to do a critical hit is best expressed as an average damage increase. It is, essentially, how much damage I expect the power to do over a billion or so uses. For example, if I have a power that does 100 damage, but has a 2.5% chance to do double damage, I expect the average damage of that power over many uses to be increased by 2.5%. If I have a power that does 100 damage, but has a 100% chance to do double damage, I expect that power to always do twice it's original damage.

    The formula for this is expressed as: Damage * (1 + Critical Hit Chance) = Average Damage.

    Using all of this, I made a little chart that quickly shows the Average Damage expected out of Scourge at variable amounts of remaining enemy HP:

    [/quote= Warkupo]
    75 * (1 + 0.9908) = 149.31 Damage for a Corruptor
    65 * (1 + 0.9908 + 0.3) = 148.90 Damage for a Defender WITH Vigilance
    65 * (1 + 0.9908) = 129.40 Damage for a Defender WITHOUT Vigilance

    100-50% HP; Corruptor: 149.31; Defender: 148.90
    49% HP; Corruptor: 153.04; Defender: 148.90
    40% HP; Corruptor: 186.64; Defender: 148.90
    30% HP; Corruptor: 223.97; Defender: 148.90
    20% HP; Corruptor: 261.29; Defender: 148.90
    10% HP; Corruptor: 298.62; Defender: 148.90 [/quote]

    The biggest arguments I see when comparing Corruptor and Defender is that the Defender's higher buff values will allow it to do better damage when paired with certain primary/secondary powers than is possible for a Corruptor using the same primary/secondary powers.

    This next example is stating that both Corruptor and Defender are using blasts which lower the enemies resistance, such as is often the case of such powers found in the Sonic Blast set that both AT's utilize.

    Originally Posted by Warkupo
    Next we are going to calculate the average damage when the enemy is suffering from a -15% Resistance Buff for the Corruptor, and a -20% Resistance Buff for the Defender to simulate the differences between the Defenders higher buffing values. We will be using the values from the last chart and multiplying them by 1.15 and 1.20 respectively as this best represents how hitting an enemy after you've debuffed their resistance values will effect the expected damage of both AT's.

    100-50% HP; Corruptor: 171.71; Defender: 178.68
    49% HP; Corruptor: 176.00; Defender: 178.68
    40% HP; Corruptor: 214.63; Defender: 178.68
    30% HP; Corruptor: 257.57; Defender: 178.68
    20% HP; Corruptor: 300.48; Defender: 178.68
    10% HP; Corruptor: 343.41; Defender: 178.68
    As you can see, the buff modifiers of a Defender paired with Vigilance do grant a measurable advantage in damage. Somewhere between 49-40% remaining enemy HP the Corruptor will again pull ahead.

    The other major concern then is Fulcrum Shift. This is pretty much straight up copy+Paste from here on~

    Originally Posted by Warkupo
    Now we are going to calculate Corruptor vs Defender while giving a 20% DamBuff to Corruptor, and a 25% DamBuff to Defender. Make a note that this ISN'T Fulcrum Shift, but rather Siphon Power.

    100-50% HP; Corruptor: 164.31; Defender: 165.15
    49% HP; Corruptor: 168.42; Defender: 165.15
    40% HP; Corruptor: 205.39; Defender: 165.15
    30% HP; Corruptor: 246.47; Defender: 165.15
    20% HP; Corruptor: 287.54; Defender: 165.15
    10% HP; Corruptor: 328.62; Defender: 165.15

    Next we are going to calculate Fulcrum Shift against a single enemy. This is to determine the damage values each of the AT's can expect when trying to do something like solo a Boss or even an Arch Villain. Corruptors will gain a 60% Damage Buff, while Defenders will gain a 75% Damage Buff.

    100-50%; Corruptor: 194.31; Defender: 197.65
    49% HP; Corruptor: 199.17; Defender: 197.65
    40% HP; Corruptor: 242.89; Defender: 197.65
    30% HP; Corruptor: 291.47; Defender: 197.65
    20% HP; Corruptor: 340.04; Defender: 197.65
    10% HP; Corruptor: 388.62; Defender: 197.65

    Now we are going to Calculate Fulcrum Shift against THREE enemies. This is to determine the average performance that can be expected when soloing on Normal Difficulty. When Fulcrum Shift hits three targets it grants a 120% DamBuff to the Corruptor, and a 150% DamBuff to the Defender

    100-50%; Corruptor: 239.31; Defender: 246.40
    49% HP; Corruptor: 245.30; Defender: 246.40
    40% HP; Corruptor: 299.14; Defender: 246.40
    30% HP; Corruptor: 358.97; Defender: 246.40
    20% HP; Corruptor: 418.79; Defender: 246.40
    10% Hp; Corruptor: 478.62; Defender: 246.40

    To Finish off Fulcrum Shift, we're going to look at the DamBuff values when it is affecting ten targets, the maximum of which it is capable of affecting. Corruptors will gain a 240% DamBuff, and Defenders will gain a 300% DamBuff.... Except, now they've run into a bit of a snag.

    Unfortunately for Defenders, the limitation of total DamBuff they can have is 400%. With Fulcrum Shift increasing their damage by 300%, adding in their base 100% damage is going to put them at their Damage Cap. Their Damage Enhancements no longer matter, and neither does any benefit they might have been getting from Vigilance.

    If the Defender wasn't restricted by any Damage Cap it could have been doing:

    65 * (1 + 0.9908 + 0.3 + 3.25) = 360.152 Damage

    However, because of this cap, he's restricted too:

    65 * (4) = 260 Damage.

    That's about 100 Damage less than what the Defender could have potentially done if not for the damage cap, which if significant. On the other hand, a teaming Defender can take solace in the fact that the highly optimized soloist Defender isn't doing any more damage than they are.

    The Corruptor, on the other hand, is still sitting pretty under his 500% DamBuff limit. In fact, he's only at 439.08%, and he can still increase his damage by another 60.92% before reaches his limit. Powers such as Build Up, Aim, Power Siphon, and Assault are still perfectly viable for him, where as they would be somewhat wasted on a Defender when utilizing a fully saturated Fulcrum Shift.

    Because of the limitations placed on the Defender, he is not going to have nearly the same edge that he could have had.

    HP 100-50; Corruptor: 329.31; Defender: 260
    HP 49%; Corruptor: 337.54; Defender: 260
    HP 40%; Corruptor: 411.64; Defender: 260
    HP 30%; Corruptor: 493.97; Defender: 260
    HP 20%; Corruptor: 576.29; Defender: 260
    HP 10%; Corruptor: 658.62; Defender: 260

    There's still ONE thing left we should do, and that is determine a Fully Saturated Fulcrum Shift Against Enemies Who Have their Resistances Debuffed From the Sonic Blast Pool. Again, assume a -15% DamBuff for the Corruptors' enemy, and a -20% DamBuff for the Defenders' enemy.

    HP 100-50; Corruptor: 378.71; Defender: 312
    HP 49%; Corruptor: 388.17; Defender: 312
    HP 40%; Corruptor: 473.39; Defender: 312
    HP 30%; Corruptor: 568.07; Defender: 312
    HP 20%; Corruptor: 662.73; Defender: 312
    HP 10%; Corruptor: 757.41; Defender: 312

    As per usual, Sonic Debuffs favor defender a bit more than they do Corruptor. If you began stacking the -Res from using, say, more than a single attack, Defender would continue to go up in damage. Let's assume both have stack their -Res powers by 4 times, and are using a fully saturated Fulcrum Shift. This means that the Corruptors enemy is suffering from a -60% DamBuff, and the Defenders' enemy is suffering a -80% DamBuff.

    HP 100-50; Corruptor: 526.90; Defender: 468
    HP 49%; Corruptor: 540.50; Defender: 468
    HP 40%; Corruptor: 658.62; Defender: 468
    HP 30%; Corruptor: 790.35; Defender: 468
    HP 20%; Corruptor: 922.06; Defender: 468
    HP 10%; Corruptor: 1053.80; Defender: 468
    On a final note, the other major complaint against Scourge is that it looses it's effectiveness against minions in that the extra damage from Scourge is not necessary to defeat them. A truly competent Corruptor might throw Lieutenants into this observation as well. My feeling with Scourge has always been that it offers me extra damage against enemies that I would want extra damage against, specifically the bosses, and so it does not bother me that I'm not taking out minions more quickly; Minions die quickly without extra help.

    Throwing in Blaster makes things a bit trickier. Ultimately you would need to compare different attack chains, modified by the different powers available to each AT. Without modification though, a power that has a base damage of 100, and is doing 75 for a Corruptor and 65 for a Defender will do 112.5 for a Blaster. A Blaster should be doing more damage than both of them until you start throwing in things like Fulcrum Shift, at which point I expect both the Defender and Corruptor to eclipse the performance possible of a Blaster, even when factoring in Defiance.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    I'm under the impression that I have yet to see an incarnate in the game that wasn't fit (great regeneration and recovery ie Health/Stamina).

    I'm under the impression that I don't see a normal human maintaining an unfit lifestyle doing the activities one would need to do to reach level 50, without the side effect of getting into a fit shape.

    I'm under the impression that I've seen a lot of "Oh my end issues! Lower the cost of powers! I always have to take Stamina, and I want to take other stuff!" now only to see the reverse of "Ack! You gave us what we wanted, and now we don't!"
    True story; I Tried to play Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas as a fat CJ. It doesn't really work out too well. Given the amount of crazy athletics they require out of you, CJ always winds up being ridiculously buff and skinny. The best I could ever manage was just a really ripped, fat guy.
  11. I would prefer 02 Boost over Gale. Not that I would really start using either of them, I just would prefer 02 Boost over Gale.
  12. Warkupo

    Slotting Brawl

    Typically just forget about it. I'm more likely to make a power I use less than 1% better than I am making a power I never use any better. Placing enhancements in Brawl is like trying to multiply something by zero.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
    wow.. for people who cry "we want options" you all sure rag on people that propose such.

    My only issue for inherent Fitness is Swift. There are times when the slow "trot" is a good effect. If I wanted to go faster I'd turn on Sprint or the travel power. But my main thing against the active Swift Power is for my melee characters trying to line up the mobs for what few limited AOE attacks it may have, one tap of a sideways movement key works fine without Swift but many times with it the character moves too far. I'm not going to spend a lot of time lining things up, but if I can do it with 1 or 2 key taps I will. Swift ruins that for me.

    So yeah, for Swift I'd like that enhancement for some of my characters, but for the other Fitness powers I wouldn't use their negative enhancements. (Hurdle is so much fun!)

    It's a decent suggestion. I'd go for it. Maybe the Devs have an alternative solution planned already?
    There's a difference between wanting options, and implementing a feature that very few people will actually utilize. That all the posters here, including the OP, admit to having no use for this feature, with the exception of you, should indicate how under utilized this feature will wind up being.

    Swift is a fairly crappy power anyway. Most people who argue against it seem to be under the impression that it will suddenly have them blazing around town like if they had gotten hit with Speed Boost from the Kinetics powerset. Unslotted, Swift grants about +5mph. Assuming no other movement power is in effect, that will take you from a base 14.3 mph, to 19.3 mph. That's slower than you're allowed to drive in most neighborhoods.


    I usually rationalize stamina on Robots/Power Armour as having a more efficient cooling system. Low endurance would indicate that the internal systems are too hot from using energy too rapidly, and even though some powers might be charged and ready, continual use of them might cause the system to automatically shut off in order to maintain system stability.

    It does get a bit more hazy when I'm being shot at with FIRE, or playing hopscotch in a volcano.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubblerella View Post

    Edit: Positioning can make the difference between victory and defeat. I've seen many people that stand their ground and get buried there!
    That's only because you were busy "positioning" yourself behind them~
  15. Finally, an article about parenting done correctly~
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gothenem View Post
    Hmmm, an Aura pack might actually be well received by the CoX community. Let us assume that they are developing an aura pack.

    Let us also assume that it will have approximately 8 auras in it. I would most likely purchase this pack (I'm a sucker for costume pieces). Especially if said aura's would be available right from level 1 (which, if I'm paying for them, I would want them to be).

    This said, I think the dev's will understand that it would be more economical to try for value for dollar. The Party Pack in that regard was a failure, as $1 per emote was percieved as way to high.

    Is $1/aura too high? How about if said aura was available at level 1? Let marketing explore for a bit. Now that GR is out, micro transactions will be their main cash injections. (subscriptions being their bread and butter).

    Just some thoughts.

    Oh, and the Three aura's are freaking awesome!!!!
    I'd probably pay a dollar per costume aura. Obviously I'd rather it just be free though. I'm starting to get sick of having to BUY every single costume/aura/emote thingy, as though I'm playing some f2p game.

    The reason I wasn't excited about the party pack Is that I don't use emotes enough to justify their cost. Honestly, I don't think there was a price they could have put on it that would have made me buy the party pack. Even if they gave it to me for free I wouldn't have wound up using it. Which isn't to say that I think the quality of the emotes are bad, or that the art team is horrible; I just don't use emotes.

    I use auras though! I use the hell out of them.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deganji View Post

    I'd like the IO sets also, but as LISAR said, it would be unfair to people that aren't high enough to slot IOs or just don't even slot IOs, there has to be some that don't.

    I'm going to specifically address this, since it seems to be coming up a lot. I'm not sure why SO only users feel or got the idea that SO's should be on equal terms with IO's, because they aren't, and they never have been. IO's provide multiple enhancements in one slot, set bonuses, and other, much more specific buffs like KB protection, global recharge, global acc, etc. Generally speaking, IO's are superior to SO's, and are more "difficult" to obtain than SO's.

    The only promise towards SO's is that the game, as it was before IO's, would be balanced around the assumption of their sole use. Given that people have "tolerated" KB for the last six years, an IO that changed KB to KD is not at all out of line with this design principal. You aren't losing anything you already had in deciding not to use a -KB IO, but neither are you gaining the benefits it would have offered. It's the same for anyone who decided not to use a KB Protection IO, a Stealth IO, a Luck of the Gambler +Rech, or any of the other options available.

    I'm not really on the same boat about feeling that everyone should have the option of turning KB off either. There are likely some huge balance issues I'm not bothering to think about behind doing that. Requiring at least some sort of limitation on how much -KB you can put into your powers makes me feel far more comfortable with this type of change in that you have to give up "something", even if it's just a slot, in order to obtain -KB in your powers.

    I also don't like allowing people to slot -KB right out of the gate either. They should become familiar with how the set is intended to play first so that they can better make a decision for themselves on what powers they feel should have -KB, or if they actually like KB. Allowing a checkbox type system would force the hive mentality of the playerbase to dictate whether or not someone should have KB, and probably wind up killing whatever choice anyone had in the matter. The lowest I would allow a -KB IO to be slotted is probably 20 or 25.

    Ultimately this probably requires a lot more in depth analysis, as I'm sure there's at least 1 or 3 powers that might become drastically overpowered by allowing -KB.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
    Ok... now I'm curious.

    And perhaps a bit disappointed, as I was hoping that Storm aura would also make it into i19 (I know, I know... give us an inch...).

    One thing that seems clear is that there is a good bit a-brewin in CoX behind the scenes. Now, I really need to have Black Pebble... uhm... disappear from the M&G so I can interro... err... engage David in a friendly conversation, without the marketing gag hovering over his head.


    Isn't David like, a giant lion-thing with mech-armour and a lazer cannon? Good luck on that interrogation thing...
  19. I used too. This late into the game though, I'm usually making characters based on wanting to play a specific power-set combination because I heard how fun it is in the forums, or it has some kind of synergy I want to toy around with. Then I make the critical, and totally sexist, decision of whether or not a powerset feels MANLY or FEMININE to me, and then let concept form itself in the Costume Creator. If it's not working out, I'll switch to the other gender and try again.

    Other than that, I usually have a bunch of names I use in various video games for characters who fit specific roles. Puakai is the water/healer mage. Veira is the martial artist/monk character. Lana Fiore is my dagger-assassin. "Gabriel" is my gun-toting, batman level strategist, special ops bad-*** who is usually focused in the extermination of the undead. Normally I can only make a few of these due to character slot restrictions, or there not being a "Class" that fits the style of these character archetypes, but CoH is so diverse and generous with character slots that I've actually been able to make *all of them*. As such, I no longer do that in this game.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deganji View Post
    Expanding on what Airhammer said, what if you could select between knockback and knockdown at the tailor. When you are on the power customization screen, each power with KB could have two checkboxes, to select between KB and KD.

    Would that be something everyone could agree with? Not that it would ever happen, you'd have to have checkboxes for every aspect of the power or at least every powers secondary effect, and that would be a nightmare to code, I'd imagine.

    I guess this could be something to be thought about if the game was in beta, but it's way to late to change powers that have been around so long. Again, I don't want my post to be the cause of a flame war, should I report my post to get it deleted or just edit everything out?
    I wouldn't mind something like that either, but it kind've sets a precedent if they decide to allow you to change any other secondary effects of a power, and could probably become a messy system in a hurry. If it's just regulated to KB though, I wouldn't mind.

    I still like the IO idea better because I think it fits in better with what already exists in the game, and forces new players to use the power as it is normally intended for awhile before switching it's secondary effect, but I wouldn't be standing in any picket lines if they went with your idea instead either.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
    And for the SO crowd?
    They would be doing the same thing they'd have to do if they wanted KB protection and didn't' get it from one of their powers.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
    If you have to slot to enjoy knockback you reduce the amount of slots available for damage, recharge, end reduction and accuracy. Anyone who wishes to have knockback would have to nerf themselves.
    Not really. Make it an IO that gives: Dam, +Special Effect: Lowers KB Magnitude.
    Call it something like "Oppressive Gravity" or "Vertical Velocity"

    Luck of the Gambler is allowed to do something similiar, so I don't foresee a huge problem in something like that.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post
    Not if you're blapping and need to get in and out of melee quickly.
    Eh? Base slot in Hover+Swiftness is like, 20mph with a 99% enhancement buff in both of them(that's a single Flight IO). You can easily just hit the space bar, fly up, and resume being in ranged range. An added benefit is you don't have to bother moving all over the place once you're in the sky either because, barring flying enemies, nobody is coming at you. Cause they can't. Cause they got no wings. Not that jousting is particularly difficult, mind you, but neither is hovering up 10-12 feet.

    I usually don't play jump rope with enemies on a Blapper anyway. I just stand there like a prince and punch crap in the face until one of us is dead. It isn't like I need to be at a specific distance away to use a ranged attack anyway.