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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    33 hours to my first game win.

    Grenades are very effective early on (unless you're in a terror message trying to save civvies), but later, they do less damage than a laser or plasma rifle.

    I wouldn't judge the game by the Demo, but it does give you an idea of what gameplay is like.
    That's not much. Considering I imagine you play just as awesome at it as you do this game Replayability? Doing things completely differently can still give you a fighting chance?

    Never was big on the $40+ for a single game. I might have to wait a bit.
  2. Demo was cool, but way too short and easy. I used nades whenever it would let me; rocket launcher for the hell of it.

    How much actual game time did you spend in it?
  3. I'm gonna play the demo either today or tomorrow.

    Because of you.

    Because of you. ......
  4. VoodooCompany

    Assassin's Creed

    Haven't played any of them, but the first two seemed interesting to me. Enjoyed Hitman though.

    I saw commercials for this 3rd one and a) the setting is kind of ridiculous* and b) the cutscenes in the commercials (and if that was gameplay....ugh) just looked bad to me. Choppy as hell, not fluid at all.

    *the setting would probably be more interesting to me if the commercial didn't look so bad to me and if they had a conspiracy angle going on in whatever ridiculous story they scribbled out for it.

    Transformer MMO is coming out "soon" though. >.>
  5. VoodooCompany

    I'm finished!

    Originally Posted by BlackJackDavy View Post
    They are repurposed toys from DC and Marvel's 6" toy lines.

    Jack is made from a DC Universe Booster Gold with some scuplting to make raised edges for his gloves and boots and some to fill in where Booster's googles were.

    Goshawk is a Marvel Legends Angel with Wolverine forearms/hands, and a Daredevil head with the horns sanded off.
    I haven't gone through a toy store for myself in a very long time.

    Until this weekend!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    Who's psyched for the Season 3 Premiere this weekend?

    Unfortunately, they're doing the "show some episodes, take a break until the Spring, then show the rest" thing again this year, which means this site won't be around to discuss the (no doubt) shocking conclusion of Season 3.
    I'm just getting into Season 2 on Netflix. You got nothing to complain about
  7. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=113746

    A lot of listed sounds here and how to get / find ones you like most
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
    Does it revolve around a retirement home?
    Has Bruce Willis?

    Still going to watch it.
  9. VoodooCompany

    Your last day?

    That's nuts Viking

    I was thinking this past Tuesday I should log in and actually run a mission or two with stuff I haven't played in a long while, especially considering literally nothing was really going on globally for victory, freedom, or virtue (yes Virtue! and I blame you all for that!). Definitely not waiting till that last day because I don't really see myself playing for that amount of time myself.
  10. VoodooCompany

    It's Over

    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    It's still unlikely Paragon staffers will have anything very negative to say about NCSoft. Unless they do so anonymously. Being publicly critical of ex-employers can hurt future job searches.
    Sometimes pride and fact take precedence.
  11. VoodooCompany

    It's Over

    They acknowledged what all people were doing, that's good. That'll give an extra boost to media coverage at the least.

    Whenever whatever NDAs / severance package stipulations are over with though, their wording can very well bite them in the ***.
  12. VoodooCompany

    Your last day?

    6 hours is a bit much. Those were generally reserved for publishes. Events start on the 5th and generally are nothing more than "flipped switches" at this point AFAIK.

    Events are completely meh to me.

    From Twitter: This will not be a publish, just maintenance.

    Curious if the 6 hours is because it's some lonely peon who's never done whatever it is they do during this that has been thrust into some deep, dark basement corner with nothing more than a hastily scribbled note from a frantic and desperate soul with cryptic wording as to the procedure.
  13. VoodooCompany

    Your last day?

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    I wanted to be on until the last minute, but if it's 3AM Eastern I doubt that'll be possible. Maybe I'll play until midnight EST, log out, and immediately log into CO to continue my superheroic adventures.
    *sigh* Now you're just being mean

    Mental - "I swear if you even attempt to log in to CO I will perform seppuku"

    The Live North American and European City of Heroes servers will be taken offline for a scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, October 3, 2012.

    Start Time: 4:30AM PDT
    Expected Duration: 6 Hours
    Expected Finish Time: 10:30AM PDT

    We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
    Issue 24????
  14. VoodooCompany

    Your last day?

    The forums will remain online through the last day of play - November 30.
    (Wonder if the mod(s) will just completely give up for that day)

    You will be able to play until 11:59:59PM on November 30, 2012. Servers will go down at midnight.
    (Should be Pacific time keep in mind)

    Was thinking I'd ride it out till they go poof on the 30th just because it's just natural to think Eastern for me. 3AM probably isn't doable; I'm no spring chicken and I just don't have the people anymore where something like this was fun to do anyway.

    Also been thinking about when/if I'd uninstall the game. The game might be useful at some point? The launcher though will be burned immediately following my last log off.
  15. VoodooCompany


    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    I'm with the Hamster.
    These words make me shudder.

    You've clearly never had to put up with Shamster, regardless of AT. He plays them all the same way. He can get aggro with mindless button smashing after he's run off to large groups away from the team; if he isn't insta-gibbed (which he generally is), he'll limply bring them back to the group and either die anyway or suck down all inspirs he has to repeat the same mindlessness. But retaining aggro / taking aggro is not his forte (4Chan linking takes that spot). And he primarily teams.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BoneBaby View Post
    I was thinking of trying the free trial... but someone has taken my name already! Really? I thought BoneBaby was rather unique... sigh...

    I may or may not try it now.

    How about BabyBoner. We'll all still know it's you.

    Just everyone else will think you're perverted.
  17. VERBATIM! I have spoken

    You also said that it was a good investment after repeatedly trying to talk me out of it.

    'nuff said
  18. Verbatim:

    Me - "Mental, sell me on CO"
    Mental - "Uh.....I don't think I can. Second best costume creator. Why? Are you thinking about it? I don't think it's for you"
    Me - "Why's that?"
    Mental - "You don't seem like an MMO guy. People hate you. I think it's a fluke that CoH even came out and you found out about it. Please don't ruin CO for me"
    Me - "Tell me how you really feel "

    He's not going to make it to the end without blowing up
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    I was really excited for this game as it was in development, but now that it's out, based on the reviews and Funcom's track record I'm concerned about the game's long term future.
    So you won't be playing it?

    Hmmm...this changes everything
  20. How many different names do you go by? Just what exactly are you hiding from?

    I had to look this up the other day because it keeps getting tossed around and I had never heard of it before. It seemed too story-driven for my tastes as it didn't seem like something you can jump in to whenever you got some free time and just do something? *shrug*

    There are a couple of other things that kind of put me off this game in particular, but those are more for my situation/play time/play style.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    And if Satanic Hamster is petitioning someone for being a jerk, you KNOW they have to be bad. ;D
    I think the laws of Irony have just been dealt a tremendous blow
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cardiff_Giant View Post

    Fortunately, I found the Wing Commander Saga - "Darkest Dawn" came out in March = a 10 year project fan-remake, Finally got permission to use the IP from EA - plugging Wing Commander III probably helped.
    And better still, I found that Chris Roberts is now going to make a new Wing Commander-ish game!

    I think It's fair to assume the Darkest Dawn went over well enough to convince him it was time, He mentions having wanted to wait until the Tech caught up to his Ideas = its had plenty of time... He decided for whatever reasons to give it another go now - that'll probably take a couple years but since the Jumpgate revamp tanked = Well, there's a "hole" in the space-based fighter sim genre.
    Dude.........thank you. I was JUST talking about finding my old Wing Commanders and see if they'd play on this rig. I am attempting to download this now and will be getting into it....SINCE EVERYONE HAS ABANDONED ME ON VICTORY!

    You're the best _Giant in my book!
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    I don't think you can technically stab someone with a blunt object.

    Currently listening to Ride's Live; Reading Festival 1992
    Sure you can. It just hurts a lot more.
  24. VoodooCompany


    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    So where's that ID?
    How'd you miss it ? I posted on facebook
  25. I guess they turned off DXP? Even though I was pretty sure they said they would turn it on till the end........was thinking Iso would be extra fun because it would have been the first time DXP was on at the same time.

    So that was downer number 1.

    Then I figured Shamster would show up anyway. So that was downer number 2