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  1. Ukaserex


    Thanks to all who came out and helped this aging blaster out.

    Took about 90 minutes because we were being cautious and such. But, badge was earned by those who didn't have it.
  2. Ukaserex

    Magey Mondays!

    What's your preferred t-4 lore?
    Obviously, you want folks with T-4 Hybrid Assault.
    Additionally, you'd want a mixture of T-4 Barrier and Rebirth, I would imagine.

    Are you requiring folks to have leadership pool? This way I know which toon to bring to help.

    I can spring for some Team inspirations if two people on the other two teams will also spring for them. With capped damage from a couple of kins, the precise imbuements still can help with accuracy, and for those times when the kin is busy with transfusion or dodging lightning flow or whatever. The protection imbuements can also help with the olympian guards and some of the other incoming damage.

    Will there be a practice run to assess the league's ability to avoid lightning flow and to dish out damage?

    I can bring a grav/kin, ill/rad, earth/rad controller or even emp/elec def on the buff side of the equation.

    Can bring ice/ice or fire/fire blaster - (the fire/mm isn't quite ready for magi yet)- or I can bring energy/energy as well.

    All are +3 with differing lore pets (most are cimeroans) and a choice between clarion/rebirth or clarion/barrier.
    Just let me know when the time comes.
  3.'s just me, but I don't even notice a rage crash when it happens with my t-4 cardiac.

    I can understand playing and wanting a little less of this, or a little more of that.

    But, I've taken pains to get cardiac instead of agility because I want to be sure I keep my endurance with 3/4 end. (or pretty close to it)

    So, if there is a change to it, I want more than a free respec, I want to be able to change my cardiac to agility for a token fee or number of shards/astrals/emps.

    But, wouldn't it be better to just not use rage, if the crash is problematic?
  4. Ukaserex


    Assuming I've read everything correctly, the list is as follows:

    1. @Ukase, Ice/Ice Blaster
    2. @Amygdala, Kin/Energy Defender
    3. @Dark Epitaph, Stone/Stone Brute
    4. @Ulysses Dare, Assault Rifle/Devices Blaster
    5. @Purplemanwolf *maybe*
    6. Fiery Phoenix *should be*
    7. Seldom *barring unforeseen difficulties*
    8. @Gameboy1234

    Looking forward to it.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ultimus View Post
    Do you look forward to more?
    Honestly, no. Yes. No.

    Typically, I loathe new issues.

    If the game had stayed the way it was back in issue 3, I'd probably have a lot more 50s, a lot less inf, and probably the same amount of fun.
  6. 1. I would place all task forces in ouroboros so people could solo them or run them with any number they want, instead of having team size minimums.

    2. I would increase the number of astrals earned in the magisterium trial. (one for each AV defeated)

    3. I would turn off the anti-tp in Pocket D. There's absolutely no reason why I shouldn't be able to use my team transport or mission tp from there.
    (if tp foe is still an issue - fine, prevent that - but don't prevent my temp powers. )
  7. I will try to be there with my ice/ice blaster.

    I have another event that starts an hour earlier - I hope we will be done by your start time.
  8. Ukaserex


    Would like to get this badge, so

    August 4, 8pm Eastern seems like a good time to get it out the way.

    What: Master of 5th Column Task Force (redside)
    When: August 4, 8 PM Eastern
    Why: Because it's one of the very few badges I can get that I don't have yet.
    Where: Grandville (and other zones as needed)
    Who: @ukase ( be playing my ice blaster)

    @amygdala tells me she also needs this badge. That leaves room for 6.

    Since it's an Mo..would love to see 50+1 toons to make this more trivial than it otherwise would be.

    please let me know if you'd like to join.
  9. A better question is what am I gonna read in a few days when this project is over?

    I always feel just a little better when I read the thought processes that go behind the decisions to market this or that instead of something else. The only thing that boggles my mind is how when I suggest some of my less affluent friends do marketing of this type, they just dismiss it as part of the game they don't enjoy. But, to each their own.

    Personally, I like the feeling of knowing I can plunk down 1.2 to 1.4 billion for some cytoskeletons if I need them. (since all hami seems to give me are centrioles) Too bad converters don't work on Hami-Os!

    A nice thread. I think you probably put as much time posting the screenies as playing the toon. It looks like a lot of effort!
  10. In order for that to happen, there has to be a collection of bodies ready to do iTrials when I zone in. (which is a tough time to pin down - started a new job recently, so game time is mostly limited to the weekends. )

    Hard to put trial leagues together during the day on weekends, as folks are out at the beach and doing family stuff (I presume)

  11. I heard that @Chowder passed away last night.

    My prayers are for his family in what must be a very tough time.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by damienray View Post
    I just can't figure out why some 50s are still running it. They did not believe me when I pointed out that 50 is as high as you go with regular content. <shrug>.
    I was told by an in-game friend that she ran it for the shards - with the multiple AVs and many lost bosses, she got 4 or 5 every run.
  13. I don't know what your playstyle is. Whatever it is, I suggest you look through the forums for people that are looking for critiques of their builds.

    Generally, players with more experience will post a build that they think is better than the original one that was posted.

    If you know how, cut and paste the data chunk into mids', and then look at all the enhancements you'll need. Then, roll /create a new toon that will be built like the one you just copied. Feel free to change out travel powers.

    On powersets that have been out a little while, like Titan Weapons, I looked over several. I know a little about mids' and am somewhat familiar with the different sets available, so I was able to make some adjustments that weren't quite so pricy, but still be effective.

    Since you are still figuring things out, I see no problem in you just trying a fire/fire brute -- or Street Justice/Electric Armor brute.

    Once these toons hit level 28 and 30 respectively (which is not that hard to do) they really shine. (Any fire brute once they get burn is gonna shine bright!)

    Don't use the search function in the forums. Use google and add + CoH to whatever you're looking for. The forum search engine has always been ...not very user friendly for me. Your experience may differ, however.

    That's my best free advice for you. Look for builds posted by Nemu. A wizard with builds. Hyperstrike has a very sturdy, inexpensive invuln tank somewhere in these forums.
    If you decide to make a fire tank, check out some of the fire tank guides to get an overview.
    Read stuff until you just can't stand it. Then play the toon. Don't go to AE and get powerleveled. Even if leveling is slow for you - grind it out and try different attack chains. Make a mental note of what works well and what doesn't. If your endurance is sagging - check your stamina and see how it's slotted. Make sure you have an end reducer in your heavier attacks, at least until you get SOs at 25 or IOs at level 30. Also, don't expect to roll at +4/8 until you get your defense and resistances at a decent level. What's a decent level? I can't say - will depend on what you roll.
  14. Ukaserex

    UGT schedule

    I have mulled this over a good bit. Having the UGTs after the msr's was always a good thing because the server is fairly active afterwards.

    However, because of Noy's later start time, I find myself unwilling to even stay up for that as 5 a.m. comes way too soon.

    So, I will try to keep Friday as the casual run - non-MO, same time, after the MSR. It's the weekend, and I can always slurp down another Diet Coke for caffiene.

    The MoUGT will be on Saturdays at 6pm Eastern - plenty of time before the Hami Raid, so there should be no interference there. (per lb MotD, Hami is at 8pm Eastern - I'm long-winded, but even I can get us an MoUGT in less than 75 minutes. )

    It's practically the dinner hour, and a traditional date night - so not sure how turn out will be. If it's poor attendance, then I'll just make Friday's run the MoUGT, and not do a second run on Sunday.

    In Summary:
    July 27 Non-MoUGT immediately following the MSR in Dark Astoria.
    July 28 MoUGT 6pm Eastern in Dark Astoria
  15. Well, I'm a week late, it seems to chime in. Kins are super helpful - and if folks can get all bunched up on Tyrant, two is plenty. I got in the habit of keeping Precise Imbuements on me and using them if I dropped below 300%. A lot folks forget (if they knew in the first place - 3 months ago I didn't know it) that you don't necessarily need to be in the "blue" to be capped. Just depends on how you have your powers slotted.

    The only props I get are for parroting things I've read and what I saw that worked and didn't work. @Sundew seems like the real star to me - for taking the time to ask questions.

    Folks, I'm known to be verbose - no such thing as a yes or no answer for me. So, yeah, @Sundew did indeed take some time getting the answers ...and the questions.

    Grats to all of you who got the badge. I still think avoids the green stuff is probably the hardest. (mainly because of one person crashing or goofing can foul it up)
    But, The Really Hard Way is hands down the most fun to earn.
  16. I certainly doubt that there will ever be a CoH2. In fact, I am certain of it. To make a CoH2 work, they would have to have enough income to justify the expense. I suspect that some, like me, would not likely enjoy learning a new game just to look at different graphics.

    Since I'm likely not the only one who would shy away from a second version of the same game, the player base would be split. A mistake even worse than the creation of the Exalted server (which arguably split a good number of folks from each server to play there)

    The end result is fewer folks in the same place to team with. Except for a few servers - the average new player (not affiliated with global channels and such) has a tough time getting teams for things other than dfb. With a split player base, it would be worse. Both games would end up in a spiral down the drain.
  17. Ukaserex

    UGT schedule

    Well folks, I was fortunate to have someone offer to lead the ugt, as I was feeling a little worn down.

    I'm not sure what the new times will be - but Sunday's run will not be after the msr.

    Stay tuned for a different schedule.

    Sorry for any mix-ups. I'm quite sure @monika kimera did a fine job in my absence.
  18. Who raised this dead thread? Yikes! Thread necromancy!
  19. To answer the OPs question, Nothing "extra" happens if you complete the optional objectives. No badge, no extra ambushes or anything.

    As for the contrast in experiences, try to realize that Organica is an experienced player and will typically team with other players who are quite capable -- if what I read in his marketing project is to be believed - and I've no reason to think otherwise.

    Knowing what to do is pretty much half the battle. The mission objectives are a bit cluttered, and unless you have your map out with certain features checked, you may have a hard time figuring out which ship to go to.
    I've only done this tf ...... 7 times? Pretty much just when it's a weekly.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Targeting lore at the people who don't care about the lore is, well, honestly dumb. That's like targeting your background music at the deaf.
    Well, since there's no numbers here, I feel comfortable suggesting that this is ..not entirely precise.

    When I first started playing this game, I read what the contacts had to say. When I went vigilante and then Villain (solely for badges), I read what the contacts would have to say.

    I am not a pure min/maxer, but I'd like to think I'm close sometimes. I prefer speed tfs to kill alls, kill most, or kill through. If I can't solo with my characters, I'll never bring them on a team.

    Now - if you want someone like me to pay more attention to lore - have the stories be something feasible in reality. I want a story that's for an adult, not a kid. No, I don't want mature themes with atrocious acts of violence, but I want the contact to send me to do something relevant and I think there should be some character development before I'm going to care about what the contact is going to send me to do.

    I think there should be theme music, too. Something appropriate to the story as I read it.

    The newer arcs in Atlas could have done a pretty decent job of this - the problems in Galaxy City, how they affected ..Havisham, I think his name is, and his family. That's something real. It's beyond me why we're not sent into Galaxy City to help those folks get out. All the magic and technology, and not one of the Phalanx can send a lowbie hero to Galaxy City (the destroyed one) to rescue someone's family?

    The hero tip mission where we rescue Debutante's from the Carnies. That could easily have been made into a small arc - saving some foolish girl from getting in over her head.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there are no "real" stories in the game, it's just that the dialogue that the characters say (in mission) and the way things are worded by the contact (for brevity's sake, I'm sure) they just don't carry any emotion for me.

    Flux, with his arc, the way we have to clobber a few outcasts - and the reason why - it makes sense. Helps him keep his cover. But other contacts seem to just give assignments for no real reason.

    For me, if you want me to care about the lore -

    1. It should make sense.
    2. There should be some theme music fitting with the mission being assigned.
    3. There should be some emotion being conveyed. Fear is fine - but if the hellion is unable to actually damage the civilian, why are they scared?
    4. The contact should never make me zone hunt, nor send me out of zone. (oops, that probably doesn't apply)
    5. Some humor wouldn't hurt either.
  21. Ukaserex

    Friday's UGT

    Currently, I've got a regular UGT run scheduled for Friday nights following Friday's MSR and an MoUGT following Sunday's MSR.

    I was thinking of switching those around.

    However, I have to work late this Friday. So, I am going to cancel this Friday's UGT.

    I should make it back in time -- but I am not certain, and don't want folks to waiting for something to form when it may not.

    Sunday's run will be a normal run, not an Mo effort.
  22. Ukaserex

    Personal Lairs

    Why not just create your personal lair within your sg base? If you don't have the decorating privileges, ask for them.

    I suspect, if all the players that want personal lairs started making their own SGs, the dev team just might come up with a way to make the supergroup mean something more than a personal storage area.

    If indeed it's that much of a resource hog (and I read why they changed the storage cap down to 30 from ..999, I think), then a prefab map or three for sale at the market might not be that much of a stretch.

    Not sure how they'd make SGs and their bases more meaningful...but that can be for another day.
  23. I wouldn't part with a single point for it.

    If I want a specific AT/Powerset, I can just roll one and play it. Seems pretty silly to me.

    As for getting badges....I confess at one time I would have loved to make my badger switch from ice/ice blaster to ill/rad controller -- but then I'd have to slot him...and one perma PA/AM/Hasten ill/rad is quite enough.

    Sure, there are some things an ill/rad could do that my ice blaster can't -- but there are some things my ice blaster can do that the ill/rad can't. I suspect this is true for just about any AT/powerset combo.

    The pitfalls of such a thing being available:

    Me over global channel: iTrial forming, pst.
    recently converted to Energy blaster: I'll join!
    Me over global channel: We're doing an MoM, hope you can control that kb so you don't KB the voids or the bosses while trying to mez Shalice.

    A silly example, but that would be my fear; people teaming up and having very little idea as to how to play their character. (not that this couldn't be overcome with making the second build actually start the character off as level 1 and making them earn the xp all over again. )

    I just don't see it ever happening. Too many slots available.
  24. Well, my question is this:

    The Overwhelming Force set is an attuned set. There is no "level" to them, one simply must be level 10 or higher to slot them.

    So...why is it when I look at the prices...I see the auction house present them as if they are all different levels...only not showing the levels?

    There seems to be 3 bids, and 1 for sale of the first acc/dam piece.
    Below that, 2 bids, and 1 for sale of the acc/dam piece.
    Below that, another 8-10 of them, all listed seperately.

    Why wouldn't these be consolidated into one listing, like every other enhancement?

    Not that big of a deal; I hover over them and see that they're all giving the same enhancement percentages. Just seems kind of strange to have them listed seperately.

    Anyone have insight into this?

    Known bug, I'd guess. Certainly not a priority fix.

    Or, did I completely miss something that addresses this?
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    No, only Empaths with one attack are shortchanged. I had absolutely no issue on my Emp I ran through there, but I am not expecting other people to pick up my part of the killing. I actually took my attacks.
    Aggelakis speaks the truth. At least in spirit. The reason SOME Emps are so pathetic soloing is because SOME empaths take mostly their primary sets, and ignore their secondary to a large degree (not completely).
    This is true only of some empaths. Some take an adequate attack chain, and frankenslot it, others slot for set bonuses.

    Should the badge be awarded to you? Yes.

    I would ask that you open your mind a bit here. None of us pay your sub. It's certainly not my place to tell you how to play, what powers to pick or any of that. However, the reason your toon is having trouble soloing/meeting the minimum participation is your play style.

    I can see having something like a dominator's Domination on auto-fire, or Hasten, or Accelerate Metabolism.

    But, playing an emp, I cannot fathom why you'd have an attack set to auto-fire. Maybe your heal aura, but not an attack.
    I heartily recommend you park your toon for a bit and play a blaster.
    Then, pick your emp back up and then look at your ...lack of attack.

    Consider this - on a team of 8, you can probably get away with primarily buffing/healing. (though you should still finish off those kills with a sliver of health left.) I always made it a game of sorts to try and be a kill stealer. I love getting the kill shot with my emp.

    But, in a duo, or a trio, you need to pull your weight. At higher levels, most savvy players love the buffs - but we don't "need" them. I'd much rather team with someone who can play solo as well as team. No, I really don't want to carry you just for your yummy buffs. My toon is built to solo - so that I'm not a burden to my teammates. (except for my
    moodswings and such, lol)

    Again, that's me, and I'm not at all typical. But, I recommend you at least consider selecting a decent attack chain from your secondary so that you can solo, albeit slowly, if you need to.

    I am sympathetic to the issue you've had. I do applaud your "search-fu" in digging up Baryonx's old post. I do think you've shown a good bit of determination, and I sincerely hope you get it. In my mind, you have earned it.
    Still, I think learning to play your secondary (more) would serve you well.