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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post
    When will this change?
    People declared people would and/or planned to farm the 250 IDF for Hybrid XP in the first day it was available on VIP beta, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was mentioned in closed beta.

    The devs basically wanted a gate on this. Their choices were, broadly, something like this or new incarnate salvage. They listened to us on iSalvage (various folks regularly complain about the different types of salvage), so we got something like this.

    I expect that we'll eventually get a solo path that unlocks this. Heaven only knows when that'll be, but as an addendum to this issue seems unlikely though not completely impossible. (I did see above though that we have an expectation already set that it won't be this issue.)

    You have to bear in mind that not everyone farming this is farming it because they hate the trial or are already sick of it or things like that. I've farmed the trial some tonight, and I'm in none of those states. For better or worse, they front-loaded most of the iXP in the first fight, so farming it is efficient. I have 11 50s to unlock this on, and about half of them have all the iSalvage they need to craft at least one T4 Hybrid, because I was running iTrials on them after they were "incarnated out" to get Catalysts.

    I want to jump on the frequent Magisterium gravy train while it's still running hot and heavy and unlock Hybrid for as many of my 50s as fast as I can, because I can then craft the powers with rewards from anything, Magisterium or not. It just makes sense if I'm concerned with efficiency. If we had the Magisterium and another way to unlock it, if the Magisterium was the only one that was frontloaded, I'm certain some folks would farm it just the same.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
    Coming back to previous comments, I noticed in a second run that there are screen-letters warning you to back up on both AoEs, it seems...but they don't show up unless you're close to him. I got hit a few times by them because I was running back to the battle after using a Quill. Perhaps there needs to be wider range on the warning?
    Almost all the trial AVs are like that. You won't get a warning about Marauder's Nova Fist unless you are near him.

    It might be some mechanical thing, where the warning is related to a radius of the power, but the lightning strikes have an effect outside the "normal" radius. (Clearly they effect everyone.) I usually saw a warning, but sometimes didn't if I was off at the edge of the crater dealing with pillars of light.
  3. I've failed it four times out of five tonight.

    I'm not worried.

    We just didn't have enough DPS/debuffs and too many people weren't moving out of the lightning fast enough. They'll figure it out.

    I do have a question, though. What's the secret to getting level shifts out of the pillars of light? I couldn't figure out what gives you level shifts. Sometimes I got six, sometimes I got none, and I couldn't seem to correlate it with what I did, where I was, or what.
  4. Post about the exact math (mostly) here.

    As Codewaker says, it's not very simple to summarize in general terms. It's something best left to programs and/or spreadsheets.
  5. Every time I try to log in to the test server, I get a message about a problem being detected with the game database, and to contact support. I get this for both my accounts, which makes it seem somewhat unlikely that it's just me.

    My test install is up to date according to the launcher, and I'm using the launcher to connect. My test install passes the consistency check.

    Anyone else experiencing this?
  6. A decent chunk of the formula is on RedTomax here. It contains a reference the area factor for a power, which I believe we have elsewhere. It's...


    Arc there is the angle of cones in degrees. Spheres have a 360 degree arc.
  7. Yep. Basically "absorb" turns an amount of incoming damage into a pool of temporary HP from which additional damage will be deducted instead of your HP. And as BMA mentions, powers that do this will take heal/absorb enhancements, rather than have a category of their own.

    The Defender proc from the "leaked" second wave of ATEs has a chance to grant +absorb, which is mostly why we have any idea what the mechanic does.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post
    The "Who moved my cheese" factor?

    Can't say I've heard that one before.
    Already answered, mostly, but here's the Wikipedia link on the book. Note that I have read the book but not that article. My boss' boss bought copies of it for his whole core team and their direct reports probably around 10 years ago. I hear the phrase used in corporate/work settings, but not much of anywhere else.
  9. It seems likely that toHit bonuses affect it. However, I am not certain of this without testing. I am certain that accuracy bonuses, from either sets or powers, should not affect it, by the same mechanism that prevents damage bonuses from affecting Judgement's damage. Damage and accuracy are enhanceable attributes of the power, but I believe that toHit affects a global attribute of the character.

    It should be simple to test whether toHit affects it. Try to blast something level 54, preferable outside of DA or with your level shifts unslotted, and see if having Tactics on and off affect the hit chance for attacking the same type of critter at the same level.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
    yes, but so do accuracy boosts from sets and all tohit boosts help as well make nerve kinda wasteful
    Accuracy boosts from sets should not affect it.
  11. Ah, thank you. I was sure I was mangling his name somehow, but couldn't find the right variation. The_Gamemaster.
  12. For there to be engagement in new achievements, there needs to be new things to achieve. I'm not going to be so foolish as to say there's nothing new to achieve, but we went on a long tear of their being a lot of low-hanging fruit in terms of achievement, due to lots of game changes. We got a long string of new things that let us boost DPS, survival or both - Inherent Fitness rebuilds, new powersets, cross-side access to epic pools, Incarnate powers, then more Incarnate powers, ATOs, etc.

    The rate of new things has tailed off some. We've still gotten some new powersets, but that's not generally as likely to produce as much activity as something that uplifts every powerset.

    So I think there's just not that much right now going on to spur people to new achievements. Combine that with the recent releases of some new games that definitely have overall activity lower, and the trend has just been towards less going on about "stupid Scrapper tricks" in particular, or really just stupid tricks in general.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MeanNVicious View Post
    Do you not understand that you are saying first and foremost that there is an increase in price ? You are saying this. You are agreeing with the concept of a price increase. Saying the cap is lower, does NOT negate the fact that the floor has INCREASED. Nor does your comment account for the times of manipulation when YOU HAVE NO COMPETITORS in an item and will therefore NOT have a drop in the price ceiling (in fact it can go higher). See above.
    As is often the case, there is the strict semantic correctness of things being said, and then there is what people mean.

    Most likely, Nethergoat is making a distinction between the price floor, which is the minimum price someone could possibly pay in a given time frame, and "the price people pay" for the item, which spans a range of prices and is usually considered to be somewhere in between the floor and the highest price anyone paid in that timeframe. The latter is clearly not the price floor, or there would be no sales at any other prices, including the higher ones flippers look for as indication of a niche they can jump into.

    Yes, the price floor went up. Anyone who wanted to pay the absolute minimum for that item in that timeframe had to pay more. People who were willing to pay more, who clearly existed even before the flipper came into the picture, might or might have to pay more with the flipper in the picture, depending on how high those bids of theirs were relative to where the flipper ends up setting their price.

    There is "the price people have to pay" and there's "the price people are willing to pay". My view of the market is that "the price" of goods is the latter of those two. I don't care if the bare minimum price goes up - I only care if the price I'm willing to pay goes up. Yes, when I buy stuff, I do often start budding under what I am willing to pay, to see if I can hit a bargain. If I can't, I bid upwards until I hit what am willing to pay. Then I usually back off my bid some and leave it sit.

    Of course, if the price you are willing to pay is at or below the floor, you care about the floor going up. But such buyers already had a problem, IMO, because that price was not necessarily ever going to get them the purchase. Other people were already outbidding them.

    So most of the people who say "flipping doesn't raise the price" are talking about a notion of "the price" that represents an average of the low and high prices over some time window. In that model of the market, the perfect flipper collapses the price to that price and does not change it.

    The notion of such a price is not perfect, but does have some merit, because prices do tend to hover near certain values. There are long-term and short-term trends in such values, where long-term and short-term tend to relate to the rate at which that good is supplied to the market. (Low supply, rare items tend to have longer price cycle trends than ones with very high supply rates). Short-term trends are the ones that tend to react to "painting the tape", for example. Sometimes short term trends turn into long-term ones, sometimes for reasons that seem clear, and sometimes for ones that are not.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MeanNVicious View Post
    I am simply throwing in with the thought that manipulation is real, it can be done, and it can be done profitably. And on that thought I see an awful lot of agreement. Is this not something we can all agree on ?
    GameMaster, a poster who had very little presence on this subforum but who was pretty well-known among broader forum regulars are the time as a rather intelligent person came here and pretty much posted a step-by-step breakdown of his experience manipulating prices. He sucked up supply, drove up the price, watched the market react, and sold his hoovered up supply. He discussed how profit-per-item changed through the course of the run, prior failed attempts, and how many times he failed before succeeding. He drew broad conclusions about conditions he reckoned most strongly affected likelihood of success in his approach.

    This was something like 6-12 months after the market appeared in the game.

    Most people posting in this thread spoke up in that thread, and none should therefore be claiming that manipulation doesn't happen or can't produce a profit. I have referred to that thread by GM in past discussions about this topic. All the argument appears, in fact, to be about how pervasive this activity is in practice, which spans some combination of how many items are being affected simultaneously, how often any items are affected, and for how long when they are affected.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reppu View Post
    And you're still doing substantially less damage because Dark Blast is a contender for Worst Blast Set In Game.

    Either way, it's not my choice of mitigation-based set. Ice would be far and first.
    These sound like single-target damage considerations. I freely admit that Dark Blast's single-target damage is pants. However, I use it regularly to solo on 54/x8 in both Incarnate and non-Incarnate content (so +3 foes or +1 foes with +14% toHit), and find the cones and immobilize invaluable for being able to pull that off - far easier than with Ice Blast, for example. (And in Incarnate content, you're usually getting 2-4 bosses per spawn.)

    Yes, when it gets down to the bosses it absolutely slows down a lot. But I think that's actually pretty well balanced by how effectively it neuters large numbers foes up to the aggro cap on Corruptors. Ice Blast absolutely melts the hard targets faster, but definitely isn't as good at helping manage all the LTs and minions. And on a Corruptor, you're not going to be clearing them out with one pass of your AoEs - especially not against +3s.

    Do I think Dark Blast is exactly where it ought to be? No. I'd actually like for Life Drain to have even better DPA that it got. But the set has real use in my opinion. It just may not be a use everyone gets mileage out of, since they may not all be off soloing at x8.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
    Life drain currently does about the normal damage for an 8 second recharge attack - which means it does less damage then gloom (which gets a minor boost since its a DoT) with a lot longer cast time, so as a DPA boosting attack it still pretty much sucks. If they had upped the recharge so it was a true tier 3 and given it appropriate damage it might be comparable to siphon life.
    I was not saying it was comparable to Siphon Life. I was saying they gave it a similar treatment in terms of what they changed about it.

    It still isn't a great attack, but it's noticeably better than it was, and in cases where you're trying to build a single-target attack chain, it beats the pants off of Moonbeam.
  17. I'm not replying to A_F because I have him on ignore. Sometimes, in threads where I figure he's not likely to be ... acting like why I have him on ignore, I look at his posts and sometimes respond to them, and if I choose wisely on when to do this, it doesn't turn into an argument.

    I know this isn't one of those situations, so I'm not looking. But since he's been quoted some...

    I'm speaking in "vague" terms because I'm giving anecdotal evidence based on years of using the market as both a buyer and a seller, but primarily as a seller. I'm a seller who sells many different things, because I play a lot, and I therefore produce a lot of different things. I'm kind of a farmer, except I just happen to enjoy high difficulty settings at 50, and getting lots of random drops is a happy side effect, rather than being the point. And I've been playing like that since, oh, around Issue 9. (Obviously I got better access to "higher difficulty" in I16, but even before then I would pad with my own accounts.)

    Looking at the prices of lots of different things lots of the time gives you a decent sense of what's going on. Manipulation often causes abrupt changes in price, bid and sale behavior that are noticeable.

    I didn't keep logs. I can't prove to anyone what I'm claiming. I'm saying it's what I've seen, and it's why I don't accept claims that price manipulation is both systemic and pervasive. It happens. I notice it happen. It is often happening to something somewhere on the market. Everyone is not buying that something right then. Most cases I've noticed do not appear to last more than a few days. By definition, that means that patience wins out over it, and that epic levels of patience are not required.

    It happens, but it sure doesn't look like a serious issue for buyers from where I sit, unless they insist on using the market as a store.

    Edit: And yes, I do not consider flipping to be "market manipulation". I define that as attempting to control supply and/or price. Flippers try to do neither. They simply try to find something where there is a lot of pre-existing price volatility and profit off it. They tend to collapse that volatility by doing so unless they are very conservative. Trying to buy up all the supply of something and sell it at a high price is not what most posters here call "flipping".
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    By "paraphrase", you obviously mean "make stuff up".
    He acknowledged that "some" people manipulate the market.
    You turned that into "lots of people are continuously manipulating the market".
    Yeah, that is not what I said, nor what I meant to imply, and frankly, it should have been clear from my post that it isn't even what I think is happening. I said I don't see evidence of it happening extensively, which is pretty much the opposite of lots of people doing it often.

    (And I know you were agreeing with that, I'm reinforcing your post.)
  19. If solo, try to corner pull it.
  20. Yes, but spare money in the system clearly haunts the long corridors of your mind and whispers dark secrets in your dreams that evaporate from memory when you wake.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
    The MM pet AE farm however seems like it would have a significantly larger effect.
    It had a pretty dramatic effect on villain-side prices in the short term. I'm not sure what it did to the total of inf in existence, but if any single AE exploit bumped it noticeably above the rest, I would think it would be the one.

    The original CoP exploit seemed pretty impressive, too, but I know a lot less about that one.
  22. UberGuy

    Ion Judgment

    Originally Posted by Justice_Bringer View Post
    I've been on a lot of trials with the T4. Never had to carefully time my Ions like I do now.
    As Strato said, this was not a recent change. And it was changed to keep people's own Ions from leaping back and forth to targets they had already hit, which was laughably overpowered compared to the other Judgment powers. Folks floated trying to justify that with the fact that it would fail when the initial target died, but then that was fixed.

    I use Ion on a couple of characters and am not nuts about the chance for its chain to "fail", but I get why it is like that.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MeanNVicious View Post
    I miss the Kiosks !!! Are they ever going to bring them back ? *Sniff* So much could be learned.
    Apparently not. I remember reading not too long ago that it was too much server load somehow, and was unlikely to come back in a post-Freedom world.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Realm View Post
    The AFK Death Shaman farm was about experience, not influence. Back then on a really top grade farm, it was about 20 hours to go from level 1 to level 50 and at the end, you'd have enough money to buy your SOs. There were no IOs or auction house, so not a huge amount of cash.
    Anything that earns massive amounts of XP also earns massive amounts of inf for the level 50 that (usually) acts as an anchor. Case in point was the Mastermind AE exploit that could get you to 50 in under an hour, it would also cap the MM's inf from zero in about two hours.