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  1. I know this is minor trolling, but I just can't pass up any opportunity to internet-ly vomit on SoE since it was mentioned In my most humblest of opinions, SoE did what they did way back with the station pass, because the only guy with any sense that worked there probably said at one time, "Gee, our games pretty much suck, lets offer a package deal to keep 'em playing!"

    Yeah, I am a bitter SWG vet. There I said it!

    Oh, and yeah, I would buy a NCSoft package deal, but because they never cornholed me up the wazoo yet
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    I wish we could add spaces to our name. I think vBulletin supports it, but UBB doesn't. I'd like to be Tony V, but I'm stuck with, well, you know...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did you just say something TonW?
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I wonder if the forum name Jack_Emmert is available?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I found this hilarious.
  4. MA came into my house drank my last cup of coffee, then took my last cigarette and smoked it in front of me as it laughed.

    Then it stole my keys and drove around the block until my gas ran out.

    I swear!
  5. This happened to me also Bill, Virtue shard, later in evening EST.

    Luckily I wasn't doing anything critical but cleaning up old missions. I was tired anyway, gave me an excuse to hit the sack early.
  6. May God bless you and your family, super big grats to some really good people!
  7. Tyrantula

    AE Stories.

    [ QUOTE ]
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    I've been doing ticket runs on red side frequently to finish my brute build, and the most clueless AT I have run into are Masterminds. If I get on a team that has more than two, I jet. I just can't do it.

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    Hit me up if you're on Victory some time. I'm in a Masterminding mood Currently in the process of getting one to 50, but making a new arc delayed him by about a week.

    And no, I'm not a terrible player

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why do people find masterminds hard to play? If you can play a simple RTS...then you can play a mastermind! Even if you CAN'T play an RTS to save your life...understanding game mechanics isn't hard.

    The problem is that most MMs don't seem to like to actually control their pets or realize that they have other teammates to consider. I don't use binds or macros for my pets and I never have problems controlling them when necessary.

    There is nothing wrong with the MM AT.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I never said there was anything wrong with the MM AT. Please re-read my first post in this thread, I have two high level myself, and one capped.

    My post just said in not so many words that AE baby produced MM's are terrible for me to try to play with.

    Oh and Sam, never had a doubt you are a great player
  8. Tyrantula

    AE Stories.

    The waves of morons that the AE has jettisoned out it's virtual buttocks is staggering.

    I was going to go on this rant about how I cut my CoH chops in the Hollows, learning to team and use my powers correctly, but that would start to sound like a "Get offa mah lawn" moment, so I won't.

    I've been doing ticket runs on red side frequently to finish my brute build, and the most clueless AT I have run into are Masterminds. If I get on a team that has more than two, I jet. I just can't do it.

    I have tons of stories to tell, but they make me sick thinking of them
  9. I'm a supervisor in the real, and I deal with many people under me in all aspects.

    That said, CoX is my escape. I like to come home and chill by punching virtual people in the face, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I do start teams often, but more often than that, I really don't want to be bothered. Let someone else hold the reins. Being in charge of throngs of employees and a multi-million dollar building full of equiptment kinda sucks a little life from you stress wise at times.

    I love playing with other people, but I have to say, unless I am on a 30 to 40+ character I won't be teaming much on Virtue. Especially redside to which I enjoy much more.

    I have been playing a little game latley, I'll check all of the peoples globals in the AE buildings that are doing farms, and I like to chuckle when I see those that post on the forums that say that AE ruined the game, and see tham asking or on farm teams.
  10. (Been awhile since I read any good stories around here, bravo Flea)
  11. Tyrantula

    Dumb Moments...

    Since the title is "dumb moments", I have one, but it is not related to accolades or anything.

    Actually, I think all of us has possibly done this.

    I was a very green player way back when, I started back at the end of the very first Winter Lord event. I joined a pretty awesome SG, and I was always being invited to run with them in whatever they were doing.

    I was always late, and the last one to show up. It got so bad, that one of my friends I had made asked me whey I was always dragging my butt so slow. I told her:

    "These freaking trains are always broke down."

    (This went on for about three months prior to her asking) She proceeded to tell me that was impossible. Then pointed out that I was always trying to enter the exit.

    Boy did I feel like an idiot!
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't see any signs of being "too sensitive" in this thread.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm going on the basis of this and other 'roleplaying' whine posts Psi has had. It usually has something to do with a sexual connotation or something in that vein.

    Psi, It is said ad-nauseum, but people pay to play however they want. It's their money. If you don't like how others are roleplaying, gee here's a thought, WALK AWAY?

  13. Brutes and general melee (scraps and tanks). I just get a rush from punching in the virtual face.
  14. Psi, I don't roleplay anymore (Haven't for a long time) but please don't take this the wrong way bud, you are way too sensitive about these kinds of things.
  15. Thunderkiss (my better half) told me to poke my head in here and say hi for her.

    I feel dirty now.

  16. Hollows : Because in all my early playing days, that is what you did. You didn't have to, but that's where the people were. It's not a bad zone so much, but before the minor revamp, it was awful for many reasons. Burnout and poor mission and mob placement. I won't go back there, too many bad memories, not fun. Only good thing about it was that was really where I learned to play just about every aspect of this game.

    Croatoa : The zone is well designed and looks pretty, but I hate all the new mob types there. Magic is not a real major point in the comics I have always read, and it feels wrong to me. Having a troll play the bongos on my head before exploding doesn't scream epic superheroics..

    Boomtown : I think in all my years, I was there 4-5 times. What's the point?

    Port Oakes : Another lowbie zone that says, "You still suck, hurry up and level so you can go play with other people."

    Now I like PI and GV, but for a high level main zone, both of them are way to small and compact. We should have a bit more space and use up more of the zone maps as high levels. Most of the other maps use quite a bit, why not the two main high level zones?

    [Edit: I know you can start Cap at 10, but it is a bit more difficult with outdoor mobs]
  17. Tyrantula

    A pondering...

    I ate a donut today, and whilst I did so, pondered the mysteries of the universe.

    I now know how to cure the common cold, and who really shot JFK.

    No, not telling.
  18. Recently I had my birthday, and one of my life-long dreams came true. I wanted to share it with you guys as well, I posted it in the comics section:


    I'll be taking a hiatus from City of very shortly, and skittering off into the sunset. So if you are interested what the spider looked like, and want to see my dream realized in comic form, just click away.

    Take care all of you, and God bless.

  19. Um.. put away the Apple 2E and buy a new rig? Upgrade? I dunno..
  20. I remember when I started a thread exactly like this with the same title a few years ago, even got a few rednames to post in it.

    Good times?
  21. Since mostly everyone gets their panties in a bunch if I post a solo request on the Virtue block, I'll add it here buried on page whatever where noone will read it.

    Arc # 80391 Patriot Games

    Villain centered arc that is very challenging and fun. It is soloable, but not for every AT. For me, I tried to give it more of a true Task Force feel, and I think I pulled it off.

    Like I said, it is soloable, but bring your A game, Vanguard is not for the weak. Naturally, it is set for level 35 plus.
  22. I know that the Spetznaz (SP?) Soldiers are only used in one arc on redside. Krylov I believe and the arc is easy to outlevel if you stay in Port Oakes too long.

    I want to try and make something with them and the KoA if I can. I have an affinity for underused mob types.

    [In staying with the OP's main question, I think those two have alot of story potential]
  23. I am looking for a certain map, and I am pretty sure it doesn't exsist yet. Maybe I overlooked one of the catagories and someone may point out where it is if it is in AE.

    It's a redside Sharkshead map. One of the missions you get centered around the dockworkers and their bosses that look like construction crews.

    The map is outdoors and has a ship docked that you cannot enter. It has a few of the tall silo type things to the right of it when you enter. below the silos are wooden ramps that go around it in spurts. Best way I can describe it.

    Hmm.. now that I think about it, I did not see any Sharkshead map options at all. Do we even have the Sea Witch map on the dock that has the ship covered with scafolding (outdoor as well)? I think that's the one where you have to fight her as an AV.