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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
    $6000 for Emperor 1500 and $46000 for Emperor 200. Although the Emperor 200 is cooler, not sure why it costs $40000 more.
    From the two overview descriptions, the 1500 is your 'standard one size fits all' model. The 200 is a 'custom fit' model along with "...exclusive features such as touch screen control center, air filtering system, light therapy, electric powered leather seat, 3 x 24 LED screens and a breathtaking soundÂ…". While all that seems cool, I think I'd go for the 1500 and choose the monitors that would work best for me.

    Thank you for the time...
  2. As long as the wings in the first pic fold down, I'm gonna be happy.
    I should be able to do a more proper Gundam-esque Costume for my one EB/MM power armor blaster.

    Now I hope they can grant us tokens on the Beta. I want to test out this set!!!

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  3. In part Staff Fighting uses shared tech from both Dual Pistols & Street Justice, as well as new animation stances and the weapon models as well.

    To be honest, I don't see a issue with Staff Fighting being a "all Pay" set. It is a rather Mechanically and Visually intensive Powerset. Also don't forget the tweaks made to it to be useable to Stalkers as well.

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  4. I was going though some other forums and came across this:

    "THE STARSHIP ENTERPRISE" (I included the Comments link following the article)

    Basically it boils to this:
    The Goddard Group was one of two development groups going after the downtown Las Vagas redevelopment back in '92. Their plan was to create a 1:1 external scale TMP/WoK Enterprise in downtown Las Vagas. Everything else has been green-lit except by the head of Paramount at that time. He said no. I'll let you all read the blog for the details.

    I think this could of been rather interesting to of seen. Discuss...

    Thank you for the time...
  5. Tymers_Realm

    Good news.

    I might suggest looking to see if you have a Wireless DSL service available. While it is still DSL speed, you can get solid signal reliability in the worst weather. It's more stable than satellite. I've played through storms that screwed up our Dish Network reception.
    I should know, I have it where I live (Out in the middle of BFE IL...). Though I don't believe we have the top of the line package, I can play City w/minimal rubberbanding and can deal with laggy video Streaming. It's better than nothing.

    Thank you for the time...
  6. Personally, I've spent at least $80 on Paragon Points. I'll most likely put another $15 down sometime this month as well (depending on when Staff Fighting and/or the Sci-Fi pack hits).

    That's on top of the Sub of course...

    Thank you for the time...
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    Annuity FTW! I always take annuity.

    And everyone argues with me that I'm dumb and should take the cash option.
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Well the cash option gives you the opportunity to invest the lump sum in a way that'll earn you better, permanent, long term interest. Sure you might start out with less total money than the annuity option might give you because of all the up-front taxes, but after 10 or 20 years it ought to be fairly easy to have surpassed that amount via good investing.

    I'd much rather have $200 million in the bank and living off the annual interest I could get from that -forever- than to be worrying about getting $20 million paychecks that stop coming after 25 some-odd years.
    Personally, I'd go the Annuity option as well. Mainly because I think I can better invest the smaller amounts over time into enough of a nest egg/whatever.

    Now then...

    1) Get the Lawyer/Money Planner/whatever other legal stuff
    2) Pay off all the GF & mine outstanding debts
    3) Get a decent place for the GF & I to live
    4) Build Rigs that'll last for quite a while
    5) Get businesses going that the GF & I want to do
    6) Enjoy life

    Thank you for the time...
  8. Staff Fighting is the same. It's gonna be a Pay Set.

    Don't forget that VIPs got Dark Control for Free w/I22. Just like VIPs got Time Manipulation for Free w/I21.

    So I think we're seeing the Future trend here, as far as Powersets go. 1 VIP free, 2 that everyone Pays. Personally, that's fine with me. I'm not all that interested in Beast Mastery ATM and Staff Fighting will be a nice belated B-Day gift to myself.

    Thank you for the time...
  9. Ah...
    My Bad.

    Couldn't quite remember which Corps he belonged to. Though my overall comment still stands, this is gonna get interesting.

    Thank you for the time...
  10. Okey...

    This could be interesting indeed. At least two other Corps seen (Sapphire & Indigo) and more of that Anti-GL stuff. Might actually be worth watching the rest of the season.

    Thank you for the time...
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
    This is Truth for The Doctor...


    While true...

    You just have to ask yourself, "Is this world protected?"

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  12. As much as I want to enjoy it, every time I've looked at that trailer, I keep thinking "Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spy Kid!"

    And seriously, do we really need to see the Iron Spider Armor? I know, I know, no context as to why, but really...?

    Thank you for the time...
  13. Already mentioned in the Whedon Interview thread. The CBR link has the trailer imbedded...

    Also discussion of the German Trailer in that thread too...

    Thank you for the time...
  14. Tymers_Realm

    Char Create...

    Also for Capes & Auras, you can purchase account wide unlocks for both in the Paragon Market for, I believe, 160 PP each. That would allow you to use Capes and Auras (if you Unlocked Both) from Character Creation or allow you to go to the tailor before Level 20 and add them to existing Characters (for INF, of course...).

    Thank you for the time...
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
    Not trolling. I meant the live action movie. It just kind of stopped in the middle... or what seemed to be a middle.
    I went to IMDB looked up M Night, and saw nothing in the works.
    The movie did that poorly that they will not finish the story?

    Edit: I never troll. Not in my nature. Sorry if it seemed that way.
    In essence, the live action film is a highlight reel of Season One of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Like Haz said, sit down and watch all three seasons of the animated series. You won't be disappointed.

    As to LoK, yea, I can't wait. And it's about bloody time too...

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  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Well I give a thumbs up on the Studio Ghibli adaptation of the classic story The Borrowers that started last Friday, The Secret World of Arrietty. Even though it's not directed by Hayao Miyazaki, he did help write the adaptation.

    Of course all the diehard Ghibli fans have seen it already but for those who haven't yet, it's good. Not as great as Totoro or Kiki IMO but still very enjoyable.

    Saw Arrietty w/the GF yesterday. Wonderful film for sure. It will be a part of the Collection when it becomes available.

    a +1 for this film as well.

    Thank you for the time...
  17. Yea, It's been mentioned in the forums twice before.

    And believe me, I think this would of been a fun series to see.
    Considering what the artist's treatment to Disney Princesses & Fairies are, I'm not entirely surprised.

    Plus he's done a couple of other GH inspired pieces (though the Characters are older...)
    Tough Love
    Crazy in Love

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  18. 7:15 PM CST - 645 (20%)

    We're closing...

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  19. 7:15 PM CST - 645 (20%)

    We're closing...

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  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Voted for CoH. Shame it only has 6% of the votes. It's beating DCUO by .5% at least.
    Actually the spread is over 3% in CoH's Favor (9.4 to 5.8). Doubt we'll see City though. DAoC & AO have over a thrid each of the votes and City's the highest of the rest. (Of course this is at the time I'm writing this)...

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  21. It should be in the grouping of Permanent Powers. This is the same group as any Paragon Reward Powers or any other MTX Powers (Ninja Jump, Pocket D TP, ect. ...). The listing will be below the Temporary Powers.

    EDIT: Also make sure you've Trained to Level 4. Just because you've dinged 4, doesn't mean you are Level 4. Once you've Trained to Level 4, any Powers that unlock will become available.

    Thank you for the time...
  22. As always...

    Consult the Wiki:

    • Elemental Order Helmet (under Half Helmets)
    • Elemental Order Facemask (under Detail 2)
    • Elemental Order Shoulders
    • Elemental Order Chest (under Robes)
    • Elemental Order Backpack
    • Elemental Order Sleeves (under Robes)
    • Elemental Order Gloves
    • Elemental Order Belt
    • Elemental Order Pants (under Tucked In)
    • Elemental Order Boots
    • Elemental Order Shard Cannon

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  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
    What in PANCAKE is a Vita?
    Even though Alpha gave a good answer on it, myskatz, I think, gave a better analogy...

    Originally Posted by myskatz View Post
    ... cause in reality it is nothing more than the ba$tardchild of the PSP and a smartphone.
    Thank you for the time...
  24. Also one other thing...

    Why in the world would Sony want to try and Port City when they have a (putting it mildly...) Supers MMO already that could be ported? And do you really want to deal w/PSN just to access it on the PVita?

    No thank you.

    Thank you for the time...
  25. Well it seems like Warner Bros. hasn't learned at all...

    WB has got the rights to do a Live Action treatment for Bleach!

    ANN Link

    Variety Link

    Not to entirely sure what to make of it. At least Viz has a hand in it, so it may not be too bad...

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