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  1. I wouldn't rule out all Sciencey arcs, MCM. I think he'd be great friends with Waddle in PENGUIN Part 3: Waddle to the Big Top (402239).

  2. Come to Justice. You'll see ads for farm teams in Atlas Park broadcast, sadly enough.
  3. One thing they could do. . . .

    Build on the "training mission" that's already in the game where you get introduced to the AE.

    Have it end with two things:

    1. A walkthrough showing in detail how to search up and start an arc.
    2. A randomly picked arc from a short list (5 or 6, perhaps?) of short to medium length dev- or player-created arcs that it links you to as your next mission to do. If these are dev-created, keep these static. If these are player-created, rotate them monthly or bi-monthly. They could even incorporate some of the arcs that are being recommended by players on here but so far NOT winning Dev's Choice as possibilities. This would show that these arcs DO have promise and potential (being recommended as a candidate for Dev's Choice but not winning can possibly come off as a "No thanks" gesture when it might not be intended as being so harsh), and it would help them along toward potential Hall of Fame status.
  4. I logged in tonight, just now, hoping to see some tickets to claim or something for the first time in a week or so.


    So I opened up the AE system to see where I stood on ratings.

    One of my arcs, formerly at page 3 middle, is now page 4 middle, so I wondered why.

    There are two, potentially three, farms in the Hall of Fame on page 2 of a default search alone, just going from their descriptions. The majority of arcs on page 3 seem to be obvious farms based on their descriptions. Barring unique offerings like Crafter's Cafe (an excellent concept well executed, I might add!), players have to get to page 4 of a default search if they want to see what arcs are available that aren't Dev's Choice, Hall of Fame, the biggest and hottest farms, or a very few exceptional standouts.

    This isn't me trying to gripe about Dev's Choice, Hall of Fame, or arcs in front of mine on the list. . . but it is frustrating to see farms, which supposedly aren't what the AE is for, getting the attention of players looking to use the AE for quick levels while simultaneously dropping the reputation of AE creators, players, and missions among non-AE players. I, too, have experienced what Zamuel mentioned about having to specify that not all of AE is about farming and that my arcs that I'm dying to get people to try out aren't farms.

    It's a sad, sad state of affairs.
  5. Unlimited arcs?

    Does everyone know what this means?

  6. A simple republish of an active arc might do the trick. You won't lose your ratings; you only lose your ratings if you unpublish completely.
  7. About the one thing I've found that works consistently is to get out there and push that arc or those arcs of yours hard. Most of the plays I've gotten in the past have been a direct result of my pushing my arcs and personally joining/leading the teams in question (though I usually ask someone else on the team to host so they'll get the full experience of seeing clues and text). It seems to work, but it means I've basically felt like I was fighting for each little rating, usually one, two, or three ratings at a time if I get lucky.

    It's frustrating, yes, but it works.

    Also, getting involved with the MA Arc Finder chat channel tab in the game and getting to know folks in there, offering up play-swaps with folks, seems to help, too. Clave there has given some good suggestions, as well.
  8. Tubbius

    Excellent Arcs

    Last night, I replayed "Against the Wickerwork Khan" by @Clave Dark 5. Really fun. Highly recommended for creative customs and a fun retelling of the Clockwork King/Penelope Yin dynamic. I just didn't get down the Arc ID.

    I don't know off hand which arcs of mine are mentioned on this list without going back through all 10 pages. But, in honor of its being recently revamped a month or so back, and in honor of the plush little arctic fowl my girlfriend won for me yesterday at the local arcade (she hit the jackpot on one of the "stop the light in this spot and get a bunch of tickets" games while I was playing Skee Ball), I hereby recommend my own arc:

    PENGUIN, arc 29205, by @Tubbius. Levels 30-40. Security Guards, Crey, and Winter Horde, with an NPC ally in the third mission.
  9. Adding in the following:


    Arc #29205

    Have fun
  10. Tubbius

    Excellent Arcs

    I'm still here, ArrowRose. I'm still pushing AE, too.
  11. I'm in the same boat as Kierthos, but it's ONLY on one toon. The rest of my account's where it should be at month 33, but my poor little peacebringer has thought he was 42 months along since month 9.
  12. Well, sort of. I mistakenly ordered a European COV box on Ebay. I could use its free month, sure, but it's a free month on a Euro account, NOT my usual American account.
  13. As of today (6-28) post-patch, my girlfriend and I are getting brief, black graphics flashes when outdoors in Praetoria. Missions seem ok. We're on vastly different computers but certainly more than new enough to handle this; we've had no issues before today. She has a laptop, and I have a desktop, and mine was built for my birthday back in April. No viruses on either machine. Neither of us has COH Helper or Hijack This, and we're not looking to install those for the moment. . . BUT is anyone else facing anything like this as of today?

    Thanks for any assistance.
  14. It's still up. Carnies everywhere, and a Very Special Contact for longtime PENGUIN lovers.
  15. It's ok, MCM. We'll let it ride as long as you help push our arcs for us!
  16. Glad to see you're still around, MCM. I'll be sending you a PM regarding one of my arcs.
  17. Buying more story slots is something I totally get behind.
  18. Here's hoping for the best.

    Take care, and best wishes.
  19. Don't have a recommendation off the top of my head, BUT it's great to see this taking root. I'll be watching!