1383 -
Quote:If this whole situation has shown anything is that being 'anti-politics' doesn't solve anything, it makes things worse. If everyone had been apathetic towards these events, because "meh, politics" then this crap would have quietly passed.That's crazy talk
I'll admit I'm very anti-politics (very apathetic towards it all).
If you look at twitter feeds and plenty of other places you can see loads of reactions from 'anti-politics' people who still don't have a clue as to what's going on.
"Pancake you Wikipedia! How am I supposed to write my paper now?" -
Quote:This is a major limitation of the costume creator that I keep running into myself.So I was thinking to myself about one particular issue I have with using a lot of skin-showing "Tights" pieces, and that's if you're wanting to use a skin type other than "smooth human". For instance if I wanted my character to have the Bioluminescent skin, or the Organic Armor skin, or Reptile skin, I'm not able to use things like the Tank Top, Excess Plus, or Witch tops, because the skin is baked into the texture as smooth.
So I was gonna suggest here(since this thread seems the appropriate place) that you could make tops like these as body-hugging "Chest Detail" pieces that go over top of the skin. That way you would still have the costume part, but you could pick your own skin beneath it (or use another Tights option as well.) We already have very tight, body-hugging Chest Detail parts such as the Roman armor and the Barbarian Corsets, so theoretically this is something that could be done. Ideally these pieces would be available in addition to the normal directly-on-Chest parts we have now. And if this is something that's possible, all 3 model types should be looked at (Female, Male, and Huge) as they all have some pieces that show some skin, like T-shirts and Tank tops and such.
I was really disappointed when I found out that the Barbarian 'fur shorts' were put under tights meaning I could never use them with zombie or reptilian legs.
It would've worked much better if it had been put under belts. -
At least you still got the option to go to a candy shop and buy all the gumballs of the color you like.
Quote:This is exactly where the comparison starts to fail. And the trading card game comparison too.And that's comparable to these packs, IMO. I get goodies out of them. I don't know what goodies until I open them, but they're goodies all the same. Just as I don't know what flavor gumball I get out of the gumball machine. It's still gum.
Gumballs might be gumballs and trading cards are trading cards, but 'goodies' certainly aren't all 'goodies'.
Costume parts =/= merits =/= enhancements =/= totally superfluous and uninteresting (to me) consumeables of all varieties.
I don't care about any of the above except the costume bits. I REALLY hate that in order to get those costume parts I need to buy and sift through piles of worthless crap in order to get them. So I won't. So now I'm annoyed that I can't get those costume parts.
I HATE this sort of stuff IRL too. If I want something I just want to be able to go out and buy it. I really don't want to go jump through hoops or various annoying marketing schemes just to get something I want. Companies that make a habit out of this sort of crap lose me as a costumer. -
Quote:I really dislike that about ouroborous. Would've made a lot more sense to just have one shared zone, (I'm sure the Menders have enough power and tech to enforce some sort of no-fire zone.)Yeah, my first reaction to hearing it's a co-op zone was to complain about this very thing, but they do have separate contacts I think for the entire story arc. I believe the only thing left that's problematic from a storyline perspective is that heroes and villains can't attack each other, but given that this would entail PvP, have no problem with it.
However... Would it have been that much of a problem if heroes and villains got different instances of the same zone like they do with Ouroboros? -
Quote:The Defense set is nice, as are things like Stealth and Ulterior but they're often too detailed for my purposes.The way I'm envisioning the modern/movie look would be pretty different from the Defense/Olympian guard stuff--definitely distinctive enough to merit a new set. It'd also be fairly plain for maximum customization. A subdivided version would be somewhat less plain, but still versatile.
I'm seeing some interest in such a set, but overall, my read is that it appears to be a lower priority than "old school" tights.
What I would like the most is some simple textured base layers to which we can then apply all the existing patters and colours. A couple of basic tight suits for chest, pants, boots, gloves that look like leather, more detailed tight spandex, stretchy Latex, some ribbed/textured rubber, Neoprene, ... Maybe some variations and details could be added: with or without zipper, zipper half way, zipper in the front/in the back, bunched up sleeves, ... But those would be just extras, just tossing out what comes to mind.
What IS important though are that to go with those suits would be textured versions of at least some of the 'full masks' and the eye masks. If you try to match the existing masks with the aforementioned things like Defense and Stealth it just doesn't look good from up close. -
I, too, am in favour of this idea.
Would be even better if it worked retroactively.*Imagines the ginormous pile of rewards his main would get upon log in.*
Quote:This would probably be good thing for the game as a whole too in terms of inflation and market prices.but keep in mind... your influence gain would drop if you began gaining xp again. Not that most people would care about that... just figured i'd point that out. -
I don't think it's impossible to write some code that automatically converts (or replaces) all existing IO's slotted or not to the new version.
Quote:I think the time and effort would be well worth it. Now I don't bother with set IO's till lvl 47 at the earliest, usually I wait till 50 and a time that I'm bored. So half of my 50's are still on SO or lvl 35 white IO builds, usually a combination of both.Pro:
-Remove clutter in auction house UI
-Remove clutter cause by vast amount of salvage and recipes
-QoL regarding slotting
-QoL regarding saving inf for purple/PvP recipes
-Remove clutter in base/personal storage
-Needs a lot of time and effort to get this implemented.
-People will need new ways to get rid of inf
lvl 1-21: I much about with stuff I find, maybe put in DO's if I can be bothered.
lvl 22-31: SO's
lvl 32-lvl47: lvl 35 common IOs
lvl 50: set IO's. If I feel like it. And the character is fun enough to warrant the time investment.
This change would actually make me use set IO's a lot more often. -
Sorry, but, on Union at least, even that isn't true. I really haven't noticed any difference in number of speedruns before or after iTrials. The alpha slot, however, when it was first released did bring back the full ITF run as the "shard ITF". Before that there were hardly any ITF runs that were non-speed runs.
Quote:Oh ffs. This is such an asinine argument. The only reason I can see anyone make it is to be contrary. Are you really arguing that when the devs create a mission they don't set it up with the idea that people start at the beginning and go from there? You want facts to back it up? Ambush triggers.Close enough to not matter. Also, [citation needed] still. I only see "Defeat 100 Traitors" in the objective window. I don't see "Defeat 100 Traitors, starting from front to back and not veering off the course by more than a 60 degree angle or 200ft".
I'm not saying it's wrong in any way to not stick to that path if you don't want too (aside me preferring to do it that way). But saying missions aren't designed with a certain path to follow in mind is just idiotic. -
Quote:Doing mission from front to back in stead of skipping 80% of it =/= kill all.I like it, and not for the reward either. It rewards speed, skill and situational awareness, which this game ought to do more of. These days I only do slowboat ITFs when I'm levelling up a new alt (not often), or want to show off one of my high damage characters.
As for turning every mission into a defeat all being the "intended" way to play, [citation needed] -
Quote::/ Speed runs were done this way long before lambda.Blame Lambda. This is the exact scenario that it needs to succeed.
During the sabotage phase, players are rewarded for taking out weapons crates and containment chambers as fast as possible while ignoring everything else. After 9 months, this is the result.
Lambda also is perfectly completable without everyone going nuts and running everywhere in that stage. Of course noone does it like that for the same reason a lot of people do speed run ITFs.
Personally I'm not a fan of speed runs. I love doing the ITF the "way it was intended". The only thing I would change is the cyst mission. It's a bit to long.
Hunting down 8 or even 6 cysts instead of 10 would be plenty. -
Add to that the new items tab should actually, you know, display the NEW items.
Quote:Where does it say that? This is your opinion based on nothing but your bias.There is a difference between the game being designed with inspirations in mind and the game being balanced by using inspirations, especially masses of them.
I have never seen a dev say that you should be able to solo at +0/1 by buying a tray full of inspirations.
Using 3 inspirations in a tough fight is fine. Needing to use 3 inspirations to defeat a foe is not fine. Needing to use 6 inspirations to defeat a foe is ridiculous.
Inspirations are easily available. They have a very high drop rate and cost next to nothing from stores all over the game. It's not like they're some special, hard to acquire tool that you need to jump through hoops for to get.
They are meant to be used. -
Quote:2011 was the warmest year ever in Belgium. Warmest new years eve too, with 11°C at 5 am around here. The top 5 warmest years ever were in the past 8 years.To be honest our winter this year has been rather warm in comparison to what its usually like
The end of the world is coming i tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope the snow stays away. Driving 70 km each way, every day through that mess to get too work is not fun. -
Quote:What nonsense. The game is designed with inspirations in mind. There's nothing 'trick' or 'cheating' about it. Some player's aversion for inspirations is truly ridiculous.creating content on the theory that you can win by buying enough inspirations is a terrible idea.
my tankers barely notice EB's but my ta/kin corr had a hard time with Lemkin in the WWD#1. I did the inspiration trick, but at that point it felt more like cheating then winning