247 -
Will try to make it, might not be home by then. Would likely bring a lvl 48 Claws/Regen scrapper with all three nukes, but no Shivans.
So, what happens with the Teleport Stealth IO? Don't have one, but was thinking of getting it.....
I have seen a shop called "Wentworth's" at a mall. Was feeling tired that day, was tempted go go in and buy some blues. :-)
Offhand, you can check the list of booster packs at http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Booster_Packs and see which of the various abilities you have.
Quote:An additional note, since some games do things differently: Once you get an Enhancement or any other drop or reward, there is no way to lose it unless you deliberately get rid of it. You do not lose them when dead or defeated; there is no corpse-robbing. What's yours is yours.Just to expand on this, there is no 'gear' in the way most other MMOs have it. You place Enhancements directly into your powers to increase their efficiency. The basic form of these enhancements are able to be bought from vendors easily, and the game is easily playable with these basics.
In general, one would need to have the actual power icon for Nova still visible in his tray somewhere, to know when it recharges. That one doesn't have the yell.
Option in the target window to show the current Range to target.
Animations for different origins: Ninja-hand signs/mystic hand guestures/tapping on the wrist/pulling a gadget from a belt.
Alternate emanation points.
Ability to set the existing alternate Fly poses as the default pose.
Alternate grunt sounds when jumping.
In the way-too-much-work-to-be-practical department: Powers that have a half-dozen alternate animations each, and the ability to set your character to randomly select from a given subset of those animations every time the power is used. -
That sort of info would be of great interest to CoH's competition, too. So I can see some justification for hiding it.
Egads, I get joke credit in a thread that has competition from Steelclaw.....
"I am the Amazing Alignment Shifter! HALT, Or I shall turn you into the police!"
The big change was that Base Salvage was phased out. The salvage bin capacity was reduced to 30 at the same time. So yes, there is no actual in-game use for any of the old Base Salvage anymore. However, there are people who want to hang onto it as "museum pieces"; and most of them want a complete set. If you've got some of the pieces that a collector is missing, then you can likely sell them for a decent amount.
Quote:Blueside: From punching bad guys in the face.Hey, this thread just gave me a question...
For this to happen, those tens of millions have to be less than the total that people are bringing in through some other means. What are those other means? Where is the inf really coming from?
Redside: From punching good guys in the face. -
I can likely make it on Saturday. WIll try and bring a Warburg Nuke this time.
How to help with that? An earlier poster described players who vendored valuable stuff because all their bid slots were filled with trash. I'll guess that they were paranoid about losing their listing fees for the garbage. What might be better ways to spread the word about what's valuable?
Will try and show up, but I'm a West-Coaster and don't get off work til 6ish my time.
Quote:I'll go with that. One can also pretend that some of the stuff flowing out of WW's Paragon City branch is going to WW's New York City branches, Berlin branches, etc. And the Black Market likely has shady dealings all over the planet.I'm not really trying to convince you to use the markets, but I'm just curious... if War Witch had got on and said, "Hey folks, even though the markets are merged mechanically for player convenience, our lore is that they are still separate - all bids are anonymous, so you can pretend the extra bids are coming from other NPC characters on your same side."
File this in the same bin as the RP problems of explaining why you can sell an item on Freedom server to a character on Virtue. -
One of the big reasons given for that was because a market merge would disrupt all sales that were in-progress at the time. It looks like they finally decided that they'd have to bite that bullet and let it happen. A bit of a gutsy move by whomever authorized it. I predict that, come GR, there will be much yelling and screaming from players who missed the announcements. No way to avoid that.
Quote:If you could hit yourself with MF like that, you'd have a significant number of players who'd mistake it for a self-buff and dose themselves with it constantly. With a steady stream of "bug reports" when they notice that it's not doing anything.This did cause me to think of another way of dealing with the prompt for Mystic Fortune, however. If you target yourself with Mystic Fortune you should get a "no buff" invocation of Mystic Fortune (it marks you as having the power cast on you for the full duration, but does nothing). Then the power should be changed to avoid prompting the player if the character already has a Mystic Fortune buff on them (including the self-invoked null buff).
No, I don't. Once you hit 20 items stored, you're taking up the maximum possible resources that this stuff could take up. The only thing this 30-day limit means is to shuffle around which particular 20 items are stored.
Does that mean that you're permanently Stealthed, or just while running the power in question? If the latter- what if you, say, need to turn it off so a rescued hostage can follow you? Do you have to wait 2 minutes and then be careful to not use the power til you get to the door?
This is Hurley we're talking about here. He'll likely replace it with a Star Trek quote.