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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
    I'm hoping that if enough people respond to this thread, someone will notice.
    A thread in the "Suggestions" forum would work better for that.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Are you sure? It looked like a hold to me.
    The "Grid" thing is a Vertical Launch System cell:

    Each little square is a separate launcher. The whole cell can throw out an amazing amount of firepower. The gun is a little utility tool by comparison.
  3. I'll throw in a request for rodents, more dogs, and antlers. I'm in a Villain Group that's a "Rat Pack", and we need better rat heads. I've also been looking to build a superheroic Golden Retriever, and an anthropomorphic moose.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sukothai View Post
    How can these be added to the weekly strike week when they are not level 50 missions?
    Actually, I've been annoyed that the first three weeks were all level 50's; they're overdue for some lower-level WTF's.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by crayhal View Post
    I've seen one where the main melee toons weren't slotted well enough (obvious from their lack of bonuses in the info window.)
    That's not always a good measure. For example- a very well frankenslotted character often won't have much in the way of set bonuses.
  6. Other differences from other games:
    - We can't take your stuff. Once you have a piece of "gear" (generally called either "Enhancements" or "Temporary powers" or "inf") on your character, there is no way for any other character to take it away from you.
    - Death is easy. The penalty for dying/defeat is.... not much. If you die, you earn something called "debt", which just reduces the rate at which you earn experience for a little while. You don't lose any money or stuff, you don't have to find your old body, etc. Most of the time, the biggest inconvenice of dying is the time it takes to run back from the hopsital.
  7. With regards to "Movement IO's do the same thing":
    A lot of builds are slot-limited. Particularly with Inherent Fitness, you get more powers now without any extra slots. If you used to build for Stamina, you now have three "free" power selections. Use one of them to pick Stealth, and now your movement powers need one fewer slot than they used to.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    Well since the Federal Government is living in a world where hammers cost $400 and toilet seats cost $800 it seems reasonable...
    Sigh. You've hit a pet peeve of mine that I'm not allowed to address very well. So I'll be vague. That expensive "Toilet Seat" story is pretty much blown out of proportion. At work, on my desk, I've got the parts-list book with that particular item in it; it's still manufactured. The cost these days is considerably higher than $800; a better term for it would be "Lavatory Subassembly". There are some folks in the office who were there when the rumor was new. Yes, the US military did indeed pay that price at that time. Which was a discounted price for buying in bulk; commercial airlines were paying rather more than the military price. They still do.
    There's a similar story behind the so-called $400 hammer.
  9. Quote:
    I am wondering if I get a booster after i create my character if it is too late to change it. For example I make my speedster, then buy the mutant booster pack is it too late to go back and edit him with the new costume? If not is the simple solution to just buy superscience booster first?
    All the booster packs will apply to all your characters on the account, both new and pre-existing. For costumes, you just have to visit a tailor and edit the costume; the newly purchased pieces will be added to the menus.
  10. ThugOne

    Team Dynamics

    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    For instance, I started a "guns only" superteam recently. This means Dual Pistols, Assault Rifle, Merceneries, and Huntsmen. All pretty much things that are considered underpowered.

    And I can do one better- I'm in a group that's running a bunch of corruptors that only took Assault Rifle as their primary; aka the "Gunbunnies". Secondaries vary all over the place. There's about a dozen players involved; most of them are currently lvl 25 to 31. Seem to pretty much blow through everything.
  11. Yay! The event gets to run when I'm actually home to play it!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
    Reverse mutant? you lose your powers at puberty?
    I think that makes him a member of the Kids Next Door.
  13. ThugOne

    server down?????

    Originally Posted by Naz_Nomad View Post
    When thew patch goes on, it still doesn't allow access.
    The Status page still shows all servers as down at the moment:
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
    Standard responses to difficult solo situations..

    *Temp powers. There are some really powerful temporary powers that a lot of players either don't know about or just never use.
    Another source of help are the empowerment stations that can be had at bases. Most aren't particularly powerful, but every little bit helps. The Knockback Protection one can be *very* useful on some toons.
  15. I'll throw in my vote for extending another week or so; much of the event occurs over a period when I won't be able to play.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thug_Two View Post
    Have used rats in P-n-P Champions games. Now, these were high-tech rats, piloting miniature armored vehicles, fighter planes, and six-foot-tall "giant robots". But they *were* rats. Some even went independent and formed their own hero group (the Rodent Defense Service).
    Ah yes, I recall those:
    The Mystery Man finds himself up against some rats in a factory firing backpack-mounted gyroc pistol rounds at him.
    "I wound one with a shot from my grappel gun."
    "Two more wearing white outfits with red crosses on the back leap from underneath a workbench and drag it to safety."
    "Medics?? They have MEDICS????"
  17. My main has gotten 7 purple drops in two years. Two of those were in the last fifteen minutes; go figure.
  18. ThugOne


    Originally Posted by Knightfox View Post
    Did they at least say dragon daddy can assume human form or something? It was pretty much the elephant in the room for the whole movie for me, except the 20 minutes or so I missed in the middle.
    They lampshaded it. The mom *attempted* to explain how that had worked, but the kid didn't want to know and did the fingers-in-ears-I-CAN'T-HEAR-YOU bit and cut her off.
  19. ThugOne


    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    Watched it and I'm still confused...

    Did the dragon daddy just lay an egg and give it to the mom?
    There's a filk group ( with a song that's all about such issues, "The Ballad of the Lady and the Dragon". The chorus line is "Yay Goo!".
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ulysses_Dare View Post
    Not really. A small increase in diameter (say 5%) would add a lot of surface area. There's no need for DC Earth to 4x as large.
    What' the criteria for "4x as large"? 4x the diameter? 4x the surface area? 4x the landmass?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    What happened to Thug_Three?
    That would be ThugTwo's wife. It's a long story:
  22. ... and Wall Street is again in chaos after the discovery of yet another Las Vegas Exploit....... and in other news, the TSA has announced the deployment of a new "Alignment Scanner" in airports nationwide.....
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    I got whites selling for 3x the price of oranges. Grar. Damn you stupid monkey farmers.

    So, what's a solution? Join in a farm and roll all your tickets for salvage?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doc_Reverend View Post
    Theory: The Moon was moved closer back in the 1960s so it would be more economical for heroes and villains to have their supersecret Moon Bases on them.
    Nah. It was knocked into a different orbit by the explosive recoil of a big laser hitting it a few years ago. That same laser spun it around such that it's tide-locked the other way. If we ever get our Moonbase, we'll find a huge"CH" carved on the far side.
  25. An item to keep in mind: This game is set up such that it is difficult, if not impossible, for any one character to see all of the content. The idea is to roll multiple characters and each of them sees a different slice of it.