4490 -
Too late!
Consider yourself quoted!
I assumed he meant "troll" in the sense of: the guy who is speaking tangent to the thread's purpose. AKA, not so much in as negative a way as you seem to have seen it. -
Quote:There is a pretty big difference there... and it all goes back to who owns what.That really bugs them doesn't it? Despite evidence to the contrary (sure there are clones running around the existing games, but I'd bet they're vastly outnumbered by original characters). They sued Cryptic because players could do that in CoH, now this. Meanwhile, in DCUO, they GIVE YOU armor that'll make your character look like several of their established heroes. It's just funny to me.
Since DCUO is given use of the DC License, you can make your character exactly like Batman and no one cares... the game encourages you to in some ways. If a person in game sees that "Batman" he's like cool, Batman!
Same goes for Marvel and their property.
In CoH... if someone makes Batman or Cyclops the person is doing so without Marvel/DC's permission and as such they aren't happy. *shrugs* That's just how it is. The long and short of it is that a company doesn't want you to conflate their characters and iconography with someone else's property. Like thinking Batman is owned by NCSoft or something ludicrous like that (and considering some of the wording in the EULA, technically, if you create a Batman character in CoH NCSoft would own it... sorta). -
Quote:Well that explains it.reddit, 4chan, and to a (now) lesser extent Something Awful and Fark. (Also any secondary site like urbandictionary, tvtropes, encyclopediadramatica if it's still around, etc; and any social media site like facebook, twitter; and from there forums.)
Never been to reddit... in fact, I am not even sure what it is. 4chan... I have been told NOT to go there. Haven't been to Fark since the 90s and I only have heard of Something Awful via an oblique reference to it by Zwill fairly recently. Also, I closed my Facebook... so, guess that leaves here and Twitter. (TVtropes I got sucked into for hours once... haven't been back since.)
For what it's worth, TJ, the way TA intended is exactly how I read it the first time... until you said that it really meant something totally different, so... yeah. The key line that made me get what he intended in the first place, was this one:
Quote:TA, I sent off 2 files into the Æther that is the space between two e-mail inboxes.These are the ones I have so far: -
Quote:And this is why I hate memes. I have never even heard a hint of that one before a minute ago. It would seem I don't spend enough time on the internet? I mean, where do folks actually see these things?
Quote:If you were a robot... you could spell "compute" correctly.I must be a robot because I can't seem to type what they want in the box to prove I am not a robot. If I see HetdE I type HetdE and its says I am wrong. I must be a robot.
Does not comput
Does not comput
Warning Warning DANGER Will Robinson DANGER
Johnny Five is ALIVE -
Quote:Ah HA!The list is ONLY for those that weren't at the group shot to know whether or not he already has a file on them.
Man, reading FTL on my part too. I guess I will just have to send him the once character and not my own since I attended the group photo (RWZ 3 to be specific). -
On further thought, I really have never had a strong connection to the Hami Raids... to me, the biggest sense of community comes from JU/JFA... and that isn't a place at all.
Is there any place in the game that directly parallels communication and/or a connection to each other?
Regardless, I still think the Hive fits well for Justice... just doesn't resonate for me very well. -
I will get you a Demo of my main as well as my BF's main soonish.
I think of iTrials outta DA... but The Hive is prolly more appropriate.
Okay... I defiinitely need to visit Kings Row!
Another good link is http://tinyurl.com/SaveParagon which takes folks to TonyV's first spiel on the Titan Forums, IIRC.
Thursday is my Saturday, so I will attempt to be around for this!! I know my badger would love to score these before the end!
I don't do that often, sir... so take that as the compliment that it truly is.You are truly awesome!!
Had the Post-Apoc set actually been released, would it have been used to upgrade the appearance of the Lost... and also make them appear a bit more like modern day Rikti as well?
I almost did... but I thought I might find even more self-congratulatory pompous BS if I read more. I was much disappointed in that regard. (I mean, seriously, who mentions in a completely unrelated post how in awe people are/were of their mostly defunct SG?!)
But I found other things to laugh about, so it evened out, methinks. -
Quote:This!If ED caused us to have 200k subscribers, they would have done it twice.
That's a spectacularly far off estimate; I can't imagine how it could even be generated from the published numbers.
Man, I love you sometimes, Arcanaville. Oh who am I kidding... I don't really ever not love you. Between math and succinctly shutting down morons with facts, you just win.