Please save us Naratu!
November 30th, not September 31st. Not sure where you got that idea from. Also there's no September 31st.
also what is the rest of this
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Seems too big to be legit, but I choose to believe. Naratu 4 lyfe
This is a plea to Masashi Kishimoto creater of the Japanese Manga Naratu to buy City of Heroes and make a Naratu MMO which IMO would be a huge success on many levels. The jist of the wall of text is explaining how easy the port of City of Heroes IP would be to the Naratuverse. It is also an extremely creative way to market his brand to the Americas. This is where non-naratu fans would play the game and possibly become naratu fans. It also blurs the line between comiccon/gamecon/ and cosplay which equals hot catgurls playing Madden while talking about the latest walking dead episode.
I am PL in RL.
Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic
What's a Naratu?
And this is why I hate memes. I have never even heard a hint of that one before a minute ago. It would seem I don't spend enough time on the internet? I mean, where do folks actually see these things?
reddit, 4chan, and to a (now) lesser extent Something Awful and Fark. (Also any secondary site like urbandictionary, tvtropes, encyclopediadramatica if it's still around, etc; and any social media site like facebook, twitter; and from there forums.)
Never been to reddit... in fact, I am not even sure what it is. 4chan... I have been told NOT to go there. Haven't been to Fark since the 90s and I only have heard of Something Awful via an oblique reference to it by Zwill fairly recently. Also, I closed my Facebook... so, guess that leaves here and Twitter. (TVtropes I got sucked into for hours once... haven't been back since.

can you guys cyborz some where else besides my thread? K thx.
I am PL in RL.
Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic
Okay, I'll bite. Let's assume for a moment, that this topic is serious, and that for some reason the OP loves Naruto so much he wants to see our game turned into a Naruto game (and yet despite that great love of the show, he can't be bothered to learn how to actually spell "Naruto" and instead spells it consistently wrong every single time).
In which case, it's merely a terrible, terrible idea. It takes all CoH's freedom of ideas and character concepts and designs and replaces them with "You can be a human ninja in stereotypical Japanese clothing, and by 'ninja', I mean 'elemental mage'." Just because some of the powers are superficially similar doesn't mean that turning CoH into a bunch of orange-clad kids shrieking "BELIEVE IT!" over and over would be a good idea.
Please save us Naratu!
Dear Masashi Kishimoto, A great game with the best MMO engine ever created is ceasing operations on November 30nd. NCSoft has decided to go in other directions and the IP of the game City of Heroes/Villians may be available for the right price. The market is ripe now for you to bring the Naratu saga to the MMO community and I can guarantee with some changes this product will dominate the market. The best part of this partnership between CoH and Naratu is how easy the port will be. All of the powers existing in CoH can be reclassified easily as powers in the Naratu Universe and I will go into that further later. IMO the biggest job will be changing the main map models to represent the main locations in the Naratu Universe. ( IE- Atlas Park as The Hidden Leaf) Also, we need to mold CoX/V story line and character abilities to fit the Naratu world. There are 3 major types of powers in the Naratuverse, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu. For Ninjutsu and Genjutsu activation time would have to include hand signs (which can be ported from the Ninja secondary for stalkers) Ninjutsu ( classification powers- As an example of how well CoX would port to Naratu Powers here is a list of some Nature Transformation powers ( Lightning, Fire, Earth, Water are already existing CoH powersets and there are many wind elements in the Storm powerset! Also, when you look at the advanced types we have Wood (hello Plant control) Storm, Ice, Dark, and Magnet. The example of Advanced Types ( takes me to another change that would have to be made and that is opening up new paths for characters at different lvls (Jonin, chunin!!!). A young shinobi would not be able to master advanced techniques early (although they would have ninja run!) This template for character paths has already been established within Widow and Crab archtypes and to a lesser extent Patron and Epic power sets. My proposal is to open up the advanced jujitsu paths at later specific levels! Genjutsu ( - we already have mind control powers, illusion set, however I think there would have to be new visual effects and possibly faulty targeting system for ranged attacks, - range could also work. Some defensive powers will have a way to be immune (like unstoppable) and a pool power that could make it less ubski. Taijutsu ( martial arts, sstrength, street justice, energy mellee, and the new set no one has ever seen like psi melee, and that new thing for blasters and doms. Only the CoH community would know they were already in the works before you bought the IP so that = FREE DEVELOPMENT!!! Then there is the kicker- There is many ways you can take a character, how about patron powers for akatsuki or become one of the 7 swordsmen, or Jinjuriki!! Imagine having an animal costume when you go to sage mode that uses the existing animations to make the switch! This is gold in the Americas and Asia probably Europe too. Shadowclones- gang war that all look like the caster!!!! Teleport- different kinds phaseshift (like tobi) and target tp (like the golden flash). PvP rankings to become the Kage or the Hokage!!!! OMG I am a project manager for this! All I ask is for a lifelong subscription, I can even help with the 3d models!!! OK nuclear wall of text and fan boi jerk done. Please excuse editing, I will fine tune later just wanted to get this up for reaction. |

@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Um... I think you guys are pretty optimistic... Naratoe already has an established fan base that can keep this engine alive for another five to ten years. Dude is talking about stifling his superhero creativity into elemental mages when the game is about to go tabula rosa. And what elemental Mage uses spines?
This is a money making oportunity for shonen to up its profile with a video game without having to pay for creation or early development. It is to perfect! Hire me pls.
I am PL in RL.
Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic
You know, with all the weapon power sets in the game, you should pitch this as a joint collaboration for Masashi Kishimoto (Naruto), Tite Kubo (Bleach) and Atsushi Ookubo (Soul Eater). Three times the investment capital!
Also, cool story bro.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Please save us Naratu!
Dear Masashi Kishimoto, A great game with the best MMO engine ever created is ceasing operations on November 30nd. NCSoft has decided to go in other directions and the IP of the game City of Heroes/Villians may be available for the right price. The market is ripe now for you to bring the Naratu saga to the MMO community and I can guarantee with some changes this product will dominate the market. The best part of this partnership between CoH and Naratu is how easy the port will be. All of the powers existing in CoH can be reclassified easily as powers in the Naratu Universe and I will go into that further later. IMO the biggest job will be changing the main map models to represent the main locations in the Naratu Universe. ( IE- Atlas Park as The Hidden Leaf) Also, we need to mold CoX/V story line and character abilities to fit the Naratu world. There are 3 major types of powers in the Naratuverse, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu. For Ninjutsu and Genjutsu activation time would have to include hand signs (which can be ported from the Ninja secondary for stalkers) Ninjutsu ( classification powers- As an example of how well CoX would port to Naratu Powers here is a list of some Nature Transformation powers ( Lightning, Fire, Earth, Water are already existing CoH powersets and there are many wind elements in the Storm powerset! Also, when you look at the advanced types we have Wood (hello Plant control) Storm, Ice, Dark, and Magnet. The example of Advanced Types ( takes me to another change that would have to be made and that is opening up new paths for characters at different lvls (Jonin, chunin!!!). A young shinobi would not be able to master advanced techniques early (although they would have ninja run!) This template for character paths has already been established within Widow and Crab archtypes and to a lesser extent Patron and Epic power sets. My proposal is to open up the advanced jujitsu paths at later specific levels! Genjutsu ( - we already have mind control powers, illusion set, however I think there would have to be new visual effects and possibly faulty targeting system for ranged attacks, - range could also work. Some defensive powers will have a way to be immune (like unstoppable) and a pool power that could make it less ubski. Taijutsu ( martial arts, sstrength, street justice, energy mellee, and the new set no one has ever seen like psi melee, and that new thing for blasters and doms. Only the CoH community would know they were already in the works before you bought the IP so that = FREE DEVELOPMENT!!! Then there is the kicker- There is many ways you can take a character, how about patron powers for akatsuki or become one of the 7 swordsmen, or Jinjuriki!! Imagine having an animal costume when you go to sage mode that uses the existing animations to make the switch! This is gold in the Americas and Asia probably Europe too. Shadowclones- gang war that all look like the caster!!!! Teleport- different kinds phaseshift (like tobi) and target tp (like the golden flash). PvP rankings to become the Kage or the Hokage!!!! OMG I am a project manager for this! All I ask is for a lifelong subscription, I can even help with the 3d models!!! OK nuclear wall of text and fan boi jerk done. Please excuse editing, I will fine tune later just wanted to get this up for reaction. |
-Female Player-
Excellent joke thread.
Apparently Naratu is a metal band. They must be superhero fans or something.
Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!
Please save us Naratu!
Dear Masashi Kishimoto,
A great game with the best MMO engine ever created is ceasing operations on November 30nd. NCSoft has decided to go in other directions and the IP of the game City of Heroes/Villians may be available for the right price. The market is ripe now for you to bring the Naratu saga to the MMO community and I can guarantee with some changes this product will dominate the market.
The best part of this partnership between CoH and Naratu is how easy the port will be. All of the powers existing in CoH can be reclassified easily as powers in the Naratu Universe and I will go into that further later. IMO the biggest job will be changing the main map models to represent the main locations in the Naratu Universe. ( IE- Atlas Park as The Hidden Leaf) Also, we need to mold CoX/V story line and character abilities to fit the Naratu world. There are 3 major types of powers in the Naratuverse, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu. For Ninjutsu and Genjutsu activation time would have to include hand signs (which can be ported from the Ninja secondary for stalkers)
Ninjutsu ( classification powers-
As an example of how well CoX would port to Naratu Powers here is a list of some Nature Transformation powers (
Lightning, Fire, Earth, Water are already existing CoH powersets and there are many wind elements in the Storm powerset! Also, when you look at the advanced types we have Wood (hello Plant control) Storm, Ice, Dark, and Magnet.
The example of Advanced Types ( takes me to another change that would have to be made and that is opening up new paths for characters at different lvls (Jonin, chunin!!!). A young shinobi would not be able to master advanced techniques early (although they would have ninja run!) This template for character paths has already been established within Widow and Crab archtypes and to a lesser extent Patron and Epic power sets. My proposal is to open up the advanced jujitsu paths at later specific levels!
Genjutsu ( - we already have mind control powers, illusion set, however I think there would have to be new visual effects and possibly faulty targeting system for ranged attacks, - range could also work. Some defensive powers will have a way to be immune (like unstoppable) and a pool power that could make it less ubski.
Taijutsu ( martial arts, sstrength, street justice, energy mellee, and the new set no one has ever seen like psi melee, and that new thing for blasters and doms. Only the CoH community would know they were already in the works before you bought the IP so that = FREE DEVELOPMENT!!!
Then there is the kicker- There is many ways you can take a character, how about patron powers for akatsuki or become one of the 7 swordsmen, or Jinjuriki!! Imagine having an animal “costume” when you go to sage mode that uses the existing animations to make the switch! This is gold in the Americas and Asia probably Europe too.
Shadowclones- gang war that all look like the caster!!!!
Teleport- different kinds phaseshift (like tobi) and target tp (like the golden flash).
PvP rankings to become the Kage or the Hokage!!!!
OMG I am a project manager for this!
All I ask is for a lifelong subscription, I can even help with the 3d models!!!
OK nuclear wall of text and fan boi jerk done.
Please excuse editing, I will fine tune later just wanted to get this up for reaction.
I am PL in RL.
Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic