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I believe Shadow more or less meant to convey that he himself would no longer be leading the raids due to the fact that the past few times he or I or several others have helped run them, people have purposely tried to grief the raid.
I know I give Shadow a lot of Grief about certain things in game, but I won't deny that over the past few months he has at least gotten the raid down to his own personal science and it has been proven more than once it works IF people listen. But that is the other half, isn't it? Getting boneheads to listen to one person instead of running off to do their own thing. I for one am tired of the debtfest the raid has become over the past several weeks, and I will no longer personally be a part of the raid until things straighten out. It is senseless to waste 2 to 3 hours of game time on it.
And let me add, I know that not EVERY raid goes to plan, sometimes someone makes an oopsie, it happens. The GM gets accidentally pulled, whatever, but over the past month and a half, any raid I have been a part of has had an oopsie with either pulling the GM or pulling every possible mob to the main raid group. This leads me to believe that it is no longer that "once and a while mistake" but someone trying to ruin everyone else's fun.
I don't know who you are, but shame on you if what I speak is true. Shame on you and your 13 year old antics.
EDIT: I want to also make it clear this is not a personal attack on Shadow, he personally told me he was tired of running these raids because of the people he had to deal with. I for one don't blame him at all. I am tired of it too and I don't even lead the darn thing. -
I guess this means an extension on the character transfer service?
maybe the devs are stealing our loots by force logging us out of our forums and the game!
On a more serious note, i can't seem to replicate the problem, so I am not sure whats causing only certain users to suffer while others are fine. -
I believe it is the fact you are in NC with me Halfslice.
On a more serious note, good sir, have you tried messing with your power colors? I noticed on my Elec melee that when I went to a more soft yellow color than the sharp and intense yellow i previously had, some of my lag dissipated, not saying it's a cure, but at this point I would try anything. -
They never promised the WHOLE incarnate system for i18, just a preview with the first slot, but I suspect this is what you meant, and I would certainly be inclined to agree with you.
Can anyone tell me how to get to Sesame Street?
I have a mission their to kill a GM, some big bird thing. -
You guys are talking about the pop up that asks for 3 credit card numbers, your SS number and you password right? I supplied all the info, but I haven't received confirmation that my account will stay active during i18. That reminds me, i have some more of those cercerning Aion and WoW.....
*scamper off to ruin life moar* -
Why are there two threads?
You should consolidate your extra posts where necessary into one post instead.
Is there going to be any kind of sign up sheet? -
AE, BM/WW, emails, Globals and Server tags seem to be jacked up for me. I am on the Guardian server and it shows my friends as being on separate servers when they're not. I am also experiencing severe frame rate reduction in most zones, and I have changed nothing on my computer.
Just Get perma-mind link and slot for recharge.
Haven't the villains gotten enough new content? I mean a whole different game was released for them alongside issue 6, what more could you possible want?? I think what we really need to do is re-make heroside to be more like Praetoria, and keep villains at their current status, hated by devs, as they have always been.
By the way, villains need their accuracy nerfed again....
Of course I am kidding, new villainside content would be cool indeed, and I would never seriously complain about that. -
*hold aloft powah sword* BY DA POWAH OF MAH BIRFDAY!
*thunderbolt strikes powah sword turning him into Birthday Man*
*use powah sword to transform Ulli into Battle Cookie* *ride off* -
I didn't say I was going to cry and quit the game if the Alpha slot and incarnate system in general never came back, I simply meant that if the reason for it being removed is to make it better, then I have nothing else to say on the subject. I hope it is made more efficient for a future release. I just understood the Alpha slot as being included as a feature WITH Going Rogue, not as a simple preview for beta testers only and no one else. That is what disappoints me the most.
Forgive me if I misheard or misread the way it was mentioned in all the videos and posts made by the Devs. I am certainly not trying to spew forth lies or spam hatred. As it stands, I feel the devs here are more honest than some of the devs elsewhere in games that won't be mentioned here. And at least they come in here and take notes from the player base. -
I am disappointed, especially seeing as how this had been explained as being included with Going Rogue, and now it isn't, leaving me (and I am sure a few others) feeling as if we were just teased.
However, in light of the fact that you "say" you're going to make the system more useful than the small gains that were reported during your beta, then I guess much more can't be said about the issue.
I certainly hope you live up to your word on this one. -
Thats it....
Allright team...Let's form Voltron!
*grab Ravenwolf, Kheldarn, Pepsi and Sinner*
*shrink down Everyone and Voltron lions*
Form Feet and Legs!
Form Arms and Torso!
I'll Form...The he...oh hey a shiny....*Voltron formation fall out of sky and crash*
Seriously though, may the force be with her Sinner, I will pray to all the major deities for you. -
Somewhere, somehow, there is "pure win" in this thread.
*place cookies, bacon, cake, pie, and bacon flavored pie with a cookie crust and cake icing on top for decor*
iz happy nao? -
the better question, is if whether this "Noble Savage" ever sleeps >_>
I just sold Shadow Ravenwolf's Dual Chainsaws for the world, bao2menubs
Level 50 Villain Glad Armor Rech/Res crafted selling for 75 Million Send tell to @Terrorizer.
Let me say this about ninja run, thematically it fits a lot of my toons, by I still picked up at least some form of alternate travel from the power pools, simply becuase things like Arena Events and MO_TF do not let you use Ninja Run, since it is flagged as a temp power. I, luckily, have the 60 month badge that lets you bypass a prerequisite power for a travel power, and also I did not pick up most of my travel powers until late in the build (thank you ninja run!).
Me and JG live in NC, where the redneck menace gets worse and worse with each generation of Tard breeding. We also both live near military bases (him Fort Bragg, me Cherry Point MCAS/Camp Legeune). We're lucky if we're not caught in the cross fire of the daily "shots" from the Psychotic Military Trained Big Wheel Truck Drivin' Knuckle Draggin' rednecks here.
And that's an UNDERSTATEMENT! -
Man, Katana and Ninja Blade get cut out again? (no pun intended). Seriously, why is it that Katana/NB always seem to get shafted up the rear hard on sword designs?