272 -
It is once again time for the news. It is how we all get most of our day to day information, after all. Focused intently on a glowing screen, we often cluck our tongues and shake our heads at the tragedies that we see on this media program day in and day out unfold. However, its a tad comforting, isnt it that all the horrors in the world are going on and you are still safe and secure at home, or in the bar, or even at work. (slacker!).
Regardless, thats the time it is and a typically attractive female thanks the anchors who just handed the show off to her and begins her own breaking story
was shocked today when they learned that The Sly Fox, well loved Hero of the City here, chose to actively hold a press conference to address the recent allegations. Is The Savage Fox related to him in anyway? Was he at all involved on the attack of the New Porter building that left it in crumbles? Is The Nemesis Council truly a force in the Isles that we should all fear? Hopefully we will find out these answers today.
The young reporter in the pink power suit reaches a hand up to her ear in the traditional oh my I have BREAKING news gesture and continues.
I have just been informed now, Bob, that The Sly Fox is making his way to the podium he should beThere he is!
The camera jarringly spins from the reporter in an impressive display of live TV. Zooming in over the heads of the gathered assembly, we see that the city halls traditional backdrop behind the Podium has been replaced with the logo of Fox Enterprises the outline of a Fox head, read, over a white circle.
Behind the podium, a fairly familiar countenance smiles winningly at the camera. Dressed in tight fitting but well tapered robes, and a cape the flows from his shoulders like red silk, the man adjusts his wide brimmed hat, and looks directly at the camera you could, in fact, be looking through. His teeth are bright white, his eyes deep blue, and his expression is one of great humility, touched by a penchant for flashiness.
Sylvester Frank Trotter, a.k.a. The Sly Fox, raises his hands for silence. Flashbulbs from photo cameras continue to go off around him. The lights are bright and flaring. The man couldnt look more at home
Citizens of Paragon, its great to see you, as always. I would have called this conference sooner, but youll have to forgive me. They seemed to have misplaced my luggage and when the Homeland Security representative you have to get through it 8 feet tall and made of granite, you have to take your time, He says, making the traditional hand quotes.
The effect is instant, the entire Press Core chuckles. Yup, thats the Fox they all know and love. Perhaps there might be one man who isnt laughing but well come back to him later. The affable hero continues, putting on his serious face.
Im sure you all know why Im here tonight. One Savage Fox. The name brings mumblings among the gathered assembly, and Sly raises his white gloved hand for silence again. Now now, with all the villains running about lately, especially with Lord Recluses raid of the Zig, its not very sporting to give one name any added media time. The man's smile calms the crowd, and reminds them hes on their side. However, this individual seems to have taken it into his head to make you all doubt me.
At this a general outcry is made and reporters and observers alike attempt to reaffirm their faith in their favorite mage, but Sly only raises his hands again, No, listen. I know its true. We live in troubled times. A betrayer to our fair city would leave us with dire consequences. That being said, let me assure you that this Savage Fox of The Nemesis Council is a phony. A lie. A cheap imitation. Why, he uses his FISTS to get the job done! A slight chuckle here has the audience joining in all too eagerly.
It might be interesting to the watchful eye that the Sly Fox seems to glow with uncanny light its probably just his magus way and yet anyone who looks on the man now, be it one in his physical proximity, or even a TV viewer such as yourself might, in fact, be compelled to trust him with their lives.
There is still perhaps one man in the throng who does not share this view and wears a certain amulet to guard against it. But again, more on him later.
I assure you, Longbow, MAGI, and myself are working diligently to uncover this imposters true identity. And, friends, the red robed blood mage takes this moment to place both hands firmly on the podium and seems to look EVERYONE in the eye, despite the harsh glare of lights. Finally, he is at the camera again, his masked face under the hat barely noticeable when combined with that penetrating blue eyed stare. I ask you, do you really believe I could ever be associated with an organization bent on super powered supremacy? Im human, just like you. The Nemesis Council is seeking to establish control over all of you. Oh they claim to fight for all supers rights, but when it comes down to it, they call humans mundane. Mundane! I ask you when have I ever been mundane? A warm chuckle is enjoyed after this remark by the group.
Therefore, rest assured the situation is well in hand. I will deal with this Savage Fox personally. And The Nemesis Council as well. While I have no fears in regards to either I take it as a serious issue. If you or anyone you know has any information regarding this impostor, or this Council he serves, call the number at the bottom of your screen.
At this moment a number does, in fact, flash.
Now, if there are no questions at this time, I leave you with-
Mr. Trotter. A voice says from the back of the crowd. Lights go up on the assembled, and the camera pans away from Sly Foxs slightly bemused and what appears to be slight surprised expression. A dark haired man is seen, wearing the typical Press ID. He continues before anyone gives him a replay.
Steve Montgomery, Perez Park Press. I have a question. I wonder perhaps if you would care to address the fact that The Savage Fox has been seen recruiting for The Nemesis Council in the Isles, and that he always seems to make public appearances there when you are away. Furthermore, MAGI has claimed that on his own raids of Paragon, his magical essence signature matches yours exactly. Care to comment on this?
The brief silence might seem to last a century, and Sly Foxs face is entirely blank. Is there doubt in the audience why does one of their own accuse their beloved hero so strongly?
The silence, in fact, only lasts a second, before the Blood Mage grins and shakes his head, chuckling extremely warmly, Ah Mr. Montgomery. I, of course, know all about MAGIs findings. You forgot to mention, perhaps, that one of their top Seers also stated that such an essence could easily be mimicked? Furthermore, do you really think Id give up a week or three in Italy, or France, to REALLY be running around the Rogue Isles cavorting in filth with the escaped convicts that habit the area now? I dont think so after all, where would my image be then? He flashes his smile warmly and the entire public, those at home and those surrounding the warded man, burst out laughing. The mage raises his hands, grinning all the while.
Rest assurd, I understand your concerns for such allegations. As Ive said, they are all being addressed. However I ask you get your facts straight, Mr. Montgomery, before you make such wild remarks. This isnt Jerry Springer, after all. Another laugh, and the man with the hidden amulet quietly leaves, obviously defeated.
The Sly Fox smiles at the camera once again, as the laughter dies down, As I was saying, friends, I leave you with the hope that one day there will be an end to suspicion an end to prejudice. One day there will be no war, and we can all sleep securely in out beds, thankful that those in power watch over us all, and protect us to no end. I leave you with this hope. In our lifetime, peace will be achieved.
The entire core then jumps up yelling questions they hope the mage might answer now, but they are, of course, all trivial celebrity questions. Amidst the cheers and calls The Sly Fox, Hero of the City, waves to everyone, and steps from the podium flanked by his security detail.
And that, as we can see, is Mr. Charming. The Sly Fox. I sure would like to get HIS number, wouldnt you Lisa? The reporter jests into the camera as the feed switches back to the anchor room but we leave this viewpoint for now, as it is not as interesting as some others.
What might be interesting is the fact that Sly, when unseen and getting into his limo, makes a certain call within his head. What might be interesting is that the man with the amulet, getting into his own car angrily, now has two men shadowing him. Two men, in fact, who seem made of shadow, with glowing red eyes. What might be even MORE interesting, in fact, is that the last closing words of Slys speech could honestly be taken many different ways.
Imperator, The blood mage thinks in his brain to his leader, ripping his hat off and tossing it in the far corner of the limo, The plan went superbly. They were, of course, entirely all fooled and reassured. Then again, they are only Mundanes, after all
The Archmage then peels his red mask off, his red-blond hair ruffled by this, which he fixes slightly in a mirror set up in the limo. The red fishhook tattoo under his right eye seems to glow slightly. He takes out a small PDA, with a scorpion on the back as a decal, and continues his report to his master, after a few questions from the man.
No, Imperator, merely a slight unavoidable annoyance. Do not worry, Mr. Montgomery will be handled.
With a small smile on his face, Sylvester Trotter, man of MANY Aliases, leans back to discuss other matters that involve the Senate of the The Council, as the limo drives along to a secret location, where it can later be smuggled onto a ferry
Peace might be achieved after all through many different means
(( The Nemesis Council is a heavy RP Villain Group looking for recruits. I, player of the Sly Fox, have been a LONG time community member here, and I love this Roleplaying community more than any I have ever been a part of. Its why I keep coming back. If you wish to know more about the Council, you may contact me in game on my villain nom de plume, Savage Fox. Or, for even MORE information, check out our website HERE . You can even post an application and I or another Senator of The Council will get to you.
We are a wonderful group, devoted to fun, maturity, respect of each other, and the certain glee that comes from playing the bad guy. I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you who might be looking for a good RP-based Villain Group. Not only are we one of the best, in my humble opinion, but The Nemesis Council has existed since City of Heroes FIRST came out and we have finally come into our own. It is, in fact, one of the longest existing Villain Groups out there
If you dont think your character wishes to join, there are still possibilities for RP as well. We are open to almost anything. Give me a holler, be it IC or OOC. Well be waiting
Other contacts in game include: Dark Queen of Decay, Perfect Ariel, Dr. Nemesis (yes, himself!) )) -
The Nemesis Council
Forum: The Nemesis Council
Leader: Dr. Nemesis
Contacts: The Savage Fox, Dark Queen of Decay, Perfect Ariel
Description: The Nemesis Council May be one of the oldest existing Villain Groups around. It was formed at the beginning of City of Heroes, and has been wrecking havoc among the local Hero population ever since. Finally, we have come into our own with the chance to ACTUALLY be CLASSIFIED as villains, instead of 'pretend' to be Heroes.
The Council's main goal is to be the leader in Super Supremacy. For too long 'mundanes' with no special attributes or powers have led the world with regulatory rules and regulations that limit the freedom of any so called 'hero.' Heroes are not the respected leaders of society, they are merely tools the public uses to keep them 'safe.'
This is a great atrocity, for all regular humans should look to super powered individuals as the next step in evolution. WE should make the rules, laws, and govern society, not the inferior members of our race. We have... allied with Lord Recluse for the time being as he seems to support our cause and beliefs, but we are not ruled by him, or his hierarchy. We will lead the next era in our planet's history, and soon Paragon will submit to our strength. After Paragon... the world is before us.
Never shall the strong bow before the weak.
The Nemesis Council is a heavy Roleplaying Villain Group that has been waiting for the release of City of Villains for quite some time. If you wish, please contact one of the listed members above for an interview, or post an application on our site and we will contact YOU. We are looking for mutual respect, maturity, good stories, and above all, FUN! To quote our fellows: Mua. Ha. Haaaaaa. -
Course, now that that's hammered out... *nudges him towards Kheldians*
[/ QUOTE ]
Done! Just playtested today!
[/ QUOTE ]
Woohoo! Asper, you have psychic powers now? I thought you were a blaster........ -
Hey now... I'd like to join this corssover thing too...
Fox has been touring (Been away for months) But he's BACK! -
Slip where the heck was this post about you leaving town...? I can't find it anywhere in the FSS forums... is it here?
LOTS of people think that... I actually teamed up with good ol' Yankee way back when, however, he seemed to disappear into the mists of time...
... maybe Statesman's capture was... nah.
But hats off to you Yankee. You inspired my favorite character! In fact, I love him so much, I'm BACK, after months of absence! =D -
I'm thinking of writing an epilogue... but I'm stuck... there may be a post here soon though... some day.
You are watching your favorite TV program. At the commercial break, instead
of channel surfing, something gives you pause.
The screen goes black briefly, before a spinning logo appears in the center, easily recognizable from the colors and shape as belonging to First Strike Security. The logo
spins off screen and the blackness fades to a scene shot from slightly above.
A figure walks down a lonely street. As the figure comes into
focus, it appears to be a woman, walking through a dark alley, clutching her purse. Just then, three hoodlums jump around her laughing. She seems to not be frightened, however, as she calmly takes a small pager from her purse
and presses a button.
"Well, well, whatda we have here, Fellahs? Looks like a lil' lady in need of donating to our charity, eh?"
The woman smiles and says, "Oh boys, I'm sorry, but I have nothing to give, you three should run along home to your mommies now."
The lead punk smirks, and laughs evilly, "I love a woman with spirit."*
*It us unknown why villains always say this when confronting a damsel in distress. Perhaps there really IS a villain handbook in the underground paperback market.
As they being to move closer, the lead mugger suddenly screams in agony, clutching his head and sinking to his knees. Before his stunned compatriots can do anything, however, they are forced back roughly to crash into the
nearby wall by some unseen force.
"First Strike Security, you're all under arrest." Says a confident voice as an impressive man with blond hair, dark shades, and a blue uniform floats down from the night sky.
"Thank you, Mr. Chase," the women smiles, lowering her eyelashes at him. "Once again your service is has proven well worth it."
Roger 'Contact' Chase, CEO of First Strike Security, runs his hand through his hair and chuckles. "You know, Miss Madison, sometimes I wonder if you walk this way home just to get a chance to use our pager."
The woman smiles coyly, but just then the pager at Contact's belt goes off. He holds up a finger calmly, and checks the location. Then he turns to a comm. on his lapel and touches his ear.
"We have two clients requesting aid, one is Mr. Stewart in PI in front of his house. The other is a general PCPD bulletin for a Rikti attack in-"
A voice cuts into Contact's earpiece, "On it Boss, I've got them in Founders."
The scene cuts to a well-known hero, some that you have seen before. However, this time it appears he's actually in action. His red cape with white magic runes flaps in the breeze as flies in a downward direction to the street. His red duster almost files off, but somehow it magically remains in place, as he touches down in front of the office building, sighting a pack of Rikti exiting a portal, raising there weapons at the glass doors.
"Don't you aliens ever use the tram? We could track your movements so much better that way... plus you'd all need to buy a token, and that way-"
The Sly Fox is cut off by energy blast that knocks his hat off. For a second, neither hero nor aliens move, then Sly's hands glow with the blue-white aura of his illusionary magic.
"Do you have any idea how much that COST," Fox shouts as he calls an army of spectral warriors to attack the invaders. The aliens quickly begin to drop, and the TV blares with action sounds and fighting, and the Rikti begin falling as a Phantasm appears and blasts them and their portal into
Suddenly, however, the camera jolts a bit, and a voice, obviously the camera man says, "Uhhh... Sir...?"
The camera abruptly tumbles and lands on the ground, showing Fox's white boots.
"Liberty's sake, Paparazzi! Pick up that camera! I have the situation well in ha-" You see the camera picked up again, to move in on Fox's face, as he's staring at something that had been behind him.
The camera pans to what the mage is looking at: a swarm of Rularuu, entering from another portal. The Watchers have obviously already spotted the two FFS heroes. And their cries of destroy echo out across Fall's Venetian streets.
"Oh sh-," is all Fox can mutter before he and his camera-man are blown back by three watchers' eye blasts.
The scene cuts to Contact, who listens intently to his comm. "Someone provide backup to Paparazzi and Fox, please?"
"When am I not saving him?" mutters a woman's voice in Contact's ear, and the CEO has to smile.
With the scene cutting back to a shaky camera showing Fox blinding as many Rularuu as he can, and his Phantasm getting attacked and almost being destroyed, a beautiful women with gray skin and a red petal like outfit appears next to Fox in a flash of white light.
With an outstretched arm from her, Fox immediately glows and seems to be invigorated. The rakish hero smiles at her.
"Thanks, love." He says briefly, as he calls up a thunderstorm that begins to finally cause the Shard World beings some serious trouble.
Wild Rose sighs, "You just owe me... again."
Fox laughs and the two begin to go to work on the remaining threat. Rose pecks him on the cheek, and the voice of Paparazzi is heard behind the camera, "Oh sheesh, get a room."
The scene returns to a satisfied Contact, listening and smiling into his earpiece, and he then says into his comm., "And Tazina? You have Mr. Stewart?"
Once again we see a battle under way, this time a cowering man in a business suit is being set upon by a swarm of Nemesis soldiers.
"Nemesis needs that part you made, Dr.!" The Lieutenant shouts, as the squad surrounds the man... but suddenly he disappears in a flash. As the members of the 'marching band' army look around in confusion, a woman
wearing an outfit almost exactly like Sly Fox's drops down where the man had been in the center.
Grinning widely, she suddenly emits a blast of radiation that sends each and every 'clarinet' player to his knees, and eventually, the ground.
"Boom." Tazina says, and laughs, touching her ear as well, "I got it Rog. And tell my brother to be more careful."
The scene finally returns to Contact, listening to his comm. as you hear Fox's voice say, "Don't make me make you slap me, sis."
Contact smiles. And the lovely young woman he saved stares in awe at him. "You... manage quite a lot now." Is all she can say, enraptured.
The head of FSS can only smirk, placing his hands behind his back. "I surround myself with good people. First Strike Security must maintain its image, after all. The best of the best, Miss Madison."
The lady blushes and just lowers her lashes again.
"You need an escort home?" The CEO asks, arching an eyebrow.
Miss Madison merely shakes her head, and points out the alleyway. "I'm right there, thank you again, Mr. Chase."
Contact nods, "Just doing my job, Miss."
As he watches her walk out of the dark alley into the street light to her apartment door, the screen fades, and is replaced by Contact sitting in a well decorated office. Behind him stand quite a few heroes. Among them are the ones the viewer has already seen, and many many more.
"First Strike Security is committed to providing top-notch security to both private citizens, corporations, and the local Paragon City government. We have a flawless service record and a reputation of prompt and efficient service. Our commitment to excellence is a testament to our rigorous
training and high recruitment standards. We only accept the most dedicated heroes into our Operative Program," Contact states looking as at home in front of the camera as he does on the streets.
"As long as they're women!" The Sly Fox chirps up behind the right of Contact's chair. Of course, Contact doesn't need to turn around and hush him, he just smiles. Fox is soon coughing from an en elbow from both Wild
Rose and Tazina on either side of him.
Contact finally says, "We look forward to hearing from you."
The screen fades to black and these words appear on the screen:
First Strike Security. Corporate Security at Private Sector Prices. Now Hiring Operatives!
The commercial ends... followed by an advertisement for Fox Pops, 'the cereal ladies can't resist.' You quickly turn the station before the horrible jingle reminding you of a bad 60's porn flick gets stuck in your head.
(( Contact in-game... well... Contact, Sly Fox, Wild Rose, Tazina, Protos, Mark Nine, Haunt, or Roughshod. Any FSS Board Member will be happy to give you information. Or, head to this link and submit an application: Applications
We look forward to hearing from you.)) -
Once again, you are watching your favorite program, and the commercial break is inevitable. This time the first commercial reveals a smiling hero in a red hat. If you recognize The Sly Fox, you know that whatever is about to follow should be interesting.
The Sly Fox smiles disarmingly at the camera. He appears to be sitting at his desk, in a tastefully decorated and large office.
Hello, fellow heroes. Im The Sly Fox, Director of Public Relations at First Strike Security, and today Im here with an important message.
The camera slowly zooms in on Sly.
Many of you know me, many of you dont. If you do, youll know First Strike is committed to providing protection and security, as most of you are. The countless number of Super Hero Organizations in Paragon strive to protect its citizens everyday. Even if all your work is Pro Bono, Sly smiles at the phrase, I know in your hearts our goals are the same.
Sly rises from his chair and wanders over to a mahogany globe on a stand near his desk as the camera switches to a different angle.
We have security as our forefront. You know we provide it whenever the need arises. However, sometimes you need more than just security and peace of mind. It is this very goal that has me addressing all the Super Groups watching today. You all take missions, contracts, and calls for help whenever you can. Youre all focused on these tasks, which is understandable. However, what do you do when there is a mystery that your group cant solve? Do you send your Operatives out to do investigative work? Take them off duty of the important cases that usually need immediate attention? Or, do you let a mystery sit for awhile, and hope youll know more later?
These questions and more need to be dealt with. As Hero Organizations, it is our job to work together. With that in mind, I am bringing to your attention an extremely valuable organization that can perhaps solve these problems
Sly spins the globe and watches it a second, then stops it and looks up at the camera with confidence and a small smile.
Who can you turn to with your mysteries and unsolved cases that span this very Earth? Why, The Elohim is your answer! They are a group dedicated to investigation and problem solving. They can help you one and all with tasks that need a discreet hand when required. Need information on a particular Mob Boss but dont want to attract his attention? The Elohim can help! Cant find a missing person no matter where you or your members turn? Call The Elohim!
Sly leaves the Globe and walks towards the camera, and it moves back to keep him in frame.
Led by one Balthasar Michaels, The Elohim strive to provide the answer to many of your more troubling questions. They are quiet, specific, and eager to aid your own organization without anyone even knowing they were there, if that is your wish. They can be quite crafty and hidden at times. Not as clever as ME, of course, but-
A man teleports behind Sly Fox in a flash. He is rather tall and nattily dressed in a white suit coat and pants accented by a gold suit shirt and round, gold-lensed wire rim glass. He sports an easy, knowing smile that is both charming and disarming. A smile that invites confidence. He speaks startling the hero
But then again no one can outfox the Fox, eh?
GAH! Oh right. Yes, hello Mr. Michaels. I see you got my message. Ah hah. Dont you knock?
Normally, of course. But this seemed a bit more... dramatic. One might say it is suitable to the occasion?
Riiiiight. Anyway, Balt, I suppose now is the best time to let the viewers at home know what you are all about, in your own words.
The camera zooms and centers on Balt Michaels. He turns in Sly's direction and nods first.
"Indeed, Sly, and thank you for the opportunity."
Now he turns and looks directly into the camera. His smile is genuine and conveys a supreme confidence bordering on arrogance.
"What you have said so far of my organisation is true. We take no small measure of pride in our virtues. We are discreet. Persistent. Insightful. Intuitive. We are, quite frankly, an investigative force worthy of your trust and business. Now that we are expanding our services to include Paragon City, it is our goal to assist all of you in bringing the criminal element to justice. Make use of our services. You won't be disappointed."
Balt turns to look at Sly.
Camera pans over to Sly at his desk looking at a magazine, the title and cover blurry. He turns it sideways and a centerfold drops down.
Check this out, Balt! Would you believe its THAT big?
Before poor Mr. Michaels can say stop, Sly turns the magazine around to reveal a centerfold of a wand.
I mean, come on! Actual size? Magus Magazine HAS to be stretching the truth there
Balt Michaels coughs, politely but sternly.
OH! Of course!
Sly turns back to the camera and looks serious once again.
"So, Super Groups, if Mr. Michaels and The Elohim are what you are looking for, contact them at your earliest convenience. Who knows, maybe you might finally find the answers you so desperately need!
Of course, all employment applications to The Elohim can be directed to Balt Michaels himself.
Thank you Paragon Heroes! And remember, there are always answers to the more difficult questions. Sometimes you just need the right people to go about finding them.
The screen fades to black as mysterious music swells. Then a quick spot for Fox POPS(TM) appears, which you quickly switch off. -
Heh, thanks Balt! See you around and your "mysterious sect."
*blushes* If you guys keep commenting like this my head's going to get as fat as Sly's!
[/ QUOTE ]
Don't worry, Eliza. That's not possible. -
Wonderful. Absolutely marvelous.
I KNEW my instincts about you were correct Eliza! -
Guess we'll need to provide... security...
YEAH! Who the heck am I??
Oh and by the way, love the art on issue two because I can FINALLY SEE YOUR FACE! -
Sly shut the television off in his apartment, then glanced over at the 100+ messages blinking on his answering machine. He sighed...
"Don't people understand that NO press is bad press?"
He chuckled, and reminded himself to call up that free camera crew that came with the set and ask them to get out of the business... -
Sly sat on the bed, smiling at Deth.
"I go where she goes." He said... still a bit surprised he could say that and mean it. -
You're favorite program ends. However, just before you are about to turn off the TV, a dashing Hero in a Red Suit and "Zorro-esque" hat appears on your screen, flashing a smile of dazzling white. He speaks
"Hi, you probably know me, I'm The Sly Fox."
He pauses... he winks... he smiles some more. Finally, the cameraman obviously coughs, and he speaks again.
"Yes, right. You probably are wondering why you see ME, The Honorable Sly Fox-"
<cameraman's voice off camera> "I thought he was the Daring Baffling?"
"-THE HONORABLE Sly Fox, here in some commercial venue. Well let me tell you, it's for a good cause."
The camera zooms out and Sly is seen in a traditional "magician's workshop," complete with dribbly candle on a skull. Sly walks to the side and rests his leg up on a bench, and leans on his arm.
"Now, you all know I'm a member of First Strike Security. If you need Security, we offer it at the corporate level, but with private sector prices!"
<cameraman's voice off camera whispers> "...shameless plug..."
"Ahem... well, I may have a solid group that is always looking for professionals to join our side. However, I'm also a magic user, and THAT is the aspect of myself that brings me here today."
Sly waves his fingers and a blinding flash lights up the screen!
"See? Magic is the-"
However the flash obviously blinded the camera man, as the camera swings down... there's a moment of confusion, and then it swings back up to show Sly Fox with a hand over his face. The NEW cameraman clears his throat, Sly starts, and chuckles... somewhat forced
"Ah ha... yes. Magic is the source of this endorsement. Let me get right to the point. I know there are a lot of Mages out there that feel they need a group that focuses on the arcane aspects of their powers. I mean, it's all well and good to be a magician in this city, but to be surrounded by like minded individual's interested in the same studies as yourself might be just what you're looking for.
If so, I recommend the Midnight Avengers! In honor of the Midnight Squad (who gave up most of their numbers in ending the Rikti invasion) The Lightningale has formed this group to unite fellow Magic Users under a common banner.
No more will the Circle of Thorns roam unchecked with their most effective enemies scattered to the fours winds. The Midnight Avengers are finally bringing back a strong unified front against these dark magics!
So, if you are a magic user, and can't find that perfect group for you, where you want to fit in... you know, and not be thought weird if you have a jar of newt eyes on you desk-"
<new cameraman's voice off camera whispers> "...sweet liberty..."
"-AHEM! Then contact the lovely Lightningale, and apply for membership. Besides, First Strike Security will be consulting them for aide, which means you might just be lucky enough to see ME!"
Sly winks as a number flashes on the screen
Call 1-800-NEW-MAGE today! Mystics are standing by for astral plain communication as well! Act now, positions are limited!
Sly gives the thumbs up, and a disclaimer quickly flashes on the screen.
The Sly Fox is not a member of The Midnight Avengers, so don't worry, it's safe for women to join.
The screen fades to black.
((For more info check out this link: The Midnight Avengers )) -
Agreed, Haunt.
Remind me to consider maybe thinking about asking Contact to perhaps give you a raise sometime...
No wait... I bet Eidolon was whispering in your ear the whole time. Maybe we should just give it to "her." -
Sly smirked at Lyle under his hat, and was about to thank the man, when the little girl suddenly showed up... and it was NOT how he had expected to see her again.
Jumping to his feet and ignoring the wound in her head that he thought would NORMALLY be fatal, Fox grabed the girl about the waist and set her down next to the bed quickly and gently. He then began to use his sleeve to wipe the blood off Deth's face... -
Let me guess, Deth... you're waiting?
Sly figured Deth was safe, and ok... he looked up at Contact now standing near the bed and said "I think she's ok, Boss... everyone. Thank you. Thank you all, now if you don't mind..."
Sly sat down in a chair he had pulled next to the bed. Within a few moments he had is eyes closed and his head was nodding.
However, he did manage to say "Lyle, put that out in here, or at least near her, thank you."
Then he chuckled to himself... "Heh... a clown, not an angel... yes..." -
Are you the marrying type?
Deth Aszicen
FFS Operative
Lady to Sly Fox
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know MiLady... as I've said, we'll have to see, won't we. <winks> -
<Sly slides around, and lifts her up by her waist. Deth now has her legs wrapped around his waist while Sly holds her up, and her arms are around his neck as she leans slightly back>
Apology? I still am waiting to find out what I need to apologize FOR! <grins>